Well Valentina, I guess when Li shows up, we will know. The point however, is that Taylor has been in constant communication with Sheila and knows about her desire to be a part of Finn's life. It's quite obvious that Taylor would think about Sheila first than the adoptive parents who she never sees or communicates with or possibly, has never met.
The lady in the commercial for solar panels lined up perfectly with the dramatics of the show. You could read Sheila's face when she found out Steffy wasn't dead, and she would have to go finish the job at the hospital. One good point: Brooke has a new obsession besides why she drank, "Ridge and my special connection" (snore sound here.)
Booklover she can’t pull the plug cause she is not on life support and tubed.. if theres a bend or there is a kink in a line, the machines beep to tell them it’s not flowing properly.. but she could wack the dose up of opiate pain meds she is getting through the IV to cause an overdose, or get an empty syringe and fill it with air and inject it directly into a main artery, send it into her blood stream, or the classic soap way, suffocate her with a pillow..
@idont get it, I worked in our Department of Defence, in our directorate of Honours and Awards, but I didn’t do the medal entitlements role as I started in our policy and ministerial division for 12 years, writing ministerial correspondence on behalf of our ministers and our government prime minister and cabinets office, as well as parliamentary question on notices, and policy and regulations.. it was a very very stressful job working extremely long hours and had to meet stringent deadlines and dealing with politicians was not exactly fun, and I ended up burning out and retired on medical grounds..
After I got very sick, I then studied biology and became a naturopath.. I have suffered some very serious health issues and almost died 3 times now.. I have been in a coma twice now, and really by the laws of physics should not be here.. but I have 2 children, and I was not going anywhere.. so as you can imagine, I can really relate to this story line on all levels and all perspectives.. but I try to make light of it because it’s a soap, and I make jokes about it for a bit of fun and to rev up the brooklovers fans.. I don’t normally talk about it, and here I am splashing all over this forum, but I think it’s nice to get to know people on forums that you regularly visit.. so that’s me in a nutshell 🤣🤣
Thanks Bob OK i can see this a comin, Sheila plays a victim and no one knows for awhile, but shes going to have to keep an eye on Steffy to kill her, but how is she going to hang at hosp for long. hmmm
She will dress up as a nurse or put on a doctors jacket and a mask so no one will know it’s her and sneak into steffy’s room or the the morgue to see finn
It is so sad that finn is gone from the show, he will be deeply miss by so many viewer's and there will never be no other man that will truly love steffy like he has.
Ridge seems oddly unaffected by this whole thing. And Thomas acts more like a lover who is distraught beyond words. Lol Hey writers….why are you trying to portray Brooke as this clairvoyant individual? It’s ridiculous.
She does have very good instincts for sure. I’m a big Brooke fan. I just don’t like that the writers have tried to make her look like a psychic….Recently with feeling like there was some outside force behind her drinking on New Years and now this shooting incident. She could just sense something was wrong cuz the universe told her. Maybe I’m being too cynical but it just seems like bad script writing. I’m always team Brooke though! 😊
Lynn, why is it, that if Taylor is made to look like she is not normal, she is bagged out by the brooklovers as being made to look needy, and naive etc, but when brook is acting like a needy baby and is communicating with the universe about outside forces and connections etc, it’s put down to bad script writing??
Colly, there is much more to Brooke’s character than her “psychic abilities.” Her character has depth. She shows the whole range of emotions….happy, sad, angry, scared, etc . I think Brooke is a badass. But not in an obnoxious way like Steffy. I will say….I did like that Steffy defended Brooke before Sheila shot her. But that doesn’t even come close to making up for all the negativity that Steffy spewed about Brooke over the last few months. Up until the last 2 episodes they have made Taylor very one dimensional. She is always Mary Sunshine no matter what. That is not teal life. People have emotions - all kinds of them. I will say that I was much more impressed with Taylor in the past 2 days episodes. Her anguish was well acted. And her character finally expressed something other than the constant, unending Mary Sunshine demeanor. It was actually refreshing to see her exhibit sadness. So that’s the answer…..Taylor needs to have more realistic emotions / reactions to what life throws her way. Then I will like her character better.
