Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-23 Full episode B&B 28th June 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-23 Full episode B&B 28th June 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Liam looks like you got Hope hooked on phonics as you force her confession.
    Now it's your turn! Tell her with the same passion how you locked lips 👄👄👄👄 with Steffi!

    1. Oh please, Steffy was stiff and didn’t kiss him back. Nothing like the make out session between Hope and Thomas, twice that we saw lol. 🙄🙄

    2. So if the kiss was nothing shouldn’t steffy tell finn about or liam for that matter??

    3. She absolutely should tell him. I really hope she does.

    4. @Mmysh Steffy does her usual thing she keeps her mouth shut, and that will be a big NO NO for her, if you have watched her in the past you will notice how she keeps it to herself, BUT somehow it gets leak out and the person she didn't tell is pissed off at her and they will either do not forgive her, or maybe down the road they might. Steffy not saying anything because she thinks it could end her relationship with Finn, however, it will be the opposite for her not to tell Finn he might start having doubts about Steffy and where her loyalty stands, through Finns eyes.

    5. We don’t know yet if she tells him or not, give it a day or two to play out.

    6. Taylor wants her high school romance back. Taylor is mad Brooke was able to get in there and usurp her. She thought she had the jump on everything with "the pact." Phooey! Brooke snuck in there and bested her again! Taylor looked so severe with razor sharp shoulders, looking like she wanted mate him and bite his head off. She was so angry that she was getting no where with Ridge.

    7. As much as I enjoy seeing Hope squirm, I can't help but remember how Liam thought he had fathered Hayes for a hot minute. So he's all bent out of shape over a kiss but he actually screwed Steffi behind Hope's back. He can dish it out but not take it😅

    8. I just wish hope and Thomas had actually had sex so at least there would be a real reason for all Liam's extra drama! A damn kiss isn't that big of a deal

    9. Hilary, according to Liam, it's not just about the kiss but about who his wife kissed. I guess Thomas is much worse than him having sex with Steffy. At least in Liam's mind. 😂

    10. Aaaaa!!!! Hilary! Is this a dream? Where have YOU been? You were missed girl!! My hilarious Hilary 🤗🤗🤗

    11. Milla lol, I just had to take a break from social media for a bit and decompress, but I definitely missed you all! Given all the recent shenanigans on b&b, it just feels like it is time to come back 😂

    12. Hilary it's high time 🤗🤗 I'm so glad you're back and you're okay. And yes social media detox is a great idea I wish I was disciplined enough for that 😅

    13. Thanks Milla! It's good to be back! I'm ready to pick apart some bold and beautiful lol

  2. Wow Liam really laid into hope pretty heavily. So much so, she can't speak. Once she realized where he was going, her mind was racing to figure out how to get out this. Busted. Love to hear her explanation.
    Everything Taylor said to Ridge was so true. When the truth with Brooke knowing about Hope and Thomas and how she really feels about Thomas comes out, I hope a coconut doesn't hit Ridge on the head and he runs right back to Taylor for forgiveness. I'll be disappointed if she does.

    1. Exactly D!!!

      I really hope Steffy tells Finn that Liam kissed her.

      Hope, seriously, Liam was completely correct about what he said. She is so scrambling for some excuse. She’s not sorry it happened, only that he caught her out. He saw so she can’t deny it like she’s been doing about having feelings for Thomas.

    2. D, Taylor is on a roll! Everything she said is truth! Loved her today. And it's not often I give her kudos, but she deserves it for today.

      Hope's in trouble.

  3. Hope is in big trouble with Liam. I still think Taylor & Ridge should be together.

  4. TY Bob.
    I loved Taylor and Liam today.
    And of course Hope and Brooke won as we well know. As mother as daughter.

  5. Thank you for posting...Scott Clinton was amazing today... wow...

  6. Yes he is a really good actor.

  7. Taylor 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ "It is not my job to help you understand that". Then stop talking you idiot. And how much more are you going to beat the dead horse of Hope's existence? What does this have to do with RIDGE, you lunatic?!

    And may I point out that unlike what I've read claimed here, Taylor's problem is that Brooke "slept" with his brother and NOT the fact that said brother was in a relationship with whomever. Because that has nothing to do with either her or Ridge.
    She just keeps harping on the same old lines of who Brooke slept with but failing to mention if that was ever a betrayal to Ridge? Pathetic woman. And I don't use this word that often.

