Friday, October 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st October 2021


  1. Wow. Teary episode today. Ridge is so sanctimonious! He really needs to get himself out of Eric's personal life and focus on his own.

    1. Completely agree. Also I thought Katie came to a real understanding with Eric and that he actually loves Quinn; however that conniving sister of hers is putting her evil spell on Katie and twisting the information about Quinn; Katie now is in agreement with Brooke. 🤦‍♀️
      Quinn honestly looked truly compassionate and loving towards Eric this episode. She let Eric talk and didn’t defend herself. That was wise.

    2. I thought the same about Katie. What a backstabber.

    3. My sentiments exactly! It really was a tear jerking episode especially when Eric opened up about his fear of loneliness in such a large house. Beautiful performance by Eric. Even the background music was on point

    4. Katie said thanks for trusting me Eric, then she is scheming with brook about how to get rid of Quinn, she basically says not do it the way ridge is, do it my way!!

  2. Evening Beautiful People,

    Yes today's episode was good, very emotionally charged, especially Eric's statements.

    I wonder whether Quinn will re-think this whole Carter fling after all that Eric said, I mean the man needs a companion, surely both can achieve satisfaction in various forms other than the 'norm', if she truly loves Eric, a decision has to be made and she cant love them both, pick one!

    This is becoming like the male version of Sister Wives, with everyone singing 'kumbaya'🙄 lol

    1. Sister wives!!! 😂
      Logan women have shared a man or two. Not all at the same time but some at the same time.
      Starting with Mommy Logan
      Eric, Ridge and Bill

    2. It may be difficult for Eric knowing what his wife and Carter share, but what I got from today's episode is that he is afraid of being alone even more. He would rather give Quinn a fulfilled life than be in that mansion alone. This is a hard spot for Quinn to be in. I cannot see that she will choose to leave Eric and be with Carter after all that Eric said today.

    3. I agree Ell, and I hate that ridge and brook took it this far..the nerve of them,hiring Justin to spy on her and now Eric has to keep talking and explaining, he has brook to get through yet, and she will b worse than’s humiliating enough, now everyone knows..

  3. Followed by the offspring...
    Hope and Thomas
    Hope and Liam
    Hope and Wyatt
    Steffy and Liam
    Steffy and Wyatt
    Flo and Wyatt
    Katie and Wyatt
    It looks worse on paper 😂

  4. It's hard to believe Brooke has 6 children but seems to have no relationship with most of them yet inserts herself in Eric's married.
    Eric has 3 living children yet only seems to indulge the meddling non biological son,Ridge.

    1. I know of little Eric Bridgette hope and RJ and the baby that was with I think Thorn but who is the sixth child 🤔🤔🤔

    2. Brook will only insert herself into someone’s life if she wants to sleep with their husband,boyfriend,brother,son,father,stepson,stepbrother, stepfather,grandfather, best friend,teenager…did I miss anyone? And also if they r having issues or need or want or don’t need or don’t want bedroom advice..basically she will only give u the time of day of it involves sex in some way!even when she had dinner with Donna and Katie, Katie asked what Donna has been up to and she said babysitting,and the first thing out of brooks mouth was “mayb u need a man”! And talking about getting rid of Sheila, ridge says safety,brook says and especially their relationship!!

  5. Keith and Sheila lol
    He reminds me of Vinny
    You know Keith is going to help her do the naughty. There is no budget for extras or bit parts without purpose.
    So funny 🤣 Eric yells Ridge he hopes it doesn't happen to him. I think Brooke will be dried up first so it will be all good. 🤣
    Eric it's time to get a condo in a ritzy retirement village.
    Boccie ball, bingo, socials, salsa, Tai chi, pool, tennis courts, super ratio of women to men. Eric you could serenade grannies all day.
    Plus the shuttle takes you on day trips like museums and casinos.

    1. @ I don"t get it. I loved your witty take on Eric's potential fun filled life of retirement!! Did make me giggle. I needed that, so thank you!!!

    2. @i don’t get it, u have a very funny sense of humour!! Lmao!! I am a picture person, I picture what I read, and I was picturing Eric doing all those things, omg 🤣🤣🤣

    3. If only kieth knew what he just did!! I don’t think giving personal advice to clients is part of ur job kieth!!u have no idea what u have just started..

