
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th December 2021


  1. So I don't understand how they can have ridge and Taylor talk about thomas' mistakes and how he had support team and that's why he was able to get where he is but then not feel deacon could deserve the same. Soo frustrating I wanna scream at them. And not one of the foresters, Spencer's or Logans have spent time in jail for their crimes 🙄

    1. Money, it's all about how much money do you have? If Deacon was rich all his mistake would be forgivable.

    2. What have the Logan's done that they are out in with what this family has done Taylor should be the last to say anything knowing that she is out of jail because of the Logan's for shooting bill

    3. This is all just sickening. Taylor, Ridge, and their two child acting kids. You gotta love how you never hear how everyone missesveach or her so much until something cones up. Sorry, but Steffy and Thomas are acting like little kids. And Ridge talking to Taylor about him and Brooke? Jyst wrong.Its all sickening and I wish they would move away from this story line for a while. We hear the same crap every day and now it's all just sickening.

    4. Oh please. Taylor and her feeling bad for not being there for Steffy's wedding and whatever else. Work isn't a good excuse. Ridge is just starting to annoy me with his problem with Hope and her father. If the situation was reversed he wouldn't like it or put up with it if Brooke felt the same way if the situation was the same with his kids. Same way with Miss Taylor when she gets all the information. And why does Ridge think he has to talk to Taylor about his issues with Brooke? It's bad enough that he's the one making the issues because Hope has every right to get to know her father and see what happens for herself. These people make me sick. Taylor hasn't been in anybody's lives in how long now? Sticking her nose in Douglas and Thomas's relationship. Thomas hasn't even asked to have Douglas with him permanently and now all of a sudden that's going to come up? His mommy has to bring up the subject for him to even think about it? Give me a break. And the way Ridge and Taylor are acting so lovie or whatever you want to call it is sickening.

    5. Spot on! This is ridiculous time filling crap. We need some new and different stories, not the same love triangles over and over and over! Everyone on this show just rewrites history to fit their current agenda.

    6. The following characters could show up once in a while: Eric, Quinn, Donna, Wyatt, Flo, Carter, Shauna, Jack, Le, etc.

    7. Unknown at 12:36, don't forget about Bill & Liam in jail for Vinny's death until Thomas provided proof it was suicide.

      Where is Justin? Bill dumped him & Ridge hired him. You would have thought there would have been charges against Justin for holding Thomas hostage, but no.

    8. Unknown 6:55 PM , I would Love to see those characters too. It’s been too much time since the last time we have saw Wyatt and Flo. I miss Shauna and Donna too. Writers should write a Flyatt’s wedding storyline and a baby for them about time!

  2. Booyah!

    The Forresters and the Sharpes are back!!!

  3. Taylor not happy that Thomas still has a support team with Hope with regards to Douglas. If Taylor hadn't been so focused on her career, she could have been around to help & be the "mom" figure Douglas needed. Too late to complain about that now & not fair to upset Douglas' world yet again. He seems happy now. They all tried to convince Taylor that the Foresters & Logans have joined forces with regards to the children.

  4. Taylor shot Bill and Thomas ran Emma off the road but theses two think they have a right to judge some one steffy and ridge are know better because both cheated on they partners but are judging hope and Brooke if hope told Thomas she wanted him he would run to her same has steffy to Liam neither have room to talk because Taylor wasn't there for her kids because she didn't want to get locked up for buying Beth or shooting Bill

    1. You would think a doctor would know that something is probably not legit when you are buying a baby with a suitcase full of cash!

  5. This new "Taylor" is a terrible actress - so wooden and fake. Hard to watch.

  6. Why do they thank Taylor for Thomas's change? She did nothing at all. He came back crazy and obsessed with Hope as ever. He became normal only after his brain surgery and Taylor wasn't even close at that time.
    And now Douglas should be taken away from "a Logan", who gave him the stability of a family and loves him like her own child. Does this bitch intend to ask Douglas about his opinion?
    And once again she will also try to get Ridge back and will probably succeed for the moment because of Deacon but Brooke will win at the end. I don't like her but I like Taylor much less.

