
Monday, July 18, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-18-22 Full episode B&B 18th July 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-18-22 Full episode B&B 18th July 2022


  1. Sheila's drugging fentynal Finn. Ridge looks less than thrilled Hope is glad Brooke and Ridge are back together. Keeps nosy mom outta Hope's hair for awhile. It's hard to be the only babysitter all day for someone who can't be left alone. Sheila, Call LI that's a brand new ploy. She thinks it proves she didn't know what happened to Li. Deacon is just going to stay there in Taylor's office until they are in love. Deacon as shrink reminds me of those plasticky things you put in the oven shrinky dinks? Sheila needs to use the Michael Jackson dose, or beat him til he quits waking up. Sheila asks repeats Mike's question , "what's the plan?" "I like to wing it!" I can always slip out even if the fuzz breaks in.

    1. Mike wants to run away with her, she's thinking about it.

  2. Today, I enjoyed the Deacon and Taylor moment. Oh Pleaseeee! The way Hope walked into the room saying AHHHHHH! sounded so childish, then again she always acts childish and how old is she? It was really nice seeing Spencer men together as well. Did not pay much attention to Sheila's scenes because I finally had enough of her dirty schemes and plans, lets move on and get Sheila out of B&B


  3. I kinda like this Mike guy 😂
    "Hello? You have almost twice now - shooting him and then shocking him!"
    Deacon and Taylor have great chemistry. It was so hot when he told her (previous episode) that he couldn't stop thinking about her ❤️
    Did Sheila in any way hit Li's truck? It looked like it went into flames on its own.
    Ahh so good to see Bill again 😍 when will he have some scandalous storyline again?

    1. @M.D. From watching those brief clips it looks like Sheila hit the Bronco, or whatever she drove, and it caught on fire, there probably was a backup of container of gasoline in the back.

    2. @Elisabeth you're probably right.

      PS liked Mike until his terrifying suggestion Sheila leave Finn 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Creep!

  4. That's the million dollar question. What happened to Li ? Thanks Bob

  5. Boring episode. No news on what happened to Li? Come on!! The writers need to get with the program and stop wasting our time having us watch the same, tired conversations. Maybe the storyline will pick up when Steffy comes back.

  6. Sheila is so stupid. most people do not answer their phone from a number they do not know so now li phone has mike's number on it.. smart to leave evidence lol

  7. So once again Hope n Brooke scene with Ridge taking the drama away from Finn Sheila Mike

  8. Oh oh. Ridge is back with bashing Deacon. At least he apologized to Hope. It looks like Brooke and Hope have to walk on eggshells around Ridge where Deacon is concerned. The name Deacon is taboo in that house and should not be brought up EVER! I would like to see Ridge try to tell Taylor not to have Deacon anywhere around her. Better yet, I would love to see Ridge try to forbid Taylor from seeing Deacon.

    Mike always tries to get Sheila to listen to sense. But does she? Nope! With Finn "out of it," maybe Sheila might leave him alone again to run an errand. Hope this kidnapping of Finn storyline does not drag out and he is able to escape Sheila's clutches soon.

    1. Ell, ridge is really sticking it to hope!! When she first walked in and he said a big of notice would be appreciated.. you can clearly see he has brook under the thumb now.. any way he behaves, brook will accept it, because she wants to make sure he doesn’t leave again..

      The way brook looked at hope when ridge pounced on her about not believing deacon, I don’t think hopes so happy they are back together now!! And as I predicted a while ago, if Taylor hooks up with deacon, brooks gonna lose both of those men for sure.. after seeing how agitated he was today just talking about deacon, imagine when he sees them together.. and somehow, I don’t think Taylor is going to take any crap from ridge now!!

    2. Brooke said "Okay, let's change the subject." 😂😂

      I agree with you, Taylor won't take any crap from Ridge.

  9. I bet Li is getting reconstructive surgery of some sorts, and comes back to haunt Sheila, now THAT would be interesting :P

  10. Bill & sons at Il Gardino's - the only restaurant in town! (Also, known as Deacon's diner & Deacon's home.). If you need an emergency wedding - Il Gardino's is the place. Or, if you want to view a crime scene, Il Gardino's is where you want to go. Bar fight? Il Gardino's - where Ridge & Deacon duked it out. All that & dried out bread sticks! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Four star restaurant!) 🙄 😂

    1. That annoys me too :(( remember when they used to dress up and go to Cafe Rousse 🥰 now that was a place with class (as was the series back in the 90s).

    2. Calling in from the mothership! Last episode I watched on TV (not via the blog) Deacon told Taylor he was a loser because he lived in a storage closet!!! I was called a "kook" for saying the same thing, about the storage closet that is. How many other employees are living in these kind of degrading arrangements? Living on the street is humiliating enough, but having a job that does not pay enough to afford even a crummy room in a run down hotel, is abhorrent! Incidentally, there is restaurant called Il Giardino in L.A. Anyone been there?

  11. Mike - your calling a dead woman’s phone, “your really losing it Sheila” 🤣🤣🤣 has Mike only just noticed that? And I like $bill, but the nerve to put deacon down for working in a bar, and say once a con man always a con man.. bill was pretty much handed his fortune on a silver platter, but I might b wrong there, it’s hard to remember complete 35 years worth, not to mention that bill is the biggest con man on daytime television.. it’s actually funny hearing him describe himself when putting others down 🤣🤣 well it looks like Dr Deacon has a new career!!

    1. I'm a medium. If you ever really want to receive a message from "the Other Side" the caller ID number should be a series of zeros.

    2. What do you mean? Do you mean if someone from the other side tries to call you or you try to call them?? I am confused? I believe in mediums, nice to meet you Karen 😊

    3. Sheila is a great character to have on the show but she goes from 0 to 100 really quickly then it's all downhill. They need a character like Mike who can bring some hysterics to the Sheila scenes. He makes them more bearable.

      Bill himself is a criminal so it's laughable that he continues to look down on Deacon when Bill has probably done worse than Deacon ever could.

      Colly, Bill Spencer Jr was non-existent until he suddenly appeared out of nowhere saying that he was Bill Spencer's son and had taken over the family business. They brought in his sister Karen Spencer (Caroline's twin) to validate what Bill was claiming because noone had ever heard of him prior to that.
