Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-27-23 Full episode B&B 27th June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-27-23 Full episode B&B 27th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Scenes like today, and I'm sure they will be even better tomorrow, make me appreciate Scott Clifton as an actor.

    1. I was not impressed with Liam today UNTIL....... he stood up from the chair at the end. Oh boy, Hope is gonna get it!!!!

    2. For sure it will be another amazing scene of Scott and Annika. Is there an Emmy for best onscreen couple? (Not most successful obv 😅 but best acting)

    3. Awesome episode today!! Hope you had your chance to come clean. Only one thing worse than a cheater…that’s a liar who doesn’t admit to their mistake!! You are soooooooo busted!! Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow. Liam is already packed and ready to go! He can go stay with Bill or Wyatt!!! Hope….you have gone so far down this rabbit hole! I don’t even recognize you anymore!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
      And Taylor - wow, can you say sour grapes???!!!! What exactly does it matter if you repeat your same old tired line over and over again….that “Brooke will only hurt and disappoint Ridge all over again”??? You don’t think he considered that himself before he reunited with Brooke??!! Give it a damn rest, Taylor! You LOSE!!!!! Accept it and actually move on this time instead of holding out hope that Ridge will come running back to you! You are wasting your life waiting for that man!
      Steffy….now it’s your turn to be honest with Finn about what happened with you and Liam. But of course Steffy is the master liar and won’t say a word to Finn about what happened!!! Hilarious!!! Sneaks gotta be sneaks!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And even if you tell Finn that “Liam kissed you”, and you didn’t see it coming…that’s fine. Just tell him what happened. Because when he finds out later he will perceive you as keeping it from him. And that won’t go over well at all!!!!!!

    4. When Ridge "choose" Taylor last time she 'laid the needy' on so hard he had to run away and hide in Bill's personal porn viewing booth watching Bill & Sheila do it for 3 months. When Ridge is mad at Brooke, he runs to Taylor. When he's mad at Taylor he has go to full on lam. When will Taylor "get" the insult and be sick of Ridge? Taylor came off badly with hints and snarky warnings that would be very unlike a supposedly non-judgmental shrink. If she does that to paying patients, no wonder no one comes back. The faces she made showed her disdain with no sympathy or understanding coming from her.

    5. Lynn Yes 💪🏼💪🏼 I also thought the same about Taylor's tired line of Brooke disappointing Ridge waaa. That poor woman, give her some dignity at last.

    6. For sure, Milla! Really looking forward to the Liam / Hope showdown tomorrow. And I hope he walks out on her…not necessarily for the kiss, but for her total dishonesty and lack of conscience!!!

    7. WitchyPoo, I can’t remember the last time I saw Taylor resemble anything even close to a psychiatrist. Everything she says is for selfish reasons. Nothing is ever objective about her “advice”!

    8. Milla, I think we got told that we wrong for putting Hope on a pedestal - because the only way off the pedestal is “down.” But now even the FF’s are having a tough time digesting the new Hope 2.0. So I’ll say it again….how likely is it that a young woman who has always followed the rules and had a heart of gold, go from that to who she is today???? Happens overnight. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. She becomes a cheater, a liar and a person with no guilt or conscience!!! Sorry, not gonna happen in real life unless she had a serious head injury and forgot who she was. And that’s why this plot is so absurd. But no matter, I’m going with the flow and just gonna say that Hope deserves everything she gets at this point!!! I seriously hope Liam dumps her like a hot rock!!!!

    9. Lynn, I remember clearly that we said if Hope does something with Thomas she will hate herself. I believe that’s what’s coming. She risked her family and her beautiful life for what? Satisfying an urge. I hope Liam tells her also about the kiss with Steffy - it should all be out in the open. If Liam shows forgiveness (which he has received himself) I think it would be good, but I’m also looking forward to seeing Hope admit her mistake and yes - suffer for it. Like Liam has. What do you think are the chances she also admits she and Thomas also walked hand in hand around the city? Because from Liam’s perspective now Thomas looks “stunned“ and that’s all, he doesn’t know about the rest of it.

    10. Milla, it’s hard to tell how she will act when Liam calls her out. She has surprised me a lot lately. And definitely not in a good way.
      But yes, we definitely said she’d regret it…which she is already showing signs of that finally!! But only because she’s about to be called out. I don’t get the impression she is feeling very sorry about her actual behavior. I think given the circumstances, Liam may not be too quick to forgive her. Thomas has been a point of contention for quite a long time and Hope has been adamant that Liam had nothing to be worried about. She even got mad at Liam for questioning her. She has played him for a fool. Or at least that’s the way I’d expect him to perceive it.
      And my guess is she doesn’t mention the remainder of the afternoon she spent with him.

    11. Witchypoo Indeed about Taylor
      How come a psychiatrist can be such a judgmental person
      I won’t go to such for sure
      She is so pathetic

    12. And lynn i think the digesting will be fine if hope choose thomas 😂😂

    13. Lynn, just to be clear about the pedestal comment (which I made), I said that the LFs put her on a pedestal but we (the FFs) knew what Hope was capable of given her past indiscretions. Any time those past indiscretions came up, y'all would deflect to Steffy's role in the debacle.

      When Hope was married to Wyat but still entertaining Liam, we heard that she DID NOT cheat although emotional cheating is a thing. When she returned to LA for the sole purpose of getting Liam back and slept with him and got pregnant while Liam was still with Steffy and she was pregnant as well, we were told that Steffy slept with Bill. When a young virgin Hope had sex with a married Liam and moved in with him while he was still married to Steffy, we were told that Hope had Liam first. Even with this current storyline, all we heard was that Hope does not have feelings for Thomas, she loves her husband yet, when she admitted to Brooke that she had feelings for Thomas and found him desirable, there was nary a peep from the LFs about it. Then the story changed to IF Hope does anything with Thomas, she will regret it. Well, we have seen her kiss Thomas and act like it was nothing. She showed no regret at all. Y'all always gave Hope a pass and perceived her to be a pinnacle of moral virtue. That's putting her on a pedestal.

