
Friday, August 20, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th August 2021


  1. Replies
    1. We always did! I knew it the first time that Finn's dad showed up! And now I think that Sheila might try to kidnap Hayes, so that she can have the child she wanted...and hopefully not kill Jack in the process, because I would love to see Ted King stay on with this show! :)

    2. Correction...I knew it the day that Sheila showed up and Jack was worried about her showing up

  2. Ohhh I knew he was Finn’s da he had to be! There it is. Sheila will blackmail Jack to keep silent! She’s right he was more worried he would tell everyone he was Finn’s real father!

    That was a good episode today. Poor Quinn, Eric is really punishing her. I think he knows she and Carter were together and this is payback! She’s right back where she was for all those months when Eric wouldn’t touch her. He’s playing her… that is so wrong! I hope she tells him where to go and gets her bum over to Carter’s and begs to come back.

    1. I think that Eric would sleep with her if he could. 😉😂

    2. Yep. I'd said a while back that Jack Finnegan was John Finnegan's biological father AND that Eric was experiencing ED....🤷🏽‍♀️. Don't think he's punishing Quinn or knows about she and Carter ....but I could be wrong

    3. He probably recognized her dress on Carter's sofa the day he called. I hope he's not playing her though. I did think that maybe he realizes that she's not excited to be back at the mansion and is wondering what's up with her. Eric's no fool. He saw her crying when Carter left and he picked up on her lack of surprise at seeing Carter at the house when she arrived. He's probably putting 2 and 2 together.

    4. Yep...I knew the minute he was worried about Sheila showing up at the wedding that there was something more going on there! And I was right! My first thought was that he had an affair with her..

    5. I think she is going to kidnap Hayes

    6. ..and I see Finn rescuing his son and killing his mom in a fight

    7. He also made the point that he knows his wife well and knows what she's thinking.

    8. Hope Eric isn't playing games. It seems cruel.

  3. Quinn deserves whatever Eric dishes out! To go without sex... for what..two minutes? NOT a reason to cheat! He's insane or has dementia for even considering taking her back! I wish he'd get back with Donna.

    Finn's Dad going to go along with Shelias BS to avoid confessing to cheating on his wife is ridiculous. Putting his son, daughter-in-law, their marriage and his grandson in jeopardy is just plain stupid and the writers shouldn't dumb down these supposedly very intelligent and educated people SMH.

    1. Donna cheated on Eric when she was married to him more than once! Why is she or Brooke or anyone else he’s been married to better than Quinn? I mean Donna had an affair with Eric while he was married to his first wife Stephanie, so did Brooke for that matter!

    2. Exactly Plus Donna is as dumb as rocks.

    3. Another fals history that the haters invented. Donna never cheated on Eric, it’s just a lie but haters love to do that, it’s not a surprise. Donna gave Justin a chance to be a family to Marcus (another bad writing but we are so used to it...) and Eric and her agreed to divorced for this reason. No need to spit out your venom just because you don’t like the character.
      Eric was never as happy as when he was with Donna, the only one whom respected him.

    4. Donna slept with Owen how is that not cheating?

    5. Donna is not very bright and that is okay for a trophy wife but not when a husband is looking for an intelligent partner. Sadly Donna doesn’t have that.

    6. @Miss_sushi You say haters lie, when real b & b fans know Donna had an affair with Owen. When she met Thorne, Donna manipulated everyone into believing that she loved Thorne when it was just revenge. next, Donna has sex with Stephanie's husband. Next, Donna has to kiss and flirt with Owen. and twice there have been preliminaries between the two lovers. this is one of the episodes where Donna and Owen had bed foreplay (5391). you should really check your info before you say we call us haters, liars

  4. Thank you Bob. Sheilas in control. So Erics age caught up to him, he out to sleep while Quinn pines for Carter.

    1. He wasn’t asleep he was faking it so she would got to bed alone!

  5. I knew it!! At the episode of 12-08 I wrote it down that it possibly is Eric or Jack! And now we's Jack!! This gets more and more exciting every day...

