
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-27-22 Full episode B&B 27th April 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-27-22 Full episode B&B 27th April 2022


  1. TY for reloading Bob
    Today's episode was more interesting because we are seeing the true colors of the Logan family how they want to be the number one taking over with everything. Login has ths guts to ask Ridge to go back home with her?? That's really a low class woman to start with.
    Baby Hope is pretending to be kind to her husband to bring him home in her nest and Sheila is still there trying to kill Steffy. I ask myself how long will this act last??

    1. At this point, all I can do is smh at Brooke. As for Sheila, no words.

    2. Posting again near top so more people see this —
      ****All you Apple device users - here’s how you can fix it so you can comment on posts (reply) as well as add new comments again!!!****
      The problem is the “privacy settings on your browser.” It seems Safari updated something and it blocked us from commenting on this blog.
      Here’s how to fix it :
      Go to your Settings. Then go to Safari. Find “Prevent cross-site tracking” (under privacy and security). Then ‘UNCHECK’ it. Once the “Prevent cross-site tracking” radio button is unchecked, you will be able to post comments and reply again on this blog! YAY!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    3. Lynn, thank you love!! Been dying to post but couldn’t cause all my devices r apple!! Now, down to business, I have a theory on what is going to happen next..

      Sheila is going to wack up the dose of opiates that steffy was apparently not supposed to have according to Taylor in a scene in an earlier episode.. steffy will wake up just as she finishes setting the machine, when steffy sees Sheila, she will remember that she shot her and Finn, but before she can call for help, she will start to lose consciousness, meanwhile, Taylor will be on her way in with Hayes.. when she gets there and goes to take Hayes to steffy, and realises steffy is unconscious , she will panic and call for help, at which time, through all the panic, she will hand Hayes over to Sheila to hold while they are freaking out about steffy.. Sheila will take the opportunity to do the runner with Hayes.. when everything is sorted with steffy, (because we all know she won’t die), they will realise she took off with Hayes and the realisation will hit home.. then steffy will regain consciousness after they give her the medication that neutralises the opiates(forgot what it’s called), then steffy will come too and tell them Sheila shot her and Finn.. but it will be too late cause she will be gone with Hayes..

      Steffy won’t cope with remembering the shooting and they won’t be able to explain what happened to Hayes, and steffy will be asking for Hayes..

      The rest I have not worked out yet, how it will end up incorporating JMW and TK’s long leaves of absence’s?? But that’s just my prediction?? Wether it happens or not??

    4. Colly, glad you are back!
      Your theory sounds very plausible. Horrible if Sheila gets her hands on Hayes, but I could see it happening just like you described it!! The writers may want to bring you into the fold! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    5. Narcan, Colly? Brilliant ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป except Taylor made a point the other day to say that Steffy’s rx would include alternatives to opiates. However, she could still overdose on other meds. Soaps don’t really like to hire children or have them on set very often that’s why there are so many miscarriages & childhood tragedies so that could be a good way to avoid that until the child is older and, thus, bring another storyline.

    6. Thanks Lynn and unknown!! Glad to be back, it was so frustrating, thanks so much Lynn for helping us get back on here!! Yes that makes sense unknown, but they might bring him on just for that short clip to be handed to Sheila and her do the runner, she has kidnapped babies before, so not sure?? But it’s just a guess of what they might do?? But then again, 9 writers can’t come up with anything but cut and paste, even when they get good ideas for free from us fans, yet still can’t?? It drives me nuts!!

    7. Cheers Lynn!!! Whew having to go to my Mac ๐Ÿ–ฅ every time I want to post or respond was mental. Hurrah back to my mobile device.

    8. Colly love that plot line and they can SORAS him and he’ll come back as two or three years old while Beth is ever the infant lol. We never see her at all lol.

    9. Welcome back, Lynn and Colly. Glad to have you guys back!

      Excellent storyline, Colly. And it sounds like something the show might do. If Ridge and Steffy decide to pursue Sheila in order to get Hayes back, that could be one way that they can write them out of the show while they take their leave.