Uuuugh!! My skin is crawling!!! Nevermind Li & Jack but the fact that Taylor is hugging and comforting her daughter's shooter really creeps me out!! By the way it's my first watching in weeks and now I feel like not watching again since there are gonna drag this for God knows how long...So depressing!!
I hear ya! But, you know you've got to see this through. We know Steffy will awaken. What is Sheila's future? Will she go on the run? Will Steffy not have her memory when / if she wakes up soon enough? There are so many scenarios.
Taylor hugging Sheila needed to happen for dramatic effect when Sheila is finally revealed to be the shooter. Maybe then Taylor will realize that Sheila is incapable of change.
Elle, nope. Taylor is about as naive and as a 15 year old girl. Too clueless to realize anything. Remember she is not afraid of unicorns though!! I think she should be blonde because she could play the “dumb blonde” perfectly!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Lynn, nothing is wrong with wanting to believe that people can change for the better. Despite Taylor's feelings about Brooke's inability to remain faithful to Ridge, she did think that Brooke was capable of change, which was why she offered to help her. Maybe she was just as naive in thinking that Brooke could change as she was in thinking that Sheila could change.
I guess Brooke was naive in believing that Deacon had changed too. To the point where she defied her own husband in favor of Deacon. Look where that has gotten her.
I know you are all lovin' on Deacon, thinking he's the bad boy gone good with great pecks. But over on Y&R they are bringing up his past, every day, re his shananagins with Diane Jenkins, who is alive and living in LA too. Coincidental?
Elle, you are right, there is nothing wrong with being optimistic. But Sheila has shot people and has been a complete nut job since day 1. That’s should cause a psychiatrist to take pause. And what Brooke did with Deacon while drunk doesn’t even come close to the heinous crimes Sheila has committed. The two women are not comparable and neither is their history.
That restaurant surely has surveillance cameras and there's the worker who saw Sheila and Stuffy. Also, where's the police. A crime was committed and a killer is on the loose so there should be a cop guarding Steffys room. Lol...only in soap land. And a trained psychiatrist could have seen right through Sheila.
Taylor “the world renowned psychiatrist” has zero instincts. They should have have made her some fashion executive instead. Worst psychiatrist ever!!! Lol
Taylor “the world renowned psychiatrist” has zero instincts. They should have have made her some fashion executive instead. Worst psychiatrist ever!!! Lol
The police thinks it was a robbery so they will not be inclined to have Steffy guarded unless they come across evidence that the shooter purposely targeted Steffy.
What if Steffy got pregnant on their final romantic evening... It would her first pregnancy that wouldn't need a paternity test; however, it would be heartbreaking to think of the child never getting to meet his/her Dad. Sadly, baby Hayes will have no memory of his father.
If she did get pregnant, the foetus will be too small to survive the blood loss Steffy would have suffered. Her body is also in a weakened state and not getting the nourishment the baby needs to grow.
Also, when the body has a major trauma and goes into shock, it actually does that on purpose, because it needs to shut down any other functions of the body that does not need to be operating at the time, so that it can focus solely on trying to keep you alive.. for example it will shut down your digestive tract and urinary tract , etc and release a lot of adrenalin into the bloodstream, which goes to anywhere that’s needed.. so supporting a foetus would not be a priority, as the body will only priorities itself when you are dying..
You know when you hear them talking about what they have given the atient, as in 250cc, that is Adrenalin that they are giving, to keep the person alive and try to stabilise them..
The look on Liam's face when Deacon told them that Steffy and Finn was shot. He was about ready to hightail it outta there.
So Brooke barges into the cabin while Hope and Liam are ripping each other's clothes off and rather than give them their privacy, she starts babbling about Ridge and their supposed telekinetic connection?
Taylor is too kind and accommodating for her own good. It seems Thomas may be suspicious of Sheila apologizing to Taylor.
Ell, like brook cares that her daughter needs some time to herself and needs a quickie to release all the tension from the mind numbing crap that brook has put on her, and babysitting mommy 24/7.. and she says r u sure?? Yes brook, come in and tell us the same crap you just told us ten minutes ago.. they barely got back to the cabin before she hightailed it down there..
