
Friday, March 25, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th March 2022


  1. Replies
    1. As post above today's video. Due to a special news report, this episode was not shown in full yesterday. That's why this episode was shown today.

    2. Redundant. I fast forwarded through it. Just rubbish and fillers.

    3. Nick is sexy I'd do him in every room along with deacon aa 3 some with those two yummy

    4. I think Ridge is sexy. No haters. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Funny how Brooke's former lovers were lined up in order from tallest to shortest ๐Ÿคฃ.

    1. Brooke's ex-lovers should have all sung ๐ŸŽต "My Girl" ๐ŸŽต (from the Temptations) to her!

    2. More like the song “witchy woman” by I think the axles? Or credence Clearwater??

    3. LMAO, Colly. “Witchy Woman” can be the new theme song when they change the title to “Brooke’s Bedroom” or should that be, “Brooke’s Bedbroom?” ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ›Œ๐Ÿงน (we need a witch emoji)

  3. Geez Brooke, with the exception of Bill, you really plowed through Stephanie's family. Ridge's adopted dad Eric, Ridge's half-brother Thorne, Ridge's half brother Nick Marrone and Ridge. I liked them all for different reasons, but my absolute fav was Captain Nick followed by Bill, Eric, Thorne then Ridge,loved old more than present one. Get yourself together Brooke.

    1. You can't leave your sliding glass doors open in LA, everything comes in. So Brooke never did Massimo? I expected Nick in more of a S&M black leather belt and collar with a riding crop between his teeth. They must have waited with baited breath at family gatherings to see whom she was married to at that time. Stodgy ole grampa Ridge needs to start going by "Bluff" the ridge has worn down. <---- Those guys, No fun, Brooke- go for the funny with Deacon.

    2. If she doesn’t wake up soon, all that ego boosting will send her into a coma!! How can she get a grip, when she is so busy “getting a grip”..

    3. Taylor slept with of them too plus brook‘s son
      Brook is not the only one

    4. Bill and Ridge are so hot and sexy!

  4. Does anyone remember that Brook was also married to a goofy guy named 'Whip Jones' at one point?

    1. Yes, and so was Taylor later on. He must have told Bell, No to his stupid little reunion. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. I wondered about him myself.

  5. It was like a family reunion at the end. Where was Deacon?

  6. " How loved"??? How much used.. Brooke had a kick with Stefanie's family. What was she thinking??
    Rick and Deacon were the outsiders.
    Poor Steffy and Taylor with Thomas.

  7. They had weddings on a recurring scheduled. Brooke and someone would show up.
    Carter really could have made bank with a side hustle as officeint in the 90s.

  8. I still think Brooke and her hormone replacement treatments has one last cougar run in her.
    Look out Liam.

  9. And Paris probably needs a daddy fix. Ridge?

  10. So glad this mess is over. I can't believe this was the best they came up with for a 35 year show. Was more like a bad version of Wizard of Oz. ๐Ÿ˜‚ They should have at least added the ones the slut from the valley did outside of all her so called marriages. Lol

    1. Now, now, let's not insult Dorothy. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘  Adding the ones Brooke did outside of all her many marriages would have taken days...

  11. I was looking forward to a different episode and was disappointed that it was this one. Getting so sick of this show getting interrupted.

    1. Agree, Maddy. I thought that today's would be a real episode. Sheesh....

  12. 183 / 5.000
    Risultati della traduzione
    To celebrate 35, I would have expected something better than a mix of Brooke's lovers. It would have been better to have a program of meetings and behind-the-scenes interviews

  13. All the Brooke fans been quiet af the last 2 days lol

    1. Not true at all. I commented multiple times on the episode yesterday. Really enjoyed it! Loved seeing Brooke smile and look so beautiful again!

