Right Lol he literally shoved past Hope and ran out the door without a backwards glance, while Hope makes a lame excuse about how he’s worried about the bairns 😂
Noooooo.... Hope and Liam were together before Steffy inserted herself into the situation and being trashy. She's always been jealous of Hope and gone after every guy Hope was with, not to mention sleeping with her father-in-law. I'd like to see her and Bill together.
Ik Kidd I was saying the same thing yesterday about how Steffy was always the problem when it comes to Hope. Steffy has always been jealous and she has always wanted every man that Hope has been with. She is even jealous of Hope and Ridge's relationship.
This is a terrible storyline. I am so tired of this. How many families do you know would allow Shelia to sit around now showing empathy. When did she ever have an empathetic bone in her body? Come on writers. The OGs know the history.
Steffi: My sweet husband etc I don't think I have ever heard her say that to Liam in that way when they were married. Just sounds weird.. And why pussy foot around her not recalling Finn as her true husband. We would all have to come to these realisations asap if we were in that situation. The Drs would prefer it that way than prolong the inevitable to start the healing process.
Me either! Disrespectful to Finn, not to mention the other unfair BS. I wouldn't care one iota what Taylor says, thinks, or wants, Liam and Hope, or Liam alone, need to set Steffy straight NOW and let the chips fall where they may. The longer it goes on, the harder it will be. She may never remember.
I agree with you both Aussie Deb and Kidd. And Cassy I keep trying to tell these people that Liam has always choosen Hope no matter how bad steam fans want it to be true that she is his true love. He only came running back to Steffy when he thought that it wasn't going to work out with Hope or whenever Steffy or his Dad or Quinn played dirty tricks to get him away from Hope.
Like when she was married to Wyatt and Liam did everything in his power to win Steffy back and marry her?? No tricks, Liam was pursuing Steffy and no thoughts about Hope at all!! He loved and loves Steffy, he told Bill a few days ago that he always will!! Stop trying to pretend Liam never loved or wanted Steffy! He ran to her and her bed… no made him! He told Steffy being with Hope was a mistake and begged her to take him back.
Hope peeking in the narrow window in the hospital door. Liam to Steffy: you remember Kelly? Steffy: I didn't remember her before the "accident" Is she one of my trophy kids? Take out and dust off for family pictures, right? Otherwise nannies raise the bothersome child. Hope watching Steffy "rest" thinking "touch MY husbands nads and you're dead."
Hope gags when Steffy says HER little family. Face it biitch! Get off my squeeze! Brooke miffed, this is like our fights all over again. Hope pussy-footing around telling her where she stands. Hope promising she will have many minions under her to order around. Steffy cute kid who is it? Taylor: Steffy latched on to Liam- latched is almost as good as glommed, clung, cloying, her usual go-to.
Loved it their connection is beautiful Oh and Liam didnt kiss Hope on the lips He kissed her cheek thinking again she is mother Teresa Little does he know Thanks Bob xxxx
Sometime it boggles my mind how yall steffy fans ...after all these years ...can't see when the writers are playing with yall. They want you guys to see what they want you to see. Never turns out how yall expect it to though. Keep missing all the clues! But keep the faith. It would happen....NEVER!
Liam still loves Steffy! He would be with her for real if she hadn’t chosen Finn… Hope was so close to telling Steffy and staking her claim, Liam never would have forgiven her!
Her ugly looks at Steffy through the door say it all. Liam is with the woman he truly loves… Hopeless knows it. She and Brooke can try to convince him all they like but a blind person can see the connection between them!
What is wrong with Taylor? How can a psychiatrist be this dumb.
Steffy should see her son. Liam brought Kelly and already steffy is confused at how big Kelly. Who knows ...hayes could be the one to jumo start steffys memory. Up until this point Brooke has been on the mark. And Taylor has been wrong constantly. I am seeing the situation is going to take a turn for the worst. Steffy was already defensive as soon as she saw hope. Her insecurity. If it one person to blame for this mess...is her mother.
I can't wait to see that showdown with steffy and Taylor.
If the writers ever go that route. Taylor is going to get her daughter in a while lot of heartbreak once she continues to get closer to sheila and have her around.
Steffy's doctor, as well as her father also think this is the best way. As a matter of fact, it was Bridget (the doctor) who made the call and said that they should not force the truth upon Steffy right away. So, I'm not sure why you are blaming Taylor. She is just following the doctor's orders.
Brooke is a selfish witch as usual. The fact is, she knows Liam is totally in love with Steffy and they would be together as a family now if Steffy hadn’t sent him back to Hopeless. Brooke literally has no reason to be at the hospital. She has only ever seen Steffy as competition with Hope for Ridge’s affection and Liam’s. Brooke never accepted that Liam loved Steffy, chose Steffy time and again! Brooke knows Hope and Liam have a very fragile and shaky marriage at best. Ridge should not have to plead with Brooke not to destroy his daughter. Tell her nasty selfish arse to leave and stay out of family business. Hope too, she has no place there!
The kind of trauma Steffy went through watching her husband murdered to save her life, then being shot herself when she tried to ring emergency services to save him… that would be an horrid trauma for anyone. You better believe if it were a role reversal and it was Hope lying there thinking she was married to Liam when he was married to Steffy she would fight to her dying breath to keep the truth from her. The fact is, Hope was going to tell Steffy, despite what Bridget told her and what Steffy’s family decided!!!
Steffy was right to wonder what Hope is doing there. She knows Hope cannot stick her and it’s makes no sense for her to be there at all.
Hope can’t bear it because she knows Liam is still in love with Steffy and this may be the end of her marriage. She pushed to keep Finn and Steffy together because it was the only keeping Liam with her.
As far as Booklover’s comment the only trophy bairns are Beth and Douglas!! Steffy takes care of her bairns when she’s not at work. Hope always either poaches the nanny, or has Donna or daycare for Beth and Dougie when he’s around. She is never with them and certainly hasn’t shown any compassion for Kelly and Hayes or helped with them. She’s too busy staking her claim at the hospital with Liam which shows her complete insecurity in her marriage which is appropriate given Liam still loves and wants Steffy. Hope dumped Beth in daycare literally the minute she got her back and went after stealing Douglas from his father and family! She never shows the supposed super mummy stuff. She’s too wrapped up in herself and clinging on to Liam lest he slip out of her grasp again to be a mother.
@Cassy I wasn't trying to justify anything. I was asking why are you blaming Taylor when Bridget was the one that made the decision which Ridge also supports. Didn't you hear Ridge tell Brooke to please leave it alone so his daughter can heal?
What is wrong with Brooke? Is she really that insecure about her daughter's marriage? She couldn't have much faith in her son-in-law if she thinks his love for Hope is so fragile.
She never indicated Liams love for hope is fragile. If it one thing....Brooke faith in liams and hopes love never wavered.
Can't say the same for Taylor though...
She even had the nerve to say steffy repressed her feelings for Liam? Like seriously... Your daughter is laid up and that's what you thinking about. Even ridge watched her with that nonsense talk.
Oh ..and Brooke said it's wrong to let steffy continue to believe what is not.
Brooke is a selfish witch as usual. The fact is, she knows Liam is totally in love with Steffy and they would be together as a family now if Steffy hadn’t sent him back to Hopeless. Brooke literally has no reason to be at the hospital. She has only ever seen Steffy as competition with Hope for Ridge’s affection and Liam’s. Brooke never accepted that Liam loved Steffy, chose Steffy time and again! Brooke knows Hope and Liam have a very fragile and shaky marriage at best. Ridge should not have to plead with Brooke not to destroy his daughter. Tell her nasty selfish arse to leave and stay out of family business. Hope too, she has no place there!
The kind of trauma Steffy went through watching her husband murdered to save her life, then being shot herself when she tried to ring emergency services to save him… that would be an horrid trauma for anyone. You better believe if it were a role reversal and it was Hope lying there thinking she was married to Liam when he was married to Steffy she would fight to her dying breath to keep the truth from her. The fact is, Hope was going to tell Steffy, despite what Bridget told her and what Steffy’s family decided!!!
Steffy was right to wonder what Hope is doing there. She knows Hope cannot stick her and it’s makes no sense for her to be there at all.
Hope can’t bear it because she knows Liam is still in love with Steffy and this may be the end of her marriage. She pushed to keep Finn and Steffy together because it was the only keeping Liam with her.
As far as Booklover’s comment the only trophy bairns are Beth and Douglas!! Steffy takes care of her bairns when she’s not at work. Hope always either poaches the nanny, or has Donna or daycare for Beth and Dougie when he’s around. She is never with them and certainly hasn’t shown any compassion for Kelly and Hayes or helped with them. She’s too busy staking her claim at the hospital with Liam which shows her complete insecurity in her marriage which is appropriate given Liam still loves and wants Steffy. Hope dumped Beth in daycare literally the minute she got her back and went after stealing Douglas from his father and family! She never shows the supposed super mummy stuff. She’s too wrapped up in herself and clinging on to Liam lest he slip out of her grasp again to be a mother.
