
Monday, December 27, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th December 2021


  1. o craxyy sheila is back lol ew puke over zende n paris

    1. now., now ....we all know this is as close to a female he's been without puking (cause he's being PAID) cut zin a little slack , he's gotta eat, ta'hee hee....

  2. Wish shelia would smack Brooke in the mouth

    1. Unknown- And you think it's ok that Sheila called Brooke all those names? Brooke may have been with different men, but it was because her and the men involved cared about each other. Brooke never set out just to have sex with people which is a definition of a slut. And yeah she made a big mistake with getting involved with Deacon when he was with her daughter, but it still didn't happen just because she only wanted sex. Brooke has made mistakes but she never set out to hurt people on PURPOSE like Sheila and Quinn have. As far as Taylor goes, she is in everyone's business and if she was any kind of person she'd tell Ridge that she's not the one he should be talking to about their problems. Taylor, with the help of Steffy are just going to be troublemakers. Brooke isn't doing anything to anyone. She has a right to want Sheila gone though.

    2. The only one that needs to be slapped in the mouth is Sheila. Sheila is psycho and hasn't or won't change. Already going to start being evil with Brooke and the alcohol. Sheila needs to remember what she's done and get the fact that people have a right to have a problem with her and not trust her. She's supposedly changed and instead of showing she has she chooses to start her craziness again. People need to look at the reality of things and quit putting Brooke down.

    3. Brooke gets to threaten people, slap people, push them off cliffs, cheat, and everything else…but Sheila is the psycho? They’re all psychos.

  3. Loved the exchange between Brooke and Sheila today. "Slut from the valley." Hilarious!

    Why does Paris, all of a sudden, look like she's not really interested in Zende? Steffy is remarking about how enamored Zende seems to be with Paris, and she looks completely disinterested. I feel like poor Zende is going to get his heart broken on New Year s Eve, although I hope not.

    1. Totally agree ! Although when she sees the size of the ring she will be like Zoe and say yes while weighing other options lol!

    2. I reckon it's bc she's got Forrester Options.... Zin or Thomas, like Liam is w/ hop n Steph or ridge has w( Brook or Steph mamma... forgot her name.... But she's back

    3. Agree. That was weird. I don't think that Paris was ever THAT into Zende anyway. Thomas may be in the picture eventually....

  4. True appreciation? Presents and eggnog?
    No birth of Christ?
    I wish California would hijack Ramadan and Hanukkah for their greed too.
    And chatting about Steffy mom to Paris? Is this foretelling Paris mom coming to town?
    And news Brooke. Finn and Hayes are not your family.
    Too bad Sheila, Taylor and Quinn couldn't form an alliance.

  5. I don't get it- Are you saying that nobody mentioned that Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus? If you are you must have missed it because Eric did talk about it. As far as Finn and Hayes not being Brooke's family, well Steffy is Ridges daughter and Brooke does care about Steffy. They had put differences aside, but of course that's all changed more likely on Steffy's part because mommy is back. We never heard all this wishy washy stuff about how they all missed each other and all the family crap until mommy made a come back. The same mommy that wasn't around when Thomas had his issues and when Steffy got married or had a baby. Sorry, but a real mom would have found those things more important than work. She could have found time to be there and always could have returned to work. Taylor, Quinn, and Sheila are nothing but vindictive and trouble makers. They all need to move on and leave decent people alone.

    1. You do realize that this isn't real right?? Of course a real mom would have been there. But the reason why "Taylor" wasn't is most likely because the OG actress didn't wanna come back to show so they had to recast the role. This is just a show people so chill !

    2. Agreed it love Brook I hope it backfires on Sheliah's face and Finn sees her fir the psycho she is

  6. Replies
    1. LMAO ... loved this episode where someone spoke the truth about Brooke to her face. It was news to me that she went to college - guess that was off-camera. Only on a soap opera would anyone ‘poke the bear’ - if most of us thought someone was a homicidal maniac, we certainly wouldn’t confront and then threaten them and not expect consequences which in Sheila’s case could be deadly.

    2. No it was not off Camera, it was during the first part of Season 1.

    3. Brooke actually built her own career and deserves her role at Forrester! Yes, she went to College (someone might have missed the first few years of the soap) and created a new fabric. And Ridge actually tried to screw her over pretending to go back to her to get the rights to the formula, just to dump her for Taylor after she signed the documents!

  7. Whoever commented that Brooke wasn't with men just for sex clearly wasn't watching the show the only man she loved was Ridge

    1. 😂🤣🤣😂

    2. Oh but she loves $Bill too, she told him, she will always love him :P She likes to keep her options open XD

  8. The crazy Shiela is back I'm so excited

  9. Wow! an actual interesting episode from B&B today! A battle between Brooke and Sheila. Now throw Taylor into the mix and we're on for an epic showdown. And am I sensing cold feet from Paris or what? Now that's interesting!

  10. I've watched B&B since day one. Brooke is a chemist. She invented a formula to wrinkle proof fabrics. Ridge named it BeLieF-the BLF stood for Brooke Logan Forrester.Then Ridge screwed her over for the rights to the formula. He went back to Taylor. Brooke sued Forrester Creations cuz she didn't get a dime or any credit for her wrinkle free formula. Eric gave her stock in Forrester to make up for Ridge's playing her to get the formula.

    1. It’s called when you work for a company and design something it’s property of your employer, not you! Creating a product for Forrester was her job, she literally had no legal rights to anything else than her pay cheque. She wasn’t screwed, she tried to force Forrester to give her more, Ridge played her to prevent her from screwing over the company for personal gain. Eric fell for her tears as always… Brooke hasn’t worked as a chemist since she literally got the job and everything else by sleeping her way through the Forrester men! She didn’t love any of them, she was all about the money, the stuff and prestige…oh the thrill of stealing a man from his wife, fiancé, girlfriend etc. She got bored easily and always needed at least two fellas fighting over her.


  12. Not a Sheila fan but Brooke needs to get " pushed"of her high horse😙

  13. And here goes Shiela messing up her chance to get to be in her son life why did she not leave deacon and Brooke in their convo and be on her way but she wanted to screw up deacon chances smh.

  14. great blog!! thanks, from Israel