    10. ikr both brook and hope just infuriate me with their jealous and controlling behavior trying to boss rule and put on fake sympathy and care show.. hopefully sum1 will catch sheila trying to reharm steffy b4 she can cause worse damage to our girl

  2. The odds are not good for Sheila to continue to push her luck like this. Get outta there! Sheila seems dying to get caught. Attention whore, for any attention. Steffy you were kind!? Must have been thinking of someone besides you Sheila. To turn and elaborate makes Sheila S&M, She's getting off on risk.
    Brooke and Hope wanting to go in and lap up gory details themselves. Logan smothering Ridge, good idea that's it Brooke! Work it Brooke work it! Brooke and Hope have never looked so transparent about their agendas with no thought to anyone else. Too bad Steffy.

    1. Aye Book, I was so sickened by Brooke and Hope. Like Steffy would want them and their fake sympathy in her room... ugh. Brooke is so utterly selfish, all she cares about is making Ridge come back to be her slave again. Me me me me me... her agenda was so obvious...she doesn't give a shite about Steffy or her well-being. It was disgusting to watch her unsucessfully try to pretend empathy about Steffy and immediately it was all about poor Brooke lol

      Hope is as bad. The look on her face when Liam was talking about being there for Steffy and the kiddos. She was so fake about helping out and then made sure to put in about her "amazing support system" which translates too... now we don't have to do anything at all.

      Bridget looked abashed about telling Steffy against what the family and doctors had decided. Well she should, it just shows by the wee blather in the hall that she's a Logan through and through. I guess Bridget forgets she's Steffy's Auntie... her loyalty lies with Brooke. Brooke and Hope had no business there.

      Sheila was right about one thing, Steffy was very kind, she was compassionate to someone she despises. Brooke and Hope fans will have something nasty to say but oh well.

      I love how Bridget says they are watching Steffy closely! Yeah so she can just waltz into Steffy's room and turn up that pump to full and OD Steffy lol... right......

      I agree with PP that since they don't know who murdered Finn and shot Steffy there should be a constable there until it's safe. Steffy is the only surviving witness. Baker seems suspicious.

      Lynn...I cannot use any of my Apple Devices either (I tried Ipad as well as my phone...same issue), despite being logged in to Blogger. I have to use my MacMini to post... I get the same "sign into Google" even though I'm already logged in. Sighhhhhhhhh

    2. Hope sure switches from we'll all help her to she has her own lackies and get it your self Steffy. It seemed like in the same breath her offer was yanked out from under Steffy.

    3. @Booklover That's because Hope is as fake as they come. She's just as selfish as Brooke but pretends that she is not. It is in instances like what they are in now that we see her true colors.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Brooke ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ ... Hope ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ

  4. After watching the slander trial, you know the one, where I will spend my energy as my peeps speak better than I anyway, that diagnosis of the female involved sounds exactly like Brooke: Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder, an expert watching the trial added Narcissistic Personality Disorder to those. Look them up - you will see Brooke’s photo there and every symptom is Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. How can such a mean b*tch have ANY fans?

    1. Brooke and Hope are losing fans who see the real (ugly) personalities.

    2. Yes they are.. it’s funny that their fans keep saying brook is the writers favourite?? Yet they keep writing her as a wh*%#, cheat, jealous, insecure, narcissist, selfish, self absorbed attention seeker ? And she’s the favourite?? ๐Ÿค” they also say they r always outnumbered?? ๐Ÿค”

    3. Unknown, @12.16, I think u worded that as good if not better than your peeps!! Excellent analogy of brook and her princess in training!! Couldn’t have said it better myself!!

  5. Brooke is over the top, only thinking of herself.

  6. This is the sweet Hope that people like.

    1. Hope said the right words, but her face told a completely different story. She hates every second Liam spends with Steffy or Kelly. She was playing the "dutiful wife" Brooke attempted to do with Ridge, she just couldn't help making it all about her though... her face was so nasty when she was pretending to empathize about Steffy for a whole 3 seconds.

    2. This is the same Hope who, just a while ago was urging Liam to tell Steffy the truth AGAINST the doctor's advice. She didn't care about Steffy then.