With Brooke for a role model it’s no wonder!
Liam and Steffy were happily married for years! They still would be if not for Bill, Brooke and Hope interfering!
The fact is Brooke knows, just like Hopeless does that Liam is ONLY with Hope because Steffy chose Finn!!!! Now that Finn is gone they are both terrified Liam will run back to his soulmate Steffy and Hopeless will be alone again!
@Cassy I see it differently. Brooke doesn't have faith in Liam and Hope's love. She believes with her heart and soul that Liam is Hope's destiny and that's why she alway fights so fiercely to protect it. However, she is also aware of the depth of Liam's love for Steffy and has acknowledged it in the past. She becomes very alert and vigilant whenever Liam and Steffy are in each other's orbits because she has seen Liam walk away from Hope for Steffy and knows that, given the chance, Liam would be back with Steffy in a heartbeat.
BBfan, vous êtes incroyablement ridicule dans vos dires, c est totalement risible🤣🤣🤣 mais vous avez raison la vérité est difficile à accepter....surtout quand on est aveuglé par le mépris pour les Logan...Steffy est parfaite n est ce pas? Elle fait tout mieux que n importe qui, est la meilleure et ne fait jamais rien de rephensible, hein?? Sainte Steffy!....Memoire selective dis donc...c est pathétique !🤣🤣🤣
@Cassy When Brooke arranged the quickie marriage between Liam and Hope and Steffy and Taylor showed up and told Liam that Steffy was pregnant, Hope said a lot of those things and Liam still walked away from her. Hope said that Steffy was trying to manipulate him and Liam told her that the baby was conceived in love.
After their first miscarriage when Steffy left and went to Paris, Hope swooped in and was begging Liam to give them a chance, that Steffy walked away which meant that they are now free to be together. Liam told Hope that he had to go to Steffy to talk to her. He told Hope that he needed that closure and when he returns they can talk about what's next for them. However, when Liam went to Steffy, he begged her to come back to LA with him, that he was not going to accept that their marriage was over and that he loved her. Steffy told him that she couldn't give him a family but hope could so he can be with her. Liam said that HE DID NOT WANT HOPE, he wanted his wife back. Steffy did not return to LA with him so Hope ended up being his default choice.
Hope, Liam and Steffy went to Aspen where Hope ran over Steffy while skiing and Steffy sustained a broken leg. Steffy decided to sign the divorce papers so that Hope and Liam could be together but Liam ripped them up. Poor Hope was planning to be married to Liam after the divorce that did not happen.
WTF?! She remembers their "little family" - there was never such a thing! Liam was out when Kelly was born and they never lived as a family. What exactly is Steffy remembering? And Kelly is just lying there quietly not asking one word about Finn? Not mentioning her brother? Plotholes all over the place and the sad part is that's the best work the writers team has done in a WHILE.
I asked the same. What fantasy does steffy remember. Because Liam only stayed with steffy and Kelly when hope was with Thomas. That was the baby Beth storyline.
Wrong, Liam and Steffy were engaged and living together with Kelly when Hope told him about trap baby conceived during his marriage to Steffy. Liam had been pressuring Steffy to get remarried and it was delayed because of Bill’s blackmail. Liam didn’t want to go to Hope, Brooke and Hope pressured him to give Hope her prefect pregnancy etc. Steffy made the decision to have Liam go to Hope. She knew the guilt and pressuring tactics Brooke and Hope were using and had enough.
Hope hated Kelly on sight and did everything to keep Liam away from her and Steffy.
Liam, loved Steffy and forgave her and went home to be a family, it was Hope who manipulated Liam and his heart was never in being with her. He ran straight to Steffy the second Hope gave him an excuse! He admitted he never stopped loving and wanting Steffy and wanting their life and family back!
Very true, Bbfan. Also, you saw Steffy's shock at how much Kelly had grown so you know she was remembering when Kelly was still a baby and she and Liam were still together.
If I was in Hope's situation I would just walk away. How can a woman sit a Nd listen to their husband drone on and on about his love for his ex Wife? And her agreeing just to keep the peace. That's your husband Hope For God sake. I'd be dragging him out by his short and curlies and keeping him away!
Well Aussie when gets a husband by sleeping with him when he’s married to another woman, getting pregnant from that affair then demands he be with you… what does she expect??? Liam is open about still loving Steffy! Hope forced this and has no right to cry. Liam is only there because Steffy sent him away, he didn’t choose Hope at all! Hope should have some self respect and let him go! I blame Brooke too for filling Hope’s head with the fate nonsense, “You saw him first so he is your destiny even if he’s totally in love with another woman and wants to make a life with her. You saw him first Sweetie so you own him for eternity, see how well it works for me and Ridge?? “ 😂🙄🤣🙄🤣😂
Absolutely! Taylor is full of it, and Steffy may never remember and the longer they play this game the harder it will be for Steffy. Are they gonna have Hayes live with someone else while she's "healing" or let her think that he is Liam's? I bet the latter. Wouldn't happen with me, believe that!
Yes, brook giving serious medical advice because she has a doctorate on how to make perfume with cat piss!! She’s an expert on cat piss cause that’s how cats mark there territory!!
Lol if it was Hope in that bed, Brooke would accuse Taylor of trying to kill jet daughter, endangering her by telling her the truth etc! Pleaseeeeeee Brooke would be a million times worse demanding everyone play along and tell Hope she’s married to Liam lol!
Brooke thinks: Hope is too modest and shy and goodly to stand up for herself. HaHa. It's Steffy's turn to steal because supposedly Hope and Liam were doing well. We can't have THAT for long. Steffy will snare him now and later Hope will steal him back. They really should make a schedule for who has him when to plan events accordingly. Steffy will ride in on a landshark for her next wedding. That makes 2 sharks. (Gobbling up victims on her way around the bend for her dramatic entrance.
Be with the kids? That's so boring when they can be interfering in someone's life. Peeking into Steffy's room by the little glass in the door is way more interesting. (And funny for us.) She meant to take up lip reading, but never bothered. Steffy will ask him to sweep and Hope wil think she said "sleep." (Stolen from Seinfeld.) What will drive Hope over the edge to barge in and yank Liam out?
Only brook could take a near death experience and turn it into a competition for a man!! She did a great job boosting her own ego, Mayb she should tell hope to go have a nap and dream of Liam and then all hopes worries will disappear!!
Bring back Finn! I hope he isnt really dead and he comes back !Finn is right man from Steffy not cheating childist boy like Liam.Steffy need real man who support Steffy. With Finn Steffy finally find peace and was so dynamic lady,with Liam she is week and whining
Yep, and then how will little miss know it all shrink Taylor think and feel then? She's not such a good judge of character after all, and not a very good psychiatrist.
The Logan family needs to get out of the Forresters. They are all the same. Brooke is always jealous and Hope pulls always the strings of her puppets. I hate Liam how he always treats Steffy. He doesn't even understand that Steffy is superiore to baby Hope.
taylor is just a hypo if this the other way around and hope had an amnesia she d barged in the room imediatelly and spilled the truth no matter how bad her situation was.but now its ok to play the game of a happy family eventually truth will come out and unfo both steffie and doc will lose and i suspect sheila will kidnapp hayes and run away.i doupt she will see a prison ceell any day soon
I don't know about Steffy and doc losing but you're right, Steffy will eventually remember and the truth will come out. There's nothing for Taylor to lose because she's not under any delusions about Liam and Steffy. Brooke is the one who thinks that something may happen between them. All Taylor is concerned about is that her daughter makes a full recovery.
Brooke would demand they keep the secret until the end of time of Hope were in that situation. It’s literally be a day or two in Soap Opera time ( which is why they are in the same clothes all week… remember Hope wearing pajamas for two weeks straight last time JMW was on Mat leave Lol). Give Steffy a second to process the trauma and get memory back. They are doing the right thing . Brooke and Hope have no right to even be at the hospital let alone be telling Steffy anything! It isn’t their decision to make. They both need to leave and get the hell out.
They are so selfish, both so worried about themselves and how Steffy’s husband being murdered in front of her then being shot and almost dying affects them and their agenda. WTF kind of person says what Brooke said to Taylor??? What a warped mind !
So 'you've gotten so big' covers like at least 3 years older Kelly from the brief period Steffy lived with Liam? How about starting by asking Steffy which year it is and gently telling her her memory has skipped the last few years? What is Sheila still doing at the hospital? Waiting for Steffy to remember? It is highly unlikely she might get alone time with Steffy with all the people around. She has wasted a perfect Hayes kidnapping opportunity whith everyone out of the house too.
Good one Unknown! I know Sheila has missed a perfectly good kidnapping opportunity. She's slipping in her Shaquille size shoes. (men's size 22) Waiting there for Steffy to remember who shot her doesn't make sense when Sheila could be out and about wreaking havoc. She could go on the hunt for Eric or his body that Quinn may have done-in so she could lust after Carter unhindered.
