
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st September 2021


  1. Paris will be a goner soon, Hopefully Sheila Carter shoots her soon. Hate Paris terrible actress.

    1. Perfect solution, Unknown! LOL

    2. Yeah I like this. Paris needs to be gone and Zende is blind and cant see she wants Finn.

    3. This little Biotch talked so much s*** about Quinn and she's just a Low Down Sneaky Troll. She has some nerve. Quinn didn't set out to cheat, Paris is knowingly throwing herself at Finn while living in Stefis home and calling herself a friend. Dirty Play

  2. omg can someone put let paris know that finn is married and doesn't want her...she definitly needs to stay in her lane already

    1. I know right like she throwing herself at him why she trying to be all invested in their relationship you see she dont wanna move in with Zende

    2. Paris has some nerve always going to check “in” on Finn. Then actually hugging him!!!! Really!!!!!! Get away from him. OMG Zende asked you to move in with him and you turned him down, all you can do is talk about Finn and how wonderful he is to Zende. Zende is going to dump your hoe ass and should. For someone how has a degree in social work you certainly didn’t pay attention in school. Finn had a sociopath for a biological mother. He should steer clear from her and you should be reinforcing that as well as respecting the thoughts of Steffy. After all Steffy and her family were tormented by Sheila. Finn should be concerned about his Dad, stop thinking of Sheila as Hayes grandmother - she gave up parental rights so she actually isn’t. She has no family relationship now. Basically she is stalking everyone.

  3. At least Paris would leave a Forrester for doctor Finn. Something her sister never would do. 😂😂😂
    But judging other people. 😝

  4. 1) Paris could not afford all the clothes
    2) hope future line is for young women but it is all gowns. We never see real clothes
    3) would you sit in front of a fan or go for a walk on the beach

  5. Dr Finnegan.... walk away. Steffy is unreasonable. Walk away

    1. For real. So he f***ed up one time. No harm was done yet. He stood by her during her drug addiction and after she screwed Liam, so I think she could forgive him for this. Their marriage won't last anyway.

    2. I'm with you when you are right. She should definitely be more understanding given the the fact alone that she thought Liam was going to be her bd

    3. Totally agree! I’ve always said it and stand by it still…being rich and privileged definitely has it’s benefits…Steffy is the real bitch here, her track record isn’t exactly great…she gets to pick and choose her battles and ignore her bad choices…she thinks she’s all that and a “bag of chips”…her character is so self centered…

    4. Maybe Steffy should forgive him but as a mum if my husband did what he did, by putting my child in that nut jobs arms, I would have ripped him a new hole too

  6. I can’t stand Carter lol sleez and Paris is inquisitive... oh and Steffy doesn’t need that Doctor haha back to the triangle with hope and Liam 🤦‍♀️

    1. Liam did say he won’t let Sheila near any of his kids, so he will get shot trying to protect stephy and the kids, and he will b intensive care treated by Finn, then stephy will b devistated, and realise she loves Liam and so on!!

  7. Thought Paris was Steffys friend thanks Bob xxx

  8. Geez carter needs to stop telling Quinn he misses her, it’s not allowing her to fully commit to Eric. And as far as Paris goes she needs to get her hands off Finn, he is a married man, he damn sure don’t want her.

    1. Carter is a dam fool…but than again he’s a man! Quinn is old enough to be his mother…

  9. Paris out an evil smile while hugging Finn! Obviously she is faking her concern about his marriage and she is happy they didn't file their marriage so she can try her way to Finn! This is sick and I Hope Finn won't fall for her.

  10. Do you have to file your own marriage certificate in California? When I got married, the guy who married us took care of that

  11. Steffy is seriously ridiculous! Finn stayed with her after she SLEPT with Liam yet she's being such a B**** about this. Wth!!! Paris is annoying and needs to back off of Finn.

    1. Finally fans are realizing what a hypocrite Steffy is!

  12. Paris need to get lost now I see why Zoe couldn't stand her .so nosey and Steffy needs to also see the pain her husband going through he didn't ask for Shiela to be his mom and he is affected most by this , no one is considering his feelings Paris on the other hand just here taking advantage of his vulnerability!Now her sister gone she barely want to give Zende time

  13. Paris needs to do something about that hair. It's a eye sore. Steffy may not think she's punishing Finn but she is. I understand Steffy's hurt and frustration but pushing Finn away is not a smart move. Because Sheila will find out and she will use it to her advantage to get closer to Finn and Hayes. Steffy needs to get herself together and keep an eye out not only on Sheila but on Paris.

  14. Paris, way out of line, and telling other people what’s happening behind closed doors of someone else’s issues, not cool!! Doesn’t matter if he is cousin, not his business unless stephy and Finn wants it to b… ridge wasn’t impressed when Finn spoke to Paris once before, he will b livid with this stunt, hope he rips her!!

    I like stephys character, but the writers r making her out totally selfish and unfair/unreasonable.. she knows Sheila doesn’t care about Finn and wants the baby, so what is going to b achieved kicking him to the curb when he might b the only one to get through to Sheila if she pulls something with Hayes.. she is already scared and locking doors etc..

    Finn supported her and forgave her through many things, and although this was very serious, she is blaming him for something that was not completely his fault.. he didn’t purposely go behind her back?? She acknowledged that too, but yet she is punishing him for something that is not his fault, and she accepted him regardless of Sheila prior to this incident, and now all of a sudden..?? It’s not him it’s Sheila?? Really stephy… not fair, but don’t worry, Liam will come to the rescue!! 🤣🤣 and Paris will take care of Finn!! Sheila will come and pick Finn up off the ground while he is most vulnerable and manipulate him and cause further problems!! So many ways this can all go down!!

  15. It is also cruel of stephy to keep saying she hates that sheilas DNA is in Finn and her son.. she knows it is, why keep saying the words to Finn.. u can see it hurts him and u can see he feels guilty about it and it’s not his fault that it is… he let her down once, admittedly it was the worst way, but she cheated while with him, was carrying a child that in the beginning was liams and he was willing to stay with her and help raise another mans child, and she can’t forgive him once, when she knows Sheila just walked in and jack was pushing hard and he was trying to get rid of her.. come on writers!!

    1. Yes totally agree, Steffy isn't thinking clearly and it's unfair for her to punish Finn and jeopardize their marriage over a mistake, give the guy a break Steff, your love can get through this.

  16. Oh my!! Denise is such a bad actress!! Her tone voice is boooooring... no emotion, nothing...

  17. Jeez! What's with all these ads every 10 seconds!?? Very annoying!