  6. Thanks Bob, Here in the east, of course fake news CBS had to cut in during the last segment of B&B for Biden, leaving out Sheilas' big reveal. BTW which was more interesting than anything he tried to say.

    1. Richie, please no politics and stupid comments here. We are here for respite from all of that. smh

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Too bad J, the truths the truth. I remember plenty of complaints on this site when Trumps special reports interrupted the stories.

  7. Eric will not satisfy Quinn. Donna will go after Eric which causes friction between the women. Donna will also find out about Sheila and Jack. Sheila Kills Donna. Quinn gets accused and Carter comes to her defense. Eric sees their bond.
    The other storyline could be Paris finds out and is about to expose something so Sheila kidnaps her. Finn comes to her rescue and Sheila accidentally shots Finn.
    He needs a transfusion of a rare blood type,Jack to the rescue.
    I can't stand the role Paris will e playing. Uggg

  8. I’m guessing Eric is embarrassed that he has ED. This is why he hasn’t slept with Quinn. That doesn’t excuse always siding and putting Brooke first. Nor does it excuse Brooke belittling Eric. Quinn doesn’t belong with Eric or Carter. I think Eric is a creep. He cheats on every woman he has been with. Carter needs a new woman who will love only him. Paris should not be with Zende either. Li deserves better than Jack; Ridge, lol. Now he is bad as well. He goes between woman like a yo-yo.
    It is a soap opera though.
    Perhaps all of them should consider being alone fir once. There is a concept!!!

    1. that would be tooooo boring, i want to see hope around flo did she forgive her

    2. Eric doesn't have ED. From the look on his face at the end when Quinn was heading back upstairs, he seemed very sad. I believe he has come to the realization that Quinn is not as excited to be reunited with him as he thought she would be.

  9. Eric's singing was terrible and for a moment there l thought he was dead on the couch.
    So Jack is Finn's father, boring..l hoped it was Eric so there could be some shocking faces around. Let's see Sheila doing some crazy stuff soon!

    1. I also thought he was dead. 😂
      And was slightly disappointed when he opened his eyes. I'm tired of this hypocritical selfish bastard.

    2. Lol Hundi, right?? Me too sigh was hoping for some real drama! I mean he does, Quinn gets everything and Carter moves while Brooke implodes!!!

    3. I had that tought too. Chaos would be perfect.
      And Brooke would instantly accuse Quinn of murder. 😂😂😂

  10. I KNeW SHIELA would say that but we know sheila targets her men then never let them off the hook, and trust no women around them.

  11. Eric slept with Quinn before the vows/before Zoey went to Paris I believe. She called Carter to tell him and Carter said he slept with Zoey. So I don't think he has ED (or I don't know the science of it)

    1. No he doesn’t have ED. I think he’s doing the same thing he did before. He pulls her in then freezes her out.

      He was faking sleep. He’s a billionaire he’d go get the blue pill if he needed it and why would you bring Quinn back then do the same bullocks that sent her to Carter last time?

      She’s younger and sexy and deserves to be loved. The fact is Eric denied her for months over Brooke and Quinn will catch on very quickly if he starts that again where he refuses to be intimate with her.

      I knew there was trouble the second he sent her upstairs alone. He may be testing her but it’s foolish to go down that road again!

    2. Quinn also deserves a man who won't let her down for another woman. Especially one who is not better and has been forgiven a thousand times.
      She really should leave Eric for Carter.
      But not before Brooke hears the news. 😂

    3. Again with the common sense. THIS IS A SOAP OPERA. Common sense doesn't apply. He has ED

    4. You think nothing says he has ED!

    5. If he slept with Quinn (right when Carter and Zoey were getting back together at the same time), then how does he have ED. It was like a month ago soap opera time.

