
Monday, August 16, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th August 2021


  1. Eric is Stupid as stupid does. Paris is getting into Steffy business with her husband Finn she's definitely gonna regret it. I do believe Sheila will get killed or jailed this time around. Finn gonna maybe lose Steffy.

    1. Shelia has been jailed several times, it would take forever for me to list all of her crimes from The Young and the restless and the bold and the beautiful. She's always rehabilitated LOL.

    2. Yes, Eric is being beyond stupid! Get back with Donna if you don't want to be alone Eric! She truly loves you and always has. Stop stepping in the shit pile called Quinn! I don't mean to be disrespectful, but is he getting dementia or what?

    3. Donna loved him so much she cheated on him? Then took a chunk of Forrester so she could sell it to Bill? Yup that is truly love lol!

    4. Yeah I was sitting here wondering if Sheila was going to end up kidnapping Haze. Also thinking that Finn is going to be stupid and let her see the baby. And then I can't believe that Finn and Steffy just got married and already he's keeping things from her. I mean, we know that this stuff usually does happen, but I can't believe they made it happen so early in the marriage. And what is up with Eric? I actually can't believe he would want her back. I got to wondering if it was possible that Sheila and Quinn would end up teaming up together to do something. I know neither one of them like Brooke. I just have a feeling if Quinn and Eric get back together she's going to do something again. Time will tell I guess.

  2. Thank you, Bob.

    Oh my. Eric made me tear up. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί He sounded so sincere. Now I'm torn. I love Carter and Quinn together but I also want Brooke to lose. Eric and Quinn reuniting will be her just desserts. Lol.

    Paris loves inserting herself in other people's business, huh? If Finn is conflicted and wants someone to talk to, he can talk to his wife! She needs to respect their privacy about their affairs and not be a third party.

    1. I love Brooke! Quinn has lied to Eric and manipulated his loved ones repeatedly. The one single redeeming quality that she had left was that she was always loyal and faithful to Eric. That went out the window! I do like her and Carter together, and Eric just needs to stop being so damn stupid and just divorce Quinn and get back together with Donna! If Quinn actually goes back to Eric, maybe Carter will actually finally see her true colors, though he already had in the past and hated her before. If she does go back to Eric she will continue to cheat with Carter. That's just who she is.

    2. Paris is BAD news, she is trying to put a wedge in the newlyweds. That is so wrong. She needs to look for somewhere to love and get out of Finn and Steffy’s personal business.

      Brooke is the biggest liar, cheater and manipulator on here!

      Quinn won’t ever be truly happy with Eric. He’ll never stop putting Brooke first and Donna is no match for him.

      She doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. I love how she and Katie and Brooke forget how Donna cheated on Eric when they were married. Donna is no angel.

    3. Oh it's going to be interesting to see what happens with Quinn and Carter. What Will Carter think and how will he feel if she goes back to Eric? And if she chooses to stay with Carter will Eric be smart enough to say oh well and let it go? I could see it now if he did because he would probably keep blaming himself for what happened between them.Once again I guess we wait and see.

  3. Eric takes divorce seriously.
    Oh my #5 or #6?
    And Paris? You are wrong! you are not everyone's therapist.
    And Ridge? You wanted Quinn yourself, don't forget so maybe you can get the attraction for Carter.
    Quinn go back to Eric and then cheat again. Maybe Sheila will catch her.
    Please don't let Liam be a " hero" in this.
    I think Donna gets killed in all this mess. 😒

    1. I'm sure Sheila's going to do some evil things while she's around, but I'm wondering if she'll end up finally getting killed or dying somehow. At least we can say she got to meet her son and grandson. But maybe this time they will kill her off or something to have her gone from the show for good. Another thing that will be interesting to see.

  4. Eric
    And of course the Logan mother.
    And a flirty dalliance with Katie.
    And a few dates with Taylor.
    And Bill Sr wife, right?
    Loyal and monogamous, vows honoured kind of guy.

    1. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„. At least Eric doesn't go around scheming about a bunch of BS like Quinn has. Never kidnapped anybody, never convinced somebody with amnesia that they were married to him, never held a knife to anyone's throat, I could go on and on about Quinn's BS

    2. Because Quinn is the only schemer on here?

      Let’s see:

      Brooke manipulated Eric into leaving his wife and marrying her to try and get Ridge to leave Caroline. She slept with Eric while he was married and was sleeping with his sons during their marriage. Got pregnant with Bridgett, believing she was Ridge’s daughter. Toile Eric junior away from Eric to raise with Ridge.

      Brooke manipulated Taylor into staying dead. Then faked a pregnancy and miscarriage to get Ridge to be with her instead of Taylor who was actually pregnant with her husband’s child.

      Then hid Thomas being Ridge’s son and he missed out and on being a father to his son at the beginning of his life. Brooke cheated on and manipulated how many men?

      She slept with her daughter Bridget’s husband Deacon, and got pregnant with Hope. She then stole Bridget’s husband Nick after she miscarried their child, because he was Brooke’s new destiny.

      Brooke slept with her daughter Hope’s prom date, a teenage boy whom she supposedly thought was Ridge, she also tried to sleep with Thomas when he was a teenager, supposedly thinking he was Ridge, right??

      Brooke slept with Eric’s son Ridge while she was married to him. She also slept with Thorne, Ridge’s brother. Oh and Nick Ridge’s half brother while they were married.

