
Friday, December 24, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th December 2021


  1. there decorations were beautiful unlike julies tree from dool lol

  2. Ridge's speech on how we should deal with people was hypocritical.

    The group sing-along of Jingle Bells was, as the SNL church lady would say, "special"!

    Nice to see Eric & Quinn again. Out of character to see Brooke & Quinn treating each other civilly.

    No dinner for Sheila. Hug Finn, one drink, hold Hayes, now hit the road! Seemed rude to talk about dinner being almost ready & not inviting Sheila to dine with them. But, I guess that is the price you pay for shooting people! 😂

    1. Taylor was the most recent shooter…how about Thomas? How about Brooke pushing Thomas off a Cliff

    2. They acts as if they are all saints & Sheila is Lucifer! 👿

    3. @Asuma What about them? Brooke was not invited to dinner by Steffy and Finn and Taylor and Thomas were not invited to dinner by Brooke. However, maniacal Sheila was invited to Steffy and Finn's home IN SPITE OF her many misdeeds. So what's the problem?

    4. Not true about Brooke not inviting Taylor to dinner at Eric's Brooke did invite Taylor. Taylor turned down the invitation because Steffy was planning her own dinner at home.

  3. So disappointed Bell
    You succeeded in dumping the Forrester family for the logan family.
    Brookes words so happy everyone was there but what she meant was her so called dream of leaving Thomas and Steffy out !!!
    Worse Christmas Eve episode ever!!
    Thank Bob xxx

    1. The only issue I had was that Douglas was not with Thomas over at Finn and Steffy's. He should have been. I think the reason for having a separate celebration over at the Finnegan residence was largely due to Sheila being invited.

    2. Right and Eric doesn’t invite his grandchildren because it has to be Brooke’s kids but not Ridge? Douglas should have been with his Daddy. I’m sick of Liam and Hope saying our kids when they have a child. Kelly is Liam and Steffy’s and Douglas is Thomas’s son!!

    3. Brooke shouldn’t have been speaking for the Forrester family. Quinn as Eric’s wife can welcome them to their home. Brooke acts like she owns the place! All Hail queen Brooke 🤮 I’m laughing that with all the descriptions of Beth and the things she does according to Hope, one would think she’s three at least lol and instead she’s an 18 month old ! Ha!

    4. And also what i find ready weird why Finn's parents aren't there? At steffy's

  4. So fake. They're all nice to each other now but after the holidays is over, everybody will go back to their nasty, hypocritical ways. I hope Sheila gets her revenge on Steffy in 2022. Glad Paris went back to the blonde hair because the orange color was a hot mess.

    1. You got that right!

      And, yes that orange hair was a hot mess. Reminded me of Cheetos! 😂

    2. Of course, calm before the storm, it's a soap, after all.... 😌

  5. I thought Sheila had other children so what's the obsession with Finn? Also I don't mind Douglas staying with Hope but there is a problem with him not spending the holidays with his dad. Speaking of...Thomas truly needs a proper storyline but now he is just hanging around. Let's Hope B&B gets a new writer for Christmas. Pleaaase!!

    1. I've been thinking the same thing about Sheila since she came back to the show. She has other children and grandchildren, i don't get the obsession with Finn either. I don't even think Sheila has mentioned any of her other kids to Finn or to anyone. It would be nice for him to know that he has a half brother and half sisters out there. Maybe the writers might bring that up in the future. I hope they do. The writers must think we're stupid like we don't remember Sheila having other kids on the show.

    2. Sheila mentioned early on, maybe to Deacon, that her other three? kids and they know her - I guess she raised them, have cut her out and want nothing to do with her. Wouldn’t Finn want to meet his siblings?

    3. Yes, she mentioned to Deacon that her other kids wanted nothing to do with her. This is why she is longing for a relationship with Finn since he doesn't know anything about her.

    4. Shelia does have other kids. Shelia said in one episode that none of her other kids want anything to do with Shelia

    5. Finn married a Forrester that is why Sheila has to be in his life!

  6. Thanks Bob and Merry Christmas!!

  7. Thank you Bob! Have a Merrry X-mas and a Happy new Year!xoxoxoxo

  8. It is not realistic that Quinn would spend Christmas with Carter or Brooke.

    Where are Katie & Donna?

    1. right like in real life that would be very uncomfortable for all involved for carter to be there

    2. She didn't. They were invited to Eric's home as it's customary every year. She did not even interact with Carter.

  9. And it would have been nice to see Wyatt, Flo, and Shauna.

    1. And, it would have made sense for them to join Quinn & Eric for the holiday.

    2. Both actors are filming other projects and unavailable for B&B they will be back on screen when they finish!

  10. Merry Christmas to all of you around the world!!! 🎄✨🎁

  11. Nice to see Beth again, it's been so long! And they actually mentioned R.J., Ridge and Brooke's son that they seem to have forgotten about. If Hope and Thomas ever get together for real, how weird would that be for R.J. to have his older sister with his older brother. 😳

  12. Where is Brooke’s biological son, Jack Marone? Remember, Taylor carried him but found out later, Brooke’s egg was used in the in vitro procedure. Taylor could not bond with him and gave the baby to Brooke. Interestingly enough, Jack is related to Finn and Sheila’s daughter, Diana, who was fathered by Mossimo Marone.

    1. he is with nick marone at sea when he isn't at boarding school

  13. Because sheila is still in love with eric

  14. i hope in 2022 steffy gives sheila a real chance to be a part of finns life. i have always loved sheila but i truly think she has changed and it would also be nice if her and deacon did get together they have chemistry and it would be better than him pining away for brooke

  15. Deacon looked so handsome. 😍😍

  16. Hope you had a nice Christmas Bob and i hope New Year is kind to you and family xxx
