
Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th April 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th April 2022


  1. Brooke go home
    Lame go home
    Hope go home
    Someone check on the kids
    Someone keep Forrester running
    That's all

    1. Can't stop laughing 😃😃 the guy is a piece of work Liam, Liam, that need to be there is bigger than him.

    2. But now Liam is in tune to the “outside forces.” Ha.

  2. Sheila will do something that allows Steffy to take her mat leave like the soap opera coma or a facsimile which requires rehab at a clinic in a far away magical medical facility like Switzerland because the states lacks such good medical care even for the rich. When she returns she will suddenly get better and recall Sheila killing Finn. She will hunt her down and extract revenge. Meanwhile, Taylor and Sheila will coparent Hayes.

  3. Hope: Harp Harp Harp Nag Nag Nag A True Harpie Fishwife & Shrew. Work Liam til he can't stand you either. Brooke is the senior expert harpie of the family.
    Brooke doesn't know what to do or say to get us back together, (Ridge). How about quit harping and smothering. Ridge wants to focus on Steffy. Brooke doesn't like that, what about ME? Steffy Shmeffy she's ok let's go make out.
    Catching Sheila in the dark again! No one minds?!? It's a good thing Steffy and Liam talk loud enough or Hope would have to put a glass up to the door to listen through.
    Sheila stand there and announce your intentions. Didn't get to kill Steffy again! Turn in your hitman club card. You're an embarrasment to the guild

    1. Brook is getting horny, that’s why she can’t spend another night without you ridge!!

  4. Listen to the lame man child telling Sheila about her relationship and rights re Steffy. And Liam, you should not be there either. Take your own advice. You can also ask the family how she is...from home, with your children.

    1. It's really funny how Liam just accepted that he is a part of the "inner circle of care" for Steffy while his actual family is standing on the outside looking in.

  5. Brooke should be ashamed of herself. Really ashamed.
    If Steffy would have been more tollerante Sheila wouldn't have killed her own son.
    Baby Hope is taking mommy's advice to watch her Liam. The Login's need to go back home.

    1. Steffy is getting stronger everyday. Why are the Logan women still there? Brooke should just return home and sulk about Ridge not wanting to come home with her and reminisce on what gave her the urge to drink.

    2. Yes, Brooke, go home and sort through your closet ... make surely those yugly blazers are included in your donation bags.

    3. Love how ridge really emphasised to brook that steffies going to need all of his attention,

  6. Lame has self appointed himself Steffy gatekeeper. He is so desperate to have a polyamorous relationship.

  7. Taylor and poking Hope. Where was Taylor when Steffy was addicted and Thomas was insane? Selective parenting.

  8. Brooke this is not the time to be trying to repair your marriage. Give Ridge a minute to himself!

  9. See..Taylor is already pumped up for Liam and steffy. Will she never learn??

    And Brooke is correct!

    And Liam is giving steffy a lot of hope...just for her to be disappointed yet again.

    Writers need to move on from this triangle.
    I sometimes can't stand the naivety of hope...steffys dependency on Liam everytime something happens to her...and liams lack of respect.

    It's boring and repetitive. They need to move on from this. 85% of persons who watch this show do not want steffy and Liam again (fans or not). He chose who he wanted to be with ( at steffys house after she confessed the kiss she and Thomas manipultated).

    Bring someone else for steffy.... Or they could just bring Finn back.

    But the writers love a repeat of the we'll see where this rubbish storyline goes.

    1. Cassy, yes! That’s the example I have brought up multiple times for all the Steffy fans. The kiss on the deck at her house. She and Thomas manipulated that kiss, and Liam made clear that Hope was his choice. But all the Steffy fans always want to ignore that whole event. Liam is a piece of work. I hope Hope dumps him and Steffy gets on just fine without him. He thinks needs to be everyone’s knight in shining armor. Lol. What a damn joke!!

