Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-20-21 Full episode B&B 20th October 2021


  1. Those smiles at the end of the episode, very creepy. But anyway, i would tace Carter in a heartbeat!

  2. Get rid of Paris the show has been boring since she got on she’s so boring

  3. The end was a little cheesy with the slow-motion laughs, but Katie and Carter are cute together ❤️

    1. I'm surprised they're not having Carter take some more time to himself to think about things before thinking about getting involved with somebody again. Maybe that's one of his problems, he gets involved too fast. Yes I wouldn't mind seeing him and Katie together, but still... After what happened with Zoe and Quinn you would think he'd be more leery about getting involved with someone so fast. I really would like to see Thomas do something else with his hair.

  4. Agree that smile of Carter was creepy to me🀣

  5. Lol those smiles were creepy 😈😈 I actually think those two would be great together. I hope
    Brooke keeps her nose out of it

  6. Ooooh...Donna won't like this at all

  7. I like Carter and Katie together ❤

  8. Tired of the paris ass kissing. So much praise can't be good for anyone. And it's super unrealistic.

  9. Carter&Katie?
    Bill&Quinn will be thrilled. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. I see a war coming.. bill wont b happy, and Quinn will get so jealous, and Eric will notice..brook will try to talk Katie into going back to bill.. I hope Katie and carter end up together!! They would b a great match..both very loyal to those they r with..and he will treat her like a queen..

  11. Katie’s burn about How Brooke should know all about how Carter was following his heart was epic. The look on Brooke's face was priceless.
