Lame Liam sticking around the hospital. Why? And he laments to Hope about Kelly and Hayes. Maybe you should be taking care of the kids instead of a nanny. Then Hope would not have to go to the hospital with a change of clothes. Duh
JMW is pregnant we are supposed to pretend we don’t see the baby bump 😂. They are sending JMW on Mat leave so story line gives her a reason to be offscreen for a couple of months and they probably prerecorded so they mix in hospital episodes here and there until she’s back.
Steffy was with Bill once years ago and they do NOT share a child!!!
Thomas ya might not wanna badger Sheila into another shoot-em-up in the hosptal. ah never mind, go ahead. Liam and Hope, (Steffy's wife in law) wants a timeline to know when Steffy will be back on her doorstep stealing Liam. Hope can pencil in Thomas to replace Liam for that time. Taylor can't believe Thomas can ask sheila if she was involved. She hadn't considered Malibu's newest Charles Manson as the perp. Liam struggling with, 'if Steffy pulls through, he has to throw Hope over again.' Sheila's feet on the ledge looked like a men's 15 wide size.
I'm coming, Finn! Baby, I'm wearing your shoes! I got your wallet, too!
You just know that ledge was really a curb!
Also, Shelia knew Taylor wasn't far behind. Shelia is playing Taylor...
Now, Taylor may try to talk Li into letting Sheila see Finn's body. That has got to happen in order for Sheila to get away with the crime. She knows she has got to leave her DNA on his body!
Gosh Hope you are such an enabler. Can't you see Lame is doing his pity me shrugs like he is the one going through all this. Brooke should not learn forward. Her menopausal muffin top is rolling over her trousers. Have to love how she throws in the " I'm still your wife"
Well whether some people like it or not Brooke is still his wife. At least she's not going to have to feel like a piece of crap like Taylor will when she finds out she was defending and feeling sorry for Sheila.
Listen to the hints ... Liam said after this steffy/things would never be the same again.. It's either one of the two....she stays the same (changed from the old steffy)
i don't think he is talking about the way she will be i think its more geared to his feelings for her..and when he realized how close he was to actually losing her forever he realized its steffy who is his soul mate..just my opinion
Whats Going on with Liam ??? Last Friday has He Allmost say My Wife now Had He the Whole night Sit on Steffys Bedside , and The Way He Talks About Steffy !!! Want He Steffy Back as His Wife ??? This Guy is a Real Trip !!! Why Musst He Allways allmost Lost Steffy to Realized that She is the One Person without He cant Life ??? Cabo , Aspen , Aspens Death , After Aspens Death , False Marriage with Ivy , After Quinn , Spectra Thing , Etc !!!
Since he is so guilt-ridden about not remembering his and Steffy's last moments together, I believe he means that he will make it his duty to ensure that he is there for Steffy in every way that matters, especially with her losing Finn.
We have to remember that when Hope returned and Steffy caught her and Liam making out, she was the one that let Liam go and told him to be with Hope. Even when Liam wanted to talk things out, she told him no, that he should be with Hope. And after they slept together when Liam thought he saw Thomas and Hope kissing, he told Steffy that he loved her and Steffy told him that he should go back to his wife. When he did, he told his wife that he still loved Steffy. Liam's feelings for Steffy never went away. He just buried it.
The Question is Since when has Liam the Feelings For Her , Since His First Scene ??? I still belive Since He knew They are Not HalfBrother & Halfsister He wars Trapt , The kiss than After The 🛁 Has Him Changed He wars No more Liam Cooper , He wars William Liam Spencer 3 & I think Steffy is His Everything , His True Love , His Home His Soulmate , The Real Destiny & His Real True Love of His live !!!
I don’t believe u manipulated anything Ell!! What you said is exactly what happened!! So not sure what @Mmysh is talking about?? Not sure she knows what she is talking about? She may have missed some episodes perhaps??
Liam missed Steffy's definitive orders. Sometimes it's hard for 2 doormats to be together, like Liam and Hope. . What do you want to do? Well what do you want to do? gets old. Steffy's iron glove tells them what they are doing at any given time. Best line from "Raising Arizona": We'll keep robbing until we get rich or arrested. Either way we're set for life. (No more decisions we have to make.)
