
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-29-22 Full episode B&B 29th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-29-22 Full episode B&B 29th March 2022


  1. I was yelling at Sheila tell her you and Thomas are getting married and there's nothing you (Steffy,) can do. Send the busy-body off out of your hair. Brooke told Ridge that kissing Deacon was the gift that keeps on giving. What-she's got the clap too? Ridge told Taylor "There are worse things than spending time with you."
    BUT he didn't say what was worse than spending time with her. Enquiring minds wanna know.

  2. Wellll.... Steffy now knows the truth, let's see what she does with this new bit of info she just overheard... 🀐

  3. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen ...

    1. Steffy Lands in a Coma & Finn is about to Die , His Adoptiv Mother comes in !!!

  4. Great show today!

    We also got classic Brooke today. There she is, laying in Eric's arms. It's just like Brooke when one relationship is on the rocks to try and cozy up to another man for comfort and consolation. Why doesn't she think it's inappropriate to be that way with Eric knowing that he has a wife and knowing that her sister is still in love with him.

    Then she tells Eric that everything was great with her and Ridge, that they would wake up together with no problems until she "did what she did." Wrong Brooke! You and Ridge were happy until Deacon came back into your lives and you decided that his relationship with your daughter was more important than your relationship with your husband. Ridge and Brooke had been at odds for months because of Deacon but Brooke had no interest in fixing it then. She just wanted things to be her way because it was her house and Ridge just had to accept it. So it's inaccurate for her to say that things were great until she kissed Deacon, because they were not.

    Ridge seems to be tired of Brooke begging him to come back to her.

    Steffy knows! Let's see what she will do with this information. I bet she will go back to confront Sheila.

    1. Ell, I think you were right with your comments yesterday.. I think something bad will happen to Finn, trying to protect steffy.. those scenes were a bit unnerving??

    2. Elle, that did not happen. Brooke was not “laying in Eric’s arms”. She sat there on the couch facing him and HE put his hand on her arm to comfort her. She was not laying on him, she was NOT even touching him. He came to her house to console her. She did not seek him out. That sounds so sexist the way you put it…like it’s all the woman’s fault (Brooke’s fault) and she should be ashamed of herself because Eric is married. Maybe if someone should be ashamed it should be Eric for being there in the first place. You seriously need to watch that scene again. It didn’t happen at all like you described it.
      And I am cracking up at Taylor’s comment to Thomas about how she and the family would supposedly stand up for Brooke over Sheila always. I don’t recall Taylor ever saying those words to Sheila. Taylor simply told Sheila she needed to stop obsessing over Brooke and she should not do anything to hurt Brooke. But no mention of “the family” choosing Brooke over Sheila. Clearly Taylor sees Brooke as her biggest threat, and she has done nothing to defend Brooke when Steffy and Thomas go on and on about how horrible Brooke is. Taylor is so two faced.

    3. Lynn, Taylor would be stupid if she told Sheila that they would defend brook over her.. you don’t say things like that to psychopaths like Sheila, that would be asking for trouble.. she did tell her not to do anything to brook at one stage, earlier..

      And she also told Sheila that regardless of her and brooks long-standing issues, that she is worried about Taylor and wants to help her get to the core issues of what causes her behaviour and that it would help brook understand her own behaviour.. I recall that when she said that, it made Sheila uneasy and Sheila changed the subject to Taylor and ridge, to which Taylor set Sheila straight and told her that she only helping ridge through his issues at the moment..

      Also, brook was the one who called Eric to come over to her home yesterday.. she told Eric she needed company because she felt alone and she can’t keep relying on hope.. I believe what Ell means, is that she should not be asking Eric, who is married to one of her nemeses to come and babysit her, and to snuggle up on the lounge the way she did.. . yes Eric was the one who urged brook into an embrace, but I think he meant a hug, not to snuggle up like that.. she is not a baby.. but regardless, I don’t think Quinn would have been happy walking in on that.. I don’t think my husband would be happy if I was snuggling up to one of my exes for comfort, even if it was my dad.. but it was a catch 22 situation where Eric did put his arms out for a hug, but not to lay on him and snuggle up like that..

    4. Colly, on my comments about what Taylor said regarding Brooke vs Sheila, I was just saying verbatim what she was telling Thomas during her discussion with him at Forrester. My thought was that she never said to Sheila what she told Thomas she said to her.
      I honestly don’t like new Taylor. She continues to be a doormat. I wish they would give her character something beyond the Mary Poppins persona. She is boring. I think the new Taylor is very pretty, but she is always so forgiving and just takes whatever scraps Ridge throws her way. It’s just pretty pathetic in my opinion.
      I agree Eric and Brooke have a very close relationship. Eric just adores her. That’s something that Quinn will just have to accept, because Eric will always come to Brooke’s aid. And while that may piss off Quinn, that’s not on Brooke. That’s on Eric for always defending Brooke. I think the blame is misplaced.
      I am not a Quinn fan and when Quinn had her secret plot in play to get Shawna and Ridge married in Vegas, that sealed Quinn’s fate as far as I was concerned. But then she has the full-on affair with Carter and tells him she loves him, and how incredibly sexy he is. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I will never be a Quinn fan. She is a low life as far as I’m concerned.

