
Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-21 Full episode B&B 19th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-21 Full episode B&B 19th August 2021


  1. That Quinn portrait looks absolutely hideous. They picked the worst possible photo of her

    1. I agree, how do the ruin the gorgeous Quinn, they just did it

    2. I have always said that about that portrait. Does not do her justice.

    3. I was thinking if Eric and Quinn are off to a new start - how about a new piece of actual art work above the fireplace rather than a portrait of anyone.
      While they are at it - how about a new update to the house. It’s been a hell of a long time. Has Quinn and Eric ever done any of that together to make it their home? Would be a good start to the rejoining of their relationship. Brooke’s jaw would fall off of her face, lol.
      Eric should bring this up to Quinn and insist this needs to be done so that the home is a place for both Quinn and him.

    4. Have you noticed the slight Irish accent from Jack Finnegan? The actor fooled me as he is a born and raised American. When Ridge speaks, you can catch a glimpse of T.K.’s German-British accent on occasion which is charming.

    5. @Previously Employed! I 1000% agree! Id give my last roll of tp to see Brookes face fall off! πŸ˜† I hope Eric is the one to give Brooke notice not to interfere with his and Quinns marriage ever again and Quinn will always be queen!

  2. Carter and Quinn 😭😭😭😭

    Sheila 😦😦😦😦

  3. how long take it for quinn snaps again, poor carter

  4. Sheila is psycho!!! Quinn is stupid! She should NEVER went back to Eric knowing her & Carter were still sneaking around let alone has feelings for Carter. She is A HORRIBLE PERSON.

    1. She's not horrible, she's human. Neither she nor Carter expected to fall in love but it happened. Now she's torn. I do believe that deep down, she is no longer in love with Eric. Besides, Eric filed for divorce. She and Carter weren't doing anything wrong.

      Eric was the horrible one, imo. He kicked her out of the house and out of the company. He even got rid of her portrait. Quinn went to his home to sign divorce papers and he did a complete 180 and told her he wanted her back. He did the same thing when he accepted her back into his home but continually pushed her away when she was trying to repair their marriage. Eric keeps sending her mixed signals and, to me, that's horrible. Quinn going back to him is just opening herself up to more of that kind of treatment from Eric.

  5. Quinn should not went back to Eric knowing how she feel bout Carter. They sneaking around behind Eric's back his gonna find out Finn better tell Steph before messy Paris tell her

  6. If I was Quinn, I totally would have never went back to Eric. After all the times you took Brooks side over hers.

    1. Right... Carter's much better for her

    2. Eric promises the moon but cannot ever say no to Brooke. She treated him like rubbish but she always rules everything. Quinn should stay with Carter. Honestly I don’t think this reunion will last long. Quinn will realise how empty and cold life with Eric is. She will feel and crave the warm, loving, supportive relationship she and Carter share and the love they clearly have for each other.

    3. Eric is sending Quinn mixed messages. One minute, he loves her, next minute, he's kicking her out. He takes her back but then shuns her when she desires intimacy from him. He the "supposedly" comes to his senses and decides he loves her after all but then kicks her out again. Now, he has changed his mind, yet again, and has decided that he wants her back. If I were Quinn, I would want no part of that mess. I feel that Quinn will return to Carter though.

  7. You can tell that Quinn’s heart isn’t in to Eric! I believe she will go back to Carter!

  8. No one has asked who Finn's biological father would be cool if it was Eric, they were married about 30 years ago

    1. Because it's not the point here. Sheila is his mother and that's what it's about. Eric cannot be the father because if it had been the case, she will never ever had give him for adoption. Sheila would have used him to stay in the family because it has always been her one and only life dream. Having Eric's child would have been the Graal. 30 years ago she had a child with James, Mary, she kidnapped her and disappear for years, she then had a baby with Massimo and twins with Tom Fischer (in the Y&R) that's why whom the father is here has no importance at all or she would have said it at the wedding only to piss everybody's off and especially Ridge, I am sure that she would have taken so much pleasure telling him that HER son was a real Forrester while he wasn't...

    2. I agree Sushi, Finn’s father isn’t the point at all. Sheila is the focus for sure.

  9. I think Quinn does not really want to be with Eric anymore, and I think should tell Eric about her and carter, and explain that she thought it was over for good.. she is just repeating the very same mistake and of course it will get out cause it’s a soap.. especially if Quinn is pregnant!! If she tells Eric, then he might help her decide who she really wants to b with..

    It won’t b Eric’s and would b hard to explain why the baby’s skin is darker than hers or erics🀣🀣 can’t cover that up!!

    Finn should definitely tell Steffy about the message.. if she is hiring security everywhere, that should give Finn more of an idea how dangerous and psychopathic she is!! It’s hard for him cause hearing it all is very different to seeing and going through it all... u can’t really comprehend it unless u lived through it..

    Cause he is such a sweet man he doesn’t want to completely admit to himself that his flesh and blood could really commit such atrocities, because he is not anything like his mother..

    He is also , so torn, because he has so many questions for Sheila ... I really do understand why Steffy is so guarded, but I think she should allow Finn to call Sheila , just once, call only, not face to face, and she be present during the call, and allow him to ask the questions he needs to ask..

    But then again, that would probably make Sheila think she is more entitled to her son!! She is already losing it, that he and Hayes are HER FAMILY... she is more crazy than ever, taking a heart emoji as a signal that he loves her, when he doesn’t know her from a bar of soap..