    2. Someone’s got a girl crush.

    3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. Unknown, oh please. Just defending my girl. No crush. You guys go on and on about how wonderful Taylor and Steffy are and I just barf. So simply defending Team Brooke, nothing more. Lol

    5. I wonder if the happy & beautiful Brooke was just a dream. Concerned next week brings back babbling Brooke to her recent miserable reality of whining & wondering why she drank bubbly ๐Ÿฅ‚ on New Years Eve with Santa ๐ŸŽ… Deacon. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    6. Unknown, I laughed at your play on words… “babbling Brooke”, that was funny. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
      But I don’t think she is going back to the dark place. Regardless of whether she and Ridge get back together or not, I think sad, melancholy Brooke is heading for an upswing. It’s time. And even though I’m a Brooke fan, it’s definitely time to bring some of the other actors back into the fold. Too many of them have been gone far too long.

  14. Love the red dress Brooke is wearing ๐ŸŒน

  15. Brooke is iconic ❤️ Never thought in the beginning that she would be the soul of this show for so many years. I remember I liked her from the moment Stephanie and Caroline were looking her with their superior judgment (although Stephanie will always be the Queen).
    I miss Nick, always hoped he'd return ❤️

  16. Was that a dream at the end? cuz i sure wish it wasnt

    1. Probably, because Brooke was not wearing the same clothes that she fell asleep in. Loved how she laid on the couch wearing her high heels. Nobody does that! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 

  17. Why are they showing this anyway so sick of Logan's always winning all the time same shit.a different day

  18. Well THAT was a waste of time..... ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ™„

    1. You got that right J.. so brook is a hoe who has married every forrester man, plus some!! And that’s not including all the flings in between, and what a waste of 35 years??

  19. Team Logan for the WIN!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    1. WINNER, and the Emmy goes to??? Brook, for most incestuous woman on daytime television!!! YAY ๐Ÿค˜

    2. Uhhhh, incestuous?? I must have missed that episode?? Sleeping with your daughter’s husband or boyfriend or whatever Deacon was to her does not constitute incest. Bad judgement yes, incest….no.

    3. She slept with 2 of her daughter Bridget's husband's, Deacon and Nick (and there's still a question as to whether RJ is really Ridge's or Nick's, if you ask me). She also had sex with her daughter Hope's boyfriend, Oliver.

      I believe Colly means that she slept through an entire family of men.

  20. I was disappointed that for the 35 year anniversary that they focused solely on brook.. and it’s not because I am not a Logan fan, it’s because this show is about a fashion dynasty, not a she who slept her way up the ladder.. yes, brook has been an integral part of the show, but so has Eric, ridge and others..

    I can’t imagine that others on the show would have been happy about it.. I think it was unfair to make the 35th anniversary all about lonely brook feeling sorry for herself and needing to boost her ego while she sleeps?? And I think B&B is not even going to make it to 36th anniversary before they get the ๐Ÿช“, if they keep going the way they are..

    They should have taken all of the iconic actors throughout the shows best moments and highlighted them in some way.. I think if they had just shown flashbacks only of all the main actors throughout the last 35 years and replayed them, like when Stephanie died for example, that was a major scene in the show.. things like that?? It was so unfair to all of the other integral actors throughout its history.. perhaps they should rename the show Brook&Bedroom??

    1. I agree Colly. Also, the trip down memory lane did not advance the story line since she was dreaming. Just reminded the viewer how all of Brooke's exes are related to each other. ๐Ÿ˜

    2. And if they r really pushing for brook to win a daytime Emmy, just add the rest of her flings, including the teenager she mistook for ridge.. that will win her one, for dumbest hoe/bimbo!!

    3. Yes, ridge is ricks step brother/stepfather, and RJ is ricks half brother/uncle and Bridget’s half sista/aunt, and Bridget is ridges step sister/step daughter and so on and so on and so on lol.. confused yet??

    4. The episode could have been done better however, I didn't mind them dedicating the episode to her. KKL is a staple on this show and she has never won an Emmy. Cannot recall her being nominated either (although I stand to be corrected here) and I think that is unfair. The other actors have all been recognized by way of their Emmy nods/wins.