    2. Agree. If either one of these women had any sense or self respect, they'd both tell him to hit the bricks. He's ok looking, but his waffling and self righteous attitude have ruined his character. I don't find Liam's character appealing at all. The best thing that could happen on this show is for both women to ditch his ass and never look back. But it won't happen because bold and beautiful can't come up with anything fresh.

    3. Totally agree with u Hilary!!

    4. Be wonderful, wouldn't it. By the way, where is Steffy's phone, surely those calls to Sheila to meet up in the alley would be on it. If not, they could be traced & tracked by cell phone towers in the district.

    5. Old fan, Sheila took both their phones so it looked like a robbery!!

    6. Colly, Sheila should ask Bill for advice on where to hide a deceased person's cell phone since he has experience with that with Vinny's phone...

    7. My dearest Cassy, I do not remember that incident happening quite the way you stated or whether there was even a choice to be made. I do remember Steffy admitting to Liam and Hope that the kiss was staged and she even apologized to them. She would have also told Hope to forgive Liam because it was not his fault and that she should try and make things work with him. There was no choice involved as Steffy again handed Liam over to Hope.

      Additionally, mannequin-gate happened after that incident. After Liam and Steffy slept together, he confessed that he still loved Steffy and wanted their family back. Steffy had to practically beg him to go back to Hope. It seems pretty clear to me that even though Liam might have chosen to be with Hope that one time, he also felt that he made a mistake. I mean, what husband would see his wife supposedly kissing another man and just run back to his ex-wife without even bursting into the room demanding to know what was going on? It seemed to me that Liam was looking for any excuse to go back to Steffy. Maybe her involvement with Finn made him realize that he made the wrong choice.

  10. Wrong thing to say Liam. Don't press your opinion on someone grieving, forcing them to be tough. Let them grieve their own way.

  11. Absolutely. It's not about you now Brooke. Give Ridge his space.

    1. No, we can’t have that!! According to brook, steffy woke up now so he should be focusing on brook and going home to her, not steffy and Taylor.. and they can be there for steffy from afar and Taylor can look after steffy, while ridge focuses on brook and repairing their marraige, cause that should b top priority now that steffy’s awake!!

  12. Liam, what's going through your head, are you now living under the motto: I live my life with 2 wives and 2 families???
    hello sisterwives club with stepsisters!!!

    1. 👏👏🤣🤣 lol seriously

    2. What Else could IT Mean in the Last Minutes ???
      Hello Babe i going to be The Father to Hayes & be there For you & the Kids !!!

    3. lol it sure is a odd family "affair" @Luisa lol don't forget he is also a father to Douglas (who actually has a father smh lol)

    4. Why Not asking Wyatt too ???
      #BrotherHusbands Liam + Wyatt
      #SisterWives Steffy ,+ Hope
      #Steam #Hott #Statt & #Lope
      Living Together in Cliffhouse !!!

  13. Love him or Hate him Liam will be with Steffy

  14. Brooke once again it’s all about Meeeeeeeeeee! She’s is so unbelievably selfish leave Ridge the feck alone. The only reason she is there to get him away from living at Steffy’s house with Taylor!

    What a joke Hope is helping with the bairns, when? She’s always lurking at the hospital and glomming onto Liam, to prevent his escaping 😂.

    Sheila needs to bugger off, Steffy cannot move let alone get out of bed and reprogram her med pump lol! Dafty Sheila is such a nutter! They need a guard in there.

    I’m glad Liam is stepping up, Kelly and Hayes are siblings and having a father figure would help Hayes a lot. I like the idea of Liam including Hayes in activities with his sister. It makes total sense. I mean Hope doesn’t let Kelly and Beth play together how is that good for the sisters?? There is a better way to support them. It’s also natural that Liam would support Steffy, they were married, they are still good mates and co parents. Hope needs to grow up and get over herself. She knew Liam was married with a daughter when she got pregnant, and when she married him Kelly and Steffy didn’t cease to exists. Despite Hope’s best efforts to monopolize all his time ( ring any bells? Brooke did the same thing with Ridge and they weren’t even his children)!