    And Paris is definately going to spill, and cause big problems.. she doesn’t seem to b making much effort to find another place OR keep herself scarce, during this time.. she should have found a place by now.. and Finn and Steffy r already being constantly interrupted by her presence and she doesn’t even try to make herself scarce.. just walks in, and oh, moving the honeymoon into the living room, what sort of comment is that???she should have turned around and went back to her room and given the newly weds space... and turning zende away to comfort Finn?? Really..? With everything going on, it’s hard enough for Steffy and Finn to have any newly wed privacy or intimate moments, she constantly interrupts.. she should see she shouldn’t b there during this time, not only for their sake but for her own safety... get the hint Paris !! Her character is very annoying, to say the least..

    I feel for these actors being given the shit they do.. was a lot better when bell senior was running the show.. it used to b about the Forresters with Logan’s thrown in, now it’s Logan’s with Forresters thrown in.. I can’t remember the last time they had a rival fashion house or even a fashion show.. it’s even rare to see a model with a gown in the office!!

    1. Why don't you write B&B the next few years? You seem to know it all! Writing a whole book instead of just a comment.

    2. I agree Colly!

      Unknown you don’t have to read posts here. You can keep your rude comments to yourself. Move on to the next one. The point of these posts is put our thoughts and ideas/opinions out there. If you don’t like it, don’t be ignorant to other posters.

    3. Well eric is sterile, he cannot have kids

    4. Bbfan101 did I ask you something??? I am not rude at all. I just pointed out that these very long comments are annoying! I'm not calling anyone names. So what do you mean I'm rude??? I think you don't know what the definition of rude is. And you want to come and lecture me about rude! You want to see rude? I think you are a lonely man/woman looking @ soaps just to fill the empty whole in your life. So you have the odessity to tell me I'm rude when I'm not! I think you are a bitter lonely person to tell me I'm rude when you don't even understand my comment!

    5. And still I don't think I'm rude. The real thing I want to tell you is GO F@#& YOURSELF!

      Now that's rude!

  10. And still no one asks about Finn's father. If it was Eric it would be much mor fun but I don't believe it any more. Sheila is so thrilled that Finn is a doctor and she said something about "healing must lie in the family" which probably means that his father was a doctor too. Warwick i suppose.

    Quinn made a huge mistake. Either she'll cheat on Eric again or dream about Carter and wish herself in his arms, not in Eric's.
    Carter wasn"t right. This was what she wanted but it isn't any more. She is back because she couldn't say no. Marriage out of love turned to be a marriage out of pity. She should be honest to herself and admit that Forrester mansion is no longer the place where she wants to be.
    But she can leave that ugly portret where it is. πŸ˜‚

    1. James would never ever had touch Sheila ever again! He hates her so much for having kept his daughter away from him all those years. The father has no importance. It could be one of the doctors when she was locked up, the guy was married with children and she probably blackmailed him to ruin his life if he wasn't letting her go out.

  11. I think it is jack?? He is very evasive when they talk about her.. he tries to change the subject or make out like he knows nothing about her, and ridge can see through it... the way he was questioning jack today and the comments he made to jack today, and the look on his face of suspicion when jack spoke, I think jack is hiding something big, and I reckon it’s he is the bio dad??

    You can see Quinn does not want to go back to Eric... she is only there because Eric forgave her and she feels guilty that he did and she feels sorry for him.. she won’t kiss him, and hasn’t tried to hold him, it is coming from him.. I hope she stays long enough to get a reaction out of brooke and then leaves to go back to carter.. but I bet Eric will get stuck into brooke and go off at her for attacking Quinn and interfering.. he did say to both Quinn and carter that he vowed to protect and side with her and he fell grossly short in that department..

    It will be interesting when he does start to fiercely protect Quinn against brooke, and it’s what Quinn has wanted for so long, how she will feel.. the guilt of hurting carter and Eric, and not being truthful to Eric or herself , then throw a baby into the mix??

    Well at least some very interesting story lines are coming now, won’t b so boring now!!

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  13. Zoey won't be back from Paris for awhile. She is on the New Fantasy Island series on FOX.

    1. They are talking about a possible recast, if she comes back she’ll be after Zende for sure!

  14. You guys are so busy with your theories. Sheila is totally psycho and devious and way ahead of all the others. Cant believe they all think she will disappear !!

  15. yes but WHOS THE FATHER??? imagine if eric is the daddy lol

  16. I have said and said Quinn will be pregnant and her and Eric have not slept together. Lt her squirm out of that one. Agree wih all about portrait never have liked it. Not her best look.

  17. Bob, thank you kindly for doing this for all of us each and every day!! We all appreciate it very much.. I am from Australia and we are a fair way behind!!

  18. Also, thank you bfan!! You r very kind!! I have been reading everyone’s posts for a while now!! I am from Australia, we r in lockdown cause of covidπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί but I always look forward to watching but also reading everyone’s comments.. and I do respect everyone’s comments unless they are not appropriate, so thank you for accepting me bfan..

    Unknown, not sure what I said to upset you?? But thank you for constructive critism, I will take it on board!!😊

  19. Sorry people, for some weird reason some of my posts r posting twice when I hit publish?? Don’t know what I am doing to make that happen?? But sorry for the inconvenience 😊