    3. this the Real HopeLess
      The HopeLess WHO Slept in all 3 Marriages from Steam with Liam
      WHO Danced on a Baby Grave 2013
      WHO Got Prego from her High Risk Prego Stepsister Husband 2018
      WHO Lives with a Married Man 2012 & 2013
      WHO every Chance she Got Steffy Husband Liam against His Wife Steffy
      WHO Pusht a Pregnant Steffy against the Desk

    4. Yes Ell and bfan, they want Liam to do it so they can fob the blame off to him if it does cause permanent damage to steffy, because they are trying to do this behind the doctors and the parents back.. sneaky little bitches aren’t they!! And Bridget apologising for consulting her mother and not Taylor about what’s best for steffy!! Good work Bridgett, where did u get your medical degree again?? ๐Ÿค”, I guess the Logan genes r very strong!! Those who think hopeless is an angel, yet it was her idea to set Liam up?? One day, just one is just to much to handle for poor poor hope!! We can’t upset the princess who lives in mummies cabin, and has everything in her life including her husband handed to her on a golden platter!! Sneaky princess, mummy is teaching u well!!

    5. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  7. Brooke has horrible timing. So Ridge should come home with her while his daughter is in the hospital and the mother of his daughter "also needs him" but he should pick her? Then Hope... listen yes yal have this "happy marriage" with your kid at home but Liam just realised how he does not live with his first born kid, then she got used to a home with a "mom and dad" only to not have that anymore... so yesssss, he does need to step up and be there for his kid more. And yes Steffy has her support system but that is still his child. Not the grandma and grandpa or her uncle... Kelly has a father that will need to be more present now that she too has lost a "father figure" in Finn. These Logan ladies should've stayed in the cabin and waited for feedback like everyone else.

    1. Char, totally agree! Hope wants Liam to focus 100% on Beth... she always has. I'm glad he's thinking of his eldest daughter for a change... you remember, Kelly..the one conceived with his wife lol... Finn was more of a father to her than Liam. Poor wee Hayes... I'm sooooooo hoping that Finn is still alive somehow.

    2. Brooke, ever the selfish witch she ever was. Hopefully Ridge will see how inappropriate and self-centred she is being... always has to be about her... God forbid Steffy have their concern as she tries to recover from massive trauma.

    3. She said it herself Charmaine, Brooke wants to hold Ridge and it seems she can't do it at the hospital.

    4. @BBfan101 i hope so too. like they killed off his character prematurely :(. The time Ridge has spent away from Brooke, hopefully helped his perspective and that he finally sees her arrogance and selfishness for what it is.

    5. @Elle i even had to rewatch it. Brooke is beyond selfish it's actually scary. Her also needing her daughters approval to go after Ridge and "comfort" him while his daughter is really going through the most, is absolutely wrong.

    6. Ridge's face looked like, "Brooke this is not the time." I wish he had said, "Go hold Deacon." Even if she loses to Taylor this go round, there's always the next musical beds period. Brooke won't be bored long, There is the challenge of taking Carter away from Quinn, just to prove she can. Eric is probably at the bottom of a flight of stairs Quinn pushed him down so she could romp with Carter. Eric was getting to be like Jed Clampett with the mush mouth and no one knew what he was talking about.

    7. Yes Charmaine, her timing is perfect!! Manipulate him while he’s down!! And I loved her comment that they came together through worse times, just after ridge literally just finished saying that telling steffy her husband was shot dead was the hardest thing he has ever had to do.. ?? So brook, what worse time were you referring to?? And when he tried to set her straight about reuniting now, she cut him off and said “this is so hard for me”?? I think she was referring to the situation with steffy’s memory, or was that it’s cause she can’t sink her claws in him because he is a bit busy with something other than her, she can’t handle ridges focus being on anyone else but her, and I laughed when she said she feels bad making this about her when steffy is lying in a hospital bed after being shot, that was one of the most hilarious things to come out of her mouth!!