Mmysh- the way I see it is that Hope deserves someone better anyway. She should have someone that loves only her. Let Liam and Steffy be together. I'm sick of everybody praising Steffy or always being on her side. She's done worse than Hope has. Let Steffy be with Bill because those two deserve each other. Let Hope find someone new and let whatever happen with Liam.
$Bill asked Liam remember ? He knows Liam and Hope don’t belong together. He can see Liam isn’t really happy. Liam is with Hope only because Steffy made the decision. He was begging her to leave Finn and be a family with him and Kelly again!! That is what he wants. Liam can’t hide it from himself anymore.
Hope knows it too, he shoved her out of the way to get to Steffy at the hospital. She tried to pass it off to Brooke like it was about Kelly, denial is a lovely thing 😂
Sheila would have waited for Taylor or who,ever was going to follow her drama queen @ss. I think Sheila realizes she can throw away the shoes and just wear the box.
Now poor Thomas has the guilt of pushing Sheila to the edge. Of course he definitely can't expose her label switching in her fragile state. And Brooke can't do much about Taylor and Ridge getting so close. And the threesomes go on. Thomas you can't even get one woman. Look at Ridge and Liam and Paris and Quinn. What can you learn from them? Multitasking!
Hope seems to be a little worried about the intensity of her husband's concern for his ex-wife and mother of his child/almost mother of his children. Right about now, she's probably remembering that her husband told Steffy that he still loved her after they slept together. Just as Brooke is insecure about Taylor, Hope is also insecure about Steffy.
Of course Hope is worried about Steffy. They each steal Liam back and forth from the other. ( Liam goes with whomever he speaks to last.) Steffy will be the biggest vicious b*tch ever and steal the milktoast Liam in no time short. Steffy takes prisoners and will do it faster and harder from now on. Life is too short to be subtle.
Elle- I saw nothing as far as Hope being worried about Liam's concern for Steffy. It amazes me how some of you don't think that Hope could actually be worried about Steffy. Always making Hope out to be some kind of monster. She even stated that she was concerned and didn't want anything to happen to Steffy regardless of their past. Hope deserves better anyway so let him go to Steffy.
Hi Maddy. Where did I say that Hope was not concerned for Steffy? My comment was in relation to the exchange between Liam and Hope at the hospital. There was a moment when Liam was going on about Steffy that Hope looked to be a little perturbed. Hope has admitted in the past (to Brooke) that she feels insecure about Steffy and Liam's relationship (this was after they slept together and Liam admitted to Hope that he told Steffy that he still loved her). Even when Steffy and Liam started spending quality time together with Kelly, Hope admitted to Finn that she feels uneasy about them spending time together. So it's not that I'm making Hope out to be a monster, I'm simply reiterating that Hope has insecurities where Steffy is concerned based on her own past admissions.
Of course Hope is insecure she got pregnant with a married man and stole him from the wife he loved and their newborn daughter ! She also knows that Steffy chose, Liam didn’t choose Hope. She knows he will run back to Steffy in a heartbeat !
Thank you Bob xxxx Well Hope acting she cares about Steffy You care Liam err no Hope he is in love with her Liam no emotion towards Hope Touched her hair then stepped back Hope pulled him for a hug and he is in Steffy mode Brooke you dont care Steffy n Taylor are obstacles in your way
Taylor Thomas wake up Sheila slipped up and Taylor didnt notice it She said why did my son be there She didnt mention Steffy so police would jump on the comment she was with Steffy at the time Finn was being shot So only one person Sheila
Unknown- I said the same thing about Sheila asking why Finn was there instead of asking why they were both there. All I can say is that Taylor should feel like a piece of crap after giving Sheila the benefit if the doubt when she finds out Sheila was responsible for everything. Even more so when she remembers how angry Steffy was about talking to Sheila and inviting her to her house Christmas Eve.