They will have to hide all the pictures of Finn and Steffy and Hayes together, if they are going to go on with this stupid cherade...
They should tell Steffy the truth about Hayes at least, he might jog her memory about Finn. Just tell her she has a son, but she has to work out who the father is herself...
She will then probably be like: OMG, was I unfaithful to you? And then Liam will be like, nonononono, Steffy, relax, it's all good :) Try to think back, I will be here while you try to remember...
On B&B 'baby daddy' is so mundane and who cares? They will turn out to be somebody else's anyway. These women spew kids like fish drop 100s of eggs. If there's a hiccup in their breeding schedules, move on don't dwell on the past. Hubby dead or missing? get another one- preferrably some one else's. These guys beat octomom for litters of kids they have forgotten because they dump them off for daycare to raise. Needing attention? Have another baby!
OMG!!! Reading these comments supporting Taylor and Steffy are making me barf more than the show itself!! How hypocritical are you people!!??? If this were turned around and it was Hope laying in that bed confusing her husband with Steffy’s current husband, you ladies would be ALL OVER IT saying Hope needed to be straightened out immediately!! But because it’s Steffy, you make every excuse in the book to justify it! Hope is A SAINT for handling jt this way. Steffy would have flown into that hospital room to straighten out Hope in a damn heartbeat. She would have had ZERO compassion for Hope if roles were reversed. Taylor is a complete moron. And this is gonna blow up worse than ever once Steffy realizes she has it all wrong. It’s hard to tell how many days have passed because everyone is wearing the same clothes and we’ve had about 2 full weeks of hospital scenes!!! Seems like the writers are making full use of the new hospital room stage setup!! Lol!!! And all you ladies saying Liam chose Steffy must have missed the last 5 years of episodes when I specifically saw Liam choose HOPE time and time and time again over Steffy. Seems like you ladies are suffering from selective memory loss much like Steffy!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
5 years? There was no Hope in 2017! Oh was Hope in Australia? I don't recall seeing Hope there!Did you? Or anyone? I think you are suffering a selective memory as well! Hospital scenes are only 2-3 days to answer your question. Both Ridge and Taylor had no sleep. Very understandable isn't it? Remember Ridge and Taylor lost a child together! Brooke never lost any... Hope had never been in a traumatic situation but Taylor would be compationate towards her if she was (remember when she lost Beth?) When Steffy lost her first baby (Aspen) Brooke and her precious Hope did NOT care. You don't remember that but others do!!!!! I have never liked Liam and the only person Liam loves and is in love with is Liam himself!!!That is my opinion! I know what Bradley Bell is doing - trying to make Liam a hero... if he can help Steffy to remember I am for it (Talking about the shooting that is)
The reason they are wearing the same clothes is because since covid people have become lazy slobs and wear stuff for days on end and don't shower. This is just home away from home for them.
OK, I stand corrected….4 years, not 5. But my points are valid, regardless. High and mighty Steffy wouldn’t tolerate this charade for a minute, much less days. I thought I started watching again 5 years ago. But it must have been 4. What I know for sure is that Hope and Liam were married when I started watching B & B again.
Colly, you are my favorite person on this blog who I generally disagree with. You crack me up! You’re right tho…I love the controversy and can’t stay away! Lol
Not to mention Steffy and Liam were happily married for years!!! Liam pursued Steffy and was beside himself while she was married to Wyatt. He never gave Hope a single thought. He wasn’t thinking about or missing Hope when Brooke had her come back from Italy to try and break up Liam’s marriage permanently! Liam was still in love with his wife and despite Hope constantly throwing herself at him, he decided to forgive Steffy and go home to her and their daughter, because he loved her! Bill’s dirty tricks are the only reason got the chance to sleep with a married Liam and get pregnant. He was back home with Steffy and Kelly as soon as he found out his dad lied and manipulated him to keep him away from her! He couldn’t get away from Hope quick enough. She was still trying to force a wedding in him despite knowing he regretted being with her and wanted his wife and life back with Steffy!! Hope in the end tried to make out that she let him go back and was selfless, really Liam had been trying to get through her head that he didn’t want to be married to her! He makes a giant mistake leaving his wife!
Elle I agree I didn’t see Liam choose Hope! I saw Steffy make that decision and Liam wasn’t happy about it. I saw him telling her he never stopped loving her and wanted their life and family back after the mannequin incident and she told him to go home to Hopeless. He was begging Steffy to be a family with him again, and said it was a mistake being with Hope.
I think there is a reason he and $Bill just had a discussion about how his marriage to Hope wasn’t like his to Steffy, how it’s missing something, how Hope and Liam just don’t have the same love and connection he still has with Steffy. Liam and Hope were always boring and seemed platonic even though Bell Jr tried to make us believe they have chemistry, it’s so forced… I’m curious to see where it goes. For me, Liam literally shoving Hope out of the way to run to hospital and be at Steffy’s side speaks volumes!
Everybody reeks equally. They have all done stuff for us to laugh at. Who they are with at any given moment depends on where in they are in the cycle. It's just musical chairs with beds. To act high and mighty really doesn't suit (because of their own crimes.)
@BBfan101 years? Seriously? They were married three times, never lasted long, and Hope and Liam were actually in the middle of their wedding until Steffy showed up, at Taylor's behest, and interrupted it, whining that she was pregnant, which is the only reason that he did not complete the ceremony with Hope. Always wonder how long a lot of you people have even been watching this show.
Lol Lynn, Steffy literally took her wedding ring and put it on Hope’s finger! She had enough! Liam didn’t chose Hope, Steffy chose for him and he admitted he regretted it. That’s why Liam ran straight to Steffy he thought Hope cheated on him. It’s why he wanted to believe she did, even when Steffy tried to make him see sense. It’s why he begged Steffy to dump Finn and be a family with him again, even after he knew Hope hadn’t cheated! He is only with Hope because Steffy sent him back and said no!
@kidd You are wrong. Liam told Hope that this quickie wedding was no choice of his. Hope was trying to tell him that Steffy was manipulating him by telling him that she was pregnant and Liam told her that the child was created in love. He chose Steffy because he loved her. Brooke was the one who put together the quickie wedding to try and trap Liam into a marriage with Hope.
@Cassy When did Liam choose Hope after he cheated with Steffy? Liam thought he saw Hope kissing Thomas and went straight to Steffy. Who does that? He didn't barge into the room to demand to know what's going on. Even Steffy tried to tell him that Hope wouldn't do that and he should go talk to her. You see, Liam never accepted that Steffy had found happiness with Finn so this was his opportunity to get her back. He told her that he loved her and wanted his family back. Steffy sent him home to his wife. That's the only reason why he and Hope got back together.
@ Elle, I seem to recall many times where Liam begged Hope to forgive him / take him back. Remember the time that Steffy decided to go along with Thomas’s plot to keep Liam at Steffy’s house. And Steffy got the phone call from Thomas and then kissed Liam out on the back deck…timed just perfectly so Hope would see the kiss. That was right after Liam begged Hope to let him back into her life. But Steffy schemed with Thomas on the kiss so that she could keep her claws in Liam. Or after Liam and Bill ran over Vinny on the mountain road and how Liam begged Hope to forgive him and kept telling her that she is the love of his life. Those are the first two that come to mind. Liam had plenty of chances to choose Steffy. He always CHOSE Hope.
@ Elle, I seem to recall many times where Liam begged Hope to forgive him / take him back. Remember the time that Steffy decided to go along with Thomas’s plot to keep Liam at Steffy’s house. And Steffy got the phone call from Thomas and then kissed Liam out on the back deck…timed just perfectly so Hope would see the kiss. That was right after Liam begged Hope to let him back into her life. But Steffy schemed with Thomas on the kiss so that she could keep her claws in Liam. Or after Liam and Bill ran over Vinny on the mountain road and how Liam begged Hope to forgive him and kept telling her that she is the love of his life. Those are the first two that come to mind. Liam had plenty of chances to choose Steffy. He always CHOSE Hope.
Oh and Taylor is WAY out of line. Brooke should walk in there and tell Steffy the truth post haste!! Again, if roles were reversed a whole different approach to this situation would be taking place. Taylor has zero ability to assess anything! She is about as world renowned as a psychiatrist as she is a world renowned auto mechanic !!!!! 😂😂😂😂
If it were reversed, Brooke would have barred Taylor and Steffy from hospital and never told Hope Liam was married to Steffy!!! But then Steffy wouldn’t feel the need to cling on Liam ! Lol 😂
Liam fell in love with.hope naturally but Stephy had to use dirty tricks to trap liam from the very beginning. He eventually fell in love with.Stephy but hope was always his first choice.