      Speaking for myself, my disappointment with Hope now is not because I felt she was perfect like you guys did. It is because I thought the Thomas/Hope love story would have gone a completely different way. Hope's actions are not what I expected given all the longing looks she used to give Thomas, holding his hands and telling him "thank you for seeing me," and admitting to him that she sees his changes and his changes has made her change the way she feels about him (this was after he overheard her bashing him to Brooke). My disappointment has nothing to do with me putting Hope on a pedestal because I never did that. Noone is perfect, especially on a soap opera.

    14. Oh dear. Sorry for the long post.

    15. Regarding Taylor, she is a human being with feelings whose PROFESSION is as a psychiatrist. She is allowed to be judgemental in her PERSONAL LIFE when she is hurt. Not that it is right, of course, but it is a normal reaction when someone you love tells you he wants to be with someone else. Give Taylor a break!

    16. Elle I don’t know about any of the past things that you listed (a long track is being kept obviously 😅), but I still maintain that Hope will regret deeply what she did with Thomas once it disturbs her life and especially if he wants to split up. Of course she doesn’t regret it NOW - she got to live out some of her fantasies, thinking it all stays in Rome. Once she stands to lose everything she cares about then we’ll see what happens.
      By the way I don’t know why you keep repeating that we denied her feelings. The only time I denied anything was only in the beginning when you were insisting she should put distance between herself and Thomas and not be so smiling (or whatever you were accusing her of being, I never really got it) and I was saying she should feel safe to be as she is. The moment the looks and amplified heartbeat started, I said that she has feelings and should remove herself. I think I’ve clarified this at least a few times but I keep reading from you that "we" (not sure who exactly) denied her feelings.

    17. Lynn there's no way Hope won't regret it. Imagine ruining your family and losing the person who loves you for two lousy kisses with the one person who has caused the family so much trauma. That's the very definition of lose lose 😅
      And you're right that it's the long-time lying that is making it a special circumstance offense - the fact that she was arguing so hard that Liam's got nothing to worry about. If I'm him I also wouldn't be able to forgive directly. Plus he said to Steffy that their marriage is over :/
      Whatever is about to happen I just hope they don't drag it out. It's painful to wait and speculate 😅

    18. Milla the list is totally wrong btw
      She never entertained liam while married to Wyatt that was steffy i guess 😂
      She didn’t come back to get liam back
      And again liam and steffy were separated and liam told steffy to move out
      Asked steffy for annulment but she refused with no dignity just to use time and hope not wanting to have sex till marriage against her
      Yes she should have waited i don’t disagree
      But some picturing it like liam and steffy were together and happy and she slept with him
      And this repeating of we denied her feelings is funny actually because we didn’t
      We were disappointed since the beginning and acknowledged how mistaken she is
      And we never claimed her to be perfect
      Its only what our fellows like to think and keep repeating it
      But sure compared to other characters she can be considered perfect 😂

    19. There are numerous comments from past episodes with Lynn stating unequivocally that Hope did not have feelings for Thomas, that she loved her husband and her family. Lynn even stated at one time that IF Hope admits to having feelings for Thomas, she will admit she was wrong (which she never admitted). You gals would then show your support to Lynn and agree with her.

      Milla, I was not referring to so far back when Thomas had just returned to HFTF. Also, for clarification (since you still don't understand it), since Hope was wary of Thomas back then and even threatened to take him off the line if he messed up, why would she work so closely with someone she does not trust? If she had put boundaries, maybe she would not have developed feelings for Thomas. It's not that difficult to perceive that a man that someone has had issues with up until the recent past, should be someone that you should keep at arm's length. You definitely should NOT work or be so close to him.

    20. Mmysh, so when Liam and Hope were having that talk about how she still loved Liam and he wanted them to get back together but Hope was saying that she was married to Wyatt and could not do that to him, what would you call that? She was married to Wyatt but having inappropriate conversations with his brother about how she felt about him. She was entertaining conversations about possibly getting back together with Liam.

      Didn't Brooke call Hope to return to LA because Liam was now a free man? What do you mean Hope did not come back for Liam? And nope, Liam had already forgiven Steffy and they were back together and having a child when she walked in on Liam and Hope all over each other.

      Liam did ask for an annulment but what does that have to do with Hope losing her virginity to a married man? Steffy did not want an annulment (not to prolong anything) but because she was not willing to state that her marriage to Liam never existed. I also did not see Liam rushing for Steffy to sign the papers. Hope was the one that kept pushing him to get her to sign. And when Steffy finally signed, Liam tore the papers up. All the while, Hope was living with her married lover.

      The point is that Hope was not this virtuous, could do no wrong, pure and moral person. She stopped being that when she gave up her virginity to a married man.

    21. So if she told him that she still love him but she committed to her husband which btw got with him upon manipulation AGAIN so that entertaining
      But steffy used to make out with liam while married to Wyatt but sure that’s excusable
      And still liam asked steffy for annulment its doesn’t matter if he pushed for it or not
      Steffy wants and admit that he will not be able to wait for hope so he will get back to her
      And btw separated people have relationships all the time its not cheating
      And they call them separated not married for a reason
      Steffy was using sex as a weapon against hope and hope wanted to take control not an excuse btw and for me she should have waited and if he can’t he can go back to his spare wheel who can provide him sex anytime he wants
      And hope get back to L.A without brook knowing
      Ridge brought her back as a surprise
      So how exactly brook called her
      While brook at that time even hope was back home
      She was telling liam to get back with steffy and forgive her
      And again nor hope or us ever claimed that she is a virtuous its what you like to think and keep repeating it i really don’t know why
      On the other hand the only one who claimed that she is virtuous was steffy while she is not even close

    22. Elle you're saying it like you expect me to fight you but I agree 😅and I said it before too, yes she should have put them boundaries. The only difference in our opinions is that at the time I believe you said she should be colder and I said she shouldn't have to be different than herself.

      Regarding what Lynn says, yes we support her reasoning what's wrong with that? Plus she's the first one to always put the separation from us when she's made a "mistake" (if we can even talk of mistakes on this matter). She's done this better and more than anyone I've seen on this blog, she did it I think even on this very episode board. I will let her speak for herself but I don't remember her denying the feelings, more denying the possibility Hope would act on them. But many episodes ago she also said "just let them kiss already" or let whatever is to happen between them happen because it's dragging too long. I personally don't keep track what you and the others say, what does it matter anyway? We are not in Bell's head so the possibility to guess what happens and when it happens (because it's also relative - up until now Hope didn't act on them feelings, so we were right; then she did and you were) is very slim.