    1. Hundi I like your comment and agree with most of it. Too many people don't seem to like Brooke very much which I think is wrong. Yes Brooke has had her issues in the past and done things that she shouldn't have but she didn't set out to do those things to hurt people on purpose or ruin their lives on purpose. And yes she should have realized that things would ruin people's lives but she always admitted to her wrongdoings and always apologized and was sorry for things she did. Now people like Quinn like to start problems for people on purpose out of revenge. And I believe it's the same way with Taylor. Taylor is already sticking her nose into people's business like Thomas with Douglas and asking Ridge about his relationship with Brooke. She doesn't have a right to come back into the picture after all these years and start crap for everybody. And she doesn't have a right to come down on Brook about supporting her daughter wanting to get to know her dad regardless of their past. Brooke isn't looking for any relationship with Deacon but unfortunately he is looking for a relationship with Brooke. Ridge is being unfair about the whole situation because, as I said, if it was reversed and it was one of his kids it would be a different story with him. Same goes for Taylor. So yeah I hope Brooke does win in the end even though I'm beginning to think that Ridge actually doesn't deserve her. If anybody stops and thinks about it Ridge doesn't have to see Deacon or have anything to do with him and he should be understanding why Brooke doesn't want to jeopardize her relationship with her daughter. And then to run and get everybody else involved in the whole situation like he's done with Steffy, Thomas, and now Taylor. And of course they're all going to agree with him and they're not even thinking about Brooke. Like I said if the situation was reversed and it was Ridge and Taylor's kids involved they would expect people to support them and understand. I think they should all be more focused on Sheila because she has done a lot worse in her life then Deacon has done.

  7. Let Taylor enjoy her comeback. It wont last for long. Queen Brooke will win at the end, as she always does😁

    1. Queen �� Brooke �� = ��

    2. Once again people are coming down on Brook and calling her things like Queen Brooke. Brooke hasn't done anything wrong. She's thinking about her daughter and how her daughter feels and what her daughter wants. She's also thinking about her relationship with her daughter and how she doesn't want to lose that. So naturally she's going to support her daughter just as Ridge would do with his own kids if the situation was reversed. Yeah Brooke and Deacon have a history, but let's all realize that Brooke isn't the one looking for a relationship with him. He's the one wanting that. So I just wish everybody would quit making Brooke look like such a bad person. All of this is so ridiculous. We really need to get away from the storyline for a little while because it's getting old. We basically here the same thing everyday and have been for how long now? We could move on to something else for a little while. I could quit watching for a while and I really wouldn't miss much.

    3. @Btm28 Of course! Queen Brooke will always in the end, Always.

  8. I love Hunter Tylo’s character, and this replacement of an actress just doesn’t do it for me. Taylor can not be replaced by another actress. This is wrong. And the wig is even more wrong !

    1. Good point! My preference is the "old" Taylor & the "new" Ridge. Hopefully, the "new" Taylor will grow on me in time. So glad that they cast the original Sheila. Can't wait to hear her evil laugh when she learns Taylor is back...

  9. Sorry with you all and your moronic comments!
    Douglas is NOT Hope and Liam's child and he should be with Thomas his father who by the way is financially responsible for Douglas. You people seem to forget!
    Anyway I can't wait for him (Thomas) to get full custody of his own son. He is not sharing custody of "Beth" with her is he?!

    1. Now, now, Chelsea, it is not nice to say other people's comments are moronic. You don't want to wind up on Santa's naughty list, do you?

      I agree Douglas is not Hope & Liam's child. He is Thomas & Hope's child. Liam has the role of step-dad; however, it is awesome & honorable that Liam treats Douglas like a son. Thomas is content with Douglas living with Hope at the present time. Today, Thomas even told Taylor how grateful he was for Hope's role in co-parenting Douglas. With regards to Beth, why would Thomas share custody of Beth with Hope? Beth is Hope & Liam's biological child. Thomas played a major role in covering up the baby Beth/Phoebe baby swap.

    2. Chelsea I'm sorry but if Thomas really wanted to have custody of Douglas I'm sure it could have came up before now. But of course this is a soap and it doesn't come up until Mommy comes back into the picture and brings up the subject. And let's not forget that Thomas and Hope both agreed on this arrangement of Douglas staying with Hope. I don't understand why you brought up Beth because the situation has nothing to do with her. It has to do with Thomas and the way things were going with Douglas when Thomas was acting so weird and treating Douglas badly.

  10. I think Taylor is sick and that's why she is wearing this wig.

    1. Hmmm.... interesting theory! That would explain why Taylor suddenly wants to be around family now. She didn't even tell anyone she was coming to town. It hasn't been addressed as to whether she has retired or is taking a leave of absence or teleworking.

  11. Another thing by the way. Is about Eric Sharpe (formally little Eric but is much older than his sibling Hope????????????? Deacon's son with Becky, Amber's cousin.... Brooke knew, everybody knew except stupid Hope who and still never knew she HAS A SIBLING!!!!

  12. Nothing but coal for you for Christmas!