Hope fans need to give it a break, Liam first choice. What kind of first choice is that? What define a first choice, meeting him or her first? That's what you call first choice? Don't you notice that every excuse is good for Liam for circle back to Steffy? Dirty tricks to have him 🤔 where was Lame in all that? He couldn't decide yes or no to get or not getting involved with Steffy cause somewhere there was a first choice waiting. If Hope is all that for Liam why he is in the hospital, so worried and panic to loose her? He could have send a message, he could just pass to say hello and go back home with the first choice, there is so many way so show affection and attention to your ex if you're in a good place together. Lame is completely going crazy thinking he could lose Steffy, this is love for me. At the end of all the writers need to put Steffy in the middle to give some sense to hope presence in the show. Steffy is Satan that every body hates and every body wish that they could be like her and hope the Ave Maria that every love but no one whish to be like 🤷🤷🤷 Hope and her mommy don't care about Steffy recovery, they just need to me sure Lame knows she married to Hopeless. Who wants a man, that you always have to make him remember that his married to you or your daughter. What a first choice 😂😂😂😂😂
What a laugh, Hope was an immature teenage virgin , who used her sexuality to manipulate Liam into a marriage proposal!! She was a spoiled princess who got addicted to pills and acted like a spoiled brat. Boo hoo! Liam wanted Steffy and fell in love with her very early on! Hope wouldn’t let go! She has that Logan sense of entitlement and ownership of men! Hope married other guys! Hope was no angel and didn’t own Liam! Hope turned her back in him how many times when things didn’t go according to her plans and weren’t perfect!
Steffy loved and accepted Liam for who he was, she wasn’t trying to love some fairy story like Hope! Hope is still playing house, living with mummy, Steffy worked for everything she has. She started in the mail room and worked her way up. She went to uni for her business degree. She bought her own home, by herself! She was willing to be a single mum and stand on her own.
Hope wants to be the princess and cannot be without a man for 2 seconds. Hope was handed HFTF, not because she earned it but because she was a Logan and was popping pills. Like PP said she ran over Steffy while she was high and broke her leg!
Stop making Hope into a saint! We know Steffy has her faults; however, she owns them and doesn’t pretend she’s miss sweetness and light like Hopeless! Tell me who was Hope thinking of sneaking around behind Liam’s back about Deacon, encouraging Finn to keep things from his wife, telling Ridge he has no right to say what happened in the home he Bought and paid for? She didn’t care if her husband wants to move out of mummy’s place and be on their own… it’s all about her! She couldn’t wait to snatch Phoebeth out of Steffy and Kelly’s life to dump her on auntie Donna or the daycare. She didn’t spend five seconds with her and didn’t stop to think how ripping an infant from the only home and family she’s known, demanding Liam give all his time to her and Beth would affect Kelly or Beth! She only cares about herself! She always has! She guilted and pushed Liam to stay with her even when he made it clear he didn’t want to be with her. That he loved and wanted a life with someone else. She and Brooke never cared they both lectured and pressured Liam and demanded he be with Hope!
I don’t understand this , Hope saw Liam first as a teenager and owns him for eternity, who cares what Liam wants 😂. Ugh!
@leannalove you're on the mark!! Steffy chased after every single guy that Hope liked and was involved with. It was really sad the links that she went to, and she most definitely had to con and manipulate Liam
In my opinion, brook is as insecure, selfish, self absorbed, callous, cold hearted , overbearing bitch, she has always been.. first Taylor loses a huge part of her life and ridge, being shot to try and save brook, then the same happens with steffy, again defending brook, and this is what brook does, what she does best!!
if it were hope that went through a trauma that serious, brook would do everything in her power to make sure hopes recovery was as painless as possible.. she would even go to the lengths of letting hope go through the rest of her life , never remembering what happened to her, just as long as she had Liam.. because that is the type of person she is..
To turn this into a competition, and say what she did to taylor shows what type of person she is.. no one who cares about steffy and taylor and ridge would dare say anything like that!! Using the term FIXATION?? Really brook?? Yes, steffy went through the worst experience a person could go through, DEFENDING YOU BROOK, and you have the nerve to treat steffy and taylor that way.. it shows the difference between you and them, doesn’t it..
She has the nerve to accuse taylor, who is worried sick and thought she was going to lose her daughter, who almost died defending brook, of trying to set steffy up with Liam?? And allowing steffy to be “fixated” on Liam”, really.. the things brook said today were WAY OUT OF LINE..
As for hope, in one breath, she says, “I am the one with Liam’s ring on my finger”, to now, waiting and checking that Liam got in the lift and no one else was around, to sneak into steffies room, and almost tell her the truth, and the look on hopes face when Liam walked in, and the look on Liam’s face, like omg u didn’t say anything did u.. I think if he didn’t come in when he did she would have told her, the things she was saying were leading up to it.. and when steffy asked her to give her time with kelly and Liam, the way Hope reacted.. really.. all brook and hope r concerned about, is staking their claims.. nothing else.. they should not even be there, period..
Agreed, I was ashamed listening to Brooke. At the end of all for her and her daughter is still who has the man. They never care for Steffy even when she's going to a bad situation. Hope said it herself" Liam love Steffy too".
@Colly I absolutely would be staking my claim to my husband! I would have told Steffy right away, and Liam should have set her straight immediately. The longer it goes on, the harder it's going to be, and like I said if it was my husband, he wouldn't have even been sitting vigil there all of the time.
@kidd I'm sure that if it was your husband, he would be totally and completely in love with you and would also have reservations about pretending to be married to the mother of his first child. However, Liam is still in love with Steffy and has no qualms about letting her believe that they are still married. And that's the difference.
Hi Bob, Dear Bob, it is 4.30 pm Friday 22 April 2022 here in Australia and the B & B Video has been removed once again. That means it will be another 24 hours until I can watch it. I am beside myself, why does this happen? Please reload for those of us millions of kilometers (sorry, miles) away in far flung colonies of the British Isles on this planet. The cast of B&B seem to love coming out here every couple of years and we always show them a good time, Aussie style. Thank you.
Boy thats a sweet Form Revenge !!!
ReplyDelete#Steam Revenge time Steffy + Liam + Kelly the First Family !!!
I really hope they feel hope and brook out on there ass my goodness
DeleteI can't stand the Logan
Me too
Deletebrook and hope have no business being up there at hospital demanding steffy be told truth when shes way too fragile to handle truth of situationď
DeleteRight Lol he literally shoved past Hope and ran out the door without a backwards glance, while Hope makes a lame excuse about how he’s worried about the bairns 😂
DeleteNoooooo.... Hope and Liam were together before Steffy inserted herself into the situation and being trashy. She's always been jealous of Hope and gone after every guy Hope was with, not to mention sleeping with her father-in-law. I'd like to see her and Bill together.
DeleteIk Kidd I was saying the same thing yesterday about how Steffy was always the problem when it comes to Hope. Steffy has always been jealous and she has always wanted every man that Hope has been with. She is even jealous of Hope and Ridge's relationship.
DeleteI really do not like this storyline!
DeleteLiam chose steffy?
When did Liam choose steffy in this whole triangle mess?? Did we miss something ?..enlighten us
More Times as He choose HopeLess !!!
DeleteYou dreamt that! Name episodes.
DeleteRunning to and claiming is not the same my dear.
DeleteThis is a terrible storyline. I am so tired of this. How many families do you know would allow Shelia to sit around now showing empathy. When did she ever have an empathetic bone in her body? Come on writers. The OGs know the history.
DeleteSteffi: My sweet husband etc
DeleteI don't think I have ever heard her say that to Liam in that way when they were married. Just sounds weird..
And why pussy foot around her not recalling Finn as her true husband. We would all have to come to these realisations asap if we were in that situation. The Drs would prefer it that way than prolong the inevitable to start the healing process.
Me either! Disrespectful to Finn, not to mention the other unfair BS. I wouldn't care one iota what Taylor says, thinks, or wants, Liam and Hope, or Liam alone, need to set Steffy straight NOW and let the chips fall where they may. The longer it goes on, the harder it will be. She may never remember.
Delete@AussieDeb true words!
DeleteI agree with you both Aussie Deb and Kidd. And Cassy I keep trying to tell these people that Liam has always choosen Hope no matter how bad steam fans want it to be true that she is his true love. He only came running back to Steffy when he thought that it wasn't going to work out with Hope or whenever Steffy or his Dad or Quinn played dirty tricks to get him away from Hope.
DeleteLike when she was married to Wyatt and Liam did everything in his power to win Steffy back and marry her?? No tricks, Liam was pursuing Steffy and no thoughts about Hope at all!! He loved and loves Steffy, he told Bill a few days ago that he always will!! Stop trying to pretend Liam never loved or wanted Steffy! He ran to her and her bed… no made him! He told Steffy being with Hope was a mistake and begged her to take him back.
DeleteHope peeking in the narrow window in the hospital door. Liam to Steffy: you remember Kelly? Steffy: I didn't remember her before the "accident" Is she one of my trophy kids? Take out and dust off for family pictures, right? Otherwise nannies raise the bothersome child. Hope watching Steffy "rest" thinking "touch MY husbands nads and you're dead."