    23. I mean - of course it *matters* what you say 😂 but it doesn't matter if you guessed it right (at that time) or not. We are not fortune tellers at a fair 🔮

    24. Btw did Liam tear up the papers because he wanted to stay married to Steffy or because he admitted it should be a proper divorce not annulment? I have the feeling it wasn't because he wanted to save the marriage but I don't remember 100%.

    25. "Didn't Brooke call Hope to return to LA because Liam was now a free man?"

      Not at all. That I watched recently. Hope returned because Ridge brought her (like Mmysh said) it was a wedding surprise for Brooke. So Brooke definitely didn't call Hope 😅

    26. Mmysh, why do you always bring up Steffy at every turn? My comment is not about Steffy, it's about Hope. And I don't recall anyone saying that Steffy is excused for anything.

    27. Lol Milla, no, I am not arguing or expecting anyone to argue with me. 😂😂

      I only brought it up because you said that none of the LFs said that Hope did not have feelings for Thomas. I do remember both you and Mmysh being upset with her for daydreaming about Thomas but Lynn stuck to her guns in saying that Hope did not have feelings for Thomas. It's there in the archives.

    28. In Aspen, after Hope ran into Steffy on the slopes and caused her to fracture her ankle, Liam stayed back with Steffy at the Spencer cottage to take care of her. They were outside one day reminiscing and talking about Liam's love for Bob Hope movies (Liam did a Bob Hope singing impersonation as well). Steffy then handed him the signed annulment papers. He took it from her with a sad look on his face then tore up the papers and threw them in the stream. He then lifted Steffy from the chair she was sitting on and kissed her. So Hope was living with him and planning to get married, meanwhile, Liam was tearing up the very papers that Hope was waiting on to get signed.


    29. No milla it wasn’t for he wants to keep his marriage
      After the pressure bill put hope through
      The witch hunt And she was using illegal pills at that time she left aspen with a note to liam
      So childish i‘d say but what bill was so evil and she felt she needs to reconsider especially after causing the accident with steffy
      So steffy stayed with liam being his friend and she was nice a wise btw
      After all that happened she find it crazy not to give liam his freedom
      That when he knew she likes pop hope or whatever his name was
      And after all this talk between them and the the talk about the memories
      She gave him the papers but she was crying and devastated so he decided to tear them

    30. Sorry elle she handled him the papers
      The talked and walked the memory lane
      Then she told him to keep those papers in a safe place while she was crying
      So then he tore them up
      Not like she gave it to him so he teared up and tore them right away

    31. Mmysh, somehow I don't think Liam tore up the papers because Steffy was sad. Lol. He knew she was sad all along, that their marriage had come to an end.

      I think that during the time he was helping Steffy recuperate, they reconnected and he realized that their marriage did not deserve ending as though it never existed and so, he decided that he would give her a divorce instead.

    32. Elle okay I understand. In all fairness there's been also a differentiation about what everyone considers feelings - I said Hope has them but is confused about what they mean and that she definitely doesn't enjoy having them while you were sure she is absolutely falling in love. Who knows if we'll ever find out what it was.

      Interesting about the annulment. So Mmysh if I understand correctly, Liam didn't reunite with Steffy after the tearing up of the papers? Because I read on Wikipedia 😂 that after that he and Hope went on to get married in Italy. But I didn't understand what happened inbetween - did he stay with Steffy and something (what?) happened to bring him back to Hope. Or were he and Steffy done as a couple?

    33. As usual cannot admit that Liam loved and wanted to be married to Steffy!! He married her two more times and would have remarried her if not for Bill’s blackmail of Steffy, and Hope getting pregnant from their affair!!

      I’ve how we are talking about Hope’s bad behaviour and you have to throw Steffy in, that doesn’t mitigate Hope’s bad behaviour!!!

    34. So many comments….😊😊😊

      Elle, what I kept saying over and over again was that Hope was “confused”….which was ridiculed multiple times by multiple FF’s!!
      But see - she IS CONFUSED! Otherwise, she would be on her way to living her fairytale life with Thomas as we speak. But she is NOT. She is CHOOSING to fight for Liam after her “What happens in Rome stays in Rome.” comment. She wants to brush it all under the rug!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      You ladies (FF’s) said repeatedly that Hope WAS IN LOVE with Thomas. And I pushed back at least 20 times and said…NO SHE IS NOT IN LOVE WITH THOMAS!! She had some very inappropriate thoughts about him and that needed to stop. But I repeatedly maintained she was NOT in love with him!! Well she sure ain’t acting like she is in love with Thomas! Unless her plan is to stay with Liam and the family she has with Liam and have a full blown affair with Thomas on the side! At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past her, but don’t see that scenario playing out as being very likely. I said multiple times….you can have inappropriate thoughts and ‘feelings’ without it meaning you are in love!!!! And that’s exactly what we are seeing from Hope right now. She lived out her twisted fantasy and now she’s gonna play damage control as best she can with Liam. I still hope Liam dumps her butt for her blatant lies and deception. Like Milla and I said in a previous comment, it’s not even the kiss that’s the worst part of all this…it’s the way she carried on with Thomas afterwards and the lack of guilt that has me no longer being a Hope supporter. I don’t see any way for her to redeem herself in my eyes at this point.
      So I may have been completely wrong in saying that Hope wouldn’t cheat, but you ladies were completely wrong in how you thought this would play out in terms of her actual “feelings” for Thomas! Right now she is acting like she got it out of her system, so let’s move on!! Unfortunately for her, I don’t think Liam will see it that way!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      I will say that if Liam dumps her and they get divorced, then all bets are off and she could end up being with Thomas as a couple. But that won’t be HER choice, it will be because Liam moves on and divorces her. So then Thomas will be her backup plan. And that’s definitely NOT what you ladies predicted!!!
      And yes, Elle, I knew it was you who made the pedestal comment. I just didn’t feel the need to call you out by name. That has kind of become the unspoken rule….we don’t call out people by name unless we have to.

