
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th August 2021


  1. Yesterday Ridge was insensitive to his father's feelings regarding Quinn and the divorce. Today Ridge was insensitive about Finn's feelings about his biological mother.

    1. I don't blame Ridge one bit! Sheila's a psycho, so Finn needs to put his big boy pants on, grow up and get over it! As for Quinn, again, don't blame Ridge, I totally agree with him! Even if Quinn decides to go back to Eric, she will not stop cheating with Carter.

    2. How was Ridge insensitive in either case? Especially with Eric? He challenged his father to take a long look before divorcing Wuinn because he knew how happy his father was with her. Eric honestly loved and was happier with Quinn than any of his other wives. He admitted before she was the great love of his life! Ridge knows his father and wanted him to be sure of what he was doing without Brooke there telling him what to think and do.

      Clearly Eric took it to heart when he tore up the divorce papers!

      Kidd, Eric took Brooke back over and over and she was sleeping with his sons while they married. Quinn has been with Carter her husband threw her out and was divorcing her. They were separated, it’s not like they were still married and making a go of it. Be fair.

  2. I am going to buy Carter some shirts
    Poor guy

  3. Thank you, Bob.

    Oh Finn. You need to come clean with your wife the way you did with Paris. I agree with Paris. He needs to tell Steffy about Sheila contacting him. He should not wait to tell her in case she contacts him a second time. He needs to tell her now. I'm sure it's either Jack or Li at the door. Already, Sheila has made Finn jumpy. That's the effect she has on people.

    I feel for Carter but he should have learnt from the last time and not rush into another relationship. If Quinn tells him that she still loves Eric and is going back to him, Carter will be heartbroken again. Poor guy. At least, he'll still have his job. Lol.

    1. Carter sooooo deserves happiness! Sheila will definitely contact Finn, and stalk him, Steffy and the baby. Definitely get a security system, security guards, and have a few guns, loaded.

      Does anybody here remember all that Shelia has done, even on The Young and the restless? She actually burned her Mother's house down with her inside of it and a man from The electric Company also inside. I could go on and on listing all of the horrible things that she's done on The bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the restless.

  4. Carter needs a new heart, not shirt. 😂

  5. If Zoe hadn't been so arrogant, Carter wouldn't be comparing women. She really didn't love him.
    Eric comparing Quinn to Sheila.
    Quinn what a dilemma. Two men with low bars. And you with low self esteem.

    1. are you watching the same show i am quinn has low self that is way off base

  6. Quinn feels pitty for Eric and it looks like she'll choose the golden cage instead of freedom. And she'll stay stuck with Brooke because Eric won't put the lady at her place.
    Quinn will regret it.
    Carter loves her like she is and he wouldn't let her down like Eric did. He is much better option.

  7. I think Quinn really cares for Carter but I think she'll go back to Eric because she really believes Carter needs a future with a younger woman. She's told him that and I believe for once, she'll feel like it's in Carter's best interest.Sge will probably regret it though because Eric's whole family is going to be as always. Sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong. Especially Brooke. If I were Quinn, there would be some lawd laid down about Brooke or Donna just coming and going into their house as they please and especially his taking up for them.

  8. Watch Quinn be pregnant to Carter. Oh my !!

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

    2. a few months ago that was suppose to happen but they said it would be a whos the daddy thing but isnt quinn too old to get pregnant

  9. So torn. Quinn is much happier with Carter. But I would LOVE to see the look on Brooke's face were she to remain with Eric. But I hope she doesn't

  10. Maybe this is happening because Carter is leaving the show....??

    1. I hope not. I want him with Quin

    2. If he's leaving the show, I bet they'll have Eric find out about his relationship with Quinn and then fire Carter. That will be that. As for Quinn....well, strike that....who the hell

  11. What's with the dresses of unflattering!

    1. Steffy's dresses and pants definitely are unflattering to her.

  12. Agree carter need younger Woman ,think he Want children in future