    5. Are we watching the same show? She certainly was laying in his arms. That whole thing was inappropriate and would have had a response as such from anyone walking in. Do you get that close with your father-in-law? In the episode prior watch how Eric & Brooke snuggle. He even puts his leg over a knee to get in just a little tighter. Eric is mush with Brooke. She phoned him to come over so she could boo-hoo some more to someone who always has a sympathic ear (and body LOL). Brooke deserved everything Quinn and Shauna did. Shauna truly had feelings for Ridge ... another underdeveloped character and storyline. The writers sometimes treat Ridge like a puppet who needs to be told how to think. Quinn is fabulous and it takes two, or three, to tango. Eric set that affair in motion by withholding affection and communication from Quinn. She deserves credit for being willing to walk away with no settlement or alimony; btw, where is she? Is most of the cast on some tropical island or in a dungeon laboratory or something? Budget cuts? The show has gotten weird and storylines continue to drag out. We all know the **** is about to hit the fan regarding Sheila or will we still be waiting for this in a few months?

    6. Elle- why do you think you have to make Brooke being with Eric look so bad? Give it a break. They are friends and they care about each other and there's nothing wrong with that and it's too bad that you think you have to bring something ugly into it. I'm so sick of you people trying to make Brooke look like a terrible person. She's not. Sometimes I don't think some of you people really look at things the way they really are and spin things the way you want to. And as far as Deacon goes she wasn't doing any wrong by accepting his relationship with her daughter. It wasn't like she was chasing after him or wanting him. Once again you are making something out of nothing. Unbelievable the way some of you look at things

    7. Unknown- really? So many of you need to get it through your head that Brooke and Eric are close and they are friends. She called him because she wanted to talk to him and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't understand why you people want to make something gross and ugly out of the whole situation. And I think it's wrong when you say that Brooke deserved everything that Shauna and Quinn did to her. That's crap unless you believe in people resorting to Revenge. That isn't how you handle situations in life. As far as Shauna having feelings for Ridge that came after thinking about all that money. But the way she went about trying to get him was wrong whether you want to admit it or not. You don't stoop to those kinds of levels. And you're basically saying that it's okay what they did which was not very nice and wrong but you condemned Brooke because of a kiss that everybody misunderstood or did you happen to forget the conversation that her and Bill had? That's the problem with most people they don't recall conversations and situations that led up to things happening. And then you blame Eric for Quinn cheating on him? Really?. There is no reason for somebody to cheat and there are ways of trying to work things out. And if you can't work things out you leave you don't cheat. I'm beginning to wonder about a lot of the fans morals here. A lot of you seem to think hurting people using Revenge and cheating is okay when it's not at all.Brooke and Ridge will get back together so be prepared

    8. Unknown, regarding the show from the Tuesday, 29th….there was no such embrace. The hug you are referring to was from Monday’s episode and I hadn’t seen the hug. I was referring to what happened on Tuesday’s show because that was the discussion date.
      I did go back to Monday’s episode and I will say that Eric treats Brooke like a daughter more than an ex wife. He genuinely cares for her, but I don’t see the sexual component you ladies see.
      I completely disagree that Quinn is fabulous. She is a manipulative witch. She was trying to get Ridge to leave Brooke and marry Shawna just because she had it in for Brooke. She is a total manipulator and came dangerously close to losing Eric forever due to her actions. And it’s hilarious that you defend the full blown sexual affair she had with Carter, but think Brooke’s one kiss with Deacon is the end of world. I am in complete disbelief that you don’t see the hypocrisy in that.

    9. @Lynn Look at the video again, exactly 00:41 secs in. Brooke is laying in Eric's arms. Clearly, you missed it.

      @Maddy I never said Brooke was wrong for supporting her daughter.

    10. Elle, I commented above that the “laying in Eric’s arms” didn’t happen on Tuesday. This is Tuesday’s blog, and this laying in Eric’s arms thing happened on the previous day’s episode. And I hadn’t seen all of Monday’s episode. So I was commenting on the day’s events…the show from the 29th.
      But Interesting that you timed it. Lol
      In any case, I already addressed it in my comments above. The embrace wasn’t sexual…it was simply supportive and caring. Brooke does not have her sights set on Eric, that’s for sure. And Eric still may not even be able to have sex. Lol But in any case, Eric treats Brooke like a daughter and says constantly how he recognizes that what Brooke and Ridge have is extremely special and unique.
      There’s definitely nothing going on between Eric and Brooke.
      And if Eric is having secret fantasies about Brooke, then that’s on him. Brooke isn’t scheming to start some affair with Eric, that’s for sure!!