    35. Btw anyone please do call me out by name whenever you mean my comments 😅otherwise I get confused whether I am meant. I won't be offended, quite the oppsite.

      Lynn, I don't know what your job is, but I definitely hope it involves making cases and argumentation 😀👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    36. Elle, the reason I brought up Taylor in my initial post was because some FF commented how well she had handled herself with Ridge…and I completely disagreed with that. I think she was caddy like she always is about Brooke. However, I understand how she would have a right to be disappointed and sad. But again, my Taylor comment was simply in response to someone else saying how well she handled things. She definitely didn’t deserve being given props IMO.

    37. Hope isn’t showing any Love for Liam!! She doesn’t regret cheating at all!!! Her only regret will be getting caught! She wants the security of being married to Liam and living in mummy’s cabin etc. She also wants the excitement and passion with Thomas! She would want to “work late” when she cannot resist her urges then trip home to clueless Liam and pretend all is well!

      That is the real Hope, no conscience at all. She will cry crocodile tears and if Liam stays with her we will definitely see her cheating with Thomas again and again !

    38. Aww Milla, you are very kind. I do negotiations all day long at my company. Lol.
      My husband is not a big fan of my ability to argue, however. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Milla, thank you for defending me. I know for a fact you and Mmysh were not nearly as dug in on Hope’s faithfulness to Liam as I was. Once I get something in my head…I ride the wave. Lol
      But you and Mmysh saw the signs coming and had lost some faith in Hope’s ability to stay faithful.
      I had seen her get close to Thomas in much older episodes….but when push came to shove, she rejected him!! But not this time. This time the curiosity was too much for her. So I guess she has now scratched her itch. Lol
      I still don’t want to see her and Thomas coupled up because it will ALWAYS be ICK to me!!! But Hope is on her own at this point as far as I’m concerned.

    39. BBFAN, I think you are being very premature here. We haven’t seen Wednesday’s episode yet and you have literally NO IDEA what Hope is “going to show Liam” or what she is going to say for that matter. I would reserve those comments until after we see what happens on today’s forthcoming episode.

    40. And I am not defending Hope. I simply think you are wrong about how much she loves Liam.

    41. Hahahah Lynn I'm sure your husband doesn't like being on the other side of the argument 😅 but I'm sure if it comes to arguing with insurance or some other third party, it's a blessing!

      Ah and Hope and her cheating... For now she's "only" kissed the guy so that still makes her the lowest level of cheater of all the mains so you weren't so off. But her whole behavior that is bothering us so much makes her very hard to defend. A part of me hopes too that Liam dumps her (because all the lying and all the other stuff she did makes it in some ways a bigger betrayal than one misguided drunken night with Steffy) but like you say that leaves the door wide open for Thomas. And I'm also not ready to see them happen.

    42. Bb fan for God’s sake stop putting words in other people’s mouths
      I told you before none of us ever said that liam didn’t love steffy
      But with manipulation or pregnancy or hope is mot available she never married her
      But you believe what you want to believe apparently
      Its boring actually repeating the same stuff to you over and over again
      And since you don’t want her to be with liam why its a very sensitive topic to you anyway
      Since you see he doesn’t deserve her

    43. Lynn, it’s sad you see Brooke returning to her eternally toxic relationship with Ridge as a win for her!!! I think she’s a big loser for getting involved with the man who has disrespected and hurt her so many times.

      I don’t want to see Taylor with him either and wish she would stop saying she loves him and supports his bollucks. I want to see Taylor move on with someone else, if only Bell would let her. This whole triangle was old decades ago.

    44. Indeed ladies spot on
      And anyway im so satisfied with us how we can acknowledge hope’s mistakes and we hold her accountable for her bad deeds and even pash our favorites
      Not find lame ridiculous excuses or deny or keep a blind eye for disgusting deeds because it will be a shame defending them

    45. Mysh, the reason I bring up Liam loving and wanting to be married to Steffy, is that you have used the excuse that Liam and Steffy were only married because of manipulation or some other nefarious reason. You use it endlessly to rationalise Hope cheating with a married Liam and to exonerate her.

      We have been making the point that it isn’t so shocking Hope cheated and has no conscience about it, because she’s done so many shady things in the past.

      I don’t think we’ve seen the full extent of her betrayal yet. I think more happened in Rome that will be revealed in the coming weeks. Or will happen at home.

      Hope isn’t showing love or respect to her husband. She very deliberately betrayed him with a man he loathes and despises. She has not shown confusion or remorse. Just scheming to have her cake and eat it.

      She is like the man that tells his mistress how terrible his wife is, then goes home and tells his wife how much her loves her blah blah. Same thing Hope is doing. She wants her cozy life and her fancy man on the side!

      Sorry, that isn’t love

    46. FYI, I’m not exonerating Liam by any means. He’s a selfish git and had no business kissing Steffy, especially since she’s married. It was selfish and disrespectful. Liam has always been selfish and hurt other people to get what he wants, that is nothing new.

      It doesn’t however, make what Hope did any less a betrayal. It’s her attitude and scheming, deceiving and blasé attitude that make it so bad.

    47. Especially given her history of being sanctimonious and judgemental of her own mum, Steffy, etc. She has NO room to talk.

      Also I’m cross Hope did that to Thomas, with no regard to all the work he’s been doing to change and overcome his obsession with her. It was an utterly selfish act.

    48. BBFan Lynn never claimed reuniting with Ridge is a win for Brooke. Nobody claimed that. To the very most I was excited for the romance.
      But Lynn was never happy one bit about it 😀🤗
      But Taylor is the one who keeps losing - her own dignity if there's any of that left after all the decades.

    49. BBFAN, I absolutely am not happy that Brooke fought so hard to get douchebag Ridge back. That was painful to watch. And I have said probably 200 times that I didn’t want Brooke to get back together with the waffler. But that seems to be what always happens in the end! So I am happy for Brooke that she is happy. But if I had my way, Ridge would die alone!!! I’m definitely not a Ridge fan. He actually doesn’t have too many redeeming qualities if you ask me. And definitely not destiny material!!!