    And omg what a catharsis to hear her say that "OK I did too". Finally, finally. And who are you at your core, will that change? A woman lacking ANY self-respect whatsoever. Pleading after a man who AGAIN chose Brooke over you. When are you going to look at YOURSELF? And don't start with how much you caaaare about Riiiidge, that's such bullocks. You just don't know how not to whine after him.

    Hope you make me nauseous. "What do you want me to explain?" *blink blink blink* As Chandler would yell "Get there faster!!" 😂 But as much as I hate it I also loved the torturing Liam pulled. That "repeat after me" was soooooo good. Best moment I've watched in a while.

    Ah Steffy Steffy.... Watch out that Hope's crap doesn't lead to your relationship's doom.

    1. Milla, I thought of you when Liam mentioned the Stella Maris and Hope said that she would have loved that. Hope your blood didn't boil today. 😅

    2. Hahaha Elle there I had to laugh and add "Yeah I haven't been there since I married your brother!" 🤣
      But other than that blood was past boiling, I think I was steaming 🤣 may be also because AC in my hotel room stopped.

    3. Milla, great post and soooooo true!!!

    4. Lynn I was worked up by multiple factors (mainly heat 😅)! Thank you 🤗

    5. @Milla Is it me or does Hope always act like she is a dummy and doesn't understand what Liam is say to her. As for those values she shares with the youth are for the garbage, her messages for her line are now phony, look how she just handled her marriage with Liam, she just settled a bad example to the world, who is going to believe her now.

    6. I don't know if their (fictional) world will get to know about the specifics but of course she's not setting any good example. But that's just one point on her list of disgrace. Her family and marriage being the first.

    7. Spot on milla in every word

    8. Milla I was seriously saying out loud that if it isn't Taylor's place, why doesn't she shut up? Hilarious that you literally wrote that.

    9. Hahah Hilary see? Another reason for you to return, like-minded fans. Taylor really... It's not her place, she's done and yet it's the same yada yada yada. I would feel so low having to explain that to a man and for decades. I've been in a situation (when I was very young) to have to plea with a man about something similar and even then I felt so indignant. How does Taylor not? Where is her self-respect?

    10. Yeah its good to see you back hilary ❤️

    11. Yay! Hilary is back!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  8. Oh hope now its time to pay

    And Taylor can you be pathetic and desperate
    So if you didn’t get pregnant with rick does that makes you better
    You are a disgrace
    Can we say what your core is 😂😂😂
    As always playing the victim
    All these time brook never bashed you or even mentioning your name to ridge because she is better and she doesn’t need to
    Such a hypocrite 🤮🤮
    Its so funny that you believe people can change but that goes only for your son 😂😂😂

    1. Oh please Brooke bashed Taylor plenty of times 🙄🙄🙄 . Brooke is up ton the same stuff so fair enough she hasn’t changed at all. She’s lying to Ridge about hating his son! It will come to a head soon enough.

    2. BBFAN….😂😂😂😂😂
      Nope, the only thing Brooke said was that Taylor was willing to marry Ridge and not tell him the truth about what she had just found out just minutes before the ceremony! I’d say that’s a very complaint! Brooke doesn’t go on and on ripping on Taylor!! Brooke’s approach has always been to point out to Ridge that their love is destiny. Brooke acts 1,000 times more like a grownup than juvenile Taylor ever will!!

    3. *above should have said…I’d say that’s a very valid complaint!

    4. Lynn Yes! Brooke has enough in Taylor to bury her. But she doesn't do that. Taylor just doesn't know how else to be relevant to Ridge than hoping her bashing of Brooke will help. When did it ever? Even when those events were taking place (30+ years ago!) that never had any effect on Ridge. He wanted her anyway and maybe even more because of how much his mommy and Tay were desperately trying.

    5. Mmysh yes you said it perfectly. Brooke never stoops to bashing with stuff from the past whereas she has tons on Taylor.