That’s right unknown, With her gut talking to her about outside forces and now Obi 1 Knobi is telling her something bad has happened?? And brook fans say taylor is the nut job? Ps.. brook, earth Vader says hi 👋
Also the brook lovers bash Taylor so much to take the focus off of brooks insanity and immoral behaviour.. just because Taylor cares about others, and wants to believe in the goodness of others doesn’t make her a ditz..
a ditz is an adult who is more needy than a toddler, can’t see past her own reflection, needs to boost her ego in her own mind and while she sleeps and communicates with some kinds of outside forces??
I don’t get too Rev’d up on this blog. This is the calm version Lynn on this blog. Discuss politics with me and I go into full blown REV mode!! I’m pretty easy going with these comments.
@ Unknown @ 7:21 pm. You are hilarious! That is soooooooo pot calling the kettle black! How many 100’s of times do we Brooke fans have to listen to you Brooke bashers talking about “The Slut from the valley”, the daytime soap “Whore”, among other things! If you’re gonna have a point, at least try not to be completely hypocritical!
@ Unknown @ 7:21 pm. You are hilarious! That is soooooooo pot calling the kettle black! How many 100’s of times do we Brooke fans have to listen to you Brooke bashers talking about “The Slut from the valley”, the daytime soap “Whore”, among other things! If you’re gonna have a point, at least try not to be completely hypocritical!
Ok, Lynn, more like sparring, like the those silly people who wear space suits and pretend to sword fight with those things that look like stick with a bowl around their hands.. what do they call it?? Oh, fencing.. I like fencing with you, but do not even mention the word politics please, I will go into rage then meltdown!!
Colly, me too. I have stayed away from those controversial posts for about a year now. I don’t want to know your political affiliation. It’s none of my business. But it would be interesting to see if the Brooke lovers vs the Steffy lovers are aligned politically as well. Wouldn’t that be funny!??!! I think I’m gonna take a hiatus from this B&B blog for a while. Takes too much time. I work full plus time and have a busy life, but this blog pulls me in. Lol Besides a lot of my Brooke loving buddies have been MIA lately. So you ladies can sing Taylor’s and Steffy’s praises all day long without me arguing with you. Take good care! 😊 I think Elle will miss me the most. She loved the gang up on Lynn sessions. 😂😂😁😁
Oh I will miss u Lynn!! We are not ganging up on you love, but you are right, all the other brook fans are MIA?? Especially maddy??take care Lynn, hope u come back soon love!! 😊😊
I do really like Tanner Novlan in the cast of Finn. I already miss him so much. Please producer Bell bring him back. Maybe not as Finn but someone his double siblings that's Steffi would search to reach him,wondering it's just Finn.Tanner could play a CEO of the another fashion company
And, why is it that Taylor is criticised when she is grieving her son in law and her daughter is fighting for her life for defending brook, and no brooklovers have even said anything about how grateful they are that steffy did the right thing or how sad it is she is fighting for her life for defending brook?
Or maybe, it’s that, with brooks super power of the mind, she has also been able to mind bend her fans, just like she has with all the men in her life, so they can see no others??
I have to laugh at some of these comments. It's a soap, don't get so serious, I won't say who I'm I'm talking about but love the blog. Thanks Bob, cheers.
Taylor needs to go! I can't tolerate her baby talk and childish behavior. Good grief she is in her what 50's? acts as if she is some 13 yr old. The show is so much better without childish Taylor.
Do Finn & Steffy have their life insurance policies thru "Liberty Bibberty Mutual Insurance?" Does Steffy still get to collect on Finn's life insurance policy if their marriage certificate was never officially recorded at the courthouse? I'm so confused.
I assume TK is Ridge. But I don’t know the characters real life names like you guys do. He is not on leave yet. So let’s see what happens in the next 30 days.
Taylor first thought was about Sheila, and no mention about Jack and Lee, the parents that raised Finn?
ReplyDeleteHas Taylor even met Jack and Li? She has been in constant communication with Sheila as opposed to no communication with Finn's adoptive parents.