    50. BBFAN, your comment….
      “She is like the man that tells his mistress how terrible his wife is, then goes home and tells his wife how much her loves her blah blah. Same thing Hope is doing. She wants her cozy life and her fancy man on the side! Sorry, that isn’t love!”
      Here’s what I will respond with…..That isn’t showing love for either one of them - not Liam and not Thomas!! So all that says is that Hope is a selfish coward…which is my current opinion of her by the way. But as I’ve said…definitely NOT someone who is “IN LOVE WITH THOMAS!”

    51. Lynn that's exactly how I feel - I'm glad Brooke is happy, it looks amazing on her. Plus yes Ridge does love her to all eternity. People who moan about their "toxic" love forget that on a soap that's how true love is presented. Otherwise what would keep viewers watching? It's the Ross-Rachelness of it, the will-they-won't-they. Nobody would watch a soap about a couple just sitting on the couch or smooching all day.

    52. But that’s doesn’t change the fact that its true
      He never chose steffy over hope
      And i really don’t know where you saw me defending what hope is doing now
      But since you defend steffy and thomas on whatever bad things they do so you imagine that we are the same but sorry we aren’t

    53. Milla, very valid point! Without the drama, there would be no desire to tune in!! Lol

  2. I wanted to see the JUICY part telling the news right into her face, BUT NOOOO! Have to wait till tomorrow, RATS! As for the reunion for Ridge and Brooke it won't last long once Brooke hears about Thomas and Hope kissing, she will hit the ceiling and Taylor and Brooke will be off with another round of fights, I believe this will be ROUND 3 or 4 🥊🥊🥊🥊

    1. Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Ridge said that he is giving it one more chance. We all know what this means. Something's about to happen.

    3. Lol Elle, of course they will implode like they always do… literally nothing has changed!

  3. If Brooke and Ridge are destiny, that makes RJ Destiny’s child 😅 Ridge should get a new ring now. He doesn’t owe Taylor an explanation about last chance and how many more tries and so on. As many as Bell decides is the answer 😅

    Steffy should tell Finn about everything that happened. I hate this spoonfeeding she does (and others) instead of saying the whole thing, this annoying bit by bit… it’s not easy filling 19 mins anymore 😅

    1. Love the destiny’s child comment lol.

      Yeah I hate how they drag it out. Hope will have her crocodile tears 😭 ready for Liam tomorrow.

      She is panicking now, she knows he was in Rome and she didn’t see him. She’s already trying to think of something to make an excuse lol.

      That conversation was so painful to watch. Even if he hadn’t seen her, Liam would know something was way off. Hope is holding herself apart emotionally and physically from Liam. He looks livid.

      Steffy just tell Finn. He’s going to tear Liam an new one when he finds out he kissed his wife!

    2. For sure Finn won’t be happy. But I don’t think he’ll get as mad as becoming physical. To him their relationship is solid and he hasn’t been shown to have insecurities so far. Although if they have decided to reunite Liam and Steffy it will become "A Thing".

    3. @Milla the only thing that will change Ridge and Brooke is when she finds out about Hope and Thomas kissing. Brooke has always had her suspicions of him, and she still did when they were back working together. Taylor & Brooke's, all time topics are Ridge and Thomas. Can Brooke ever find happiness with Thomas being their obstacle?

    4. @Milla Finn may love Steffy a lot, but he hasn't forgotten she slept with Liam and was pregnant (luckily it turned out to be Finns), and the fact when he finds out Liam kissed her, Finn will start to question about Liam and if Steffy will go back in rekindling her feeling with Liam again. This will be another marriage on the rocks.

    5. "that makes RJ Destiny’s child 😅" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

    6. I think Ridge probably felt it was best to explain things to Taylor since she also propositioned him before he left for Rome. It was sort of a courtesy call.

    7. Elle, exactly! A courtesy call. And that's the first time he's ever been courteous to either of his courtesans...

    8. As far as I remember even when Steffy cheated and there was this mess with the paternity, Finn was still very forgiving and didn't even blame her. And hasn't mentioned it since. His personality is built as quite neutral.

    9. So all the tears that were shed from the characters who cheated on their partner were a crocodile tears or that’s only applies to hope 🤔

    10. Hope shows NO remorse for cheating. She is so blasé … pretending nothing happened. She isn’t doing it to protect Liam’s feelings. She just doesn’t care and wants to have her cake and eat it!

      Until she can’t help herself and has to “work late “ with Thomas lol.

      I’m guessing much more than a kiss went down in Rome… guess we’ll see.

      Right now all we see is her mind scrambling to find some excuse in case Liam is on to her. She’s on the defensive already… “Why were you in Italy?” Not, “I am so sorry we missed each other or why didn’t you ring to let me know so we could celebrate together?” The way she said she missed him was lacking any actual feeling.

      Normally Hope would be very animated and completely chuffed that it went so well. She’s so subdued and acting shady. Even Liam would sense something was wrong if he didn’t already know.

    11. Exactly BBFan! Hope even went so far as to tell Thomas that what happened in Rome should stay there. So why would anyone, least of all Liam, think that her tears are genuine?

      Hope has been lying to Liam for months. Every time that Liam brought up Thomas and they got into an argument, that was Hope's opportunity to come clean, to let Liam know that she is struggling with having feelings for Thomas. But she never did.

      And to make things worse, she gave Liam a false sense of security every time she told him that he had nothing to worry about, that he is the only man for her. Liam even confronted her about what Steffy said about her having feelings for Thomas and she lied to him and said that she did not.

      Now, she wants to cry and pretend that she is sorry. She's only sorry that she got caught. She was quite happy to leave things in Rome. And if Liam didn't see her himself and was clueless to what happened, I'm sure she would have continued going to the office everyday, flirted with Thomas and, who knows, maybe shared a kiss or two whenever they worked late at night. Of course her tears are crocodile tears.

    12. Hope is st wrong and she cheated one 100 percent
      But that doesn’t make what liam did ok
      And didn’t steffy was relieved when she knew that kelly is Liam’s and when she was picturing liam playing with their child minutes before liam found out the paternity test
      She was so relaxed that her secret will be revealed and it went so well
      But that was ok for her but not hope ??
      Did steffy pretended that something happened back then ?? I guess not
      Im not Defending hope btw
      There is no excuse whatsoever
      But how things changed depending on which character made the mistake is fascinating

    13. This is where hope is gonna be pregnant and Liam will think it’s Thomas’s, wow there was no kiss Liam so be real omg

    14. @Unknown I get the feeling that even when Hope confesses to kissing Thomas that you will still say that there was no kiss.