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI agree 💯
DeleteHope gags when Steffy says HER little family. Face it biitch! Get off my squeeze! Brooke miffed, this is like our fights all over again. Hope pussy-footing around telling her where she stands. Hope promising she will have many minions under her to order around. Steffy cute kid who is it? Taylor: Steffy latched on to Liam- latched is almost as good as glommed, clung, cloying, her usual go-to.
ReplyDeleteYep, everyone always caters to Steffy
DeleteLoved it their connection is beautiful
ReplyDeleteOh and Liam didnt kiss Hope on the lips He kissed her cheek thinking again she is mother Teresa Little does he know
Thanks Bob xxxx
Sometime it boggles my mind how yall steffy fans ...after all these years ...can't see when the writers are playing with yall. They want you guys to see what they want you to see. Never turns out how yall expect it to though. Keep missing all the clues!
DeleteBut keep the faith. It would happen....NEVER!
Hope is such a fake!
DeleteLiam still loves Steffy! He would be with her for real if she hadn’t chosen Finn… Hope was so close to telling Steffy and staking her claim, Liam never would have forgiven her!
Her ugly looks at Steffy through the door say it all. Liam is with the woman he truly loves… Hopeless knows it. She and Brooke can try to convince him all they like but a blind person can see the connection between them!
I agree with you.
Delete🤦♀️ good grief! Yup..your opinion is just like steffy Brain at the moment. Clouded and delusional!
D accord avec vous Cassy! Laissons les se voiler la face! La chute risque de faire très mal!🤣🤣🤣
DeleteHope hasn't done anything! Hope and Liam's connection is beautiful.
DeleteBBfan101 Hope is NOT fake! Liam and Hope were married and raising Beth way before Finn.
DeleteWhat is wrong with Taylor? How can a psychiatrist be this dumb.
ReplyDeleteSteffy should see her son.
Liam brought Kelly and already steffy is confused at how big Kelly.
Who knows ...hayes could be the one to jumo start steffys memory.
Up until this point Brooke has been on the mark.
And Taylor has been wrong constantly.
I am seeing the situation is going to take a turn for the worst.
Steffy was already defensive as soon as she saw hope. Her insecurity.
If it one person to blame for this mess...is her mother.
I can't wait to see that showdown with steffy and Taylor.
If the writers ever go that route.
Taylor is going to get her daughter in a while lot of heartbreak once she continues to get closer to sheila and have her around.
Waiting patiently for the bomb to drop.
Steffy's doctor, as well as her father also think this is the best way. As a matter of fact, it was Bridget (the doctor) who made the call and said that they should not force the truth upon Steffy right away. So, I'm not sure why you are blaming Taylor. She is just following the doctor's orders.
DeleteI'm speaking overall. Not just what Bridget said.
Would you like it if your step sister was calling your husband ..."MY HUSBAND?"
anyway...that would never fly in real life. Anything goes for fiction TV.
But u continue to sit and justify it though.
Brooke is a selfish witch as usual. The fact is, she knows Liam is totally in love with Steffy and they would be together as a family now if Steffy hadn’t sent him back to Hopeless. Brooke literally has no reason to be at the hospital. She has only ever seen Steffy as competition with Hope for Ridge’s affection and Liam’s. Brooke never accepted that Liam loved Steffy, chose Steffy time and again! Brooke knows Hope and Liam have a very fragile and shaky marriage at best. Ridge should not have to plead with Brooke not to destroy his daughter. Tell her nasty selfish arse to leave and stay out of family business. Hope too, she has no place there!
DeleteThe kind of trauma Steffy went through watching her husband murdered to save her life, then being shot herself when she tried to ring emergency services to save him… that would be an horrid trauma for anyone. You better believe if it were a role reversal and it was Hope lying there thinking she was married to Liam when he was married to Steffy she would fight to her dying breath to keep the truth from her. The fact is, Hope was going to tell Steffy, despite what Bridget told her and what Steffy’s family decided!!!
Steffy was right to wonder what Hope is doing there. She knows Hope cannot stick her and it’s makes no sense for her to be there at all.
Hope can’t bear it because she knows Liam is still in love with Steffy and this may be the end of her marriage. She pushed to keep Finn and Steffy together because it was the only keeping Liam with her.
As far as Booklover’s comment the only trophy bairns are Beth and Douglas!! Steffy takes care of her bairns when she’s not at work. Hope always either poaches the nanny, or has Donna or daycare for Beth and Dougie when he’s around. She is never with them and certainly hasn’t shown any compassion for Kelly and Hayes or helped with them. She’s too busy staking her claim at the hospital with Liam which shows her complete insecurity in her marriage which is appropriate given Liam still loves and wants Steffy. Hope dumped Beth in daycare literally the minute she got her back and went after stealing Douglas from his father and family! She never shows the supposed super mummy stuff. She’s too wrapped up in herself and clinging on to Liam lest he slip out of her grasp again to be a mother.
With Brooke for a role model it’s no wonder!
@Cassy I wasn't trying to justify anything. I was asking why are you blaming Taylor when Bridget was the one that made the decision which Ridge also supports. Didn't you hear Ridge tell Brooke to please leave it alone so his daughter can heal?
DeleteI guess we shouldn't cast any blame right...🙄
Right now the game is in Taylor's favor. Bet she'll milk it for all its worth. Poor steffy!
Steffy should be confused at how big Kelly is - they introduced a new child actress to play the role of Kelly today!
DeleteWhat is wrong with Brooke? Is she really that insecure about her daughter's marriage? She couldn't have much faith in her son-in-law if she thinks his love for Hope is so fragile.
ReplyDeleteShe never indicated Liams love for hope is
Deletefragile. If it one thing....Brooke faith in liams and hopes love never wavered.
Can't say the same for Taylor though...
She even had the nerve to say steffy repressed her feelings for Liam? Like seriously...
Your daughter is laid up and that's what you thinking about.
Even ridge watched her with that nonsense talk.
Oh ..and Brooke said it's wrong to let steffy continue to believe what is not.
Brooke is a selfish witch as usual. The fact is, she knows Liam is totally in love with Steffy and they would be together as a family now if Steffy hadn’t sent him back to Hopeless. Brooke literally has no reason to be at the hospital. She has only ever seen Steffy as competition with Hope for Ridge’s affection and Liam’s. Brooke never accepted that Liam loved Steffy, chose Steffy time and again! Brooke knows Hope and Liam have a very fragile and shaky marriage at best. Ridge should not have to plead with Brooke not to destroy his daughter. Tell her nasty selfish arse to leave and stay out of family business. Hope too, she has no place there!
DeleteThe kind of trauma Steffy went through watching her husband murdered to save her life, then being shot herself when she tried to ring emergency services to save him… that would be an horrid trauma for anyone. You better believe if it were a role reversal and it was Hope lying there thinking she was married to Liam when he was married to Steffy she would fight to her dying breath to keep the truth from her. The fact is, Hope was going to tell Steffy, despite what Bridget told her and what Steffy’s family decided!!!
Steffy was right to wonder what Hope is doing there. She knows Hope cannot stick her and it’s makes no sense for her to be there at all.
Hope can’t bear it because she knows Liam is still in love with Steffy and this may be the end of her marriage. She pushed to keep Finn and Steffy together because it was the only keeping Liam with her.
As far as Booklover’s comment the only trophy bairns are Beth and Douglas!! Steffy takes care of her bairns when she’s not at work. Hope always either poaches the nanny, or has Donna or daycare for Beth and Dougie when he’s around. She is never with them and certainly hasn’t shown any compassion for Kelly and Hayes or helped with them. She’s too busy staking her claim at the hospital with Liam which shows her complete insecurity in her marriage which is appropriate given Liam still loves and wants Steffy. Hope dumped Beth in daycare literally the minute she got her back and went after stealing Douglas from his father and family! She never shows the supposed super mummy stuff. She’s too wrapped up in herself and clinging on to Liam lest he slip out of her grasp again to be a mother.
With Brooke for a role model it’s no wonder!
Liam and Steffy were happily married for years! They still would be if not for Bill, Brooke and Hope interfering!
The fact is Brooke knows, just like Hopeless does that Liam is ONLY with Hope because Steffy chose Finn!!!! Now that Finn is gone they are both terrified Liam will run back to his soulmate Steffy and Hopeless will be alone again!
@Cassy I see it differently. Brooke doesn't have faith in Liam and Hope's love. She believes with her heart and soul that Liam is Hope's destiny and that's why she alway fights so fiercely to protect it. However, she is also aware of the depth of Liam's love for Steffy and has acknowledged it in the past. She becomes very alert and vigilant whenever Liam and Steffy are in each other's orbits because she has seen Liam walk away from Hope for Steffy and knows that, given the chance, Liam would be back with Steffy in a heartbeat.
DeleteOnce again....when has Liam walked away from hope ??? I can name all the times Liam has LEFT STEFFY FOR HOPE.
Haven't you realized steffy has anthems:
"Don't leave me liam"
"Stay with me Liam...don't go back to hope"
" Liam ...she won't love you like I love you"
"Liam don't leave me alone...I need you"
Never have you heard hope say these things.