    8. @Colly Brooke has never been ashamed of being who she is. Never! It's the one thing I can give her credit for - that she does not pretend, she does whatever she wants regardless of how it affects anyone else then cries out of her one eye and apologises over and over again. I'm not at all surprised that she has made this whole situation about herself.

    9. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ so true Ell.. at least she shows how shameless she is!!

  8. Oh Brooke, only you can make Steffy's near death experience about you and what you want. Ridge has made it very clear that he is not ready to even think about reuniting yet, here you are playing on his vulnerabilities.

    There was some serious foreshadowing in that conversation with the Logans today. Both Bridget and Hope affirming to Brooke that she and Ridge will be back together likely means that it is not going to happen. Brooke (and Hope) thinks that now that Steffy's out of the woods, things can go back to normal. But Steffy's physical, mental and emotional recovery has only just begun. Their family (and Liam) will now rally together around Steffy. And wait till Ridge finds out that his daughter was almost killed for Brooke!

    1. Yep!! Only brook!! Oh and her princess in training!!

  9. I honestly don't know who is worst or more selfish between Brooke and Shiela. I can't wait for Taylor to get slapped in the face with her BS shiela has change song smh.

    1. Brooke is the single most selfish with Hope closing in on #2. Sheila is psycho selfish, different because she's nuts. Brooke is all in it for herself. Hope's handling of Liam really showed her close attention to Brooke's teachings. The ugliest display I've seen on this show so far.

    2. Yep, spot on!! And the fact that Logan supporters are blind as two bats other selfishness astounds me!!


    1. I love Jordi Vilasuso as long as Tanner Nolan wasn’t fired to bring him in. Jordi Is a seasoned actor and has been on numerous soaps. Let’s hope this one actually gives him a meatier character with more to do than the last two. Lots of possibilities there. He’s 40 so he could be paired with a variety of the ladies - as long as it isn’t Paris.

  11. Yay yay yay!!!! I figured it out - finally!!
    ****All you Apple device users - here’s how you can fix it so you can comment on posts (reply) as well as add new comments again!!!****
    The problem is the “privacy settings on your browser.” It seems Safari updated something and it blocked us from commenting on this blog.
    Here’s how to fix it :
    Go to your Settings. Then go to Safari. Find “Prevent cross-site tracking” (under privacy and security). Then ‘UNCHECK’ it. Once the “Prevent cross-site tracking” radio button is unchecked, you will be able to post comments and reply again on this blog! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  12. OK, so first of all it was not one day of being awake for Steffy when they told her the truth as many of you are saying. It was DAY 2 of her being awake. She was much more coherent and the lie could not continue to go on. What in the world would that have accomplished? And for all you ladies who think it was too soon, please tell me what a reasonable timeframe is in your minds? Should we have let Steffy leave with Liam to Steffy’s home and started playing house with her? Is that what you all wanted? I’m sure she’d wonder who the little boy was asleep in his bedroom when she got home. As I already said…ridiculous! It’s not like they told her the minute she woke up. There is NO GOOD TIME to give someone that news. She was remembering her past for the most part, so it was time. You all think “poor Steffy”, but how would you feel if that was your own husband telling his ex that they were still married after your husband’s ex just had a major injury and lost her memory??!! I for one, would not allow that to go on for more than 24 hours. And Hope has been extremely supportive of Steffy and Liam’s help to get Steffy through this. So back the heck off Hope!!! Steffy would have never done the same thing if Hope were laying in that bed and roles were reversed.
    As far as Brooke is concerned, I laughed so hard when she told Ridge he needs to come back home. I know all you Taylor fans were about ready to blow a gasket. Let’s see how Ridge plays this. Could go either way! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    All I know is that Taylor is still the most clueless, naive psychiatrist I have ever laid eyes on!!! What a dumb dumb!!!
    Ridge should help her and Steffy through this very trying time, but it is obvious that Ridge is NOT in love with Taylor. And Liam is NOT in love with Steffy. He loves Steffy and always will. She is the mother of one of his daughters. And he has fond memories of their lives together. But if he wanted Steffy, he’d be married to Steffy. And he is NOT!!! Steffy was single for a long long time before Finn came along. Liam had plenty of opportunities to end up with Steffy, but he always chooses Hope. I am not a Liam fan, and honestly I think Hope could do better. But regardless, Liam’s heart is with Hope and he will stayed married to her for just as long as she’ll have him.

