Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-2-23 Full episode B&B 2nd February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-2-23 Full episode B&B 2nd February 2023


  1. I don't know what's most annoying - Steffy and Finn post surf/ "sexy"
    / Monaco routine (Every. Friggin. Time! And the same nauseating lines 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ plus why is her face so pulled, she doesn't need all that work!), Brooke and Taylor's cuddling (just NO) or Sheila's blinking.
    Just bring me some Thomas!

    1. @Milla Well, I know I am sick of hearing how sexy Steffy husband body is that for sure, like I can't remember from the first time she said. As for Steffy's face, it like she put on a facial mask that they use when you are cleaning your face. Brooke and Taylor were a lot better for me than hearing Sheila's threat to Kate, her lines are nothing new she uses on everybody when she is threatening people. As for Thomas, I think Bradley Bell doesn't have any brainstorming ideas in what to do with Thomas character right now.

    2. Milla, I couldn't agree more!!

    3. I agree with all of you. I don’t think that Finn is so “hot”. I keep seeing him as the stupid Liberty Mutual commercial.

    4. Sheila needs to stop going over to any one's house to intimidate them. She doesn't appreciate her chance other than for revenge. She needs to start up some philanthropic projects and get attention and praise that will give the forresters hemmorages. With Bill to back it they could work on some worthy causes and make the town read about them in the paper and getting citizenship awards. That could kill thel ogan/forr clans.. Forresters would scream at the tv when the 2 outcasts are shown, honored for their work. But Sheila can't think beyond jailhouse revenge, and kissing Deacon in front of Bill.

  2. Brooke &Taylor- rubbin' is racin'. Maybe Sheila came to rub on Katy. Sheila is deluded if she doesn't think katy will use the kid to get what she wants. Use use use the only way the idle rich will do it. Brooke says Taylor is nothing like Sheila. Sheila's does it really wild . Carter tells katy call security. What will charlie do? Cut the cheese again or threaten to? Sheila's used to that from jail time. Brooke & Taylor are moving closer and closer to each other will there be a kiss tomorrow?

    1. Hey booklover, I began to wonder if kissing was going to happen. I really hope that the writers don't sink into that abyss. ABSOLUTELY NO KISSING BETWEEN THOSE TWO..

  3. I don't like the idea with Brooke and Taylor being so so friends.
    Carter snd Kate look so good together.
    Sheila was very very nasty with Kate. Her words were like bullets the way she talked to Kate.. Nasty very very nasty.

    1. Sheila is starting to feel really insecure since she heard What Bill said to Katie about being a family again. She better watch her step about threatening Katie. I really believe if she tries to harm Katie or Brooke, Bill will put her down like a rabid dog.

  4. So sick of the Brooke and Taylor love fest. Katie, please shut up geez. Steffy and Finn's mushy make out sessions are making me sick too. This was a boring and repetitive episode. Thank you so much Bob.

  5. Everyone on the show who don't want to talk to Sheila or have anything to do with her should just ignore her. Walk away. Call security if she's not supposed to be in the building. Don't give her the energy or attention. It's clear she wants to push buttons and get a rise out of people. I would not let her get to me. I would give her a silent blank face expression until she gives up. You get nothing from me, psycho chick. ✌

    1. Agreed! They're always like "Sheila! What are you doing here?!" in these super-shocked voices. So stupid. Just don't say a word, but call security and then go about your business.

    2. I don’t see why they couldn’t get a stalking order to keep her from barging in on all of them. At least Finn said he finally locked the doors, about time after everyone seems to barge right in.

  6. Brooke & Taylor will be each other's Galentine this year! ♥️

    1. Perfectly put! No one leers at a "friend" like they do each other. If they had Taylor and Logan go for it- they would leap in the ratings for new story line, ground breaking storyline, whole new fan base added. So tired of the old story lines and rehash junk they could improve. Days has gay people, I'm sure other soaps do too. Using 2 beautiful older women would knock their socks off.

  7. What a bore
    Brooke logan friends and Taylor needs Brooke?
    What the hell!!!
    Is Bell doing ???
    Sinn same scene and same lines!!!
    As boring as lope
    Thanks Bob xx

  8. Lope is far less boring than Sinn.
    At least you have it right about Sinn, same lines, same acting, same same,same.
    It was good to see Katie stand her ground with Sheila...showing Sheila what a strong woman she is.
    As for Steffy going on about Finn...he`s no Thomas and he`s no Carter!
    I almost had a little nap while watching this bs today 🥱🥱

  9. Steffy and Finn maybe cute together, but there is no chemistry there. There was more chemistry between Steffy and Liam. There was more chemistry between Carter and Queen...I guess the writers don't like to see chemistry between people, they probably prefer yo force the energy.

    1. @Mmysh, sure it's for me, I didn't intend to speak for others.

  10. Wow, ALL the comments above are nothing but complaints, complaints, complaints, like a bunch of boring housewives complaining about EVERYTHING, why watch the B & B if you are ALL going to complain....get a life ladies!

    1. Complaining about the complainers doesn’t make you any better 🤣😅🤣

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣thank you @Milla!

    3. I’m still confused about what ‘complaining’ has to do with “needing to get a life”?? I think that ‘Unknown’ person just says that in all her comments.
      And Milla, your response to her was PERFECT!!! 😂😂😂😂

    4. Isn't complaining about complaining, complaning?