    6. She doesn’t hate thomas bit sure that’s what you like to think
      But if she does she has all the right to
      I don’t think if anyone in her position would love thomas after everything he’s done

    7. Well said lynn and milla
      And milla if brook was the same as Taylor she would have tell Taylor’s kids about all the things Taylor has been hiding from them but she never go that low
      And you are absolutely right the only thing taytay has is bashing brook
      While brook doesn’t have to
      Taylor thinks that putting brooke down and bringing up Brooke's past will make ridge either change his mind or see brooke a certain way.
      The game she played and brook’s game is not the same.
      Brooke didnt even have to mention Taylors name to get ridge back. Her confidence in what she wanted did that.

      Taylor mentioning that brooke manipulated ridge from the beginning of the pact was laughable.
      While the reason that brook was not with ridge was her kid’s manipulations

    8. "Taylor thinks that putting brooke down and bringing up Brooke's past will make ridge either change his mind or see brooke a certain way."
      "Brooke didnt even have to mention Taylors name to get ridge back."


    9. I think you ladies might have missed the point of what Taylor was saying (maybe because y'all didn't like the things she was saying). It wasn't about sitting there and bashing Brooke for bashing her sake.

      Taylor told Ridge that she wasn't going to fight for him again but that she loves him. It's because of that love that she can't watch him get caught up in the Brooke drama again. Taylor also told Ridge that she wants him to be happy and she simply does not believe that he can be happy with Brooke. And that's the truth!

      How many times are Ridge and Brooke going to try to make things work between them? Ridge said this is the last time. Well, let's see how long it's gonna take for something to happen that leads to Brooke betraying Ridge again.

    10. We all look at Ridge as this stuttering imbecile who is not worthy of Brooke but it hasn't always been his fault when their marriage comes crashing down. Brooke is just as much to blame.

    11. That's what I took from that conversation between them. But guess they want to try for number 9, number 9.

    12. "Taylor told Ridge that she wasn't going to fight for him again but that she loves him. It's because of that love that she can't watch him get caught up in the Brooke drama again. Taylor also told Ridge that she wants him to be happy and she simply does not believe that he can be happy with Brooke."
      And that's exactly what I called bullocks on. Taylor can't possibly justify caring soooo much about Ridge that DECADES all she can do is plead the same tired pleas and not care about leaving one shred of dignity for herself. How about let it go? How about letting the man live his life, he's a grandpa for crying out loud. He doesn't need her sanctimonious crap. If anything that only made him want Brooke more in the past and won't have any effect now. Taylor is either that stupid or way past mental if she thinks she can change his mind now.

    13. Or if she isn't trying to change his mind, then all that leaves is her actually bashing for the sake of bashing or for the sake of feeling better about herself. He knows who Brooke has kids from but also knows that none of those kids came to be by any betrayal to him. Or the marriage to Thorne. But Taylor is just on autopilot, she can't even adjust her bashing to be relevant to Brooke's relationship with Ridge.

    14. Indeed milla she wants him happy but with her apparently
      What a punch of crap
      And im 100 percent sure if brook was in Taylor’s shoe today none of you guys would saw the conversation like this

    15. Funny, I didn't see Ridge walk away. He listened to everything Taylor had to say and was mum about it. That's because he knows she's speaking the truth. HE KNOWS because he himself told Brooke that they can't continue making the same mistakes.

      And Taylor absolutely had to go back to the past to emphasize to Ridge just how long he has been on this roller coaster ride with Brooke.

    16. The only thing "absolutely" is how absolutely powerless Taylor is and desperately grabbing at the past and that stuff that has NOTHING to do with Ridge and a "betrayal" to him. She can't even form a proper case against Brooke, the poor woman. And that's why she won't achieve anything. Ever. And when she said she'll *never* say it again I had to laugh. Taylor that's why you're even IN the show! That and to haunt FC and IG. Nothing else but tired lines and giggles. Yawn.

    17. I don't think Taylor's utterances were just about betrayal. It was about Brooke in general, and who she is to her core. It's more than just betrayal.

    18. And what is Taylor to her core
      Its really laughable 😂😂😂

    19. Thank you Mmysh. Taylor is hardly one to judge someone's core. If who Brooke has slept with speaks to her "core" then surprise surprise - they have the same "core" 😂😂 "she's slept with your brother. And with your dad. Oh wait..."