  12. Exactly. Quinn loves Eric but after Carter she will want sex and Eric is starting to look and act like her dad.

  13. I think that what Eric is doing is wrong on many levels.. he sprang this forgiveness on her out of nowhere, and when she asked why now, he says that he thinks it’s because Sheila showed up and that anything she has done pales compared to what Sheila has done.. how insulting and the look on Quinn’s face when he said that said it all..

    If he can’t give himself fully to her, don’t make the same mistake that drove her to carter in the first place.. at least talk to her about why he can’t.. their first night back should have been romantic and intimate... not pretending to b asleep.. if he has EX he should talk to her about it.. even if he just has in intimacy issues, he needs to b honest..

  14. Oh and thanks Kindly bob!! From down under!!

  15. I had a feeling that’s what jack was hiding, but I think ridge is on to him.. the way he avoids talking about Sheila around them and changes the subject constantly.. ridges face yesterday showed his suspicious.. I think he is onto him.. jack is definately trying to cover himself, he’s not nervous about anything but being found out by his wife and son.. imagine how Finn will feel knowing his father has always been his bio dad, and that his father had an affair with his bio mum behind his adopted mums back.. I don’t imagine Finn will b happy to know all that!! He was already upset that his father hid the fact shiela contacted him when he was a baby..

    Also , at the reception when jack was giving his speech to his wife about why he didn’t tell her, and when she said she couldn’t believe that and ridge popped up and said hold on, he was apparently trying to protect u?? Ridge is onto him..

  16. Thank u bfan for ur previous comments the last couple days, I am posting here even though not relevant for today’s posts, but I wanted u to know I appreciate ur kind words and acceptance as I am new on here.. I feel so strongly about this issue, as I was bullied very badly due to my carrying weight.. I ended up with an eating disorder as a teen because of the body shaming I received.. young people r so vulnerable to how society views them and what they feel is expected of them..

    Through my experience I did a lot of harm to myself and my loved ones who watched me go down the toilet... people can be so cruel.. and in this business , particularly a show that is based around fashion and bodies, the actors work extremely hard to stay looking worthy of a fashion show!! They work hard at keeping themselves looking good and young.. then after all their hard work they r body shamed anyway!! That must b hard on them to read and not let it affect them.. sometimes it doesn’t matter what u do, there will always be arrogance and body shaming, u just can’t win no matter what..!! Words can do ALOT of harm... I can’t imagine that those who do it, would like it if it was done to them.. I apologise if I upset anyone, but I just wanted people to know how damaging their words can be, that’s all😊😊

  17. This is NOT Dr Phil. Wrong forum for personal issues.

  18. Wow, people really are not nice here!! No problems!!

    1. Because you talk to much about unimportant stuff... I told you yesterday that you write a book instead of a comment...

  19. not concerned about anyone, I was directing that post to bfan, not u, and u do not have to read my posts, so please don’t be so nasty... U can just skip mine😊

    1. Bbfan101 why u up in colly's but? Why are you the only one who bites back! You are the only "rude" person here. Didn't you learn when 2 people are talking but out...

    2. This is a GROUP forum. Comments are read by ALL. I would love to skip over your personal diatribe but it's impossible when it takes up half of the forum. Perhaps, if you want to discuss non soap issues that are 'directed' at or to a specific person try obtaining a direct line of contact. This forum is for pure entertainment non Behavioural Sciences. That's not mean. It's direct and real.

    3. Unknown I’m not up anyone’s bum, I don’t like bullies especially trolls so keep your snide comments to yourself. You ruin these boards for everyone else. We got your point stop harping on it already and leave it alone!

    4. Do why do you still talk bbfan101??? You are not in a position to tell anyone in this forum what they should do or day! I did not order anyone to do anything I just gave my opinion about colly! And than you call me a bully?!?! You are the only bully in here Sinds you gave me a few names like ignorant and bully and rude. Shut your trap and don't try to be the Saint in this forum. Stay in colly's but, but keep the smell with you and colly😉 I don't like bullshit and if I see so I say so.