Lol. 👋
BBfan, vous êtes incroyablement ridicule dans vos dires, c est totalement risible🤣🤣🤣 mais vous avez raison la vérité est difficile à accepter....surtout quand on est aveuglé par le mépris pour les Logan...Steffy est parfaite n est ce pas? Elle fait tout mieux que n importe qui, est la meilleure et ne fait jamais rien de rephensible, hein?? Sainte Steffy!....Memoire selective dis donc...c est pathétique !🤣🤣🤣
Delete@Cassy When Brooke arranged the quickie marriage between Liam and Hope and Steffy and Taylor showed up and told Liam that Steffy was pregnant, Hope said a lot of those things and Liam still walked away from her. Hope said that Steffy was trying to manipulate him and Liam told her that the baby was conceived in love.
DeleteAfter their first miscarriage when Steffy left and went to Paris, Hope swooped in and was begging Liam to give them a chance, that Steffy walked away which meant that they are now free to be together. Liam told Hope that he had to go to Steffy to talk to her. He told Hope that he needed that closure and when he returns they can talk about what's next for them. However, when Liam went to Steffy, he begged her to come back to LA with him, that he was not going to accept that their marriage was over and that he loved her. Steffy told him that she couldn't give him a family but hope could so he can be with her. Liam said that HE DID NOT WANT HOPE, he wanted his wife back. Steffy did not return to LA with him so Hope ended up being his default choice.
Hope, Liam and Steffy went to Aspen where Hope ran over Steffy while skiing and Steffy sustained a broken leg. Steffy decided to sign the divorce papers so that Hope and Liam could be together but Liam ripped them up. Poor Hope was planning to be married to Liam after the divorce that did not happen.
Is that all? Lmao
DeleteI can correct you but I'll leave you alone now.
You just showed how one-sided you are about this show.
Had fun banting with you though. Tomorrow is a next day. ✌
Is that all? Lmao
DeleteI can correct you but I'll leave you alone now.
You just showed how one-sided you are about this show.
Had fun banting with you though. Tomorrow is a next day. ✌
Wasn't speaking to you ...unknown.
DeleteAnd do you know what a typo is ..he who has no name.
Unknown, why "Unknown", Unknown, or si vous preferez en Francais, pourquoi inconnu, inconnu, expliquez s'il vous plaît?
DeleteWTF?! She remembers their "little family" - there was never such a thing! Liam was out when Kelly was born and they never lived as a family. What exactly is Steffy remembering? And Kelly is just lying there quietly not asking one word about Finn? Not mentioning her brother?
ReplyDeletePlotholes all over the place and the sad part is that's the best work the writers team has done in a WHILE.
I asked the same. What fantasy does steffy remember.
DeleteBecause Liam only stayed with steffy and Kelly when hope was with Thomas. That was the baby Beth storyline.
Wrong, Liam and Steffy were engaged and living together with Kelly when Hope told him about trap baby conceived during his marriage to Steffy. Liam had been pressuring Steffy to get remarried and it was delayed because of Bill’s blackmail. Liam didn’t want to go to Hope, Brooke and Hope pressured him to give Hope her prefect pregnancy etc. Steffy made the decision to have Liam go to Hope. She knew the guilt and pressuring tactics Brooke and Hope were using and had enough.
DeleteHope hated Kelly on sight and did everything to keep Liam away from her and Steffy.
Liam, loved Steffy and forgave her and went home to be a family, it was Hope who manipulated Liam and his heart was never in being with her. He ran straight to Steffy the second Hope gave him an excuse! He admitted he never stopped loving and wanting Steffy and wanting their life and family back!
BBFan i can Not agree more With you ,!!!
DeleteVery true, Bbfan. Also, you saw Steffy's shock at how much Kelly had grown so you know she was remembering when Kelly was still a baby and she and Liam were still together.
DeleteIf I was in Hope's situation I would just walk away. How can a woman sit a Nd listen to their husband drone on and on about his love for his ex Wife? And her agreeing just to keep the peace. That's your husband Hope For God sake. I'd be dragging him out by his short and curlies and keeping him away!
DeleteWell Aussie when gets a husband by sleeping with him when he’s married to another woman, getting pregnant from that affair then demands he be with you… what does she expect??? Liam is open about still loving Steffy! Hope forced this and has no right to cry. Liam is only there because Steffy sent him away, he didn’t choose Hope at all! Hope should have some self respect and let him go! I blame Brooke too for filling Hope’s head with the fate nonsense, “You saw him first so he is your destiny even if he’s totally in love with another woman and wants to make a life with her. You saw him first Sweetie so you own him for eternity, see how well it works for me and Ridge?? “ 😂🙄🤣🙄🤣😂
DeleteAbsolutely! Taylor is full of it, and Steffy may never remember and the longer they play this game the harder it will be for Steffy. Are they gonna have Hayes live with someone else while she's "healing" or let her think that he is Liam's? I bet the latter. Wouldn't happen with me, believe that!
DeleteI agreed with brooke she need to know the truth
ReplyDeleteYes, brook giving serious medical advice because she has a doctorate on how to make perfume with cat piss!! She’s an expert on cat piss cause that’s how cats mark there territory!!
DeleteLol if it was Hope in that bed, Brooke would accuse Taylor of trying to kill jet daughter, endangering her by telling her the truth etc! Pleaseeeeeee Brooke would be a million times worse demanding everyone play along and tell Hope she’s married to Liam lol!
DeleteBrooke thinks: Hope is too modest and shy and goodly to stand up for herself. HaHa. It's Steffy's turn to steal because supposedly Hope and Liam were doing well. We can't have THAT for long. Steffy will snare him now and later Hope will steal him back. They really should make a schedule for who has him when to plan events accordingly. Steffy will ride in on a landshark for her next wedding. That makes 2 sharks. (Gobbling up victims on her way around the bend for her dramatic entrance.
ReplyDeleteAh ...I see you really watch this show like I..and you understand it.
DeleteWatch the dramatics commence.
Buwhahahah modest? Shy? Hope is a fake! She’s just quietly manipulating everyone while playing the victim 😂😂😂😂
Delete@BBfan101 you are so wrong! There's absolutely nothing fake about Hope.
DeleteLiam and Hope should not even be at the hospital. They should be with the kids.
ReplyDeleteBe with the kids? That's so boring when they can be interfering in someone's life. Peeking into Steffy's room by the little glass in the door is way more interesting. (And funny for us.) She meant to take up lip reading, but never bothered. Steffy will ask him to sweep and Hope wil think she said "sleep." (Stolen from Seinfeld.) What will drive Hope over the edge to barge in and yank Liam out?
DeleteBrooke, Brooke it's always about who has the man!
ReplyDeleteOnly brook could take a near death experience and turn it into a competition for a man!! She did a great job boosting her own ego, Mayb she should tell hope to go have a nap and dream of Liam and then all hopes worries will disappear!!
DeleteBring back Finn!
ReplyDeleteI hope he isnt really dead and he comes back !Finn is right man from Steffy not cheating childist boy like Liam.Steffy need real man who support Steffy. With Finn Steffy finally find peace and was so dynamic lady,with Liam she is week and whining
ReplyDeleteYep, and then how will little miss know it all shrink Taylor think and feel then? She's not such a good judge of character after all, and not a very good psychiatrist.
DeleteThe Logan family needs to get out of the Forresters. They are all the same. Brooke is always jealous and Hope pulls always the strings of her puppets. I hate Liam how he always treats Steffy. He doesn't even understand that Steffy is superiore to baby Hope.
ReplyDeleteMais c'est parce qu elle n est pas son vrai amour, pas son vrai choix! Mais ça c est dur à entendre, n est ce pas??
DeleteHow Liam treats Steffy bad? Puleeeeze! She's always going after someone else's man!
Deletetaylor is just a hypo if this the other way around and hope had an amnesia she d barged in the room imediatelly and spilled the truth no matter how bad her situation was.but now its ok to play the game of a happy family
ReplyDeleteeventually truth will come out and unfo both steffie and doc will lose and i suspect sheila will kidnapp hayes and run away.i doupt she will see a prison ceell any day soon
I don't know about Steffy and doc losing but you're right, Steffy will eventually remember and the truth will come out. There's nothing for Taylor to lose because she's not under any delusions about Liam and Steffy. Brooke is the one who thinks that something may happen between them. All Taylor is concerned about is that her daughter makes a full recovery.
DeleteElle 😂😂😂
DeleteBrooke would demand they keep the secret until the end of time of Hope were in that situation. It’s literally be a day or two in Soap Opera time ( which is why they are in the same clothes all week… remember Hope wearing pajamas for two weeks straight last time JMW was on Mat leave Lol). Give Steffy a second to process the trauma and get memory back. They are doing the right thing . Brooke and Hope have no right to even be at the hospital let alone be telling Steffy anything! It isn’t their decision to make. They both need to leave and get the hell out.
