
Monday, March 28, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th March 2022


  1. Saw the preview on Twitter from CBS, can't wait for the Steffy, Sheila showdown... 💣

    1. Somebody made a comment a while ago about how they thought Sheila may take Steffy. They brought up the fact that she may be going on maternity leave. Whenever I see all those remembering scenes I wonder if something is going to happen to somebody. They were showing a lot of Finn and Steffy with their memories. So maybe Sheila will take Steffy somewhere. I did say a while ago that maybe it would be Finn that would have to be involved with whatever happens with Sheila. I have a feeling Finn is going to be involved somehow and with any luck that will be the end of any relationship Sheila is hoping for. I said that the writers need to get rid of Sheila once and for all so I wonder if it's possible that whatever happens she will end up dead. Wondering if that happens if it will be Finn that does it. It's going to be interesting to see. The only thing is, I hope the writers don't drag it out too long.

    2. I get the feeling that Finn is the one who may end up dead. Ridge will then take her away to help her through her grief. That will take care of Ridge's absence from the show and Steffy's maternity leave.

    3. I might be right Ell?? That would make a good scenario?? Then Sheila will really lose the plot and go on a rampage..

    4. Elle, that makes sense that Sheila accidentally kills her own son while trying to do away with Steffy. It’s more tragic and been done before on other soaps. While searching for Tanner Nolan’s contract status, I found that his grandma died last month and he, too, is expecting another child in August with his wife who was also on B&B in the past. He signed his original contract in July 2020 and isn’t the standard two years? Idk but he could be leaving which would be too bad as they could have done so much more with this character.

    5. Agreed Unknown.

      I just didn't like the feel of those Finn and Steffy scenes with the flashbacks yesterday. And Steffy talking about how much Finn means to her and how he brought such joy to her life. It's like it just came out of nowhere. I immediately thought "oh no, don't tell me that Sheila is going to come after Steffy and Finn will die trying to save her."

      And with rumors buzzing about a possible Steam reunion, I felt more and more like Finn is about to leave. I certainly hope not though. I really hope that he sticks around.

  2. Steffy to Sheila, "I know what you're doing," Sheila should have replied, "Can you be more specific? I run several scams at one time." Steffy "What are you doing with my brother?" Sheila should have professed their love for each other.
    Maybe Sheila could have sent Steffy into a stress coma. (The same way Steffy looked doing it with the Mercury (or Liberty?) insurance actor. Sex has never been so boring, (I haven't seen Taylor do it-but I can bet it's just as bad.) All feigned and practiced actions. I can see Steffi and Taylor lying next to a mirror to practice what they'll look like to the camera.

    1. No way 123!!!
      You are thinking coma/ maternity cover too?
      Love you.

    2. Booklover123-did you see the look on Steffy's face when Sheila just all of a sudden started talking about Brooke? You could tell Steffy was wondering about it. It's like she was thinking, "Why is this crazy bitch bringing up Brooke?"

    3. I meant coma as in the way she looks when Finn + she are doing it. She looks like, quit "bothering," me.
      They can always kill off Sheila, but we have to keep checking to see if she's still dead. They bring people back with faked death scene ploy, etc. Right now sheila and deacon are the only thing lightening up the dreaded script of Brook So Sorry. I don't think a bunch of guys would stand there drooling over brooke with out some shoving and hopefully a melee.

    4. Tanner Nolan who plays Finn is the ‘Liberty Biberty’ guy from the 2019 commercial still shown today.

    5. Yes. I just noticed it last week on that commercial. lol

    6. Steffy dared to poke the bear just like Brooke did so she had better sign that marriage certificate so that Finn will be her legal next of kin while she’s in a coma (on maternity leave) from Sheila running her down, shooting her or whatnot.

    7. Yes, Maddy I noticed when Sheila switched gears and strategies because Steffy wasn't buying her first ploy. Sheila looked desperate at that time.

  3. Morning breath
    Brooke if you need company, try one of your other kids or sisters not a man you had sex with who is also your father in law.
    Sheesh 🙄
    Carter lol is there something going on?
    You talking to Thomas or yourself?
    Brooke looking more like Susan F/ Stefanie everyday. Must be the extending girth and midi/ maxi vests and jackets. I see a line of designer mumus in her future. Kaftans maybe?
    ...oh boy.
    Not too smart Steffy, letting Sheila know you saw them but didn't hear them.
    Sheila, a Steffy coma would extend your stay for a few months and let Stef have maternity leave.

    1. I don't get it- Brooke and Eric are friends and they are close. Not to mention he is Ridge's father. So there's nothing wrong with her calling him and seeing him. Sheesh.