DeleteI thought the same
DeleteElle, yeah. I guess that the absentee mother, now turned into saviour of galaxies, has never met her daughter's in laws
DeleteWell Valentina, I guess when Li shows up, we will know. The point however, is that Taylor has been in constant communication with Sheila and knows about her desire to be a part of Finn's life. It's quite obvious that Taylor would think about Sheila first than the adoptive parents who she never sees or communicates with or possibly, has never met.
The lady in the commercial for solar panels lined up perfectly with the dramatics of the show. You could read Sheila's face when she found out Steffy wasn't dead, and she would have to go finish the job at the hospital. One good point: Brooke has a new obsession besides why she drank, "Ridge and my special connection" (snore sound here.)
ReplyDeleteSheila could so easily bend or kink a tube going into Steffy or pull the plug all together.
DeleteBooklover she can’t pull the plug cause she is not on life support and tubed.. if theres a bend or there is a kink in a line, the machines beep to tell them it’s not flowing properly.. but she could wack the dose up of opiate pain meds she is getting through the IV to cause an overdose, or get an empty syringe and fill it with air and inject it directly into a main artery, send it into her blood stream, or the classic soap way, suffocate her with a pillow..
DeleteThe pillow, while fun for Sheila is a big movement, could be seen. She needs to do small subtle moves to get away with it.
DeleteColly you seem quite knowledgeable. What's your backstory? 😉
Delete@idont get it, I worked in our Department of Defence, in our directorate of Honours and Awards, but I didn’t do the medal entitlements role as I started in our policy and ministerial division for 12 years, writing ministerial correspondence on behalf of our ministers and our government prime minister and cabinets office, as well as parliamentary question on notices, and policy and regulations.. it was a very very stressful job working extremely long hours and had to meet stringent deadlines and dealing with politicians was not exactly fun, and I ended up burning out and retired on medical grounds..
DeleteAfter I got very sick, I then studied biology and became a naturopath.. I have suffered some very serious health issues and almost died 3 times now.. I have been in a coma twice now, and really by the laws of physics should not be here.. but I have 2 children, and I was not going anywhere.. so as you can imagine, I can really relate to this story line on all levels and all perspectives.. but I try to make light of it because it’s a soap, and I make jokes about it for a bit of fun and to rev up the brooklovers fans.. I don’t normally talk about it, and here I am splashing all over this forum, but I think it’s nice to get to know people on forums that you regularly visit.. so that’s me in a nutshell 🤣🤣
Taylor really? You mention Sheila first.
ReplyDeleteNot Li or Jack.
Not Kelly or Hayes.
Not Eric.
Thanks Bob OK i can see this a comin, Sheila plays a victim and no one knows for awhile, but shes going to have to keep an eye on Steffy to kill her, but how is she going to hang at hosp for long. hmmm
ReplyDeleteSheila has skills. Now, if you're an OG, that's not a surprise. LOL
DeleteShe will dress up as a nurse or put on a doctors jacket and a mask so no one will know it’s her and sneak into steffy’s room or the the morgue to see finn
DeleteIt is so sad that finn is gone from the show, he will be deeply miss by so many viewer's and there will never be no other man that will truly love steffy like he has.
ReplyDeleteTotally!! And all of this is just to bring back the never ending triangle!
DeleteAgreed...I'm starting to lose interest in the show. It won't be the same without Finn!
DeleteRidge seems oddly unaffected by this whole thing. And Thomas acts more like a lover who is distraught beyond words. Lol
ReplyDeleteHey writers….why are you trying to portray Brooke as this clairvoyant individual? It’s ridiculous.
Actually, Brooke is always wright. But no one listen to her.
DeleteShe does have very good instincts for sure. I’m a big Brooke fan. I just don’t like that the writers have tried to make her look like a psychic….Recently with feeling like there was some outside force behind her drinking on New Years and now this shooting incident. She could just sense something was wrong cuz the universe told her. Maybe I’m being too cynical but it just seems like bad script writing.
DeleteI’m always team Brooke though! 😊
Yes, she does have good instincts, she can smell a married man from a mile away lol
DeleteLynn, why is it, that if Taylor is made to look like she is not normal, she is bagged out by the brooklovers as being made to look needy, and naive etc, but when brook is acting like a needy baby and is communicating with the universe about outside forces and connections etc, it’s put down to bad script writing??
