Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-26-22 Full episode B&B 26th January 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-26-22 Full episode B&B 26th January 2022


  1. Soo over the Carter reminiscing over other people woman sorry like give him a damn woman for him self woman with class like Katie or something. Brook just need to give it up already

    1. Did I miss something, fans? Since when is Katie considering going back with Bill? Is it just the writers changing storylines midstream again?

    2. Agreed unknown. I’m disgusted, Katie needs a man who isn’t in love with Brooke! We all know Bill will dump her in a second to worship at Brooke’s feet. It makes Katie look weak to say she won’t put up with Bill and then always go crawling back so he blow her life up again!

    3. You got that right, Bbfan ... at first the writers were leaning toward a Carter/Katie romance and then they brought fickle Paris 😖🤢🤮 in. Since Carter, Lawrence Saint-Victor, is an actor and writer on this show, he could have a say in this change.

  2. Sorry, Brooke, but when the holidays are over, the decorations are packed in a box, not the memories! If it were as simple as packing up the memories, Brooke, you would have done it a month ago!

    🎵 Precious memories, how they linger
    🎵 How they ever flood my soul
    🎵 In the stillness, of the midnight
    🎵 Precious sacred scenes unfold

  3. Thank you for putting a shirt on Carter! Poor guy is treated like nothing more than eye candy.
    What’s with Paris’ mom summoning her home to discuss the Zende situation?? Lol. Ridiculous.
    Brooke just needs to tell Ridge the truth. Too bad they don’t know about the Sheila sabotage with the champagne. Hopefully they find out. Truth is, the kiss never ever would have happened if Brooke wasn’t drunk. And the getting drunk part was not of her own doing. So I feel bad for her in that regard.

  4. does hope realize she is nothing in reality to douglas and the way she is ordering thomas around and telling him she will reschedule something again for the two of them really soon,i would of told her go to hell and hes my son and you just called my son to your house and took him away from his real family to get drilled by the hoe brook

    1. Made me sick. He is Thomas’s son, and she has no right to keep him from his father. That has to change. It’s disgusting how Hope and Liam are covering for Brooke!

    2. The writers need to bring Caroline back from the dead which will make Hope’s adoption null and void. It is understood that Liam is Douglas’ cousin once removed but especially after today, he is a terrible influence. Why does Hope appear to have primary custody?

  5. Brooke u real low to ask a little boy to hide what he saw with you so is ok to talk the truth about his dad but he must lie for u and hope u and liam more low to try and hide brooke mistake and u calling dogulas away from his real family

  6. Oh slutty Gramma. Disgusted with Brookes role as a grandmother. I am a grandma and I know I would never ask such a thing of my grandkids. In fact, I always tell them to speak the truth. Brooke has no morals/values. She's teaching her grandson it's okay that Gramma kissed another man and now he should put it in the past. I truly hate this storyline. Brooke is so naive to know this situation could do him harm. Don't drag this on like you did with the Quinn Shauna fiasco. Just end it. And get rid of Paris. Zende doesn't play games...but she does. Just like Zoe. Now she's gone. Hope Paris leaves soon. Time for something new.

  7. Brooks pisses me off and Pakistan is so innoying it got boring again smdh

  8. They didnt want to shut him up when he was " spilling" on his DAD😙

  9. Couldn't even watch the ending. A full grown Grandma manipulating a child when SHE is the one who is dead wrong. So disgusting I fast forwarded. Writers should be ashamed

    1. and funny thing is they blamed thomas in the past when he tried to do the shame shit lol

    2. Exactly and now all three of those hypocrites are hurting that wee fella to cover up Brooke’s lies!

  10. Brooke is disgusting! Poor Douglas. Thomas needs to take his son back.

    1. Totally agree I was livid that Brooke, Hope and Liam participated in that. Thomas being your lad home where he belongs. Ridge will be furious when he finds out Brooke tried to silence Douglas and Hope and Liam went along with it.

    2. How soon these same people forget that they have baby Beth with them because of Douglas. Ridge will dump Brooke not for the kiss and sleepover, not for withholding it but for the conspiracy and manipulation of his innocent young grandson.

  11. Disgusting how the family is playing poor innocent Douglas like a fiddle!!! They've missed a huge opportunity to educate, support, come clean ETC! Oh well hope they're as deceptive when he starts blowing up bldgs!!!!! 💣💣💣💣🤯🤯🤯🤯

  12. Losing respect for carter. Why are the writers trashing his character. Paris' open relationship crap is stupid. The writers are trying to go full woke.

  13. Geez all brooke has to say is that she was kissing "santa" on cheek goodbye. U cant cover up the little brat spilling the beans?

  14. Poor Douglas, gosh this storyline can't be good for the child actor's mental well-being.

  15. The adults are all just training Douglas to be a private investigator when he grows up. Or possibly a career as a spy, serving in military intelligence, working for the FBI or the DOJ. Kid is already honing his awesome skills. Hope he doesn't create an "X File" on his whole family!

  16. Go, Douglas! 🕵️‍♂️

  17. How is this different from what happened with Douglas and his dad!Brooke really is the " grandma slut from the valley" 🤣Gotta give it to Bell was concerned when he brought Sheila back but she is the one person who could bring the Entitled Hyprocritical Fraud down 😙

  18. wow way to lie and manipulate a child smhh

  19. Okay that last scene with Douglas Hope Liam and Brooke was soooo uncomfortable to watch! It felt like they manipulating or brainwashing the poor kid. All tree of them ganging up on him like that was just DISGUSTING!