    15. It will be interesting though, if Hope turns up pregnant. 🤔 She has been fantasizing about making love to Thomas. I won't be surprised if it did, in fact, happen.

    16. If hope confesses to Liam thst she actually kissed Thomas that’s different story , but that’s not gonna happen cause there was no kiss at all , why can’t people see that omg

    17. Sorry unknown, I’m curious why are you so deep in denial? There were two very passionate on screen kisses , not just one! Liam saw them both. There is no question it was real. Hope wouldn’t apologise to Liam for something that never happened.

    18. Like I said I got my own opinion and the people on here have got there’s so all good , no dramas 👍

    19. Well Hope said it today, she kissed Thomas! It’s right there, so dream theory is demolished!

  4. Ohhh Taylor, she looked so beautiful and stunning ❤️

    1. Didn’t she! She looks amazing! They finally gave her a professional look for a change! We got to see her office too.

    2. Finally, the staff had Taylor wearing some professional clothes and not casual for a change.

    3. Taylor looked really beautiful today indeed! She even held back the giggles and was so toned down and professional.

    4. In all fairness there wasn’t much to giggle about 😅

    5. Just can’t say something nice about Taylor lol??

    6. Taylor looked nice today, but acted shitty.

    7. Indeed lynn even the hair was nice for a change
      But yeah not only shitty pathetic also

    8. I thought she handled it very well actually. She knows Ridge waffles and is so easily led. She also knows as does Everyone else that Brooke and Ridge always end in heartbreak for both of them. I think Taylor is disgusted they are doing exactly the same thing again and expecting it to magically be different because he saw her through the magic keyhole??? 😂🤣😂🙄🙄

    9. Regardless, she should have not turned it into a lecture like she did. Ridge is a big boy. It’s his decision. What did Taylor hope you accomplish by telling him the exact same thing she has already told him countless times?? I have heard those same words sooooooo many times from Taylor. It’s pointless to try to “talk Ridge out of it” by bashing Brooke like Taylor always does. How is that handling it well?? If you mean the part about her saying “I will be fine without you, Ridge!”…..we all know that’s a big fat lie. She is gonna be very sad without him till she meets someone new….if and when that happens.

    10. Taylor should worry more about Taylor and less about what Brooke and Ridge do and how many times they reunite. She should get it in her head that she won't be the one. She won't even pass the "I dos" for 20 years now. That should finally tell her something.

    11. I think Taylor is sick of Ridge doing this thing with Brooke then crying on her shoulder when it all ends in tears. It always does!!! She doesn’t want to be used to get over whatever happened again, then be hurt. She’s telling Ridge she’s disappointed he went back in his own conviction that they should end the endless toxic cycle!!
      She loves him and doesn’t want to see him heartbroken again… and knows it’s inevitable!

    12. Then she should draw this same line clearly and not blur it with I'll always love you and compliments and bleh. If that's what she means she should show more self-respect and awareness that there's only that many times a woman can be left for another woman before getting it. Wondering what she would advise a patient of hers who has been doing this for decades?

    13. He always gives it one more chance… what a joke.

    14. Milla, I agree with you! She should draw firm boundaries and stop stroking his ego. She Needs to tell Ridge straight up that she won’t be there for him when it all ends in tears. She’s moving on.

    15. @BBfan How many one more chance has he said through the years, 100, 1000, 10,000? Gee! I lost track somewhere.😂

  5. 😂😂😂this is where you gonna hit your head Ridge Forrester.

  6. omg am so sad for taylor taylor you deserve better leave ridge and brooke together they both desever each other the writter should bring a new man for taylor and a new woman for fin cause steffy is gonna remeber about the kiss with liam i doubt she will tell fin

  7. Oh Hope. Deceit does not look good on you. I can't believe she stood there acting like she missed Liam and her family the whole time she was in Rome. She didn't bat an eye while lying to her husband.

    I was happy to hear Taylor say that she accepted Ridge and Brooke being together. I was really hoping that she wasn't going to beg and plead with him to think about it some more. Also, everything she said about Brooke was spot on! Kudos Taylor. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Now that's how Steffy returns a kiss! I will be really upset if they interfere with Finn and Steffy. I love their dynamic.

    1. It was especially boldfaced when Hope said "if you had come to Rome there would have been romance with you.." My blood boiled there for real.

    2. One thing that Taylor said was really spot on "you see things very clearly until you don't". She always blames Brooke for everything, but never tells Ridge what a moron he is, how he was telling her the same things in Aspen how he sees clearly 🤦🏻‍♀️

    3. Brava, ladies for once we can all agree on something !

    4. Omg Milla. I forgot Hope said that. Where did good girl Hope go? I mean, I know she's not a saint given her past indiscretions but, never in a million years would I have expected her to be this way.

      And yes, I loved that Taylor reminded Ridge of what he said to her not that long ago. Ridge is so wishy washy. I'm pretty sure that if something does happen between him and Brooke where Thomas and Hope are concerned, the future he saw will be forgotten. I can't totally blame him though. Brooke should have known better!

    5. Elle, I posted today because I am a days difference most on the blog, unless I stay up working till all hours of the morning, but I wanted to congratulate you on your first grand child love!!❤️❤️❤️ how exciting!! I don’t have grandchildren yet, but can’t wait when the time comes!!

    6. Ahh Colly! Thank you so much. ❤️❤️ I'm looking forward to it.

  8. I'm sure with all the snitching that Steffy is doing, she won't tell Finn about the Kiss between her and Liam. What a hypocrite.

    1. Snitching? 😂😂😂 These are the things husbands and wives talk about. Guess I've been snitching on my siblings for years! 😂 😂

    2. Exactly angela
      How hypocritical to judge hope but not liam who disrespected her and her marriage
      She is siding with him
      Checking with him while he is no better than hope
      Let is see if she will be honest with you her husband

    3. Ah Steffy has a soft spot for Liam, it can't be otherwise considering everything. She was confused by that kiss but in no way seemed upset. While Hope has been (in different ways) more of a thorn in her eyes. She can't have the same attitude towards both 😀
      But when she speaks with Liam she probably will make it clear that he should respect her marriage. And his own.

