Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-7-23 Full episode B&B 7th February 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-7-23 Full episode B&B 7th February 2023


  1. Wow! I can't believe that Taylor is committing suicide.

    1. I did not know this I missed the last 10 minutes what happened and Taylor is not dead it’s scripted.

    2. Tanastdf100 Taylor couldn't handle that she shot Bill all because Bill threatened Steffy & Taylor that if they had Sheila arrested Bill would tell the cops about her shooting Bill, plus the fact that Sheila is still roaming free, it has haunted Taylor to the point that she wrote a note and took some pills and Brooke found her lying on the bed unconscious.

  2. I can't get over how gorgeous Brooke looks in these episodes 😍the only reason I tune in these days. That hair, that skin - bravo 👏🏼👏🏼 she looks like 20 years ago! Whoever KKL stylist is is doing an amazing job.
    Thomas 🤩 come on, just do your Thomas thing finally 😀 we want the action.
    Skipping over allllll the Steffy scenes 🙉
    Taylor is probably napping. Otherwise the bottle would be empty and next to her.

    1. She just drank 1 glass with the pills, no need to drink all the bootle

  3. Brooke looks great and the program is getting finally interesting.

  4. Well well Hope has a short memory
    She ran straight to liam when she heard him n Steffy were apart
    Such a hypocrite
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 😂😂😂😂 but you don’t have any memory apparently
      Or just twist what happens
      But we watched also

  5. Hope should have told Thomas to turn around and leave as soon as he walked in. He's still cute though. I had to put the episode on pause for a moment. It was the scene when Taylor was sitting on her couch writing in her journal. On pause she looked exactly like Michael Jackson with longer hair! I actually laughed out loud! I just saw a preview of upcoming scenes on CBS. Thomas is going to file for custody of Douglas. I don't see that happening. He doesn't even have his family behind him now since his whole CPS call plan was exposed.

  6. There called sleeping pills and can everyone stop treating steffy like a child when she was with bill they were both adults he didn't take advantage of her it's so annoying

  7. Oh joy Brooke the "heroin." Steffy has turned on her brother for the Logans! Sick of this "lop-sided" writing. Taylor attempting suicide. Give me a break. We all know that Liam is the real shooter. And Thomas will never get custody of Doug!! Time for another break from this show. Thank you Bob and fellow posters!!

  8. Things are hitting up. I wish Hope would just tell Thomas to get lost. Quite all the looking sorry for telling him to go ..

  9. Bob is it me that I can't find today's Program?
    It's February 13!

  10. Bob, I can only see February 6. Was i kicked out of the program to see? I don't understand what's going on. Help!

  11. Hi Bob, I hope you are doing good. Videos from the 7th onwards seem to be missing. It would be great if you could restore them when you get a chance. I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much!

  12. Hey Bob, can you upload the video again please? :(