Oh sheila u deserve an Oscar for pretending like you know nothing.of course she needs to know if steffy will remember anything if she wakes up..come on it's time to put an end to this.. Shelia deserve to be behind bars...but why do I have a feeling that fin is not dead..that's why li won't let sheila see him and what did she even mean when she said its time for her to take care of fin..why make a statement like that if he is dead....and liam u act like its your wife lying in the hospital bed.. Clearly shows that u will always love her regardless being with hope
Remember 2013 The memory lane goes To Aspens Death and He has Let her Down , she wars Allways There For him and Remember Cabo the Same 4 are on Steffys Side !!! ITS now Tablet Turn that the Show No more one sidet is ??? And Let #Steam Back Together & #Tridge ???
Maybe, having Jack show up at the hospital would create too much drama. After all, Li may still be angry over the secret of Jack fathering Finn with Sheila that he kept from his family for decades.
I think Jacks absence is because Finn is not dead.. I think he is by Finn’s side.. the way Li was talking, I think he is in a coma, and Li knows it was Sheila and that’s why she won’t let her see him.. I think Li is keeping it a secret so that Sheila will think he is dead and either leave, or get caught out.. Li knows Sheila wants to see Finn to make sure one, that he is really dead and two, so she can place her DNA on him so that she will be able to say that’s why her dna was on him and be ruled out..
Also, Sheila could not look more guilty when Thomas asked her that, and notice she didn’t directly say no.. she danced around it.. she is so screwed up in the head that she can blatantly lie like she is.. and she almost gave herself away today.. for a minute there, when she was on the ledge talking about how she shot him, I thought Taylor might have been standing behind her listening and heard her say it, then push her off the ledge herself..
Did anyone notice when Sheila was crying and hysterically and the last thing she said was to Taylor that she can’t help her because Finn’s gone and she’s never going to see him again, then she abruptly turns to walk away, and her facial expression changed in an instant, from balling her eyes eyes out to an almost blank expression, like a switch just flipped.. ?? Like she just turned the water works tap off.. and they didn’t pick that up?
When Sheila was crying I did not see tears! The woman is playing on sympathy and both Thomas and Taylor fell for it! She knew Taylor would follow her and "save" her. Taylor only saw her on the ledge but didn't hear anything Sheila said.
Guys, Finn is dead. Unless they recast him. The actor who played him has confirmed that he was let go from the show. He's truly dead. It is so stupid that they haven't shown jack, or any memories of Finn, or even anyone crying over his body, but we had to endure that sickening memory montage of lame and Steffi. Omg, I don't care if he and hope are together or not, but please don't do this back and forth with Steffi shit again! NO self respecting woman would keep taking this asshole back after every thing he's done! Soul matez are not real except on soaps. If Steff and lame get together again, I'll forever fast forward through their stories. I wish hope and Steffi would both tell Liam to go to hell! Really wish they had not killed Finn, but he was too nice and too perfect. People like him can't exist on this show🤣
Robyn we might be out of luck. Don't k ow what time zone Bob is in maybe he's done for the night. My time is 1 am. I'll wait up a few more minutes, then check again tomorrow (or quess later today) 😒
I wonder what's happening with Carter and is it over between them? And what were the writers thinking when they let go of Finn? This silly soap was VERY lucky to have him...BB's loss, big time...
I agree RG.. if they really did kill him off for good, which I have big doubts about that, but if they did, they are just cutting their own throats.. they leave paris on the show, who nobody at all likes, yet get rid of a fan favourite?? What the hell goes through these peoples heads, honestly, it has me baffled?? But I personally don’t think Finn is dead, despite what the actor said.. I think the writers have left the door open to bring him back if they need or want to.. the way Li was acting and things she was saying, and the inquisitive looks from Taylor and ridge, jacks absence and Li not allowing Sheila to see him.. all these things make me think they might bring him back at some stage??
Thank you Bob, I'll watch this with my morning coffee. RG & Colly , I totally agree about Finn. Maybe Jack being the biological father was notified first, got to the hospital first and whisks him away to another hospital to get him away from the madness. Just a thought.