    The Logan witches need to feck away off and let Steffy’s family be there for her. End of story. Neither of them give a rat’s arse about Steffy and are only there to protect their perceived interests.

    I think Sheila will put the meds up, Steffy slips into a coma until Mat leave is over, then Fin wakes up and saves Steffy!

  15. Maybe Finn has a twin who is a doctor in Gstaad or Zürich where the clinic is for comatose patients. LOL

  16. Liam was right on the money today. If he had not walked in on Sheila, she probably would have succeeded in achieving her goal. The woman has always been unstable. She's a loose cannon. Why don't they have a guard outside her door. This is very poor writing. I am taking a break from this. Steffy is not the best actress in this situation.

    1. I too was just thinking if we have to revisit this damn triangle with Liam again, I seriously may stop watching the show. I just can't enjoy it with the same repetitive crap. I'm so sick of Liam and Steffi and hope. Why can't we see some different faces for a change

    2. For now, the police think it was a robbery. They have absolutely no reason to believe that Steffy's life is in danger. As such, they will not put a guard at Steffy's door.

  17. I don’t know what hope expects?? Liam has been a father figure to his second cousin Douglas , and that’s ok.. Finn was more of a father to kelly than Liam, so now Liam realises he has to “step up”, and why shouldn’t he include Hayes, Finn more than included kelly, he treated her like his own, so what’s the problem hope?? Ohhh, yeah, Liam can’t be a father to anyone but Beth and Douglas!! What happened to one big happy extended family hope?? And it’s all about the kids?? With mummy egging u on, you r really in a state aren’t u..

    I think Taylor said what she did, because hope and brook went behind Taylor’s back to manipulate Liam and Bridget to telling steffy prematurely about Liam not being her husband.. I don’t blame her.. even Bridget apologised for not consulting steffy’s MOTHER about something so important.. and Bridget has the nerve to say she’s in good hands?? Taylor was just making it clear to hope that Liam is Kelly’s father and that he wants and needs to b there to help steffy now that they forced her to remember finn so early.. Taylor is hinting to hope not to stop him from being there..and to think of others , not just herself!!

    And once again, brook, with the best line of the day, “I don’t trust Taylor” 🤣🤣🤣 she is trying to take ridge away from steffy and taylor and using this situation to do it is, what is running through brooks head.. umm, hold on a second, wasn’t that brook using this situation to con ridge into going back to her.. she was basically begging him, and it didn’t matter how many times he said he can’t focus on anything but steffy right now, she still wouldn’t give it up.. steffy will be home tomorrow and please don’t go back to steffy’s , there’s no need to ridge!, I need u more, get your priorities straight ridge”is basically what she is saying, and then she freaks hope out!! Well done brook!! What a great support you have been since you’ve been there!! It’s been ALL about you and hope!! She never ceases to amaze me, not sure why I am so surprised 🤣🤣

    1. That was the best line of the day! ... hello, pot (Brooke). 😂

    2. Lol exactly! 👏👏👏👏 couldn’t agree more Colly!

  18. Go home brook and take hope with you!! Oh don’t forget to pop your head in and check that the kids havnt set the house on fire!!

  19. And Sheila, twice now, caught with her hand on that machine, how stupid can Liam and Taylor be?? Even though I am a Taylor fan, I can admit when one of my favourites is doing the wrong thing.. knowing the history of both the past and current , between steffy and Sheila, if I saw her hand at that machine, while steffy is sleeping, lurking in the dark, knowing she is a nurse, I would b suspicious immediately.. I would not leave my daughters room unless someone else stayed with her, not even just because of Sheila, but also that steffy is the only witness to her being shot and her husband being murdered.. with no hairs at her door, I would not leave my daughters side.. and Sheila has given up trying to see her son, and is focused solely on steffy in an obsessive way, so again, Taylor, wake up girl, I feel like slapping her!!