DeleteGo on with ya bad self, Colly. Brava!
DeleteColly. 👃a 🤵 man a mile away!
DeletePriceless. 😂😂😂
Colly, there is much more to Brooke’s character than her “psychic abilities.” Her character has depth. She shows the whole range of emotions….happy, sad, angry, scared, etc . I think Brooke is a badass. But not in an obnoxious way like Steffy.
DeleteI will say….I did like that Steffy defended Brooke before Sheila shot her. But that doesn’t even come close to making up for all the negativity that Steffy spewed about Brooke over the last few months.
Up until the last 2 episodes they have made Taylor very one dimensional. She is always Mary Sunshine no matter what. That is not teal life. People have emotions - all kinds of them.
I will say that I was much more impressed with Taylor in the past 2 days episodes. Her anguish was well acted. And her character finally expressed something other than the constant, unending Mary Sunshine demeanor.
It was actually refreshing to see her exhibit sadness.
So that’s the answer…..Taylor needs to have more realistic emotions / reactions to what life throws her way. Then I will like her character better.
ReplyDeleteIf I am not mistakened, didn't it used to be one hour a long long time ago?
DeleteYes it was and it was a much better show than. They should return to an hour
DeleteUuuugh!! My skin is crawling!!! Nevermind Li & Jack but the fact that Taylor is hugging and comforting her daughter's shooter really creeps me out!! By the way it's my first watching in weeks and now I feel like not watching again since there are gonna drag this for God knows how long...So depressing!!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya! But, you know you've got to see this through. We know Steffy will awaken. What is Sheila's future? Will she go on the run? Will Steffy not have her memory when / if she wakes up soon enough? There are so many scenarios.
DeleteTaylor hugging Sheila needed to happen for dramatic effect when Sheila is finally revealed to be the shooter. Maybe then Taylor will realize that Sheila is incapable of change.
DeleteElle, nope. Taylor is about as naive and as a 15 year old girl. Too clueless to realize anything. Remember she is not afraid of unicorns though!! I think she should be blonde because she could play the “dumb blonde” perfectly!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Delete@Lynn, blond is not a hair color, it's a condition, and Taylor has it.
DeleteShe may not be afraid of unicorns, but brook has a space ship in the garage, waiting for the universe to tell her Armageddon is coming??
Deleteanonymous,“Karen” is also a condition, which brook definately suffers from..
DeleteLol...Colly, you're hilarious 🤣
Delete@Lynn, nothing is wrong with wanting to believe that people can change for the better. Despite Taylor's feelings about Brooke's inability to remain faithful to Ridge, she did think that Brooke was capable of change, which was why she offered to help her. Maybe she was just as naive in thinking that Brooke could change as she was in thinking that Sheila could change.
DeleteI guess Brooke was naive in believing that Deacon had changed too. To the point where she defied her own husband in favor of Deacon. Look where that has gotten her.
@Colly, you're on a roll, gf! Lol.
DeleteI know you are all lovin' on Deacon, thinking he's the bad boy gone good with great pecks.
DeleteBut over on Y&R they are bringing up his past, every day, re his shananagins with Diane Jenkins, who is alive and living in LA too. Coincidental?
Elle, you are right, there is nothing wrong with being optimistic. But Sheila has shot people and has been a complete nut job since day 1. That’s should cause a psychiatrist to take pause.
DeleteAnd what Brooke did with Deacon while drunk doesn’t even come close to the heinous crimes Sheila has committed. The two women are not comparable and neither is their history.
That restaurant surely has surveillance cameras and there's the worker who saw Sheila and Stuffy. Also, where's the police. A crime was committed and a killer is on the loose so there should be a cop guarding Steffys room. Lol...only in soap land. And a trained psychiatrist could have seen right through Sheila.
ReplyDeleteTaylor “the world renowned psychiatrist” has zero instincts. They should have have made her some fashion executive instead. Worst psychiatrist ever!!! Lol
DeleteTaylor “the world renowned psychiatrist” has zero instincts. They should have have made her some fashion executive instead. Worst psychiatrist ever!!! Lol
DeleteThe police thinks it was a robbery so they will not be inclined to have Steffy guarded unless they come across evidence that the shooter purposely targeted Steffy.