Finn wants to play dead to get away from Steffys dictatorship, that she calls a marriage. She dictated his life to him as if he was a child, to the level it was amusing/pathetic. She tries to dictate Liam and Hopes life. Her fathers and Brookes marriage. Her mothers and fathers lives. She’s a first class shrew!! Perhaps Finn saw the opportunity to escape her, so jumped in front of the bullet, you can understand his logic, it was a better option than living a life with madam dictator (she who must be obeyed). What a horrible person she is. If Finn is alive he needs to run far and fast! Liam is perfectly happy with his sweet and considerate wife. Why would he want to go back for more of the shrew. She was ok for a drunken roll in the hay because he thought Hope had cheated. 🤣🤣🤣
Laura's- I like the fact that you speak the truth about Steffy. Nobody looks at the things that Steffy did wrong. I don't agree about Finn wanting to get away from Steffy. At least if he is still alive he will be able to see why Steffy felt as she did and didntbwant him around Sheila. I don't believe Finn is dead. People say the actor is leaving the show, but it doesn't mean they can't replace him with someone else. The things Lee has said just doesn't sound like he's really dead.
Liam ats like Steffy's husband and Hope being just a friend. Thomas asking SHeila if she is involved in the shooting, so stupid, like he imagines that Sheila will confess if she did it.. Taylor is useless. Brooke a lame person.
Omg... I can't find yesterday's episode anywhere!!!! Bob... Why are you taking the videos off so we can catch up??? You were my hero! At least put the day before on!
I just found this with all the daily written synopsis of each episode, which is better than missing out on watching it. Just until Bob gets the videos back online again. Here is Monday's episode.
This show is unbelievable!
ReplyDeleteWell if she doesn't jump I'm sure Taylor won't be so understanding when she finds out the truth.
DeleteMaddy, I think Taylor is going to push her.
DeleteLame Liam sticking around the hospital. Why?
ReplyDeleteAnd he laments to Hope about Kelly and Hayes. Maybe you should be taking care of the kids instead of a nanny. Then Hope would not have to go to the hospital with a change of clothes. Duh
Brooke also brought Ridge a change of clothes! Time to start taking shifts, so some can go home & shower, eat, & sleep...
DeleteHope is there so she can pretend her husband isn’t beside himself over Steffy who is totally in love with lol! Brooke being there is just ridiculous!
DeleteLame Liam, no relation to Steffy, living at the hospital yet her brother Thomas has time to catch up with Sheila.
ReplyDeleteAnd no granddad Eric?
they will always have a connection that is stronger than any family bond...
DeleteWhat do you mean? Thomas, Taylor and Ridge have been "living at the hospital" since Steffy has been brought in.
DeleteLiam and Steffy share a child together. Why shouldn't he be there?
@ashrpblond They definitely have a very strong connection.
I don't get it- good point, where is grandpa?
DeleteBecause Lame should be with Kelly instead of the nanny? Duh
DeleteAt what point will Steffy need a cesarian?
ReplyDeleteSteffy is not pregnant the actress is, it wasn't write a pregnancy into Steffy storyline this when the actress found out she was pregnant.
DeleteYes she is. Bill is the father.
DeleteJMW is pregnant we are supposed to pretend we don’t see the baby bump 😂. They are sending JMW on Mat leave so story line gives her a reason to be offscreen for a couple of months and they probably prerecorded so they mix in hospital episodes here and there until she’s back.
DeleteSteffy was with Bill once years ago and they do NOT share a child!!!
Thomas ya might not wanna badger Sheila into another shoot-em-up in the hosptal.
ReplyDeleteah never mind, go ahead. Liam and Hope, (Steffy's wife in law) wants a timeline to know when Steffy will be back on her doorstep stealing Liam. Hope can pencil in Thomas to replace Liam for that time. Taylor can't believe Thomas can ask sheila if she was involved. She hadn't considered Malibu's newest Charles Manson as the perp. Liam struggling with, 'if Steffy pulls through, he has to throw Hope over again.' Sheila's feet on the ledge looked like a men's 15 wide size.
Sheila on the hospital ledge was priceless.
DeleteWas hoping the writers wouldn't try to have us buy that anorexia Taylor could save her. 😆
I'm coming, Finn! Baby, I'm wearing your shoes! I got your wallet, too!
DeleteYou just know that ledge was really a curb!
