
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-19-22 Full episode B&B 19th July 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-19-22 Full episode B&B 19th July 2022


  1. Finn wants to see Steffy. That doesn't jibe with Sheila's agenda. She's tried several angles to get Finn onboard, but they aren't working. It's getting annoying. Maybe every mother doesn't stand at the foot of the bed telling her son I want you to love me. Eew Sheila looks like don't make me pinch your tube off. sheila wants a bath. Is that what that rank smell in here is? Mike going on and on about having the hots for Sheila. Get out the barf tray.
    Finn is flatlining but moving around?

    1. Brooke solves the caper- writers don't want to work

    2. When finn got out of the bed, he ripped the cannula in his arm off and the leads that connect to the op’s monitor off, that’s why the machine is showing flat line..

      I don’t know about anyone else, but Mike is funny as it is, but I couldn’t stop giggling at the lights shining off his head 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Mike has been helping Sheila for many years, and his records show that he is CLEAN, now that is about to change.

  3. Best Fin gets out there fast. What a lunatic Sheila is but a good actress. Thanks Bob

  4. I noticed that Finn's face had kind of been shaved today. It doesn't seem like he would he have shaved while in bed. I can't imagine Finn would allow cray cray Sheila near him with a razor. So, it just doesn't go along with the story...

  5. Mike could not have looked more guilty or scared when he walked in and saw ridge and brook!! I think Finn will escape before they get it out of Mike.. they only need to ask to see his phone and see the messages to her and track where she is from his phone.. I think Finn will play dead, Sheila will panick and take off or call Mike while he is in that meeting and that’s how they find out.. but Finn will b gone and Sheila, so tomorrow should b a good show, that is, unless they dump a heap of scene fillers in which they will!! I also noticed a fair bit of the show was cut out in todays episode..

  6. Searched for a site to watch this episode since Bob's site had pulled this video. Found only one site on YouTube called Bangla Cartoon Tube that had entire episode & NOT clickabait. If Li is still alive after being underwater for weeks only one plausible explanation is possible-- that Li has gills! Lol!

  7. About Mike's head "shining"-- when I was very small I asked my dad why some bald men's heads were shiny. My dad said bc they use Turtle Wax on them! Lol!

    1. Deborah, some men actually did do that, true!!🤣🤣

  8. Brooke looked lovely today in all black.