    1. They say the best defense is a good offense. Brava Lynn!

      I have one comment concerning your statment that they didn't tell her the minute she woke up. That's because they did not get their way the minute she woke up. However, remember that from the minute she woke up and called Liam her husband, they wanted the truth to be known to her immediately. Our issues are not that Steffy wasn't told the minute she woke up, our issues are with Brooke and Hope demanding that she be told the minute Steffy woke up.

  13. Someone needs to keep an eye on evil Sheila before she tries to pull the plug on Steffy.

  14. Oh Lynn, lovely, we will see, we will see.. the fact Liam had guts to finally recognise that he has another daughter and that “it is his job” to step up, shows what puppy on a lead he his.. u say as long as hope will have him, more like as long as she leads him the way she has been since he bolted faster than ussain bolt to get to steffies side.. the look on his face when hope and brook demanded he tell steffy against her parents and doctors orders, I think steffy has always had Liam’s heart and always will and that is why she started freaking out and the looks on hopes face watching them like a hawk on heat, says it all!!

    1. Colly, since I started watching the show again….about 4 1/2 years ago, I have seen Steffy manipulate the situation to try to get Liam back. It has not worked, and he always goes back to Hope. So as I keep saying, if Steffy is his true love, why has he chosen to stay married to Hope? No one is forcing him to stay with Hope. He chooses Hope.

    2. Steffy set him free. She jumped off this merry go round and found someone better. She was done with the putz. Hope can have him.

    3. Lynn I’ve been watching since the beginning. You missed Liam literally fighting his brother to win Steffy’s heart. To convince her she was his one and only. He wasn’t pining for Hope or having Steffy be a fill in. He truly loves her and they were very happily married until Bill’s obsession caused so many issues. Steffy didn’t manipulate or do anything, Liam loved and wanted to be married to her and they were dynamic couple cha cha cha.

      And I agree with PP Liam didn’t chose Hope, Steffy took the decision away from Liam because she wanted off the ride. He was under so much pressure from Brooke and Hope who could never leave him alone to be happy with Steffy n Kelly.

      I don’t like Liam he’s a whiny baby like Hopeless and spineless too. Sooo I don’t want to see him reunite with Steffy, but he does love her, he’s in love with her, he just is too weak to do the relight thing when it comes to the Logan witches. He knew he was wrong going along with their plot to force things on Steffy and in the case of trauma induced memory loss, 2nd day of consciousness and we force her really??? Totally unreasonable! She’s still considered in serious condition!!!

      Hope has NOT been supportive at all. Hovering at the hospital and claiming to be there for Steffy as Brooke and Hope are is totally hypocritical when the only reason they are there is to keep Liam in line and try to manipulate Ridge into returning to Brooke. Neither is of them cares about Steffy and her bairns and Steffy is well aware of that. Brooke and Hope are not family, they have no right to be there or make ANY decisions!

    4. Well said and I concur Colly, Unknown and BBfan.

      Lynn, I am not sure how you see Liam as choosing Hope but he never had a choice because as these ladies said before, Steffy was no longer interested in the merry-go-round and the back and forth. She made that very clear. Liam wanted to talk things out with Steffy after she walked in on him and Hope but she told him in no uncertain terms that he should be with Hope. After Liam saw Thomas kissing Hope, Liam could not get to Steffy's fast enough and the next day, there was Liam telling Steffy that he never stopped loving her and that he wanted back their life together. Steffy however, was in love with Finn and did not want to be with Liam, which is why she told him that "they" could not happen. She even told him not to tell Hope what happened because she was deathly afraid of losing Finn. She did not want Liam. She sent Liam back to Hope. He could not keep his mouth shut about what happened with Steffy and he also could not keep his mouth shut about still loving her. Hope was in agony over his confession and struggled (for a little bit) with whether she wanted to stay in a marriage with someone who loved someone else. However, after Liam landed in jail, everything else went out the window and Hope's focus became solely about getting Liam out of prison. She tucked away his confession of love for Steffy and that is why both she and Brooke became so insecure about Steffy thinking that she was still married to Liam. They both know that, given the opportunity, Liam would be back with Steffy in a heartbeat.