      And for the millionth time - Ridge knows Brooke and her "core" much better than St. Taylor who comes only from a place of bitterness. He doesn't need her to tell him any of this useless tired crap. That's what makes Taylor so pity-worthy - the fact that she doesn't realize that and that she'll keep singing the same song for more decades to come instead of focusing on herself.

    20. Exactly milla thank you
      What about her core and the countless men she slept with
      And her old rich men for a clients 😂
      I guess she has pattern marrying her clients lol 😂
      And as you said the examples she mentioned are not even related to ridge
      She didn’t get pregnant with eric or thorn or RICK for that matter doesn’t make her better
      She is pathetic and disgusting
      Especially when she asked him are you sure
      Are you one hundred percent sure
      She can’t be more pathetic

    21. Wow. All this hate for Taylor because she dared to show concern for Ridge going back to Brooke for the umpteenth time.

    22. Concern 😂😂
      Sorry elle if you like to see it that way

    23. Elle agree. And to some comments above? Taylor is letting it go, and tired of fighting for a man that doesn't know what he wants. But because she still loves him and doesn't want to see the repetitive hurt and anguish that Brooke always puts him through she said her piece. It was not bashing Brooke. It was the truth. As Bbfan said further down, if you see someone you love in a toxic relationship would you not say anything? Or just watch it happen? smh

    24. What the FF’s don’t seem to want to address even though it’s been said multiple times on today’s blog…is that TAYLOR ISN’T SAYING ANYTHING SHE HASN’T TOLD RIDGE COUNTLESS TIMES BEFORE!!!! She gave him the exact same speech the last time she was trying to get her claws into him….the last time she was trying to take Ridge away from Brooke!!!! Why does Taylor assume this go around will be any different????? Same exact speech!!! Same exact Ridge!!! Same exact Taylor!!!! And same exact Brooke!!! So please, please tell us what Taylor hopes to accomplish??

    25. Lynn I see at it as she is telling him she is done fighting for him. She admitted she still loves him but is done with the turmoil that comes with him and Brooke. AND she wants him to be happy. If its with Brooke so be it but she knows how things will end up and doesn't want to see the pain it will cause him again. I don't think she's trying to accomplish anything for herself just looking out for someone she cares about. There's nothing wrong with that.

    26. Elle, if it helps you to name it hate when there's no counterargument/no actual support of Taylor, then so be it. It is still truth.

    27. And D, she's been "done" fighting for him for as long as he has been returning to Brooke. It's getting hilarious at some point. But if this time she really means it and we never have to hear those pitiful same lines, we'll all sigh in relief. So for her sake, for Brooke and Ridge's and especially for ours - I hope she's done.

    28. Milla, yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      D - haven’t you seen Taylor tell Ridge she’s “done” on numerous occasions??? She said it in Aspen and all you ladies said she would never be a glutton for punishment again! That’s just one example, and there are many. Taylor is a broken record. She told Ridge she wanted him back before the Rome trip took place. And that was after she swore she would be never be with him in a romantic capacity again. So Brooke decided all bets were off and she moved full steam ahead in Rome.
      Taylor will never ever get over Ridge, anymore than Brooke will. It’s the perpetual hell we must endure if we are gonna watch B&B.

    29. Oh Aspen hug mean when Taylor to time to herself, so she could finally make peace about Ridge and let it go. All the pain she went through only to have Ridge literally chase her around a mountain side. Begging her, telling what a fool he’d been. How Brooke was a mistake, how she Taylor was the really the woman he loved and couldn’t live without??? All the LIES he told her ?? How he pleaded with her to be his wife etc.

      Of course she was fighting to get him back. Especially after he found out what happened and couldn’t make up his mind. He gave her hope again, something she’d worked so hard to let go.

      When she and Brooke had the pact, she shoved her feelings for Ridge away and tried to move forward.

      After she felt Brooke had betrayed her, she made the mistake of going after Ridge again… so she was genuinely hurt when he chose Brooke, again.

      You act like because she’s a psychiatrist she should have no feelings or issues of her own! Mental health professionals often have serious issues in their personal lives . For many it’s why they enter the profession in the first place. Help others…

      You ladies hate Taylor so much you cannot see anything human or good about her. You are blind (willfully) to the fact that Ridge manipulated and played on Taylor’s love for him when he thought Brooke did something to betray him and every time she DID do something to betray him.

