
Monday, August 30, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th August 2021


  1. Really? Sheila waits 30 plus years to come out of the woodwork about Finn? Good luck, Li.

    1. She only came out of the woodwork because Finn married a Forrester!

    2. Spot on! As stephy has pointed out many times, Sheila had many opportunities to reach out to Finn throughout his adult years, and she was nowhere to b seen till ‘after’ he put a ring on a Forresters finger..

    3. And here it goes, Sheila is out for stephy’s blood now!! So much for “ I am ur mother I wouldn’t lie to u son”, and I swear, I’ll leave and never come back, and what about, it’s true what I said, I’ll stay away..?? Now the drama really begins!! It’s about time we have some more interesting plots and dialogue…


    1. Wondering if Li will be the one to kill Sheila???? Makes sense. Her husband had an affair and a child, never said a word about Finn being his. She is threat to the Forresters and her grandson.

    2. Steffy needs to climb down off her sanctimonius high horse, Finn never did this, didn't her own mother shoot someone

    3. Hi terrie, yes Taylor did shoot bill, and although he didn’t hurt stephy,she thought he raped her daughter!!
      I think, most mums would want to hurt a man who raped their daughter, very different scenario to the reasons Sheila shot “many” people…

  3. Ah ah liberty mutual that was very emotional. I felt your pain so as Steffy's. It was a very emotional and touching conversation between two persons who love each other

    1. “Liberty Biberty” LOL ... I had almost forgotten that was Tanner Novlan’s claim to fame before he became John Finnegan, M.D.

    2. Is it just me , or does tanner look like an older version of Taylor lautner? Especially when his hair was longer three days ago ðŸĪĢ

  4. Sheila needs to be jailed because nothing is normal about her.

    What's up with Paris crushing over Finn so when her bf is standing right there. No class, no respect hate her

    1. Paris was not crushing on Finn…that’s not how I see it…all it was is a playful way of messing with Zende…it’s obvious they’re into one another…come on women play that game all the time…

    2. Paris was definitely crushing on Finn.

    3. Paris is deff. Crushing on fin what a wierdo. And like zende you told her before she moved in with Stephy and finn that you wanted to slow things down and take it slow slow! Now that she's crushing on a married man you ask her to move in when he should have when she was staying at hotels. And she dosnt

  5. Evening All, hope you are well and safe, prayers and love from South Africa for those affected by Hurricane.

    Good episode tonight, I absolutely do feel for Steffy, yes, Finn wants to get to know his bio mom, but He definitely should heed the warnings from everyone around him. I suppose he would learn about his mom soon enough, I'm pretty sure she's going to kidnap the Lil one.

    1. I totally agree that Sheila will kidnap Hayes.

  6. Taylor after her being shot.
    She was taken didnt see her kids and Brooke moved on Ridge Sheila ruined Taylor life and Brooke nailed the coffin shut.

  7. You right steffy mom did a lot fo hurt to brook. And steffy did a lot of hurt to hope. I guess she cant see no fault in the wrong she has done. Can somebody please do something about Paris hair. I hope steffy dont go back to Liam I'am sick of him going back and forth. Hope is happy let it stay that way steffy is getting her pay back.I cant be happier but let her stay with finn please.

    1. Brooke stole Taylor’s husband and kept him from their children!

      Hope sept with Steffy’s husband and got pregnant with Beth and demanded he leave Steffy and Kelly and play happy families with her!

    2. Finally, somebody see’s the real Steffy…she’s had a lot of people fooled…she’s finally getting hers…not that I like Shiela, she’s pure evil…Just what Steffy needed a dose of her own evil ways…

  8. Really steffy can't look at him. He sure looked at u when u slept with Liam .

    1. When Steffy slept with Liam, she was not Finn's wife! Neither is Liam a sociopath. Not saying that what Steffy and Liam did was excusable however, the stakes where Hayes is concerned are a lot higher and Sheila kidnapping Hayes is a very real threat. Finn was wrong, period! You are trying to compare apples and oranges here.