  6. Seriously Eric, even Brooke is old enough to apply to the senior village.Look into old man. You won't regret it.

  7. Eric and Quinn, this episode was painful, moving, sad and full of truths. They made me cry. Rena Sofer and John Mccook are wonderful. When John was associated with Susan Flannery aka Stephanie, it was powerful. But this is exceptional. Ridge forgets that he liked Quinn for a while and that he didn't hesitate to charm and kiss his father's wife. Regarding Hope and her attitude (kind of embarrassing) about Kelly spending time with her parents. She wanted Liam, she got him and came to terms with her life before when she married him. She says it herself, that she has finally accepted that Liam will always love Steffy and her at the same time. So, let her stop playing the selfish woman again who doesn't like her husband giving time to his other family especially her innocent daughter who only asks for a few hours here and there. Already in an era Hope saw Aspen the first child of Steam as an obstacle and did not hesitate to dance on his death after a day of mourning for Steam. So there, Kelly, it looks like she considers an unimportant child. Oh well, unless she's like Brooke, my kids come first and have all rights. She knows very well "and went through the same with Deacon and Ridge" that a child who does not live constantly with one of the parents will suffer later. Or even less, that she has complete amnesia from her teenage years and the unease she felt when her biological father was not by her side. She has decided to have a blended family with Liam's first family and that Liam will be split between two children (for now). They are funny the Logan sisters. Didn't Katie give Brooke and Bill permission to be together when she thought she was dying and was depressed? And wasn't Brooke allowed to have romantic dinners, hot air ballooning and be able to have a future with Bill and Will when Katie was having trouble (Don't forget Brooke and Bill's kiss allowed? at that time).

    1. Hanna, I agree with everything you have said!! imo,the children and their rights ALWAYS comes first!! No matter what the situation is.. I found hopes statement to Finn,”thanks for getting us off that roller coaster”hilarious!! Is she really that possessive and insecure..I have a feeling she might encourage Finn to have a relationship with his mother, which would be really contradictory considering Sheila shot her mother too!

    2. Sorry hanan, it autocorrected ur name, and I missed it, I apologise:-)

  8. What is wrong with Ridge? This is his dad...when he is/was sleeping with Brooke, Taylor, Shauna and Caroline his dad was most of the time alone...and now he dares to tell his dad what he has to do with his life? I think it's time that Brooke and Ridge take a trip to some place without internet and a phone for a long long time so Eric can live his last couple of years with his wife...

  9. I must be missing something about Friday’s episode…I’m hearing the overall consensus of viewers being moved by it all…all I see is a lonely man desperate enough to let his wife have an affair with another man…wrong on so many levels…what Eric described was all these people leaving him, the reality is that’s life! Families all go through the same thing, children grow up, relationships fall apart (let’s not forget Eric needs to take some responsibility for his part in failed relationships) however, a child will always worry about their parent’s happiness…I think that’s what Ridge is doing…clearly Quinn is taking advantage of Eric’s bad decision…put the shoe on the other foot, would Quinn be as forgiving and understanding if it was her that couldn’t be a complete wife (sexually) to Eric, I think not…loneliness is a curse I give Eric that but there is other ways to fulfill ones life without sacrificing his own dignity…how many of you can honestly say you would understand or agree with your own parent that Eric’s desperate decision was okay for you and your parent to go that route? Just saying, there are better solutions!

    1. I would care, but ultimately they're going to do what they want. As long as older parents are of sound mind, adult children cannot make their parents live how they want. Now if Ridge has Eric declared incompetent and puts him in a home, then he can tell Eric how to live. But barring that, hypocrite Ridge (and his hypocrite wife Brooke) are just going to have to shut up and leave Eric to it. If they don't they're going to alienate him.

    2. Je partage complètement votre avis! Un enfant s inquiètera toujours pour ses parents et vice versa...
      Ainsi est la vie et Quinn s accommode très bien de la décision d Éric...