      Did I mention she also stole sister Katie’s husband Bill Spencer? And when Katie and Bill patched things up and Brooke was married to Ridge, she was making out with Bill and got caught on video? She then tried to manipulate Ridge and hide it. Insisting on a massive party to celebrate her and Ridge while hiding that she cheated on him with the person that had him thrown out of a helicopter to try and kill him.

      Then stood in the bedroom of her home with Ridge and told Bill she will always love him?

      How about when she took Bill’s side when he tried to take Will from Katie to keep her from being with Wyatt? She hurt Ridge, lied and went behind his back after manipulating him into giving information about Bill. She then ran straight to Bill to give him leverage.

      Brooke manipulated Ridge and lied to him when she and Hope thought my Hope had murdered Thomas. Brooke would have left Ridge thinking Thomas abandoned Douglas and his family forever and lied to his face for eternity if Thomas hadn’t shown up.

      Brooke lied to and manipulated Eric and Ridge about the stuff with Quinn. Brooke was bitter and ugly and physically attacked Shauna in front of Quinn. She ordered Quinn to leave her own home etc and openly declared she would do anything and everything to destroy Quinn and Eric’s marriage! Quinn was being a good loyal wife.

      Brooke then lied to Eric and Ridge and gave big crocodile tears about Quinn attacking her marriage to Ridge unprovoked. Quinn was protecting herself and marriage because Eric blindly sided with Brooke when she was 100% in the wrong!

      How about Brooke blatantly manipulating Hope to stay with her serial cheater husband Liam while demanding Eric divorce Quinn who cheated one time? How many times did Eric take Brooke back when she cheated with his own sons?

      Stop holding her up as some paragon of virtue! She will cheat on Ridge with Bill or some other shiny new male the second Ridge doesn’t give her what she wants again!

    3. He was into Lauren and Taylor moved in and they were a couplre for awhile.

  5. Quinn has a problem. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    She really loved Eric but she loves Carter too and her decision will hurt one of them.
    She should stay with Carter who wouldn't allow any other woman to treat her like Brooke did.
    But Quinn always makes bad choices and I'm afraid that she'll stay married.

    1. Brooke treated Quinn badly???? Lmao. NONE of the Forresters wanted Eric to marry her! They all hated her!! After Eric got together with Quinn, I was finally beginning to like her and think that she may have changed until she started her scheming and lying again, which proves that she had never changed.

    2. So what if everyone hated her? People marry because they love somebody, not to please the family.
      Sure Brooke treated her badly and Eric didn't defend her and then he pushed her away. Right toward Carter.
      Quinn would be stupid to stay even if she hadn't a better option.
      I hope she'll refuse and sign the paper. Eric should also feel how it is when somebody doesn't want you. Perhaps he'll understand then.

    3. Totally agree Hundi. Quinn should stay with Carter. He truly loves her and is ready to give up everything for her. Eric put Brooke first and always will. He shit his wife out because of Brooke’s bullocks.

      You know Ridge doesn’t hate Quinn in fact he tried to manipulate her into cheating on Eric and other than some kisses, which were very mutual she shut him down. Ridge respected and like her after that. Remember her designing Brooke’s engagement ring and the office chats? Ridge still doesn’t hate or despise her and knew she was good for Eric which is why he keeps asking does he really want to divorce Quinn?

  6. Quinn looked great in her dress. Steffy's dress was way too tight. It made her behind look extremely large.

    1. They always dress Quinn very well most of the time on this show, and of course her jewelry is also always awesome.

    2. What is the concern about her large behind? Do you think it should be smaller? Her dress fit her perfectly.

    3. Exactly Elle!

  7. Quinn should not answer quickly. Don’t sign, but go “home”. Talk to Carter tonight about what happened. Be honest that it through you and he apologized (exactly what you wanted). See how he reacts. That will help - hopefully to let her truly understand where she should be.
    I’m guessing Carter will tell her she is conflicted because Eric apologized but be cautious cause he only did because she was about to sign and is standing up to him for herself. He knows what he is losing. She deserves better.
    Quinn stay with Carter - he is willing to sacrifice for you.

  8. well eric finally sees the light of his wron doing.. now watch quin break carters heart by going back to eric but wind up being pregnant with carters baby. man i loved both the dress steffy was wearing today and the outfit paris was wearing especially the multicolored over shirt.. she does look really wonderful in the royal blue color. im betting finn will wind up secretly spending time with sheila in order to get to know her and about other family..he has so many questions that only sheila can answer for him. and he deserves that chance wheather steffy or his adopted family like it or not..

    1. The only problem with Finn spending time with Sheila, and possibly the baby too, is that you don't know what Sheila is going to do. For some reason I keep thinking she's going to end up kidnapping the baby. I don't know, but I just expect something evil from her. What bothers me is the fact that Finn isn't talking to Steffy about all of this. I can't believe that he's keeping things from her so early in the marriage. It's the normal thing on these soaps, but so early is the problem here. In my opinion, Finn shouldn't take that baby around Sheila at all without Steffy knowing about it. She is his mother and she has every right to worry about Sheila.

    2. That shirt was at Ross recently.

  9. Steffy needs a different style of clothes. She looks terrible in the ones she wears.

  10. Yeeees love eric kvinn , best couple !! Am sooo happy now!!!

  11. Oh no, are you serious!!?? Eric is so PATHETIC!!! Steffy and fin take in the help?? Paris is problem solving? Did the writers go on break or something and let the interns handle the script???