      Do we wish Steffy and Thomas had said in Aspen, “Look mum, we know you love dad and of course we would like to see you together. But he always hurts you and goes back to Brooke. You have worked so hard to move past him. Stay strong and tell him no. Put yourself first.” I know I do. We all knew Ridge would reel her in and rip her heart out again… and he did.

      So why is it wrong for Taylor to say look I love you , but this isn’t about me, Ridge. She cares so deeply for him she doesn’t want to see him put himself through all the pain again. She knows he won’t be happy, because when he and Brooke are together she’s the only one who ever is. She creates endless drama, makes demands, ultimatums etc. Ridge always looks miserable.

      Brooke and Ridge hurt each other and use people around them to satisfy whatever issue and hurt them as well. It would be bad enough if it was just the two of them. But I guess you don’t care the Taylor is collateral damage in Brooke and Ridge’s story. You hate her so it’s fine.

      I love LFs keep saying they don’t actually want Brooke and Ridge together but it’s “Brooke for the win!” That sums it up there! Hurting Taylor is what you actually are celebrating! Brooke “winning” , well when she’s sobbing and heartbroken again, you sure will have won then. 🙄🙄🙄

    30. D and BBFan Brava ladies!! So perfectly well said between the two of you.

      All the LFs heard was Taylor bashing Brooke. Everything else went over their heads.

    31. 👏👏👏 well said you two.

    32. "You are blind (willfully) to the fact that Ridge manipulated and played on Taylor’s love for him when he thought Brooke did something to betray him"

      BBFAN when did we ever deny that? But isn't this more of another argument for Taylor to finally GET IT? There's nothing that she can do and nothing that can happen that will stop the Bridge reunions. Any rational human being would have long understood it. For a psychiatrist it's very very bizarre not to. To the very least she should acknowledge that she has serious issues in that department and seek help for herself. Most psychologists have shrinks of their own. But she never questions her own behavior, she's the blind one obsessed with Brooke for decades, dooming herself to repeat the same over and over. It's her responsibility to remove herself. But she's putting her energy in all the wrong places yet again.

      You seem to have a real problem that some of us are happy that Ridge professed he will love Brooke till the end of time and they reunited. You keep repeating that and how can we be happy? Well, for me happiness doesn't have to be justified 😅 I'm sorry you have a problem with that but we (mostly me because I'm the one who was happy) can't do anything about that.

    33. And PS I've said plenty of good things about Taylor, even this "knockoff" Taylor 😅I said that she has great energy and if she channels it into something other than Bridge, she can have amazing storylines. Plus I loved her chem with Deacon.

    34. We said a lot of things milla
      But apparently they only see what servers their narrative and how they can formulate it
      We complimented Taylor when there is something to praise her about
      But this episode she has nothing
      For our friends her she did nothing wrong she only said the truth about brook
      Well why they get upset when we only saying the truth about her

  9. Oh my gosh! I don't care about Brooke, Ridge, Taylor, RJ, Steffy or Finn. Half hour of Liam and Hope please!!!!

    1. I'm not asking for much. 😅

    2. I thought so too! 😅😅 it was so good I still have chills. Scott is mad.

    3. He was on fire today! That was an intense scene! The rest was blah blah blah lol!

    4. I don't know which part I loved most...

      "I just want you to explain what you did after the show."

      "Where did you go? The Piazza?... Or your favorite place? The Collesium."

      "Come on, Hope, I'll make it easy for you. Say it with me. I... kissed...."

      "(Shouting) SAY IT! I kissed...."

      "What did you say?" 😂 😂 😂 😂

    5. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 that was brilliant!!

    6. For me the last three and especially the shouting omg 🙈🤩

    7. I’m gonna rewatch! It was that GOOD!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    8. Annika's acting was awesome as well! When the tears started to fall as she realized her husband saw her all up in Thomas' grill 😂

      Then her soft whisper "I kissed Thomas."

      Oh man! So good.

    9. Oh one more detail that made it 100% Emmy-worthy - the little smile after "Just repeat after me" was borderline psycho 🤩

    10. Milla i was think the same he got sheila vibes 😂😂

    11. Well look who's being supportive of psycho behavior now? 😶🤣

    12. Are you for real elle or you are just kidding with us ??

    13. (considering your initial post 😂🤗)

    14. Milla, my initial post was about Liam's and Hope's argument and the amazing acting by both Scott and Annika. You were the one (to which Mmysh agreed) that stated: "the little smile after "Just repeat after me" was borderline psycho 🤩"

      Guess we ALL like a little psycho from time to time.

