
Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-23-21 Full episode B&B 23rd September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-23-21 Full episode B&B 23rd September 2021


  1. Thomas is hot, well this is just my opinion.

    1. I agree :) I'd like to see him.happy and in love with a good girl

    2. Phyllis' character has been into computers for many years. Long before Kevin came onto the canvas. It didn't happen suddenly

    3. Yes I reckon too 😃☺️

    4. Some more hair suits Thomas.

  2. Oh oh. All the Paris praise today makes me think that something bad is going to happen soon to make Finn and Steffy see her in a different light.

    It was so nice seeing Thomas today. He looks great!

    1. They need to Paris out she is gonna be trouble and I think the same way that something is about to happen

    2. Finn so inappropriate re sunblock... Oh whoops it is a delusional
      Oh Paris 🤦

    3. Thomas does look great, but his hair needs to be shorter. IMHO. :)

    4. Agree J!! I personally don’t like long hair on most men.. Thomas is hot but I still think his hair would look better shorter!!

    5. Hurrah, Thomas and Douglas are back!

  3. So Steffy is praising Paris
    And Hope is praising Thomas thank you Bob xxx

  4. i hope that praising thomas he not thinking for more. Then we falling in repeat.

  5. Thomas is plotting and so is Paris !!!

  6. I want to see Thomas, fall in love with a man. We need a good gay, bisexual storyline.

    1. Unknown 🤣🤣🤣

    2. No thank you. I don't have a problem with people's sexual preferences, but I don't want to watch it on television. I could do without watching all the crap they show with a man and a woman. I just think they go too far with their scenes. I'm sure we get the point when we see a kiss, a look, a touch. It's all you see on TV anymore.

    3. This show definitely needs a gay couple.

  7. You just walk around in your wet sandy trunks, sit on the sofa,
    Go clean up and put some clothes in Finn.
    And Steffy, buy an AC unit and give Paris the guest house. You know she can hear you having sex between the bedroom walls

  8. Crap show. No morality or role models of any kind. People here are only driven by urgent impulses to have sex with anyone walking into a room no matter the relationships eg step sister,step mother, son in law, wife's sister just about anyone. Great inspiration.

    1. Soaps aren't meant to be inspirations. They're meant to bring out the worst in all of us.

    2. And this is why we watch. lol

    3. I agree about the morality and and role models. Basically I only care about things that happen with the show excluding the sex scenes. I just don't feel they have to go so far with those scenes. And yes it would be nice if they could get a few couples on their show that were married and faithful and stayed together. I ask myself why people would like to watch things like that, but most people would probably come back and say something about romance. You can see and have romance without watching two people doing the things they think they have to show. Like I said in an earlier post, a kiss, a look, a touch is fine because we all know what's going to happen. We don't have to see it.

  9. I can´t stand paris i don´t know why. Its that horrible hair or how she´s luring around finn? First i don´t liked zoe. And zoe is gone but paris is not better at all.

  10. Oh no. The New Room Mate Movie..starring Paris. Yah it's gonna get creepy ppl...I wouldn't doubt if she hooks up w Sheila and schemes w her. Watch for

    1. I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen.. she is really pushing Finn so hard,to have a relationship with Sheila.. no one in their right mind would do that..she is going to use Sheila to come between them..

  11. Paris is stepping over the line. Does she really believe Finn has romantic feelings for her? I'm sure at some point her and Finn will hit the sheets because it is a soap, but damn. After her self righteous attitude toward Carter and Quinn, she sure is behaving like a shameless hussy🤣

  12. Thomas sure is having a great hair day...such a handsome guy...

    As for Paris, why is she still living with Steffy and Finn?? She's so annoying of late...not liking where this is going

  13. Here we go again with racist writers giving every black person a role showing error when it comes down to loyalty. This is quite obvious, and if you deny that in these comments then you're apart of the disgusting agenda, don't come on here saying "Oh it's not what you think" or "It's just a soap" no it's stupid storylines written from the minds of repulsive prejudice idiots.

  14. Paris is doing to zende,what Zoe did to carter,only difference is Paris is not engaged..she is so high and mighty about what others do wrong,can’t wait to see what people say to her after she does what she crucified others of doing..having said that,she is very young and naive,and is going to destroy her entire cosy dream life, job and all!!silly girl..I don’t like her character, but I am sure we have all had big crushes when we were young..

  15. grrr they waited ßo long 2 give stephy a new man and some happiness in her life so why bring fourth the likes of shiela & paris to ruin needs 2 stop crushing on a married man 🤬 so is that a budding love starting 2 form between hope & thomas?? IS IT JUST ME OR DO THESE ACTORS ON THE SHOW SOMETIMES SHARE EXTRA SPÈCIAL LOOKS BETWEEN EACH OTHER THAT MAKE YOU WONDER ABOUT THEIR OFFSCREAN RELATIONSHIPS WITH EACH OTHER??

  16. thomas is a handsome young man. i dont mind long hair on a guy but his needs maybe a different cut or styling 1st i was against him & hope being 2gether but now id actually like 2c them finally get 2gether.i used 2 like paris when she first came aboard but when she started meddling in other peoples personal business getting all judgementalof quinn&carter then she turns around & starts crushing on a married dr finn UMM NO ..THAT GIRL NEEDS TO GTFO OUT OF THAT.. SHE GONNA BECOME FRIENDS WITH SHIELA & THEY GONNA TEAM UP & TEAR SOME WORLDS APART. LEAST WE GOT A BREAK FROM THE LOGAN WITCHES COVE 2DAY CANT STAND THEM THEY R THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITS OF ALL

  17. I think Thomas and hope have far more chemistry than hope and Liam.. I don’t know what it is,but they just seem to radiate it a lot more than with Liam?

    1. Thomas and Hope always had chemistry, I’ve never seen it with Hope and Liam. They are supposed to be this epic love story but one never sees anything between them. I ff through their love scenes, it’s painful to watch, no chemistry at all. The looks Hope keeps giving Thomas would have any man confused! It’s very clear still that while Douglas likes Liam he wants Hope and Thomas together.

  18. This show has gotten to be the worst ever, are they that hard up for story lines, having a husband allowing his wife to sleep with another man is beyond disgusting and I refuse to watch it anymore, either get real with life or end the show

  19. Steffy, Paris & Fynn should have an open relationship with each other ❤