Also, Shelia knew Taylor wasn't far behind. Shelia is playing Taylor...
Now, Taylor may try to talk Li into letting Sheila see Finn's body. That has got to happen in order for Sheila to get away with the crime. She knows she has got to leave her DNA on his body!
Good one Unknown! The ledge was a curb!
DeleteI found it interesting when Sheila asked why Finn was in that alley instead of asking why they were both in that alley.
DeleteGosh Hope you are such an enabler.
ReplyDeleteCan't you see Lame is doing his pity me shrugs like he is the one going through all this.
Brooke should not learn forward. Her menopausal muffin top is rolling over her trousers. Have to love how she throws in the " I'm still your wife"
Give thanks that Brooke was able to say "I'm still your wife" without tears coming out of only one 👁️ ! 😂
DeleteWell whether some people like it or not Brooke is still his wife. At least she's not going to have to feel like a piece of crap like Taylor will when she finds out she was defending and feeling sorry for Sheila.
DeleteListen to the hints ...
ReplyDeleteLiam said after this steffy/things would never be the same again..
It's either one of the two....she stays the same (changed from the old steffy)
Or ...she becomes worse (ruthless) than before.
Liam fantasizing about 2 women and 4 kids. He is really a polygamist at heart.
Deletei don't think he is talking about the way she will be i think its more geared to his feelings for her..and when he realized how close he was to actually losing her forever he realized its steffy who is his soul mate..just my opinion
DeleteWhats Going on with Liam ???
DeleteLast Friday has He Allmost say My Wife now Had He the Whole night Sit on Steffys Bedside , and The Way He Talks About Steffy !!!
Want He Steffy Back as His Wife ???
This Guy is a Real Trip !!!
Why Musst He Allways allmost Lost Steffy to Realized that She is the One Person without He cant Life ???
Cabo , Aspen , Aspens Death , After Aspens Death , False Marriage with Ivy , After Quinn , Spectra Thing , Etc !!!
Since he is so guilt-ridden about not remembering his and Steffy's last moments together, I believe he means that he will make it his duty to ensure that he is there for Steffy in every way that matters, especially with her losing Finn.
DeleteWe have to remember that when Hope returned and Steffy caught her and Liam making out, she was the one that let Liam go and told him to be with Hope. Even when Liam wanted to talk things out, she told him no, that he should be with Hope. And after they slept together when Liam thought he saw Thomas and Hope kissing, he told Steffy that he loved her and Steffy told him that he should go back to his wife. When he did, he told his wife that he still loved Steffy. Liam's feelings for Steffy never went away. He just buried it.
The Question is Since when has Liam the Feelings For Her , Since His First Scene ???
DeleteI still belive Since He knew They are Not HalfBrother & Halfsister He wars Trapt , The kiss than After The 🛁 Has Him Changed He wars No more Liam Cooper , He wars William Liam Spencer 3 & I think Steffy is His Everything , His True Love , His Home His Soulmate , The Real Destiny & His Real True Love of His live !!!
Luisa 😂😂😂😂
Delete😂😂😂 Elle funny when steffy‘s fans manipulate the what happened i guess they lernt from steffy herself
Delete@Mmysh What exactly did I manipulate? Please, let's hear your version.
DeleteI don’t believe u manipulated anything Ell!! What you said is exactly what happened!! So not sure what @Mmysh is talking about?? Not sure she knows what she is talking about? She may have missed some episodes perhaps??
DeleteLiam missed Steffy's definitive orders. Sometimes it's hard for 2 doormats to be together, like Liam and Hope. . What do you want to do? Well what do you want to do? gets old. Steffy's iron glove tells them what they are doing at any given time. Best line from "Raising Arizona": We'll keep robbing until we get rich or arrested. Either way we're set for life.
Delete(No more decisions we have to make.)
Mmysh- the way I see it is that Hope deserves someone better anyway. She should have someone that loves only her. Let Liam and Steffy be together. I'm sick of everybody praising Steffy or always being on her side. She's done worse than Hope has. Let Steffy be with Bill because those two deserve each other. Let Hope find someone new and let whatever happen with Liam.