    15. But we didn’t say we like btw
      I didn’t like Liam’s approach he could have call her out in a better way
      You always assume things about us
      For me i don’t like or admire any psycho behavior especially when it hurt people

    16. Hah Elle I get you. I think it was that moment that is so un-Liam and so out of place that made the performance extra special to me. Otherwise yes we've all admitted to other favorite shows featuring real wackjobs 😁

    17. Btw I liked that part so much that I did a screen recording of the last 4 mins of this episode to have as a memory 😅 I did the same with that scene where they show Brooke in Aspen all lost about what Ridge wants her to admit and then they show Thomas who says "it was me" 😈😈

  10. I give RJ props, he’s a sweetie. He at least cares that Taylor will be hurt. Brooke is too busy gloating and is the same cold selfish person she’s always been. She doesn’t like the attention being pulled away from herself. She’s delighted Ridge is breaking Taylor’s heart.

    Brooke broke the pact first but of course she will never admit it.

    Taylor, spot on lassie! Brooke is who she’s always been. I’m wondering who will come along and catch her fancy this time. Lol about Ridge not having to worry about pregnancy anymore.

    I was right, she’s disgusted that Ridge is putting himself into a situation that he knows will only end in hurt. Taylor wants him to be happy and knows he and Brooke will break each other sooner or later.

    With the pending Hope / Liam / Thomas situation I think there will be a huge conflict between Brooke and Ridge. I wonder will they make it to the altar before they implode??

    1. Agreed BBFan! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

    2. With the upcoming exposure of Thomas & Hope, I doubt there will be a B&R wedding, Ridge should know better that Brooke will not see Thomas in a new light only the old. How could Ridge think that he will have a good marriage with the woman who cannot stand Thomas, she will always be suspicious of Thomas.

    3. Elizabeth, remember that Brooke has been speaking positively about Thomas to Ridge. When RJ had just returned, Ridge talked about how proud he was of his 2 boys, while Brooke just stood there smiling.

      Taylor is the only one (and Thomas) who knows what Brooke has been saying about Thomas. Ridge has yet to find out.

    4. Elle whar has Brooke been saying about Thomas?

    5. I should have said... What Brooke said about Thomas.

      And if you still don't know, you'll find out when Ridge finds out. 🤭

    6. I like how the FF’s are trying to make Thomas seem completely innocent in all this and blame it all on Hope!! Thomas shares guilt just the same!!! He broke his promise to everyone and destroyed the progress he made in getting over Hope! Brooke is gonna be mad at the situation for sure! She’s gonna be upset with Hope and Thomas! And I’m sure Ridge will feel the same!! Thomas promised Ridge he had nothing to be concerned about! Yet here we go again, Thomas went back on his word!! He absolutely reciprocated Hope’s advances!! No one is gonna be happy with Hope or Thomas. And I can’t see how that would rip apart Brooke and Ridge! They will both be disgusted with what happened.

    7. Elle that still leaves my question 😂😂 you keep repeating that Brooke said/has been saying something about Thomas - do you even remember what? 😅 if not, the chance "it" comes up is small. If even her opposers can't name it...

    8. Oh like when she was accusing him of coming on to Hope and how she would have him thrown out of Forrester etc. How she knew he hadn’t changed etc when he literally did NOTHING to deserve that??? Hope had to tell her about having feelings for Thomas to keep Brooke from having Thomas destroyed when he hadn’t put a toe out of place. Like that?? Brooke showed she hates Thomas, just was she always has! She just hides that from Ridge!

      Taylor heard all the nasty things Brooke said to Hope about her son, and Hope backpedaling to shut her up, because Thomas accidentally overheard the conversation!

      Ridge has NO idea, that while he’s been so proud of Thomas, Brooke has been scheming to throw him out again.

      By the by, Thomas is as predicted getting thrown under the bus here!

