
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd September 2021



    1. Eric is getting what he deserves…how are they selfish? I think the Logan’s are more selfish than anybody.

    2. Exactly they all there bad mouthing quinn like they are better..

    3. Indeed Asuma. Eric is getting what he deserves. I can't wait for the day that Quinn tells him she wants a divorce. He had no right to put her in that position.

    4. Yes, Eric is getting what he deserves..he let Quinn think she was the reason he wouldn’t touch her, then kicked her out,then at the last minute changed his mind, still without telling her, said that he thinks it was Sheila that made him change his mind,took her away from carter,then FINALLY mans up.. then disrespects her in every way possible,and has never heard of a sex aid or tried to anything at all,despite Quinn’s best efforts to suggest things, more doctors, other ways etc..then disrespects her in the worse way possible!!

      So I personally think he is getting exactly what he deserves.. but sadly,what ridge is doing right now, is so wrong on so many levels it’s not funny,and Quinn is the one who is going to look bad..and it looks like Katie is going to b his solution,Donna?donna who?another hypocritical Logan betrayal.. sometimes I ask myself why I watch this show??

    5. Eric is most certainly not getting what he deserves! Quinn has never been worthy of him, but this time it isn't her fault. With all of his money and resources I just don't understand why he has not explored other ED treatment options, even in other countries. One of my best friends father had prostate cancer and had a penile implant when he was older.

      The Logan's rock! This show could not survive without them, especially Brooke! I would absolutely love to see Eric back with Donna.

      I always liked Paris, but I am beginning to hate her, and even think that she is worse than Zoe. I couldn't believe that she didn't jump at the chance to move in with Zende. Finn versus Zende anyway? Finn is a win hands down! Finn needs to grow up and stop whining like a baby about his birth Mommy SMH. It's not like he was not raised in a good, caring, loving family and abandoned. I never understood Steffy inviting her to move in with her and Finn to begin with, and her walking in the other day when they started making out was disgusting because she could have just walked out and they would have never known she was there. I have been married since 1983 and with my husband since 1979 and I have never ever wanted anybody to live with us, even family! I haven't even seen the Forresters tell Finn about Sheila's crazy antics on The Young and the Restless, even murdering her own mother! In the real world with everything she's done she would still be in prison, but it is a soap.

  2. Does Quinn make you happy? Katie asked Eric

    That was a very good question as Eric seems withdrawn from the recent events. Very sad

  3. I agree Sex is one thing but its all the time and Carter needs to go too Thanks Bob xxx

  4. These people are the worst hypocritical idiots I’ve ever seen…I’m getting tired of this stupid show again

  5. This is just stupid. No husband in his right mind would give his wife permission to do it with a younger, hunkier man. So now Justin will report to Ridge and all the Logans will act all mighty like Quinn is cheating behind Eric's back even though she has her husband's permission and everyone will eventually know about Eric's private business....crazy town!

    1. I agree 💯! It’s really just a gross thing to Put in a storyline. I would’ve felt better if they were sneaking around behind his back and just cheating

    2. Open marriages r common these days..especially in situations like this..that is the way the world is today.. it was taboo,but now is common and if I remember correctly,I read something that Denise richards (shauna),is in an open marriage or partnership??wether it’s true or not??and brook is married to a much younger man?

  6. Let me guess….Eric is going to get turned on by Katie and his problem will be solved

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. This soap has made my mind float around in the gutter. 😵‍💫

    2. I was thinking the same thing lol

    3. Me as well! ... then Donna will be mad at her. LOL

  7. How long does it take to film an episode lately, like 1 hour or smth.? It has been same 3 or 4 sets and 3-5 actors per episode. Talking about lowering the budget, this show seems to be going bust.

    1. Yeh, I heard a while ago now,their ratings were dropping and was gonna cancel the show..?that was a long time ago now..

  8. I didn’t think anything would ever top the ridiculousness of the crazy Thomas episodes when he thought the mannequin of Hope was real. But the writers have actually topped that horrible storyline with this Carter, Quinn, Eric triangle. It is painful to watch the show these days. And what’s with actors saying the exact same lines episode after episode?? Ugh. Maybe I will stop watching till they move onto something else. The problem is, you never know when that’s gonna be. Right now I just want to barf and fast forward when I watch B & B. 😞😞😞

    1. I can't even watch Quinn and Carter, i FF thru their scenes!

  9. It feels like the same episode EVERY DAY!! How many times do we have to hear Brooke, Ridge and Katie talking shit about Eric and Quinn, and how many times do we have to see them hobo Eric's house and have the same boring conversation? At this point, I really don't know why I keep watching, other than the fact that I have invested YEARS watching. Step up your game, writers!! Y'all suck with these bullshit repetitive episodes where nothing progresses for weeks!

  10. What's happening with Sheila?? Not a trace of her in quite some time...strange

    1. Yes, where is Sheila??I would rather watch her,and maybe even Paris?Unmm,no take that back about Paris,but this is just getting so boring now, same sciences lasting days.. same things said and way too much of the Logan sisters..

  11. I don’t have an issue with the story line,but it is getting monotonous as they always do..they need to stop repeating the same scenes and dialogue over and over for days..move it along b&b..

  12. Can't stand the Logan sisters badmouthing Quinn. What makes them think they are more worthy than Quinn to be a Forrester or Spencer. People in glass houses ...
    And hasn't Eric got any privacy from them? It's not caring from where I come from (Australia) it's just straight out prying and interfering

  13. Eric is gonna get caught out this is all a joke he’s only making out of his problem to get bk at Quinn and it all worked out cya later Quinn u played into his hands

  14. We are watching a soapie guys !!!we are not in real life. Who cares just take time out and enjoy the ride. Real life is tough enough

  15. B&B was onto a great storyline with's a shame to have her disappear suddenly, and so out of character for one who is supposedly a sociopath. Also, will Finn find out that Jack is his real father??

  16. Think the writers Need time,to do good idea to the show