    2. I guess it's ok if you're in a relationship and sleep with someone else.... so long as you're not married ....

    3. Elle’s point well made, is that cheating and endangering a helpless infant are two different things. Sheila sees Steffy as an impediment to playing granny to Hayes and fostering a relationship with Finn. Sheila usually resolves that by killing whoever is in her way! When Finn’s wife is shot possibly while holding their infant son, he might understand Steffy’s concerns. Or when Finn gets shot by Sheila trying to take Hayes with her!

      Those are very different things. She could understand Finn getting duped by Sheila but not that he deliberately ignored her wishes about protecting their son.

    4. @chastity Where did I say that what Liam and Steffy did was OK? Matter of fact, I explicitly stated that what they did was inexcusable. 🙄 You zeroed in on one part of my comment and missed the whole point.

    5. Thank you, Bbfan. Sheila is a REAL threat, a socio/psychopath who has attempted murder within the Forrester family and actually murdered people outside of the Forresters. Finn betraying Steffy by bringing Sheila into their home and allowing her to hold Hayes and Steffy cheating on Finn cannot be compared.

    6. Exactly ell!! The point u were making, was very clear, and cheating cannot b compared to someone so very dangerous violating ur home and wishes, and trusting someone with ur child..

  9. Brooke(hogan) aint no angel herself and so is hopeless they both come between family and they sure split them up. Hope just such a saintamious bitch and brooke is just a goodie bag passed around.

    1. Why can't y'all just admit that ALL of the women are balutty bedhoppers? Steffi, Hope, Brooke, Quinn...they are all cheating sluts. Some of you try to frame one as wholesome (Steffi or Hope) when in actuality they both have cheated on their boyfriend) husband at some time. It is a show! Honestly some of you are freaking OBSESSED with these FICTIONAL characters. It is borderline psychotic

    2. ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢI agree Hilary!! They all have their demons and flaws... no one person is a saint.. but like others have said, that’s what creates the buzz among fans and makes it fun!!

    3. Also, people r not silly just because they express what they think about the characters and plots.. it normal for people to escape their own reality for a short period of time, by inserting themselves into a fictional alternate reality.. it’s a good show if they can make people feel that way, and create buzz as others have stated.. that doesn’t mean people r crazy!!

    4. I agree that we watch to escape reality. But some people in this blog get totally nasty with each other over the characters. It's ridiculous to fight with strangers online just because they don't worship the same soap character as you.

  10. Great episode today!

    Sheila has some nerve threatening Jack. They had a deal. Jack stood by his part of the deal, now she has to stand by hers and stop making threats.

    Steffy was harsh but I'm in support of her. She has to stand her ground where Sheila is concerned. Not doing that can leave the way open for it to happen again. Sheila may be Finn's bio mom but he needs to decide what he wants more - a life with Steffy and their son or to get to know Sheila. He must realize that he cannot have both.

    I don't get why Paris would not have jumped at the opportunity to move in with Zende. Now that Finn has moved to the guest house, will she move there with him as well? 🙄🙄

  11. Steffi i understand how u feel but liam did u worse and u ran behind him for years and he never love u as how much finn does u should not of been so towards him

  12. This is when Finn falls into Paris' arms.

    1. I truly hope not...But if it happens, then Paris need to shut her piehole, pretending she is so much better than anyone else.

  13. Paris should have been put in the guest house when she moved in, not the main house.. she definately after Finn.. with everything happening with them, u would think she would speed up her search for a place!! Should have found one by now, but not lifting a finger to find one!!

    And I am sure moving in with zende would have been a great place to live!! But no, she says she is really happy and having “fun” living with them!! Seriously Paris, it couldn’t b more obvious what u r up to, or after, I should say!!

    1. She would be living in the mansion on the Forrester estate seriously who turn that down?

    2. Exactly bfan!! Zende said she is really “invested” in their relationship!! She should not b invested in anyone else’s relationship, just her own..