    4. Milla but still liam did the same thing as hope
      But she is not giving him the same eye she is giving hope and thomas
      Or at least telling him you are no better
      But no she is siding with him and texting him like he did nothing wrong
      While he didn’t disrespected his marriage only my point he disrespected her as a married woman who loves her husband and disrespected finn also
      Steffy should have talked to Thomas at least about he owns her a car or house now 😂😂
      But sure not with liam
      She need to stop liam from seeing her the side woman the plan B every time he got issues with hope
      But apparently she is doing nothing
      If she didn’t tell finn herself
      Things will not be good for her at all
      Since its not Finn’s first time she hides things from him

      And for hope im so disappointed with her no words can explain

      Taylor looks stunning today
      But sure she is bad mouthing brook while brook didn’t even for donna and eric
      And who she is kidding with the i don’t need a man even you 😂😂
      Im sure she will be waiting without even give any man a chance living on the hope that something will happened with brook and ridge

    5. And milla maybe tomorrow will goes like this between hope and liam
      You kissed thomas
      You kissed steffy
      Call it even


    6. "She need to stop liam from seeing her the side woman the plan B every time he got issues with hope"

      This is so true.

      Ahahahah "call it even 🙌🏼" 😂

    7. I think Steffy will tell Finn that Liam was upset and not thinking straight and kissed her but she did not kiss him back. Which is the truth! She was caught off guard and pushed away from him. You could see her mouth was stiff with Liam while her kiss with Finn was very passionate.

      That is bad of Liam but to compare it to Hope grabbing Thomas and making out then pausing and diving in for round two? While her husband watched her? Then there is the holding hands (she grabbed Thomas’s hand if you notice) etc. Who knows what all they got up to in Rome. Hopefully we will see more of what went on. I can’t imagine that the two kisses and hand holding were all that happened as they spent the rest of the time together.

      I hope they do a pregnancy story and it’s Thomas’s! Then her fans can shut up about Steffy.

    8. 😂😂😂😂 exactly that why steffy’s fans like this storyline 😂😂😂

    9. BBFan in order for anyone to "shut up" about Steffy there must be at least 2 paternity debacles of Hope 😅

    10. BBFan, awww.... Douglas will finally get a little brother/sister. 😍

    11. Mmysh, Steffy isn't doing anything wrong even though you choose to see it that way. She is against Hope because she had been warning her about messing with Thomas' progress and then Hope goes and pulls a stunt like this. Of course Steffy would be mad.

      She also understands that Liam kissed her, not romantically, but because he was seeking solace so, of course she would support him given all that he is going through. Liam was wrong for kissing her but what he did (kissing Steffy) was a far cry from what Hope did. There is nothing for Steffy to be mad about where Liam is concerned. All she has to do is remind him that she is married now and he cannot cross that line. But to be mad at him?

    12. There is always an excuse for steffy for sure
      Im not saying she is wrong to treat hope like this im saying she is a hypocrite liam did what he always does
      But this time she is married so she can’t sleep with him over a cry
      While its the same situation in the past when he thought hope was kissing thomas but back then it wasn’t a cry over what hope did
      Liam disrespected her marriage and her and her husband and he still kissed her so if she didn’t stop him it will be the same session hope had so why she doesn’t see liam at wrong?
      And since she see hope is a threat to her brother Progress why she forced him on hope from the first place

    13. I never said that Steffy did not see Liam as wrong. Your initial comment stated "she is not giving him the same eye she is giving hope and thomas" I am saying that she has a right to be mad at Hope (and Thomas) but why would she be mad at Liam? She understands his position. She told him that he did not deserve what Hope did to him. She is being understanding of how she knows Liam must be feeling. So no, she won't get mad that he kissed her because he was hurt. If he kissed her for some other reason that had nothing to do with Hope and Thomas, for sure, Steffy would have gotten mad, slapped him even. But she is trying to show him some compassion.

      And that's not an excuse, it's simply how I saw the scene. Liam was hurt, he rebounded to Steffy as he always does and Steffy was compassionate. She did not even return the kiss, which should be a clear sign to Liam that she was not about to betray her husband just because he (Liam) was hurt. If you choose to see it another way, you're free to do so. I will continue to insist however, that Steffy did nothing wrong.

    14. Its hypocrisy obviously
      But sure you also free to see it as you stated

    15. What is hypocritical is throwing shade on Steffy because off Hope’s bad behaviour!!! Liam’s reaction was wrong, but understandable. I’m cross with him for thinking he can use his married ex wife for comfort every time something goes wrong with Hope. It shows so much immaturity ! That’s childish.

      I believe, as Elle reiterated, that Steffy was being compassionate and that is the only reason she didn’t slap him for that!

      I think Finn will be understanding if Steffy tells him, because he’s a compassionate fella. He might be cross with Liam but would get it. He might need to give him a warning that Steffy is off limits.

    16. The excuses for steffy while bashing others for the smae deeds is the hypocritical
      And then formulating what others wrote to serve your narratives
      And no its not understandable to go kiss a married woman when he face an issue with his wife
      In the future if this matter created problems in steffy’s marriage let us see the the new excuses

    17. Liam is a tosser so, to be clear, I am not defending him! I’m saying you are equating Hope’s behaviour with Liam’s improper reaction!!! They are not the same to me. Hope set out to cheat on her husband and did it with no remorse and is lying about it… Liam and Steffy should both tell their spouses what happened. Hope will use it to rationalise her behaviour if she can’t wiggle out any other way. The point is that you accuse us of doing what you constantly do. You cannot just say Hope is doing something wrong without bringing Steffy or Taylor into it to deflect some blame.
      Pot meet bloody kettle.