DeleteThey are so selfish, both so worried about themselves and how Steffy’s husband being murdered in front of her then being shot and almost dying affects them and their agenda. WTF kind of person says what Brooke said to Taylor??? What a warped mind !
@lostintimeline You are soooo right!!!!
DeleteSo 'you've gotten so big' covers like at least 3 years older Kelly from the brief period Steffy lived with Liam? How about starting by asking Steffy which year it is and gently telling her her memory has skipped the last few years? What is Sheila still doing at the hospital? Waiting for Steffy to remember? It is highly unlikely she might get alone time with Steffy with all the people around. She has wasted a perfect Hayes kidnapping opportunity whith everyone out of the house too.
ReplyDeleteGood one Unknown! I know Sheila has missed a perfectly good kidnapping opportunity. She's slipping in her Shaquille size shoes. (men's size 22)
DeleteWaiting there for Steffy to remember who shot her doesn't make sense when Sheila could be out and about wreaking havoc. She could go on the hunt for Eric or his body that Quinn may have done-in so she could lust after Carter unhindered.
They will have to hide all the pictures of Finn and Steffy and Hayes together, if they are going to go on with this stupid cherade...
ReplyDeleteThey should tell Steffy the truth about Hayes at least, he might jog her memory about Finn. Just tell her she has a son, but she has to work out who the father is herself...
She will then probably be like: OMG, was I unfaithful to you? And then Liam will be like, nonononono, Steffy, relax, it's all good :) Try to think back, I will be here while you try to remember...
@malin 👏👏👏
DeleteSteffy has to work out who the father is? HaHaHA killer funny.
DeleteWell whenever Steffy pregnant there’s a paternity test needed, so she won’t have to get out of bed to find out her her baby daddy is🤣🤣😂😂
DeleteJust like Brooke lol!!!
DeleteOn B&B 'baby daddy' is so mundane and who cares? They will turn out to be somebody else's anyway. These women spew kids like fish drop 100s of eggs. If there's a hiccup in their breeding schedules, move on don't dwell on the past. Hubby dead or missing? get another one- preferrably some one else's. These guys beat octomom for litters of kids they have forgotten because they dump them off for daycare to raise. Needing attention? Have another baby!
DeleteOMG!!! Reading these comments supporting Taylor and Steffy are making me barf more than the show itself!! How hypocritical are you people!!???
ReplyDeleteIf this were turned around and it was Hope laying in that bed confusing her husband with Steffy’s current husband, you ladies would be ALL OVER IT saying Hope needed to be straightened out immediately!! But because it’s Steffy, you make every excuse in the book to justify it! Hope is A SAINT for handling jt this way. Steffy would have flown into that hospital room to straighten out Hope in a damn heartbeat. She would have had ZERO compassion for Hope if roles were reversed. Taylor is a complete moron. And this is gonna blow up worse than ever once Steffy realizes she has it all wrong. It’s hard to tell how many days have passed because everyone is wearing the same clothes and we’ve had about 2 full weeks of hospital scenes!!! Seems like the writers are making full use of the new hospital room stage setup!! Lol!!!
And all you ladies saying Liam chose Steffy must have missed the last 5 years of episodes when I specifically saw Liam choose HOPE time and time and time again over Steffy. Seems like you ladies are suffering from selective memory loss much like Steffy!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
5 years? There was no Hope in 2017! Oh was Hope in Australia? I don't recall seeing Hope there!Did you? Or anyone?
DeleteI think you are suffering a selective memory as well!
Hospital scenes are only 2-3 days to answer your question. Both Ridge and Taylor had no sleep. Very understandable isn't it? Remember Ridge and Taylor lost a child together!
Brooke never lost any...
Hope had never been in a traumatic situation but Taylor would be compationate towards her if she was (remember when she lost Beth?)
When Steffy lost her first baby (Aspen) Brooke and her precious Hope did NOT care. You don't remember that but others do!!!!!
I have never liked Liam and the only person Liam loves and is in love with is Liam himself!!!That is my opinion!
I know what Bradley Bell is doing - trying to make Liam a hero... if he can help Steffy to remember I am for it (Talking about the shooting that is)
The reason they are wearing the same clothes is because since covid people have become lazy slobs and wear stuff for days on end and don't shower. This is just home away from home for them.
DeleteLYNN, welcome back love!! I have missed u!!
DeleteSPOT ON Chelsea!!
DeleteOK, I stand corrected….4 years, not 5. But my points are valid, regardless. High and mighty Steffy wouldn’t tolerate this charade for a minute, much less days. I thought I started watching again 5 years ago. But it must have been 4. What I know for sure is that Hope and Liam were married when I started watching B & B again.
DeleteHi Colly!! I’ve been lying low and have avoided the controversy. Lol. Today’s comments were just too much for me to ignore. 😂😂😂😂
DeleteOmg Lynn, that’s a bit funny!! Come on, just admit it, u can’t stay away from us!!
DeleteColly, you are my favorite person on this blog who I generally disagree with. You crack me up! You’re right tho…I love the controversy and can’t stay away! Lol
DeleteI keep hearing that Liam chose Hope but noone has indicated a single time when that happened.
DeleteNot to mention Steffy and Liam were happily married for years!!! Liam pursued Steffy and was beside himself while she was married to Wyatt. He never gave Hope a single thought. He wasn’t thinking about or missing Hope when Brooke had her come back from Italy to try and break up Liam’s marriage permanently! Liam was still in love with his wife and despite Hope constantly throwing herself at him, he decided to forgive Steffy and go home to her and their daughter, because he loved her! Bill’s dirty tricks are the only reason got the chance to sleep with a married Liam and get pregnant. He was back home with Steffy and Kelly as soon as he found out his dad lied and manipulated him to keep him away from her! He couldn’t get away from Hope quick enough. She was still trying to force a wedding in him despite knowing he regretted being with her and wanted his wife and life back with Steffy!! Hope in the end tried to make out that she let him go back and was selfless, really Liam had been trying to get through her head that he didn’t want to be married to her! He makes a giant mistake leaving his wife!
DeleteElle I agree I didn’t see Liam choose Hope! I saw Steffy make that decision and Liam wasn’t happy about it. I saw him telling her he never stopped loving her and wanted their life and family back after the mannequin incident and she told him to go home to Hopeless. He was begging Steffy to be a family with him again, and said it was a mistake being with Hope.
I think there is a reason he and $Bill just had a discussion about how his marriage to Hope wasn’t like his to Steffy, how it’s missing something, how Hope and Liam just don’t have the same love and connection he still has with Steffy. Liam and Hope were always boring and seemed platonic even though Bell Jr tried to make us believe they have chemistry, it’s so forced… I’m curious to see where it goes. For me, Liam literally shoving Hope out of the way to run to hospital and be at Steffy’s side speaks volumes!
What a laugh! Liam and Steffy spent many more years together and married than Hope and Liam hahahah.
DeleteEverybody reeks equally. They have all done stuff for us to laugh at. Who they are with at any given moment depends on where in they are in the cycle. It's just musical chairs with beds. To act high and mighty really doesn't suit (because of their own crimes.)
DeleteElle, if Liam did not “choose Hope”, then how is it she is married to him??!!! Lol.
Delete@Lynn you're absolutely right!
Delete@BBfan101 years? Seriously? They were married three times, never lasted long, and Hope and Liam were actually in the middle of their wedding until Steffy showed up, at Taylor's behest, and interrupted it, whining that she was pregnant, which is the only reason that he did not complete the ceremony with Hope. Always wonder how long a lot of you people have even been watching this show.
DeleteGo back to the setup kiss between Liam and steffy.
Or go further back to Cabo...
Better yet ...come forward to steffy and Liams cheating.
You want more reminders?🙄
Lol Lynn, Steffy literally took her wedding ring and put it on Hope’s finger! She had enough! Liam didn’t chose Hope, Steffy chose for him and he admitted he regretted it. That’s why Liam ran straight to Steffy he thought Hope cheated on him. It’s why he wanted to believe she did, even when Steffy tried to make him see sense. It’s why he begged Steffy to dump Finn and be a family with him again, even after he knew Hope hadn’t cheated! He is only with Hope because Steffy sent him back and said no!
Delete@kidd You are wrong. Liam told Hope that this quickie wedding was no choice of his. Hope was trying to tell him that Steffy was manipulating him by telling him that she was pregnant and Liam told her that the child was created in love. He chose Steffy because he loved her. Brooke was the one who put together the quickie wedding to try and trap Liam into a marriage with Hope.
Delete@Cassy When did Liam choose Hope after he cheated with Steffy? Liam thought he saw Hope kissing Thomas and went straight to Steffy. Who does that? He didn't barge into the room to demand to know what's going on. Even Steffy tried to tell him that Hope wouldn't do that and he should go talk to her. You see, Liam never accepted that Steffy had found happiness with Finn so this was his opportunity to get her back. He told her that he loved her and wanted his family back. Steffy sent him home to his wife. That's the only reason why he and Hope got back together.
