
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-31-21 Full episode B&B 31st August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-31-21 Full episode B&B 31st August 2021


  1. Well this episode raised a lot of questions. #1 If the Cliff house has a guest house, WHY isn't Paris staying there. #2 Why is Paris conversing with a shirtless married man! I guess it just raises 2 questions. The rest are just statements, such as loving the father/daughter scenes with Ridge and Steffy. But Ridge: "Finn has only one job, take care of you and take care of the kids" That's 2 jobs...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Also Paris fawning all over Finn is embarrassing and unwatchable. That's it....

    1. I agree. Paris is a back stabbing snake

    2. "don't beat yourself up over it"...and put on a shirt before I jump your bones LOL

    3. Not..... Everything you said is exactly what went through my mind. lol. Since this is a soap, I was cringing to think that maybe Paris would end up kissing Finn. UGH.

    4. Paris have moved closer and closer... while Finn has stood still... she is going for the kill soon... so obvious... and sickening....

    5. We shouldn’t be surprised. When her sister showed-up from England Zoe was stalking Xander and Emma. So Zoe and Paris are probably alike. Finn can’t be that naive. Send Paris away. She has no business in the guest house.

    6. i think they are talking about the guest house at erics house..but if not yeah why the hell is paris in there house with them..

  2. Paris is getting on my last nerve!

    1. I know what u r saying Ell! 🀣 I don’t think there is a person on here that likes her character!!

  3. Does Eric having ED now a karmic payback from the universe for all those times he cheated on his wives and having all those ladies over many years?

    1. Probably. And maybe payback for Quinn?

    2. I know and its HILARIOUS🀣🀣🀣

  4. What the hell is wrong with Eric? You asked Quinn to come back, not to end marriage, even put up her portrait and at this very hour, you acting like a fool. You've been to Drs, psychiatrist and you know of your ED so why tell Quinn come home if you going to torture her so.

    Paris touching Finn so is pathetic. Don't she have a man. Please don't tell me she's comforting him. She heard it all, why isn't she leaving and go check on Steffy and kids since she said she loved them so much. They are all fun. Reason why she turned down her bf invitation to stay at his place. Seems is only Finn that is fun. Paris is a liar and according to her sister, she always want to take over someone else's life.

    1. Anyone ever thought about a penile implant? SMH. A rich man goes to all these doctors and nobody mentions that? I even have a friend whose Dad had it done after prostate cancer.

    2. Is he single ....πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Yeah about Eric didn't him and Quinn get romantic and sexual right before they were renewing their vows I remember her being so excited that he finally gave her what she's been yearning for after her and Carter did it remember that now all the sudden he has Ed I don't get it

    4. Unknown, she said she is sure it would b fun living with her man, but the next words were basically she having more fun at stephy’s , and most impressed with dr Finn!! He is always shirtless when she is around 🀣🀣 she didn’t notice the door was open, she noticed his shirtless body escaping the heat 🀣🀣

  5. This evil Sheila storyline is not bad but where is the rest of the crew for example vowing-revenge Bill, best secret-sharing friend Shawna and others? Back in the day all the acting caracters used to be involved in the main plot which really gave it its depth and sense. Now we only see 4-5 caracters per episode and half of the lines are unnecessary and just time fillers.

  6. Why can't you writers let Steffy be happy, she's always under some kind of drama. Please let her and Finn make up and be happy. I don't like where this storyline is going at all. Bring them back together ❤. Steffy deserve to be happy...

    1. Lol no one will ever be happy and drama free for more than a few episodes. It’s a soap opera lol. Trust me I would love to see steffy happy and In a stable relationship. But what fun would that be to watch? Lol.

    2. I agree with u please let h Steffy and Finn happy leave them alone so they can be happy mo more drama between steffy and Finn

  7. I agree with the comments about Paris. From the beginning she should have been invited to stay in the guest house. Come on now in the house with newlyweds and she was not even the live-in babysitter. And touching on a half-naked hunk of a male species (oh I digress!!). We are not stupid, don't take us as such. Write the storylines in a more true-to-life nature.