DeleteWhat if Steffy got pregnant on their final romantic evening... It would her first pregnancy that wouldn't need a paternity test; however, it would be heartbreaking to think of the child never getting to meet his/her Dad. Sadly, baby Hayes will have no memory of his father.
ReplyDeleteIf she did get pregnant, the foetus will be too small to survive the blood loss Steffy would have suffered. Her body is also in a weakened state and not getting the nourishment the baby needs to grow.
DeleteAlso, when the body has a major trauma and goes into shock, it actually does that on purpose, because it needs to shut down any other functions of the body that does not need to be operating at the time, so that it can focus solely on trying to keep you alive.. for example it will shut down your digestive tract and urinary tract , etc and release a lot of adrenalin into the bloodstream, which goes to anywhere that’s needed.. so supporting a foetus would not be a priority, as the body will only priorities itself when you are dying..
DeleteYou know when you hear them talking about what they have given the atient, as in 250cc, that is Adrenalin that they are giving, to keep the person alive and try to stabilise them..
DeleteThank you, Colly. I did not know all of that. I learned something today. :)
DeleteThe look on Liam's face when Deacon told them that Steffy and Finn was shot. He was about ready to hightail it outta there.
ReplyDeleteSo Brooke barges into the cabin while Hope and Liam are ripping each other's clothes off and rather than give them their privacy, she starts babbling about Ridge and their supposed telekinetic connection?
Taylor is too kind and accommodating for her own good. It seems Thomas may be suspicious of Sheila apologizing to Taylor.
Steffy and Finn "were" shot... grammatical error.
DeleteEll, like brook cares that her daughter needs some time to herself and needs a quickie to release all the tension from the mind numbing crap that brook has put on her, and babysitting mommy 24/7.. and she says r u sure?? Yes brook, come in and tell us the same crap you just told us ten minutes ago.. they barely got back to the cabin before she hightailed it down there..
DeleteI'm pretty sure Liam was probably wishing to himself that they had moved out of the cabin when they had the chance.
DeleteCalm down Lynn! Leave Taylor's shoes! She's just a psychiatrist not a clairvoyant.
DeleteReplied to wrong comment from “Unknown” below.
DeleteMy “She plays a total ditz” comment should have gone here. Poor clueless Taylor!! 🤣😂🤣😂
That’s right unknown, With her gut talking to her about outside forces and now Obi 1 Knobi is telling her something bad has happened?? And brook fans say taylor is the nut job? Ps.. brook, earth Vader says hi 👋
Delete*Darth Vader
DeleteAlso the brook lovers bash Taylor so much to take the focus off of brooks insanity and immoral behaviour.. just because Taylor cares about others, and wants to believe in the goodness of others doesn’t make her a ditz..
Deletea ditz is an adult who is more needy than a toddler, can’t see past her own reflection, needs to boost her ego in her own mind and while she sleeps and communicates with some kinds of outside forces??
"Obi 1 Knobi" Lolllllllllll. Too funny!
DeleteUnknown @ 7:21 PM, agreed! Sometimes, it's best to leave them to their silliness. Their idol continues to give us fresh reasons to bash her anyway.
DeleteOh what would you guys do without me??? You’d have no one to argue with. 😂😂😂🤣
DeleteI will ALWAYS be TEAM BROOKE!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁😁😁😁
DeleteLynn, I love revving u up!! I would probably be bored if u were not on here 🤣🤣
DeleteI don’t get too Rev’d up on this blog. This is the calm version Lynn on this blog. Discuss politics with me and I go into full blown REV mode!! I’m pretty easy going with these comments.
Delete@ Unknown @ 7:21 pm.
DeleteYou are hilarious! That is soooooooo pot calling the kettle black!
How many 100’s of times do we Brooke fans have to listen to you Brooke bashers talking about “The Slut from the valley”, the daytime soap “Whore”, among other things!
If you’re gonna have a point, at least try not to be completely hypocritical!
@ Unknown @ 7:21 pm.
