
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th August 2021


  1. Evening All, thank yoooou Bob!
    Poor Carter ๐Ÿ’” I wonder if Quinn will go back to Eric and this affair with Carter continues...

    Stay safe guys!

  2. Thank you toooo Bob, yes poor Carter he really needs someone. Where is Sheila creeping ?

  3. Eric and Quinn will NEVER work. Not at all .....And Zende walks into the house to see his chick, she is inside with her roomy, another womans husband, dressed in a button down shirt and.little else..... and he says nothing ??? (I fast forward so if he did I missed it) but not ok by any stretch. Even if she did just come from the ocean. Cover up afterwards. Completely!

    1. Totally agree. She's a going to be trouble. Such a meddler.

    2. Not that I agree with paris and finn but Zende dosnt even want to be with her. He made that clear when she had nowhere to go and instead of offering her to stay with him and further things in their relationship. He instead as d told he he wanted to allow things down and see where it goes.

  4. Quinn looks fantastic in her dress. Steffy's dress and her other clothes are very unflattering to her.

  5. Finn is asking the wrong person to keep quiet about something. Paris is nosy and she likes to tell what she finds out.

  6. Loved the Carter/Quinn scenes today! Very heartfelt. I feel so sorry for Carter but loved how they proclaimed their love for each other. I hope Quinn chooses to stay with him. I like though, how encouraging Carter is toward her. He really does want what is best for Quinn and for now, as much as he loves her, he sees Eric as what is best for her. What a selfless guy!

    Where did Sheila go? Did she really leave town? Will she be back? Did they just give us a teaser of Sheila?

    1. But Eric is not best for her. Carter is.
      And she'll make all 3 of them unhappy if she goes back.

  7. Sheila will for sure be back. She won't stay away. Quinn is going back to Eric and will be pregnant by Carter. Oh my, Brooke's gonna go through the roof when she knows Quinn isn't gone.

    1. That's the only thing I have to look forward to if Quinn goes back to Eric. Brooke's horror at having to put up with Quinn again.

  8. Tears for Carter.That's the risk he took having an affair with a married woman.


  9. There is really only one benefit of Quinn's going back.
    Brooke's reaction. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Exactly! Can't wait! Maybe Eric will finally stand up to her.

    2. Ditto otherwise she should stay with Carter, bet he wouldn't uphold his ex over her like Eric does with Brooke. Besides, he's the whole package. ๐Ÿ˜

    3. Eric is always so sure of himself, I wish Quinn would tell him, I love you but I'm in love with Carter, someone who loves me for me, I hope you have a great life with Donna,or Shelia, or Brooke or whomever, I just wish you as happy a life as I'm going to have. Lol

    4. Brooke would be livid! Can we have Quinn go back to Eric because Carter told her to? But just long enough to see Brooke's reaction and for Quinn to realize that Carter is who she really wants to be with.

    5. I was hoping Eric would get together with Li Finnegin. After all something is up with Jack.
      And speaking of prior characters, bring back Nick Marone since Shiela is back. Can have a really good time. Can really mess with Brooke. Then finally have Taylor come back to town.
      Let the show start. Some real fireworks will happen with everyone around.

  10. Quinn will go back to Eric and be pregnant with Carters Baby :)

    1. Um ..., Isn't she in her 70s? A knocked up hag, how exciting ๐Ÿคจ

    2. Ess grow up! Quinn is 50 Brooke is in her 60’s and we have to watch her flaunt herself! Please!

  11. Carter really expected Eric to walk away from Quinn that easily but I think Carter is a better man he is not trying to change Quinn he accepts her for who she is and the fosters don't. But I just want to see Brooke reaction hehe.

    1. The minute Eric told Carter that he is to stay away from Quinn, I knew he wasn't over her. He wanted to get rid of her but did not want Carter to have her. That said something to me.

  12. I think steffy’s begins is great!! She has a real womanly shape with curves as woman’s bodies usually r... there r women out there who would love to have a butt like hers, me included!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ but it’s a shame that people make such negative remarks on other people bodies, as we all r unique in our shapes and sizes, and everyone is beautiful in their own way.. these differences is what makes the world go around..

    If people judge people for their body shapes, it’s those comments that set the precedence for younger generations to feel like they should have a certain body image, then they hurt themselves trying to achieve that stereotype body...

    Unknown, do u have a daughter?? If u do, and someone told her she had a fat ass, then she started with an eating disorder because someone made that comment to her?? How would u feel?? And if u do have a daughter, it makes your comments worse, knowing u r criticising someone else’s daughters body shape... and lastly, what would u say if someone told u straight to ur face, that u have a big butt?? Would u tell them to get f*%#...

    1. Well said Colly! Unknown is jealous and can’t think of anything to say other than to attack a totally stunning woman for having a real body!

  13. Sorry, last comment was meant for unknown from yesterday’s comment about steffy’s behind.. not today’s.. apologies..

  14. Thanks bfan!! I appreciate ur kind words and acceptance as I am new on here.. I feel so strongly about this issue, as I was bullied very badly due to my carrying weight.. I ended up with an eating disorder as a teen because of the body shaming I received.. young people r so vulnerable to how society views them and what they feel is expected of them..

    Through my experience I did a lot of harm to myself and my loved ones who watched me go down the toilet... people can be so cruel.. and in this business , particularly a show that is based around fashion and bodies, the actors work extremely hard to stay looking worthy of a fashion show!! They work hard at keeping themselves looking good and young.. then after all their hard work they r body shamed anyway!! That must b hard on them to read and not let it affect them.. sometimes it doesn’t matter what u do, there will always be arrogance and body shaming, u just can’t win no matter what..!! Words can do ALOT of harm... I can’t imagine that those who do it, would like it if it was done to them..

  15. No carter should be with someone younger, think he wants children quinn to old for him

  16. I love Quinn and Carter together I know they're not going to be able to let go of each other I never liked Quinn so much I love her being with him they make a great couple.