    5. Why do you still talk bbfan101??? You are not in a position to tell anyone in this forum what they should do or say! I did not order anyone to do anything I just gave my opinion about colly! And than you call me a bully?!?! You are the only bully in here Sinds you gave me a few names like ignorant and bully and rude. Shut your trap and don't try to be the Saint in this forum. Stay in colly's but, but keep the smell with you and colly😉 I don't like bullshit and if I see so I say so.

  20. Now that quinn is back with Eric Carter suddenly know how to cover up his body🤔 Quinn is the she devil of B&B and Sheila is coming back to join her.
    (this is a COMMENT, NOT A BOOK)

    1. You are a twisted person bbfan101. I'm done with you. O find yourself some psychiatric help...


  21. And for the record, u r not in a position to tell people what they should say or do either unknown.. NO ONE has the right to tel anyone one how long their posts r or what they can say in them.. HIPPOCRITE, tantrum chucking is not acceptable either.. !!

  22. And U think bfan is twisted 🤣🤣🤣 bfan has said NOTHING twisted or that indicates she needs psychological help, u on the other hand , who can give it but not take it , so chuck a tantrum, and that’s how u deal with things.. I have said nothing nasty about anyone.. and sorry if my posts r too long for ur liking.. will try harder to keep it short just for u!! And leave bfan alone, as she has ALWAYS been a very lovely person, well before I came on here.. she has been on here well longer than u have, so if u want to talk about who has rights??

    1. Yes bbfan101 IS twisted. If you call people names like trill and ignorant bully. That's why I say that bbfan101 is twisted minded

    2. I think you and bbfan101 are the same person. The internet makes that possible...

  23. Until now I have said nothing bad or insulting to anyone, to cause such a riot!! Unknown seems a very bitter and nasty person and I am really baffled and dumbfounded as to her attacks and insults on me and bfan, and their is apparently no room for someone like me chasity?? Because I shared something personal, which I have read others do before, and my posts r too long?? And my behaviour is unacceptable?? Really!! Unknowns attacks and insults and comments AND behaviour are UNACCEPTABLE, and there is NO PLACE for people like her on public forums..

    1. Nou you are lying! I never called anyone names until bbfan101 put his/her/its nose in someone's but! It was not a comment to bbfan101 but a comment to colly! Bbfan101 reacted faster than colly whem noone asked him/her/it somerhing

      So don't lie that attacked you. I did not! So if that's is the way you all think about ne

      I coeld care less! Bitter is bbfan101. Not me! Bbfan101 called more people names and then points at me. Crazy fool

  24. Sorry, but an ey for an eye?? Childish..

  25. See a whole book. And you see that as attaquing??? And than you call me childish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you must study a dictionary before you use words. This is stupid. If you think that I was rude than maybe you can see the same thing I pointed out to! But think as you like. My dinner and my house are nor taken care off by you so it's no loss for me.

    Stupid people (bbfan101 and colly)

  26. I didn't even want to read your new book. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Stupid

  27. So fo fuck yourself! Now I'm rude colly!

  28. So go fuck yourself colly! Now I'm rude

  29. I apologise unknown, if the way I articulate my words is not to your liking or satisfaction, and u say u had no interest in reading my “book”, but u did anyway?? amusing.. I sincerely apologise again, as I did not intend to create such a drama.. I just say it how I view it!! Let us just “let sleeping dogs lye” now.. Truce, I won’t read ur posts and u don’t read mine, I think that is a fair compromise?? I genuinely do not want to continue this atrocity..

  30. See hou stupid you are. Who told you that I read you book? You crazy fuck! The drama is on that bitch bbfan101. You both lost my respect. I even explained to you why I said what I said and still you translate it to bully. Maybe you WANT to be bullied.

    If you don't want to read my posts be my guest but unknown is unknown. So than stop reading or reacting on ALL the unknown reactions. Sinds you can't know which one is mine!

  31. For a short moment i thougt eric was dead