    5. It wasn’t the second day. Taylor said Steffy has only gained consciousness only a few hours before Brooke and Hope started campaigning to enlighten Steffy when she was still in an extremely confused state. The sun went down and came up again but it had still not quite been 24 hours since Steffy awoke from a gunshot wound and heartless Hope and bitter Brooke got their way. That was ridiculous! Bridget did not mention clearing it with the neurologist nor a mental health professional first. She would have remembered on her own given half a chance.

    6. @ Unknown 6:36 am - they didn’t tell Steffy the truth about Liam until the second day she had been awake. They mention it multiple times in the dialogue and people have new clothes on. Brooke and Hope wanted the truth told before that for sure. But it definitely was day 2 of Steffy being awake before she was told the truth.

    7. Lynn, steffy didn’t come too until later in the day on day 1, and then it became night, then morning, and and then they were forced by hope and brook to tell her behind Taylor’s back, so it had only been 24 hours , if that!! As far as I am concerned, even if Bridget didn’t say what she did, they would have forced Liam into telling her, which is what they were almost successful at BEFORE Bridget came in.. so even if Bridget was not there and said what she said, they would have got Liam to do it anyway.. they made him the scapegoat..

      And as far as I am concerned, Bridget FAILED her DUTY OF CARE as STEFFIES PHYSICIAN, by divulging personal information about steffies condition to people who are NOT immediate family members, AND, even worse, consulting with her own mother and sister, before steffies immediate family, namely Taylor, who is also a qualified mental health expert..

      In the real world, Taylor could have had Bridget up for malpractice, failing duty of care, failing the privacy act, conflict of interest, endangering a critically I’ll patient, and a host of other offences..

      So no matter how brook and hope fans try to defend them, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for what they did.. Bridget specifically stated that she consulted with the neurologist and steffy’s condition is improving, and then made the assumption, that she “thinks” steffy can handle being told something that could have caused irreparable damage to steffies psychological condition because she made an assumption without a clear decision between the neurologist, a psychiatrist, wether Taylor or another one, and without consulting with ALL of steffies immediate family, namely the most important person, steffies MOTHER..

      Then she had more concern for her own family who should not even be there, than steffy and steffies family.. then has the nerve to tell her mother, it’s ok mom, your not being selfish for wanting to sort your marraige with ridge out now?? And knowing how wrong she was, apologising to Taylor for not consulting her.. and when Taylor expressed concerns at the moment Liam was about to tell her and stated to Bridget she disagrees and that she feels it’s too soon, was ignored by Bridget.. 24 hours is WAY too soon and a few more days would not have hurt anyone, especially steffy..

    8. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Brava Colly, exactly!!!

  15. I think Taylor will bring Hayes to the hospital to see Steffy and Sheila will grab him and run off with him. Now, when can I get that job as a writer for B&B.

    1. Colly said that an hour before you so it’s the consensus - likely to happen. LOL

    2. Dear Great Unknown, so what! LOL

  16. Golly, Brooke and Hope are such in-secure manipulators.....she has taught her daughter so well.....

  17. wtf brook and hope both need to have their jaws wired shut. they are not sympathetic to steffy or her family. they are nothing but hateful rude disrespectful and blind with jealousy. it would have hurt nothing to give steffy a lil longer to be more strong alert and stable b4 telling her she wasnt married to liam but to finn who was also shot and died.. liam will start spending much time with steffy and kids now which will piss brook and hope off even worse. and here at a time when ridge needs to be with taylor steffy thomas and their grands heres brook begging and pleading trying to get him to come home to her and focus on her instead. self centered self serving bitch. her and hope both . i hate the way they are the way they treat people

    1. Brava ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