    3. I totally agree with you Truth. It's a load of crap the way the way the writers are doing Eric.

  10. Oh, I'm really thrilled to see Eric suffering (John plays him excellent) and I would enjoy it even more if Quinn would take Carter and go. 😂😂😂

  11. I lived in Florida for many years. The scenario of older men having true difficulty living alone is very real. However, the older ladies in Florida seem to become more adventurous and independent with age when they live alone. Eric & Quinn need to hook up with a group of senior citizens and go travel the country in a luxury RV, or go on a world tour with a rowdy group of senior citizens. B&B could open up their storylines creating and following Eric, Quinn, and the senior tour groups. B&B could also show how to conduct business outside of the office or at home, and out on the road or out of the country. Eric & Quinn, welcome to the world of work and relaxation in the 21st century.

  12. Quinn has done a deed of wrong doing but Brooke eint no saint and if you ask me Quinn has been hell more loyal than any of those women have been and she have a full blown relationship with her son and a damn good one too. So Ridge and Brooke playing super hero and trying to save the day is hilarious 😂 it just shows how sometimes people are living in glass houses but busy throwing stones at others.Ridge seem to forgot that's the same Quinn he wanted one time lol smh...In all Eric confession on how he feel Ridge haven't heard a thing,he is too focus on his hatred for Quinn but refuses to see his dad pain , just shows how insensitive people could be for their own selfish reasons. Starting to think Ridge and Brooke jealous of Quinn and Eric's marriage!!

  13. This episode made my cry!! John McCook was brilliant today!! I have never liked his character,but he still brought tears to my eyes..yes it is very confronting for many people with the scenario of Quinn with carter,but after today’s episode,I personally, can see why eric did this..

    He believes he can’t satisfy her that way,and even though Quinn tried her best to get him to try “other ways,”and to seek further help,eric WON’T!!and if he won’t use “sex aides,” or “other parts” of himself, and continue to search for other ways and try to find more medical help in this day and age, it’s not fair to Quinn when u won’t even try!!

    She has tried and tried,but he won’t..he has just thrown his hands up in the air..and if it was anyone else other than carter,she would not have given in..eric took advantage of those feelings..and now,after hearing eric today,I don’t think Quinn will leave eric to b with carter even if she wanted to..Eric should have signed the papers, or told her long ago..

    Ridge has the nerve to says that Quinn is manipulating and taking advantage of eric, I see it the other way around..she was ready to sign and did not ask for money or anything,so ridge needs to butt out!! How dare he make demands and treat eric like a child..and how dare he question erics dignity..ridge would not know what that word means..good on Quinn for jumping on ridge for that!! It is very clear Quinn loves eric deeply, to the point she let brook and ridge berate her in dignify her and humiliate her and say and do what they did, and all she was worried about was eric..and in her past conversation with shauna, she proved herself..

    Eric has thrown her around like a rag doll emotionally, put her in a very very hard position, allowed her to be spoken to the way she just was by ridge,so what ever happens now, it’s his own doing..I don’t think Quinn will leave him now,even if she wanted to,but I think she will end up or may already b pregnant with Carter’s child??

    Brook and ridge, get a life,stop inserting ur selves into others lives,don’t u have a company to run ridge?I can see Quinn will b pregnant, and Katy will end up with Eric..I get the impression she will easily fall for Eric now.. and ridge, it’s ok that u cheated on ur dad with Quinn??it might have been kisses, but their was feelings there quickly u forget??

    1. Agree on all points, Colly! Perfect summation. I'm not sure that Quinn will end up pregnant but I get the feeling that despite his fear of being alone, Eric will realize that he's being unfair to Quinn and Carter. I'm anxious to see what's going to happen next.

  14. If that was me and my husband told me to go have an affair with someone else I would never do that to my husband I would stand by my husband no matter what so Quinn is a real tramp to do that to her husband big time

    1. Despite the feelings you have for that person? It's one thing if it was just some other man but when it's someone you're in love with and your husband is manipulating the situation, it might not be that easy as you say.

  15. It’s funny, ridge goes to the length of hiring Justin to spy on Quinn, when he should b getting him to follow Sheila!! They can’t organise security or find out where Sheila is, but they can get Justin to follow Quinn?? I know what my priority would b at the moment!

    1. Good point. They should be far more worried about Sheila than Quinn!! But other than Steffi and Finn and whoever is in their scenes, no one else is even talking about Sheila.

  16. Give John McCook(Eric) a Daytime Emmy!!

  17. Ridge was all his life with Brooke who was not faithful to him. He is deflecting when he gets angry.