Delete$Bill asked Liam remember ? He knows Liam and Hope don’t belong together. He can see Liam isn’t really happy. Liam is with Hope only because Steffy made the decision. He was begging her to leave Finn and be a family with him and Kelly again!! That is what he wants. Liam can’t hide it from himself anymore.
DeleteHope knows it too, he shoved her out of the way to get to Steffy at the hospital. She tried to pass it off to Brooke like it was about Kelly, denial is a lovely thing 😂
Go Sheila Go!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn Taylor
You ruined it!
Sheila would have waited for Taylor or who,ever was going to follow her drama queen @ss. I think Sheila realizes she can throw away the shoes and just wear the box.
DeleteNow poor Thomas has the guilt of pushing Sheila to the edge. Of course he definitely can't expose her label switching in her fragile state. And Brooke can't do much about Taylor and Ridge getting so close.
ReplyDeleteAnd the threesomes go on.
Thomas you can't even get one woman.
Look at Ridge and Liam and Paris and Quinn. What can you learn from them? Multitasking!
Sheila is unbelievable. 🙄
ReplyDeleteHope seems to be a little worried about the intensity of her husband's concern for his ex-wife and mother of his child/almost mother of his children. Right about now, she's probably remembering that her husband told Steffy that he still loved her after they slept together. Just as Brooke is insecure about Taylor, Hope is also insecure about Steffy.
Of course Hope is worried about Steffy. They each steal Liam back and forth from the other. ( Liam goes with whomever he speaks to last.) Steffy will be the biggest vicious b*tch ever and steal the milktoast Liam in no time short. Steffy takes prisoners and will do it faster and harder from now on. Life is too short to be subtle.
DeleteOh please. Who steals better than Hope?! Her mother taught her well!
DeleteElle- I saw nothing as far as Hope being worried about Liam's concern for Steffy. It amazes me how some of you don't think that Hope could actually be worried about Steffy. Always making Hope out to be some kind of monster. She even stated that she was concerned and didn't want anything to happen to Steffy regardless of their past. Hope deserves better anyway so let him go to Steffy.
DeleteHi Maddy. Where did I say that Hope was not concerned for Steffy? My comment was in relation to the exchange between Liam and Hope at the hospital. There was a moment when Liam was going on about Steffy that Hope looked to be a little perturbed. Hope has admitted in the past (to Brooke) that she feels insecure about Steffy and Liam's relationship (this was after they slept together and Liam admitted to Hope that he told Steffy that he still loved her). Even when Steffy and Liam started spending quality time together with Kelly, Hope admitted to Finn that she feels uneasy about them spending time together. So it's not that I'm making Hope out to be a monster, I'm simply reiterating that Hope has insecurities where Steffy is concerned based on her own past admissions.
DeleteOf course Hope is insecure she got pregnant with a married man and stole him from the wife he loved and their newborn daughter ! She also knows that Steffy chose, Liam didn’t choose Hope. She knows he will run back to Steffy in a heartbeat !
DeleteBob—- sending you lots of thanks from Finland!
ReplyDeleteHey Finland
DeleteAlmost welcome to NATO
Thank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteWell Hope acting she cares about Steffy
You care Liam err no Hope he is in love with her
Liam no emotion towards Hope
Touched her hair then stepped back
Hope pulled him for a hug and he is in Steffy mode
Brooke you dont care Steffy n Taylor are obstacles in your way
DeleteYour very giggly today Mmysh?? Has the tickle monster got to you??
DeleteUnknown- but Brooke couldn't be an obstacle in Taylor,Steffy's, or Thomas' way like she has been along to them? Give me a break.
DeleteTY so much Bob!
ReplyDeleteThe show today was unbelievable!! You are making me see it all the way from Italy!!
Thanks again and again!
Taylor Thomas wake up Sheila slipped up and Taylor didnt notice it
ReplyDeleteShe said why did my son be there She didnt mention Steffy so police would jump on the comment she was with Steffy at the time Finn was being shot
So only one person Sheila
Right Sheila knew too much, and almost gave away where she was.