      I think KKL deserved this even though the show could have done more justice to the episode. Flashbacks are always great but they should have also had flashbacks of her misdeeds so that the younger audience could have gotten a better idea of who Brooke is. It is what has made her so well known throughout the daytime industry.

  21. LOL It seems like we have been tuning in to watch ‘Brooke’s Bedroom’ serial for way too long. A soap opera is supposed to have an ensemble cast. Thanks to Brad Bell we get to be overdosed with Brooke, the woman with the massive ego (your perfect description, Colly). Brooke, a legend in her own mind. It’s hard to believe this show was recently renewed for another two years as we chronically bored viewers dwindle away.

  22. Brooke must have dreamt about future B&B plot lines, and she slipped right into a coma!

  23. Well with that much “sugar”, who wouldn’t slip into a coma!!

  24. Oh, also, if she was married to $Bill now, she would be Hopes mother AND mother in law!! And Liam’s mother in law AND step mother!! That will be down the line shortly!!

  25. Thank you for ALL of your comments for this same show shown on Thursday & Friday, give or take three minutes, Colly, they had me ROLFLMAO. Perhaps a laugh track would liven up this show of Brooke’s revolving door of lovers? ... a dozen marriages! and how many conquests she didn’t get hitched to? Even if most weddings were to the same guy, that’s abnormal, as in Narcissistic Personality Disorder ... better to laugh than cry at the absurdity of it all.

  26. Funny when bad mouthing brook comes from a hotayler fan
    How hypocritical

  27. well, Taylor could have the same dream .....

  28. So Brooke slept with Ridge Forrester, Ridges’s dad (Eric Forrester), Ridge’s two half brothers (Thorne Forrester and Nick Marone), but she also slept with her sister’s husband (Bill Spencer) and her daughter’s husband (Deacon Sharp) ๐Ÿค”

    1. Same as Taylor
      Taylor slept with more men than brook
      And slept with rick although her daughter pheobe loves him
      And steffy slept with her father in law
      So whats ur point
      No women in the shoe didn’t do cheating maybe except for hope

    2. These women could use Robert Shaw's Great line from The Sting:
      "What do you want me to do? Call him for cheating better than me?"

  29. Brook, “empty house, full mind”?? I think if her ego gets any bigger it’s going to cause her “mind” to explode!!! Or implode rather!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ brook, “oh Eric, oh Thorne, oh nick, oh bill, oh ridge, oh whip” that’s only the ones she married..oh deacon, oh Oliver, oh who else, I know there’s more, but my mind is so full I can’t remember??

    1. Grant Chambers can also be included in her dozen marriages even though it was later discovered that the sea captain who married them was fraudulent, it still counts as she used his last name, etc. ... twice to Eric, eight times to Ridge and then a majority of the other lovers you mentioned. If that doesn’t make your head spin, she did the deed with poor young Oliver, thought she did with Thomas but it was the poison berries LOL at these writers, and somewhere along the way the way there was Andy, Connor, Dante, Dave, Doug, Giovanni, Jacques, James, Pierce, Victor Newman and Whip ... now we can all sigh at the thought of this oversexed bully and all of her sexcapades. There could be a deck of cards with her face and all of her conquests ... who is up for some Old Maid?

    2. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ so, we have

      Ridge 7-8 times

      Miscellaneous lovers an accidental??
      Oliver (accidental)

      And brook fans say Taylor married and slept with and the same amount of men as brook?? ๐Ÿง

  30. It is a diversion tactic. I didn’t see Taylor in this episode yet the Brooke fans continue to bring her up. Taylor has not been onscreen nearly as long as Brooke nor are they comparable. I’d like to see a Brooke fan who acknowledges what she is and likes her because she has such a bad character which has certainly made the show more interesting (when they don’t drag the storyline on for months and months). Stephanie was right about her and Brooke continues to prove it all of these years later.