      He didn’t go back on his word. Everything we’ve seen so far showed Hope being the instigator and Thomas in shock and duh, he loves her, went along with it. I think he never ever thought she would come into him, so it was easy to think he’d just step back and remind her of her marriage etc. Which to be fair, he did on several occasions before the trip. He gave into Hope’s advances, so yes it must be Thomas’s fault!

      Should have pushed away and said no?? Of course but this is a soap after all.

    9. BBFan scheming 🤣 in order to "scheme" Brooke must take the course from Taylor or her children. What does scheming mean to you? Saying ONE F***ING TIME to Hope that IF IF he does it again, he's out of there? That "scheming"?? Sometimes I just can't believe the conversations I'm leading here over and over again, they are so outrageous.
      Thomas didn't push Hope away although he said he would if she threw herself at him. You can twist it as you like, he just didn't. Still it's her doing but like Lynn said, he's also not clean for going along with it. Doesn't mean anyone will be throwing him out because nobody is "scheming" 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
      Once the drama ensues and IF IF (!!!) sides must be taken, then we will see. For now you people are just rubbing your hands because you just crave drama between Ridge and Brooke. And IF that happens please don't come with saying "we" denied any conflict between Brooke and Ridge would come because of Thomas. Because I'm als getting a little tired of this subsuming and false quoting us.

    10. And sorry but Mmysh is right, you're only looking for excuses for Thomas. If this behavior was coming from anyone who had sworn up and down they wouldn't do it, you'd be crucifying them.

    11. @Milla Your post at 11:17 PM I already answered your question. I said that you will find out when Ridge finds out. I've explained what Brooke said (which you also know in full detail) ad nauseum. I'm not about to explain it again for you to come in again and deny that she said it.

      We are likely to see Ridge finding out what Brooke said to Hope on the day Hope threw Thomas under the bus FOR HER MOTHER in response to what BROOKE WAS SAYING about Thomas. Ridge will also find out that Brooke suspected back then that Hope had feelings for Thomas then, later on got an admission from Hope that she had feelings for Thomas. Ridge is NOT going to be mad at Thomas for breaking his word about Hope, he is going to be livid at Hope for jeopardizing Thomas' progress and at Brooke for keeping it from him. However, I digress and will wait and see what happens.

      I was totally wrong about Hope where Thomas is concerned. I might be wrong about this as well.

    12. I am always so amazed that people on here ignore what is actually playing out on the show in favor of their own spin on things. Hope not only threw Thomas under the bus for what her mother said about him, but she also apologized to Thomas for what she said and explained that her mother was saying all these awful things about him. Thomas then went to Taylor and told her that Brooke was saying things about him which was why Hope said what she said. Taylor then confronted Brooke about what she said to which Brooke stated that she did not mean to lie to Taylor but she simply cannot forget what Thomas did in the past. This then led to Taylor not trusting Brooke.... and the rest is history.

      Obviously, what Brooke said about Thomas is a big deal yet, viewers don't want to believe it.

    13. Well said, BBFan.

      Regarding Thomas. He made promises to his family that he will not be inappropriate with Hope or interfere with her marriage again. He has not broken that promise. Hope was the one that had been flirting with him, which he shut down every time, until she finally kissed him. SHE KISSED HIM! Thomas responding to her kiss is not breaking his promise to anyone because he did not go back on his word of not being inappropriate with Hope or interfering in her marriage. She was the one who did it all.

      Would I have preferred that Thomas push her away and not fall into her trap? Of course. I am sorely disappointed that he didn't however, I cannot fault him for breaking his promise to his family because Hope was the one that made the first move. He just went along with it.

      And blaming Thomas for something he did not do is just the LFs "rubbing your hands" in anticipation of seeing Thomas revert to his old ways and have his family cast him out again. Pfft.

    14. Elle sorry but you are the one spinning things. You can't even say WHAT Brooke said. Telling me "when Ridge finds out" is not telling me what godawful thing she said 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️seriously. And thank you for "she simply cannot forget what Thomas did in the past". Of course she frickin can't!! Who can?? None of his family can. Are you seriously blaming her for that? She shouldn't forget, she should always be on alert where Thomas is concerned because guess what - she was always RIGHT when he was up to no good and Ridge always admitted it eventually. That's always soooooo rewarding to watch.