    11. Lynn, you're reading way too much into my comment. I did not state that Brooke is scheming to start something with Eric. I said that this is her MO. Run for comfort to another man when her current relationship is in trouble. Where did I say that she was scheming to be with Eric? Sure, Eric may be like a father to her, albeit someone who she was married to, had sex with and procreated 2 children together (but whatever floats your boat, Lynn) however, do not be surprised if something happens between them because it's par for the course with Brooke.

      As for Brooke laying in Eric's arms, yes, this is the Tuesday blog with Tuesday's show, which I was commenting on. I provided the specific time stamp where Brooke was laying in Eric's arms and which I still stand by my statement that it was inappropriate. Anything else you stated about Mondays show is moot. This is Brooke's problem. She doesn't respect boundaries. She's so worried about Ridge being so close to Taylor but has no qualms about cozying up to another woman's husband. It's how she always ends up in trouble yet Brooke fans continue to support her behavior like it's no big deal.

    12. Elle, you crack me up. Go back to the top of the comments for this day’s blog. Yours is one of the first few. You stated, “Great show today….”
      That’s what started this whole “laying in Eric’s arms” commentary. Below that comment of yours, I wrote “That did not happen” in which case I was correct. The event had actually happened on the prior day’s show. And at that point I hadn’t seen all of Monday’s show. I was commenting on Tuesday’s show. And there was nothing like you described on Tuesday’s show.
      Anyway, this is a soap. And I think we are all taking these discussions about fictional characters way too seriously. Who cares really??

  5. Steffy don't go back to Sheila. She's dynamite. Stay home and enjoy your family instead.
    Brooke is going back with Ridge. I don't want to see this happen. No!


  7. Steffy your kids are being raised by nannies because you can't butt out of other people's business. Since work is a last resort, only what you do when you're faced with taking care of your own kids, they will be writing a book about you, "Mother Dearest 2" Look out! Get rid of the coat hangers.

    1. So true! Steffy’s kids are being raised by nannies or they are constantly sleeping. They make a cameo about once every 6 - 8 months on the show. Same with Hope’s kids. I wish they would show the kids more often so we could think of them as real people.

  8. So Shelia didn't think to call Thomas until Steffy had been gone long enough to make it to Forrester Creations πŸ™„πŸ™„. Soap operas πŸ˜‚. Thanks Bob πŸ‘πŸΎ

  9. I didn't think it was realistic that Thomas spilled everything during his phone call with Sheila. Sheila knows what she did. It would have been more realistic to refer to "the secret". Telling Sheila what she did to Brooke was shameful without getting into the details. That would have left Steffy with some of the pieces & made Steffy have to figure it out. Where is Douglas? Aunt Steffy is now the eavesdropper!

  10. It’s rediculous how every single time they talk on the phone , no matter who it is , the door is always ajar and they explain every little detail.. there’s no such thing as privacy or a normal conversation to leave a bit to the eavesdropper’s imagination.. it’s not it is not repeated enough, jeez.. and I think Ell was right yesterday, I think something bad is going to happen to Finn.. why would they , out of the blue, replay all their most special moments like that.. I think Sheila will try to do something to steffy and Finn will come to the rescue, to try to protect steffy, because he said it a few times yesterday, that there is nothing he wouldn’t do to protect her and the kids.. it’s a bit ominous.. the way shiela tried to play with steffy’s hair today and told her she loves her and the family?? Big 🚩there..

    1. Sheila is a psychopath for sure. She hasn’t changed in the slightest. I hope nothing happens to Finn. He is the one actual good guy in the show…and far too good for Steffy if you ask me. Steffy is way too conniving. Finn doesn’t deserve a wife like that.

    2. Lynn I hope nothing happens to Finn either, but, I think it might, the scenes yesterday were odd.. and as Ell said, JMW is going on maternity leave and TK is going on an extended break, so that would be a good way to kill 2 birds with one stone..

    3. Lynn I hope nothing happens to Finn either, but, I think it might, the scenes yesterday were odd.. and as Ell said, JMW is going on maternity leave and TK is going on an extended break, so that would be a good way to kill 2 birds with one stone..

  11. Why did Bell.put Steam music to Brookes scene?
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Steam & Bridge are The OTP , He Becomes Steffy & Liams Pair Not Dead 🀣🀣🀣