DeleteUnknown- I said the same thing about Sheila asking why Finn was there instead of asking why they were both there. All I can say is that Taylor should feel like a piece of crap after giving Sheila the benefit if the doubt when she finds out Sheila was responsible for everything. Even more so when she remembers how angry Steffy was about talking to Sheila and inviting her to her house Christmas Eve.
DeleteOh sheila u deserve an Oscar for pretending like you know nothing.of course she needs to know if steffy will remember anything if she wakes up..come on it's time to put an end to this.. Shelia deserve to be behind bars...but why do I have a feeling that fin is not dead..that's why li won't let sheila see him and what did she even mean when she said its time for her to take care of fin..why make a statement like that if he is dead....and liam u act like its your wife lying in the hospital bed.. Clearly shows that u will always love her regardless being with hope
ReplyDeleteRemember 2013 The memory lane goes To Aspens Death and He has Let her Down , she wars Allways There For him and Remember Cabo the Same 4 are on Steffys Side !!!
DeleteITS now Tablet Turn that the Show No more one sidet is ???
And Let #Steam Back Together & #Tridge ???
Finn is one and only man from Steffy
DeleteLi said several times she would take care of Finn. She wanted to make Sheila jealous thinking about Li kissing Finn on the lips like Sheila wants to.
DeleteLi's side eye at Sheila looks like she knows the only one that makes sense is Sheila, and Sheila's (((shudder))) weirdo perverted kissing of son.
ReplyDeleteWhere the heck is Jack? Shouldn't Finn's dad have made an appearance by now?
ReplyDeleteSheila tied Jack up somewhere, and no one cares where he is.
DeleteMaybe, having Jack show up at the hospital would create too much drama. After all, Li may still be angry over the secret of Jack fathering Finn with Sheila that he kept from his family for decades.
Deleteoh lordy who writes this, i agree w Ren Chen above where is Jack. this is all stupid, only good thing is Bob thank you for this!
ReplyDeleteI think Jacks absence is because Finn is not dead.. I think he is by Finn’s side.. the way Li was talking, I think he is in a coma, and Li knows it was Sheila and that’s why she won’t let her see him.. I think Li is keeping it a secret so that Sheila will think he is dead and either leave, or get caught out.. Li knows Sheila wants to see Finn to make sure one, that he is really dead and two, so she can place her DNA on him so that she will be able to say that’s why her dna was on him and be ruled out..
ReplyDeleteAlso, Sheila could not look more guilty when Thomas asked her that, and notice she didn’t directly say no.. she danced around it.. she is so screwed up in the head that she can blatantly lie like she is.. and she almost gave herself away today.. for a minute there, when she was on the ledge talking about how she shot him, I thought Taylor might have been standing behind her listening and heard her say it, then push her off the ledge herself..
Did anyone notice when Sheila was crying and hysterically and the last thing she said was to Taylor that she can’t help her because Finn’s gone and she’s never going to see him again, then she abruptly turns to walk away, and her facial expression changed in an instant, from balling her eyes eyes out to an almost blank expression, like a switch just flipped.. ?? Like she just turned the water works tap off.. and they didn’t pick that up?
ReplyDeleteWhen Sheila was crying I did not see tears!
DeleteThe woman is playing on sympathy and both Thomas and Taylor fell for it!
She knew Taylor would follow her and "save" her.
Taylor only saw her on the ledge but didn't hear anything Sheila said.
The comment where Liam is fantasizing about having 2 wives and maybe 4 kids sounds like the start of a "Sister Wives" spinoff.
ReplyDeleteGuys, Finn is dead. Unless they recast him. The actor who played him has confirmed that he was let go from the show. He's truly dead. It is so stupid that they haven't shown jack, or any memories of Finn, or even anyone crying over his body, but we had to endure that sickening memory montage of lame and Steffi. Omg, I don't care if he and hope are together or not, but please don't do this back and forth with Steffi shit again! NO self respecting woman would keep taking this asshole back after every thing he's done! Soul matez are not real except on soaps. If Steff and lame get together again, I'll forever fast forward through their stories. I wish hope and Steffi would both tell Liam to go to hell! Really wish they had not killed Finn, but he was too nice and too perfect. People like him can't exist on this show🤣
ReplyDeleteHilary- maybe someone else will be playing Finn.