DeleteYou are hilarious! That is soooooooo pot calling the kettle black!
How many 100’s of times do we Brooke fans have to listen to you Brooke bashers talking about “The Slut from the valley”, the daytime soap “Whore”, among other things!
If you’re gonna have a point, at least try not to be completely hypocritical!
Ok, Lynn, more like sparring, like the those silly people who wear space suits and pretend to sword fight with those things that look like stick with a bowl around their hands.. what do they call it?? Oh, fencing.. I like fencing with you, but do not even mention the word politics please, I will go into rage then meltdown!!
DeleteColly, me too. I have stayed away from those controversial posts for about a year now.
DeleteI don’t want to know your political affiliation. It’s none of my business.
But it would be interesting to see if the Brooke lovers vs the Steffy lovers are aligned politically as well. Wouldn’t that be funny!??!!
I think I’m gonna take a hiatus from this B&B blog for a while. Takes too much time. I work full plus time and have a busy life, but this blog pulls me in. Lol
Besides a lot of my Brooke loving buddies have been MIA lately.
So you ladies can sing Taylor’s and Steffy’s praises all day long without me arguing with you.
Take good care! 😊
I think Elle will miss me the most. She loved the gang up on Lynn sessions. 😂😂😁😁
Oh I will miss u Lynn!! We are not ganging up on you love, but you are right, all the other brook fans are MIA?? Especially maddy??take care Lynn, hope u come back soon love!! 😊😊
DeleteI do really like Tanner Novlan in the cast of Finn. I already miss him so much. Please producer Bell bring him back. Maybe not as Finn but someone his double siblings that's Steffi would search to reach him,wondering it's just Finn.Tanner could play a CEO of the another fashion company
ReplyDeleteUnknown, she’s just stupid you mean. She plays a total ditz. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
ReplyDeleteAnd, why is it that Taylor is criticised when she is grieving her son in law and her daughter is fighting for her life for defending brook, and no brooklovers have even said anything about how grateful they are that steffy did the right thing or how sad it is she is fighting for her life for defending brook?
ReplyDeleteAhhh Colly, maybe we are too naive to wish such a thing.
DeleteOr maybe, it’s that, with brooks super power of the mind, she has also been able to mind bend her fans, just like she has with all the men in her life, so they can see no others??
DeleteI have to laugh at some of these comments. It's a soap, don't get so serious, I won't say who I'm I'm talking about but love the blog. Thanks Bob, cheers.
ReplyDeleteD, are you saying that soaps aren't serious business? Lol.
DeleteHi Colly! Love your comments.100% agreed with, so thank you
DeleteShiela will stash the rings on deacon i reckon..
ReplyDeleteThanks for reuploading Bob!!
ReplyDeleteWriters that be.....bring back Finnmore fir Michael he h
ReplyDeleteaas been thru alot
ok sounds good like Victor would say you have yourself a good day!
ReplyDeleteWord on the street is Steffy husband was jealous of Finn touching her pregnant body and said it's me or him.
ReplyDeleteI heard that as well.
ReplyDeleteTaylor needs to go! I can't tolerate her baby talk and childish behavior. Good grief she is in her what 50's? acts as if she is some 13 yr old. The show is so much better without childish Taylor.
ReplyDeleteMisty! Yes!!!
DeleteBob, the show startet late today??? Thanks
ReplyDeleteDo Finn & Steffy have their life insurance policies thru "Liberty Bibberty Mutual Insurance?" Does Steffy still get to collect on Finn's life insurance policy if their marriage certificate was never officially recorded at the courthouse? I'm so confused.
ReplyDeleteLet’s place our bets on how many episodes it takes till Brooke and Ridge are back together!!!! It’s coming!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, considering TK is on an extended break for a year, I would say minimum 365 days unless it’s a leap year ??
ReplyDeleteI assume TK is Ridge. But I don’t know the characters real life names like you guys do. He is not on leave yet. So let’s see what happens in the next 30 days.
DeleteOk, place your bet!! I am betting they won’t get back together until Thorsten (ridge) gets back from his leave!!
DeleteWell Ridge isn’t even on leave yet. So we’ll see.