  20. I think Liam is tapping into the outside forces surrounding brook??

    1. Yes for sure there are many psychics on this show. 😂😂😂
      But even with Liam’s new superpowers he still wasn’t able to discern what was going on with Sheila’s actual hand on Steffy’s hospital monitors. Too funny!!

    2. I know 🤣🤣🤣 he is as dumb as a post!! The fact he could tap into the outside forces that something is really wrong and bad about to happen, but ignores that and let’s Sheila manipulate him?? 😂

    3. No, he is tapping into his higher guides! With all that vegan diet food and meditation, you surely realise that he is a much more evolved soul than all of us mere mortals. So following that line of reasoning, they should soon tell him it was Sheila? Right?

    4. Brooke doesn't want to let Ridge have a few days without her nagging because he might realize how nice that is. At this point he should see what a dispicable person she is.

  21. And brook to hope, “but you got a feeling”, and Taylor didn’t come back to reunite with ridge, “and here she is , with ridge”, really brook, and “I want us to work on our marraige”, we can’t let let a little thing like steffy getting shot, almost losing her life, and seeing her husband get shot trying to protect her, get in the way?? 🤣🤣 I can’t believe I watch this crap 🤣🤣

    1. And, Brooke added something about this is a reminder that life is short so I want to work on our marriage. Good grief! Let the man focus on his daughter! Ridge was patient with Brooke for months with the New Year's Eve fiasco, but she can't give him a few days to care for Steffy. Brooke is being extremely selfish.

  22. I said this in yesterdays comments, but feel the need to say it today as well, because I can a backlash coming from brook and hope supporters regarding what Taylor said to hope today, and I think Taylor said what she said because, steffy didn’t come too until later in the day on day 1, and then it became night, then morning, and and then they were forced by hope and brook to tell her behind Taylor’s back, so it had only been 24 hours , if that!! As far as I am concerned, even if Bridget didn’t say what she did, they would have forced Liam into telling her, which is what they were almost successful at BEFORE Bridget came in.. so even if Bridget was not there and said what she said, they would have got Liam to do it anyway.. they made him the scapegoat..

    And as far as I am concerned, Bridget FAILED her DUTY OF CARE as STEFFIES PHYSICIAN, by divulging personal information about steffies condition to people who are NOT immediate family members, AND, even worse, consulting with her own mother and sister, before steffies immediate family, namely Taylor, who is also a qualified mental health expert..

    In the real world, Taylor could have had Bridget up for malpractice, failing duty of care, failing the privacy act, conflict of interest, endangering a critically I’ll patient, and a host of other offences..

    So no matter how brook and hope fans try to defend them, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for what they did.. Bridget specifically stated that she consulted with the neurologist and steffy’s condition is improving, and then made the assumption, that she “thinks” steffy can handle being told something that could have caused irreparable damage to steffies psychological condition because she made an assumption without a clear decision between the neurologist, a psychiatrist, wether Taylor or another one, and without consulting with ALL of steffies immediate family, namely the most important person, steffies MOTHER..

    Then she had more concern for her own family who should not even be there, than steffy and steffies family.. then has the nerve to tell her mother, it’s ok mom, your not being selfish for wanting to sort your marraige with ridge out now?? And knowing how wrong she was, apologising to Taylor for not consulting her.. and when Taylor expressed concerns at the moment Liam was about to tell her and stated to Bridget she disagrees and that she feels it’s too soon, was ignored by Bridget.. 24 hours is WAY too soon and a few more days would not have hurt anyone, especially steffy..