  8. Wth? does Paris think she is doing?? It’s so obvious that she is crushing on Finn. Her loyalty should be with Steffy and she should be in the main house trying to comfort her. It’s clear to see how scared Steffy is and I’m sure she could use the companionship more than Finn needs. Doesn’t she realize all that she would be risking if she makes the wrong move? Her place to live, her job, and everyone and everything in her life that means anything. It would be such a big mistake on her part. As far as Eric and Quinn, I’m pretty sure with all the wealth he has there should be a doctor that could fix Eric’s issue he is having. I believe this to happen to many men his age and I’m pretty sure there is something that can be done to fix it so him saying he has explored by going to doctor’s with no results is false. Why would he lie? Quinn will likely stay anyway and just have her sexual needs fulfilled by her side guy. More drama to come for sure……….

  9. paris needs to move to paris immediatelly like NOW,and sheila needs to locked up for good
    i agree about steffy ,i feel like she is still punished cause she fell inlove with lame and tried to take him from hope in the past,so she cant now get true happiness.And this was the worst.Her inlaw is the spawn of evil lol
    i hope we wont see another boring triangle in the future she dumps fill and chase again lame

    1. Hope was 17 too! Liam loved Steffy too, how long does this stupid revenge on Steffy go on? I mean Hope slept with Steffy’s husband and got pregnant, took Liam from Steffy and Kelly and is raising their child with him. Steffy lost her twin sister.. give her a break!

      I hope Finn puts Paris in her place! She’s disgusting all the self righteous bullocks she’s spewed about Quinn, yelling at Shauna when Carter was single! Now she’s hitting on a newly wed husband of the woman who took her in and treats her like family? What a complete hypocrite!!!

  10. Oh Paris!!! U bring up ur social worker credentials, to the “not bad looking whole package”, who happens to b shirtless, but perhaps stephy needs your “services” a lot more than dr Finn at the moment!! I guess in Paris’s mind, dr Finn is worth all the risks!! A Forrester not good enough for u??🀣🀣

  11. Poor Steff - Knowing that Sheila's evil DNA is running in ur husband and baby would freak anyone out, for sure! Its jus too much to comprehend.

    As for touchy feely Paris - Pleeease, Stop! Anyway how long does it take for her to find a place of her own and move out. Steffy & Finn have enough drama to deal wit, So Girl,Move on Out!!!

  12. Lutfiyya, I agree!! I know I would b just as terrified and confused as she is right now!! It’s hard enough to accept the fact her child share DNA with the most evil woman ever, and now Her safe haven has been violated, and Sheila knows where they live, and she managed to manipulate Finn into giving in to her worse nightmare, in reality, that would b very hard to deal with!! But it’s a soap and makes storyline’s much better than they have been for a while no🀣🀣

  13. they bring paris on and protray her as this great person wanting to only help people they have her fight with zoe so everyone took her side and now they are going to ruin her character by putting her on opposite ends of steffy and try to ruin her why...and has anyone noticed when someone first debuts on a soap like paris they are always chunky and after a few months look they are almost anorexia

  14. call me crazy but why isn't finn telling all these things to steffy instead of paris...and what smart women is going to go and try to flirt with her dream jobs boss's husband and further more why doens't paris put herself in steffys shoes and seeing her baby held by a psycho and also doesn't zende see something is off with paris by talking about what a great guy finn is all the time and i dont' give a crap how nice a guy is when your boyfriend asks you to move in with him you don't say oh but im really having fun at steffys and i love the kids and watching her and finns relationship like thats a bit creepy

    1. Everything u said is πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    2. Yep! Paris doesn't really seem into Zende lately.

    3. From the way Zende was looking at Paris when she was gushing over Finn, it looks like he thinks something is up with Paris where Finn is concerned.