    2. Why doesnt Eric have any grudge for brooke throwing him over for his sons?
      She bounces her other love problems off on him? Who would want to hear that stuff?

    3. Eric turns into a puddle around Brooke. If Ridge or anyone walked in and saw them embracing like that, would it be okay or just a tad too touchy-feely for comfort? Wouldn’t Brooke confide in Katie or Donna before an old man who is one of her exes? Most men don’t want to talk about that stuff and the writers having Eric say silly stuff like ‘destiny’ and ‘soulmate’ is too unbelievable even for a soap. It would have been more interesting for a behind the scenes look at the writers room and how come up with some of these never ending storylines for one of the 35th Anniversary episodes. Most of you posting could come up with better scripts.

  4. Great episode. Thanks Bob and I'm so happy those ads have been removed. B

  5. Oh yay. Carter and no Paris around. I like this episode. Thanks Bob.

  6. Unknown-I had video, but I still had the ads.

    1. I HATE THOSE ADS! What's going on, anyway!!

    2. Unknown, please be mindful of other posters.. there is no need for name calling.. these posters are very nice people and merely expressing that they don’t like the adds, as most others have stated, which does not mean they are ungrateful, or whatever the name your abbreviation means.. and they certainly have not been disrespectful of bob, or other posters on here..

    3. Colly is right. This Unknown doesn’t get the ads for B&B but I do for Y&R so I know what you mean but I choose to tolerate them because I am appreciative for this option. Bob has explained that this is beyond his control and he might choose to respond to J here. That was uncalled for Unknown @ 5:41 PM.

    4. Thanks. I figured it was beyond Bob's control.

  7. Compare what brooke looked like when she was in love with Deacon. No one would fight over her now. BTW has anyone seen that Brooke and Deacon in love video without the Polish Language dialog drowning them out?
    Deacon is played as the only funny sensitive sleezebag in LA.

  8. does anyone else have the show cutting in and out with pop up advertising, started a week ago

    1. Yes. All last week and now starting this week.

    2. Yes, I do and it's terrible. Bob, I don't know who you are and it doesn't matter but the favour you do for all of us fans with bringing us this show because we not able to watch it on daytime tele, is and has been wonderful. But you really have to negotiate with another provider so that the ads are cut to a minimum, otherwise you risk losing long time fans and more importantly not attracting the newer younger audience that is now needed to keep B & B and other Soaps afloat. Please take heed now!

  9. If Sheila kidnaps Steffy- it's too much plot to deal with. DOOL kept adding plot and adding until they have to let things like murders go swept under the rug and not mentioned. Dool did a really stupid kidnap ploy with chad's wife, the insufferable Kayla and steve was so bad everyone did speed-through. Steffy having her husbands kid would be a novel ploy.

  10. Yes Eric, it’s true…Brooke and Ridge are soul mates.
    And I think Brooke looks wonderful. For all you haters out there, you can only hope you look even half that good when you are 60 years old. Lol

    1. I after.KKL is still a gorgeous woman in her 60s! No one looks like they did in their 20s. I'm sure they're dressing her to match her depressed mood. Personally I find it much more realistic for people to dress comfortably while hanging out at home.

    2. Hilary, I agree. Also the fact that Steffy woke up with makeup all perfectly applied after her “wild night with Finn”, uh no!! We all know how we wake up looking the next morning after one of those nights. Hair is all knotted up and not a stitch of makeup. That’s real life. Taylor was waking up the other morning with perfectly done makeup as well. Geez I must be sleeping all wrong. Lol

    3. Hilary, and yes, no one looks like they did in their 20’s when they hit 60. Brooke is the age of The Golden Girls for goodness sake. In some ways I think Brooke looks better with age.

  11. I agree they are gonna have to write Steffy out of the script soon. Won’t be sad when wicked Sheila is off the show. How many times is she going to have that exact same conversation with Thomas ???

  12. Lynn, KKL is very beautiful for her age, and I would b grateful if I look that good at her age.. I may not b a brook fan, but I do have great respect for KKL, and she is beautiful both inside and out!!

    1. Yay, Colly. That makes me happy that you are objective. 😊

    2. U r so sweet Lynn, as much as I love to spur on the Logan fans for a bit of fun, it’s a soap, and KKL is an awesome person and a great actress.. for her to divide planet, is a testament to her abilities!!

    3. Colly, Amen to that sista! Who needs to argue about politics and red vs blue when we can argue about Brooke! Lol.

  13. Bob, thank you for being such a trooper and continuing to post every single episode for us!! It’s so appreciated and we should all know by now that the ads are not of your doing. Just happy we get to watch for free. 😊