    so Taylor is just affirming to hope, that hope can try all she wants to stop Liam from being there for steffy, but it’s imperative that he is at the moment, because of their own wrong doing.. and that, in trying to get their own way, it is going to back fire, because now that they forced steffy into a world of pain and grief way too soon, steffy will need Liam’s support even more right now, and he is kellies father, which he has not really been much of since being with hope, because she has him on such a tight lead, and he now “realises” he hasn’t, and needs to “step up” now that the most solid father figure kelly had, Finn is now gone!! So I think that is what Taylor is pointing out to hope in a not so scuttle way, but what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.. at least Taylor was a little more tactful and less transparent than what hope and brook have been.. the only support that hope and brook have shown, is for themselves.. brook trying to drag ridge away, and hope trying to drag Liam away, and oh be there for the kids???

  23. Absolutely, Colly! Thanks much 🙏🏻 for concurring with my post yesterday ... I’m in agreement in every way you expanded the point. In the very least, Bridget showed a conflict of interest - we are allowed to have a physician who is a family member but this one disregarded the patient without medical cause and disclosing Steffy’s medical status without her permission to other than next of kin is so out-of-line. Sometimes we don’t have a choice because Bridget might be the only doctor available upon admission but the proper thing to do after she is stabilized is to ask if the family if they’d be more comfortable with doctor so-and-so.

    The next was to make a psychological decision without consult because “tests show that Steffy is getting stronger.” Steffy could have had a panic attack to a stroke by hearing about Finn’s death all because bitter Brooke and Hopeless can’t hold back for two seconds making a claim on Liam.

    I suppose being stepmonster and stepsister make them think they are in that privileged position but because Finn is supposedly dead, only her birth parents should have been in the loop regarding everything involving Steffy’s progress and treatment. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor so for Bridget to usurp Taylor’s input was blatantly unprofessional. Ridge and Bridget should have thrown Brooke, Hope (and Sheila) out 15 minutes after arrival. Yet another faux pas from the writers. Well said, Colly. Brava.

    1. Yes unknown, I am elaborating on the points you made earlier, because you were were absolutely right, and the brook fans were trying to say they gave steffy plenty of time, and then I was expecting a Taylor backlash for what she said to hope, and the points I made were more to get them to see why Taylor said what she said!!

    2. 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you both!!! Bridget had actually called Brooke about Steffy’s condition off screen too! That’s completely unprofessional and unethical! Again Bridget is a Logan first, the sad thing is Steffy is her niece on her Forrester side. I’m stunned that Bridget can overlook all the betrayal from Brooke. How Brooke’s always chosen herself first and never considered the pain and devastation to Bridget and her life. The sad thing is Brooke would be betray her again in a flash to get what she wants.

      I know I know it’s all about Hope and Brooke as usual. How can Ridge not see and hear the utter selfish, unfeeling, cold hearted, and just plain cruel way Brooke is acting??? I hate hearing about Brooke’s big warm heart… it’s shrivelled smaller than the grinch and made of pure granite!!!

      Ridge really did try to tell her that all of his focus had to be on Steffy. I agree Colly and Unknown, how can Brooke hear that and still demand and whine that he should come home? That their marriage is the most important or 🤮 that Brooke doesn’t fancy sleeping alone 😂? Ridge knows Brooke detests Steffy, it’s been a sore spot with them that Brooke resents the existence of his Children with Taylor. I hope this just pushes him to get away from her and then TK is on his sabbatical.

      Brooke saying she didn’t trust Taylor made me laugh, WTF??? I agree only Brooke would go there, she makes a mother supporting her very injured daughter, who was forced to remember and hear things within 24 of consciousness after a major trauma, the telling of being engineered by Brooke and Hope! Only Brooke and Hopeless could make it and the consequences into some elaborate scheme to reunite Liam and Steffy! We all know Liam loves Steffy but he’s a rotter and even Taylor wouldn’t want Steffy back in his arms! She actually loves her daughter and doesn’t want to see her love the ugly triangle life that she did with Ridge and Brooke!