    18. That’s what you like to think dear
      And the last say suits your comments very well lol
      Im not defending hope while you defend same actions when its made by steffy that’s the difference
      And you are free to do it for sure
      But we can also comment on bashing hope for actions with coming up with lame excuses for steffy or Thomas

  9. I don't feel bad for Taylor. Sorry. She's been down this road before. What she should do is write 100 times: "I will never again allow myself to be Ridge Forrester's second choice"! Take it to Kinko's and have it made into a poster. Frame it, and put it on her wall. It can be her morning affirmation, and prayer every night.
    For some reason I think Liam looked so handsome today. I guess I find sad and wounded kinda sexy. Ugh. Me and my issues. 🥴

  10. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  11. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  12. All these comments about pure Hope are laughable That woman is shade.She devised plans to get Douglas off Thomas She devised plans to make sure Steam couldn't unite with Brookes help and of course Bill the destroyer who wanted Steffy for himself.She lied to Steffy plenty times and slept with a married man Liam several times so she ain't no angel She just portrays she is lol
    Logan about time paid
    Bridge prefers the ho and Eric ad Forrester Creations is logan brothel these days
    Tay such class us too good for Ridge but hold on guys Steffy hasn't told Finn the kiss because Bell is gona put Liam in Sinn love story Watch it coming
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 😂😂😂😂 plans to get Douglas 😂😂😂

    2. Brava Mandy. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      Hope's deceit in pretending to want to be with Thomas just to get Douglas was pretty diabolical.

      I had to fastforward those scenes of Eric, Donna, Brooke and RJ. It's one thing for children to be desperate for their parents to be together, but it's a completely different horror story to have an old geezer desperate for his son to be with his ex-wife/ex-DIL. Especially when said son cannot seem to make up his mind. He should be departing words of wisdom to his son although, to be honest, Eric isn't the best role model running around playing games with a woman young enough to be his daughter.

    3. 😂😂 but thomas bargained Douglas for a night of sex with her wasn’t pretty diabolical 😂😂
      A man who see his child a chip to get a woman in bed 🤮🤮🤮
      But sure that’s ok since it’s thomas 😂😂

      And sure its ok for children to be desperate for their parents to be together
      Sure we can’t bash that since thomas and steffy were those kids 😂😂😂

    4. And is so hilarious speaking about that like hope wanted Douglas out of the blue
      Not like thomas shoved him down her throat while she was grieving the lost of her child

    5. Oh yes grieving so much that the second she got her back she stuffed said child in daycare and pursued taking Douglas from Thomas.

      The main thing was, Hope didn’t want to be just a mum to Douglas, she wanted to take him from his father completely and have Liam adopt him!!!

      Liam said hard NO to that! She wanted to rip Douglas from his only remaining parent and replace him so she could have a perfect family 🙄🙄.

      She was seducing Thomas to strip him of his rights as a father!!! If she had just wanted to be a mum and just adopt him and share custody that is one thing. Remember Brooke had rescission of parental rights by Thomas and full adoption by Liam and Hope paperwork drawn up and DEMANDED Thomas sign them!! That was one of the big issues between Ridge and Brooke!!! She had NO right to do that. Hope happily went along; even though, Liam said he wouldn’t go along with that!!

      Hope’s behaviour to get Douglas was shady from start to finish!

      Thomas wasn’t trading a “night of sex” as LFs keep insisting… Hope pretended to Love him, to want to be a Family with him and Douglas!!! That is completely different! He signed the papers believing she would marry him and be a proper mum to Douglas!

      Quit skewing the facts to fit your hatred of Thomas!

      Elle, Mandy, brava ladies!!!

    6. 😂😂😂day care like other kids in the show are always there in all their parents scenes
      But sure that’s goes only for hope
      And defending thomas even in this no shock there
      And apparently you are the one who skewing what happened
      Because when Thomas offered his son for sex it was in halloween
      Before hope felt the need to save Douglas
      Even ridge and steffy were disgusted with thomas
      But sure not you
      And btw these kind of behavior from a parent is enough for social services to take the kid away from such abusive parent
      But im sure the night thomas used the ghost 👻 app to scare Douglas will have an excuse
      He used his son as a chip to have sex
      Its like this no matter how you tried to twist the events and find excuses
      And yeah this kind of character should be hated not the other way around

    7. Omg “ghost app" 😂🙈🙈 I knew about this scaring of Douglas to get Hope but didn't know it involved an app 😅 Thomas and his apps!
      And of course that's terrible.

    8. Yeah milla thomas likes the apps 😂😂😂😂

  13. Thanks Bob. Enjoying the latest episodes

  14. Oh yes Taylor is gonna find her man she’s going to be married to bill spencer , more drama, like to see all there faces when that happens

  15. Hope isn’t regretting what she did with Thomas at all. Only getting caught out doing it!!! She says she loves Liam blah blah but if you look, her eyes and body language are very cold towards him! She wants to have her life and Thomas as lover on the side, Liam doesn’t excite her or give her the attention and emotional support Thomas does.

    Really she’s using them both.

  16. Oooh Liam you say the ONE thing that'll ruin your marriage is the KISS!?!?!?!
    Well maybe you'll cut Hope a break for not sleeping with him!
    ***Kinda like you and Stef***

    1. Ahhh but did Hope sleep with Thomas??? I sense some Rome flashbacks to come. I cannot imagine after all Hope’s fantasies and obviously enjoying those two kisses and holding hands with Thomas, that something more didn’t happen!

    2. BBFan there's no way they would miss out showing us the full peep show if they slept together. The build-up, the actual deed, the morning after. It's a whole week and more worth of stuff and you imagine those guys that struggle to fill 19 mins skipping on that material? 😅 plus it's a BIG big deal for Thope shippers, a first too, so no way from show perspective they would fast forward through that.

    3. Milla , I think there is more to come on that.

    4. BBFan if they *have to* sleep together, I'd SO prefer we see only flashbacks than the whole shebang (hehe 😅).

    5. Agree BBf there might be more to come about that. If Liam somehow forgives her for the kiss, then she finds out she's pregnant she might start with the flashbacks.
      Milla that's where the 19 mins. will be used. 🙂

    6. I hope they give us a heads-up so I know when not to watch 🙈

  17. Taylor need s to go she's such a HYPOCRITE trouble maker and hope needs to grow up tell Beth's daddy liam everything

  18. Taylor and Bill will never happen!