Delete@ Elle, I seem to recall many times where Liam begged Hope to forgive him / take him back. Remember the time that Steffy decided to go along with Thomas’s plot to keep Liam at Steffy’s house. And Steffy got the phone call from Thomas and then kissed Liam out on the back deck…timed just perfectly so Hope would see the kiss. That was right after Liam begged Hope to let him back into her life. But Steffy schemed with Thomas on the kiss so that she could keep her claws in Liam. Or after Liam and Bill ran over Vinny on the mountain road and how Liam begged Hope to forgive him and kept telling her that she is the love of his life.
DeleteThose are the first two that come to mind. Liam had plenty of chances to choose Steffy. He always CHOSE Hope.
@ Elle, I seem to recall many times where Liam begged Hope to forgive him / take him back. Remember the time that Steffy decided to go along with Thomas’s plot to keep Liam at Steffy’s house. And Steffy got the phone call from Thomas and then kissed Liam out on the back deck…timed just perfectly so Hope would see the kiss. That was right after Liam begged Hope to let him back into her life. But Steffy schemed with Thomas on the kiss so that she could keep her claws in Liam. Or after Liam and Bill ran over Vinny on the mountain road and how Liam begged Hope to forgive him and kept telling her that she is the love of his life.
DeleteThose are the first two that come to mind. Liam had plenty of chances to choose Steffy. He always CHOSE Hope.
Oh and Taylor is WAY out of line. Brooke should walk in there and tell Steffy the truth post haste!!
ReplyDeleteAgain, if roles were reversed a whole different approach to this situation would be taking place. Taylor has zero ability to assess anything! She is about as world renowned as a psychiatrist as she is a world renowned auto mechanic !!!!! 😂😂😂😂
Yes if roles were reversed it would be entirely different. Because
Delete"It's different when Steffy does it." End of sentence about everything. .
If it were reversed, Brooke would have barred Taylor and Steffy from hospital and never told Hope Liam was married to Steffy!!! But then Steffy wouldn’t feel the need to cling on Liam ! Lol 😂
Delete@Lynn she's absolutely inadequate! Hard to believe she even went to college, let alone medical school.
Delete@ Kidd, you nailed it!! 👍🏻👍🏻
DeleteLiam fell in love with.hope naturally but Stephy had to use dirty tricks to trap liam from the very beginning.
ReplyDeleteHe eventually fell in love with.Stephy but hope was always his first choice.
Hope fans need to give it a break, Liam first choice. What kind of first choice is that? What define a first choice, meeting him or her first? That's what you call first choice? Don't you notice that every excuse is good for Liam for circle back to Steffy? Dirty tricks to have him 🤔 where was Lame in all that? He couldn't decide yes or no to get or not getting involved with Steffy cause somewhere there was a first choice waiting. If Hope is all that for Liam why he is in the hospital, so worried and panic to loose her? He could have send a message, he could just pass to say hello and go back home with the first choice, there is so many way so show affection and attention to your ex if you're in a good place together. Lame is completely going crazy thinking he could lose Steffy, this is love for me. At the end of all the writers need to put Steffy in the middle to give some sense to hope presence in the show. Steffy is Satan that every body hates and every body wish that they could be like her and hope the Ave Maria that every love but no one whish to be like 🤷🤷🤷
DeleteHope and her mommy don't care about Steffy recovery, they just need to me sure Lame knows she married to Hopeless. Who wants a man, that you always have to make him remember that his married to you or your daughter. What a first choice 😂😂😂😂😂
What a laugh, Hope was an immature teenage virgin , who used her sexuality to manipulate Liam into a marriage proposal!! She was a spoiled princess who got addicted to pills and acted like a spoiled brat. Boo hoo! Liam wanted Steffy and fell in love with her very early on! Hope wouldn’t let go! She has that Logan sense of entitlement and ownership of men! Hope married other guys! Hope was no angel and didn’t own Liam! Hope turned her back in him how many times when things didn’t go according to her plans and weren’t perfect!
DeleteSteffy loved and accepted Liam for who he was, she wasn’t trying to love some fairy story like Hope! Hope is still playing house, living with mummy, Steffy worked for everything she has. She started in the mail room and worked her way up. She went to uni for her business degree. She bought her own home, by herself! She was willing to be a single mum and stand on her own.
Hope wants to be the princess and cannot be without a man for 2 seconds. Hope was handed HFTF, not because she earned it but because she was a Logan and was popping pills. Like PP said she ran over Steffy while she was high and broke her leg!
Stop making Hope into a saint! We know Steffy has her faults; however, she owns them and doesn’t pretend she’s miss sweetness and light like Hopeless! Tell me who was Hope thinking of sneaking around behind Liam’s back about Deacon, encouraging Finn to keep things from his wife, telling Ridge he has no right to say what happened in the home he Bought and paid for? She didn’t care if her husband wants to move out of mummy’s place and be on their own… it’s all about her! She couldn’t wait to snatch Phoebeth out of Steffy and Kelly’s life to dump her on auntie Donna or the daycare. She didn’t spend five seconds with her and didn’t stop to think how ripping an infant from the only home and family she’s known, demanding Liam give all his time to her and Beth would affect Kelly or Beth! She only cares about herself! She always has! She guilted and pushed Liam to stay with her even when he made it clear he didn’t want to be with her. That he loved and wanted a life with someone else. She and Brooke never cared they both lectured and pressured Liam and demanded he be with Hope!
I don’t understand this , Hope saw Liam first as a teenager and owns him for eternity, who cares what Liam wants 😂. Ugh!
🤪😚😱😱😱😱😱 lol shudder heheheh
Delete@leannalove you're on the mark!! Steffy chased after every single guy that Hope liked and was involved with. It was really sad the links that she went to, and she most definitely had to con and manipulate Liam
DeleteIn my opinion, brook is as insecure, selfish, self absorbed, callous, cold hearted , overbearing bitch, she has always been.. first Taylor loses a huge part of her life and ridge, being shot to try and save brook, then the same happens with steffy, again defending brook, and this is what brook does, what she does best!!
ReplyDeleteif it were hope that went through a trauma that serious, brook would do everything in her power to make sure hopes recovery was as painless as possible.. she would even go to the lengths of letting hope go through the rest of her life , never remembering what happened to her, just as long as she had Liam.. because that is the type of person she is..
To turn this into a competition, and say what she did to taylor shows what type of person she is.. no one who cares about steffy and taylor and ridge would dare say anything like that!! Using the term FIXATION?? Really brook?? Yes, steffy went through the worst experience a person could go through, DEFENDING YOU BROOK, and you have the nerve to treat steffy and taylor that way.. it shows the difference between you and them, doesn’t it..
She has the nerve to accuse taylor, who is worried sick and thought she was going to lose her daughter, who almost died defending brook, of trying to set steffy up with Liam?? And allowing steffy to be “fixated” on Liam”, really.. the things brook said today were WAY OUT OF LINE..
As for hope, in one breath, she says, “I am the one with Liam’s ring on my finger”, to now, waiting and checking that Liam got in the lift and no one else was around, to sneak into steffies room, and almost tell her the truth, and the look on hopes face when Liam walked in, and the look on Liam’s face, like omg u didn’t say anything did u.. I think if he didn’t come in when he did she would have told her, the things she was saying were leading up to it.. and when steffy asked her to give her time with kelly and Liam, the way Hope reacted.. really.. all brook and hope r concerned about, is staking their claims.. nothing else.. they should not even be there, period..
Agreed, I was ashamed listening to Brooke. At the end of all for her and her daughter is still who has the man. They never care for Steffy even when she's going to a bad situation. Hope said it herself" Liam love Steffy too".
Delete👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 totally agree Colly and Unknown! Brooke is a disgusting bully!
Delete@Colly I absolutely would be staking my claim to my husband! I would have told Steffy right away, and Liam should have set her straight immediately. The longer it goes on, the harder it's going to be, and like I said if it was my husband, he wouldn't have even been sitting vigil there all of the time.
Delete@kidd I'm sure that if it was your husband, he would be totally and completely in love with you and would also have reservations about pretending to be married to the mother of his first child. However, Liam is still in love with Steffy and has no qualms about letting her believe that they are still married. And that's the difference.
DeleteLutfiyya, so true. So quess we have to wait until morning, where I am anyway.
ReplyDeleteHi Bob, Dear Bob, it is 4.30 pm Friday 22 April 2022 here in Australia and the B & B Video has been removed once again. That means it will be another 24 hours until I can watch it. I am beside myself, why does this happen? Please reload for those of us millions of kilometers (sorry, miles) away in far flung colonies of the British Isles on this planet. The cast of B&B seem to love coming out here every couple of years and we always show them a good time, Aussie style. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you @oldfan. I am still waiting for the video to be uploaded. Please Bob (my late fathers name) can you do this for us. Thank you. 😊
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DeleteWhats with al those comercials today? In every scene, even during someones lines? Never had that before