      Hope is beyond the pale too. She’s a liar she hasn’t been home helping with the bairns. Kelly and Hayes have been with their nanny, Amelia all this time! Maybe Thomas gave her a break when he was home with Douglas, but Hope has been glued to the hospital for NO reason at all. He isn’t even looking after her own daughter Beth who she manages to forget unless she is using her to keep tight lead on Liam or guilting him about something. She doesn’t even like Steffy and her utterly fake concern aside she’s there to keep the pressure and manipulation tactics up on Liam. She’s growing more selfish and nasty like her mother every day. Liam is wrong, she’s not patient or understanding, she pretends saying one thing and in the same sentence saying, “Oh Steffy has all the help she needs from her “amazing support network “ and hey if mummy and I forcing Liam to tell Steffy damages her, we didn’t do anything…” 🙄🙄🤮🤮 That spoiled wee princess makes me gag. Again, “ Poor meeeeee my perfect family and perfect world were disrupted! How dare Finn get himself shot and die?? I mean now Liam actually needs to be a father to his other daughter. Stealing him away from completely focusing on Beth and Douglas who has a daddy but who cares it’s all about meeeeee. And how dare Steffy witness her husbin’s (deliberately misspelled 😂) murder and then get shot, nearly die and lose her memory??? Now there is no barrier to Liam going back to her, and she needs him to be a father to Kelly, and forcing her to remember brings out his saviour complex. It’s not fair life is supposed to be all about meeeeeee!” 😭🥱🥱🥱🥱

      I was laughing about Liam knowing something was wrong but like mentioned above doesn’t find evil nurse Sheila with her hands on the med pump suspicious??? I’m thinking a rugby tackle would have been in order. He better glue himself to her bedside is all I can say. No one is watching her or protecting her and Sheila has free to wander in and out? This isn’t going to end well for Steffy.

    3. Terrific post ... the added humor is appreciated ... we can always use a good laugh. 😅

  24. Yes, Great Unknown, we are highlighting a medical conflict of interest and disregard of privacy, just in the same way that we highlighted an employee living in a janitor's closet. Good to see that you are becoming enlightened. Liam's spiritual practices appear to be permeating your consciousness. If you you continue to open your Chakras you may become an Ascended Master. Keep up the good work, Colly.

    1. Hi, oldfan 👋🏻 ... you must’ve missed my retraction ... you can go back if you recall the date as I do not - after reading your second post re the famous closet, I understood your point and agree with you. Now let’s enjoy a cheer together 🥂. You can say I’m a fan of oldfan.

    2. Btw, there are lots of Unknowns on here from around the globe 🌎. But ‘twas I who conversed with you prior. This show absolutely needs to get Deacon some new digs.

    3. Oldfan need no fan. Oldfan fan of Oldfan. Oldfan, off, over & out.

  25. Liam standing up against Sheila. Well I never saw that one coming!

    I do not want Liam and Steffy back together but it seems that is where the writers are headed. I am still holding out hope that Finn is alive though. I could be wrong but I seem to remember that when Scott Clifton had first joined the show, he said in an interview that he was told that his character would be a part of a second instalment of the Taylor/Ridge/Brooke triangle in Steffy/Liam/Hope. So the character of Liam was specifically brought on for that purpose.

    Why doesn't Sheila just leave town? Why is it preferable to her to commit another murder rather than try to save herself by getting he heck out of dodge?

    Hope is soooooo insecure. She cannot even leave Liam alone with Steffy for 5 minutes before she has to go check on them. Her mouth says that she is fine with it and she will support Liam in supporting Steffy but her actions say differently. That's what she gets for taking a married man away from his wife and family.

    1. Elle, totally agree 👏👏👏👏.

    2. Thank you Elle! Glad someone else sees Dope for what she really is. A big ball of insecurity.

  26. Hope and Brooke, pissing up against a tree, marking their territory like a dog, insecurities are too much for them to bare :D