DeleteRobyn we might be out of luck. Don't k ow what time zone Bob is in maybe he's done for the night. My time is 1 am. I'll wait up a few more minutes, then check again tomorrow (or quess later today) 😒
ReplyDeleteI wonder what's happening with Carter and is it over between them? And what were the writers thinking when they let go of Finn? This silly soap was VERY lucky to have him...BB's loss, big time...
ReplyDeleteI agree RG.. if they really did kill him off for good, which I have big doubts about that, but if they did, they are just cutting their own throats.. they leave paris on the show, who nobody at all likes, yet get rid of a fan favourite?? What the hell goes through these peoples heads, honestly, it has me baffled?? But I personally don’t think Finn is dead, despite what the actor said.. I think the writers have left the door open to bring him back if they need or want to.. the way Li was acting and things she was saying, and the inquisitive looks from Taylor and ridge, jacks absence and Li not allowing Sheila to see him.. all these things make me think they might bring him back at some stage??
DeleteThank you Bob from South Africa. Very happy now to catch up
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob, I'll watch this with my morning coffee. RG & Colly , I totally agree about Finn. Maybe Jack being the biological father was notified first, got to the hospital first and whisks him away to another hospital to get him away from the madness. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteThanks a mil Bob for getting video back on.
ReplyDeleteFinn wants to play dead to get away from Steffys dictatorship, that she calls a marriage.
DeleteShe dictated his life to him as if he was a child, to the level it was amusing/pathetic.
She tries to dictate Liam and Hopes life. Her fathers and Brookes marriage. Her mothers and fathers lives. She’s a first class shrew!!
Perhaps Finn saw the opportunity to escape her, so jumped in front of the bullet, you can understand his logic, it was a better option than living a life with madam dictator (she who must be obeyed). What a horrible person she is.
If Finn is alive he needs to run far and fast!
Liam is perfectly happy with his sweet and considerate wife. Why would he want to go back for more of the shrew. She was ok for a drunken roll in the hay because he thought Hope had cheated. 🤣🤣🤣
Laura's- I like the fact that you speak the truth about Steffy. Nobody looks at the things that Steffy did wrong. I don't agree about Finn wanting to get away from Steffy. At least if he is still alive he will be able to see why Steffy felt as she did and didntbwant him around Sheila. I don't believe Finn is dead. People say the actor is leaving the show, but it doesn't mean they can't replace him with someone else. The things Lee has said just doesn't sound like he's really dead.
DeleteLiam ats like Steffy's husband and Hope being just a friend.
ReplyDeleteThomas asking SHeila if she is involved in the shooting, so stupid, like he imagines that Sheila will confess if she did it..
Taylor is useless. Brooke a lame person.
Why did they take the video off?? I missed yesterday's!!! 😡
ReplyDeleteIt’s already gone
ReplyDeleteI used to be able to pick any episode I missed to watch. Why the change????
DeleteOmg... I can't find yesterday's episode anywhere!!!! Bob... Why are you taking the videos off so we can catch up??? You were my hero! At least put the day before on!
ReplyDeleteBob doesn't take the video off. They get taken down because they get tag for copyright as the show is owned by CBS.
DeleteChill girls.
DeleteOh my, no life?
Slow down your day drinking and take up yoga or meditation.
I just found this with all the daily written synopsis of each episode, which is better than missing out on watching it. Just until Bob gets the videos back online again. Here is Monday's episode.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Bob please upload thank you
DeleteIt isnt Bob its the copywright on the music in the show
ReplyDeleteIf bob was to stick something like an advert may work xxx
Thanks Bob for fixing issue, you're a star, never fails to solve the problem. Thanks a mil
ReplyDeleteShe is like female jason? Always survive
ReplyDeleteOh no here we go again, more kids for Hope to adopt... Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd couldn't the wind just push creepy Sheila off that ledge.
Lmao. Funny. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
DeleteLol because she is NEVER with the ones she has lol she sends them to Donna or steals Steffy’s Nanny lol!
DeleteHope is such a fake. She never cared about Steffy she was always jealous that Steffy was everything she wanted to be and never was.