      Thomas said that EVEN IF HOPR THREW HERSELF AT HIM HE WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING. She frickin threw herself and he didn't do NOTHING. You cannot possibly pretend you have forgotten about this or make yet again excuses and twist yourself into a pretzel. Because it's getting comical dimensions. Like talking on those broken telephone shows 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    15. OK I now saw your second paragraph (not all loading properly) "I am sorely disappointed that he didn't however, I cannot fault him for breaking his promise to his family because Hope was the one that made the first move." - then we are partially on the same page, it is Hope's doing for sure, but he should have pushed her away. Whether you call it broke promise to his family or simply not doing what he said he would do (push away) is to me not such an important distinction. Everyone agrees that Hope is the main culprit and that if it weren't for her libido we wouldn't be having this conversations.

    16. I guess I am mainly mad because like I said for me the worst part was not the kissing, but what came after and if Thomas had pushed her away, we would have had "just" one broken kiss and not all the bloodboiling things after. But again, Hope shouldn't have started it...

    17. Indeed milla finding excuses for murder so what do you expect
      And what is so funny about what brook said about thomas that if he do anything he is out
      The thing is the everyone knows that including his family and that was hope’s condition and everyone agreed on it including thomas
      But if brook say it omg she is scheming 😂😂

    18. Yes Mmysh I was about to say the same. I guess everyone is scheming against Thomas 😅 but since Brooke spelled it out, she's the worst.

    19. Indeed milla
      So let someone scheming against him for a change since he always scheming against others 😂😂😂😂

    20. @Milla. Elle's post "And if you still don't know, you'll find out when Ridge finds out". Her and BBfan have explained it so many times and BBfan again. I think they're getting tired of repeating it. So "you'll find out when Ridge finds out".

    21. Hahah Mmysh that would be a nice plottwist - someone scheming against The Schemer 👑

    22. And Elle, actually I was mostly confused why you are so fixated on this one moment where Brooke expressed mistrust regarding Thomas and that Ridge "will find out what she said then" instead of saying that he will generally have an issue with Brooke's mistrust when it comes up (especially around the kissing drama) without any past conversations coming up. That's more probable, why "tie" yourself up to that one particular conversation from the past to "come out".

    23. So yes
      the messers become the messees

  11. I replayed many times the scene where Liam yells “say it” ; that was some really good acting 👏

    1. Lol right?? Scott was brilliant today!

    2. I found him very attractive when he was yelling... 😄

  12. Another great episode! Liam you are truly a wonderful actor!! Always so impressed with your skills! Except when you play dumb, like you did with Bill’s private jet. Stupid doesn’t look good on you Liam, cuz you are such a smart guy!!!! And boy oh boy was Hope blindsided by what you knew!! Making her say the words was PERFECTLY PLAYED!!!! She is at least extremely embarrassed about what she did, because she certainly wasn’t bragging about it or telling Liam she is leaving him for Thomas!! Oh there’s a shock! 😂😂😂😂 NOT!!!!! She is mortified that Liam knows and she will now go into full blown damage control mode!! She’s of course gonna bring up Liam’s past discretions. But at least Liam wanted to tell Hope the truth when he slept with Steffy. His conscience was eating him alive. But it was Steffy who kept telling Liam he couldn’t say anything after they slept together. Steffy basically threatened Liam if he said anything because she was so desperate to keep Finn!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    So they replayed the Liam / Steffy Rome kiss….and I gotta say, she kissed him back even more than I originally thought!!!! And NO, HER MOUTH WAS MOST CERTAINLY NOT TIGHTLY CLOSED!! Sorry, FF’s….your girl Steffy is a liar and very deliberate in her actions to keep the truth from her husband! She will absolutely not come clean with Finn!!! But I’m sure it will come out somehow and Finn will be furious!!!!
    Now let’s move on to Taylor - absolutely hilarious were her comments about how Brooke broke the pact in Rome. 🤣🤣🤣. Uh hey, Taylor, weren’t you pleading your case to Ridge BEFORE anyone left for Rome??!!! That’s what the viewers all saw anyway! And I realized something about Taylor today that I never picked up on before….she never talks to Ridge about how great the two of them are together as a couple. Her only approach with Ridge is to totally and completely disparage Brooke!!! Brooke on the other hand, tells Ridge how great they are together and that their love is eternal / destiny. That’s a much HEALTHIER approach than Doc’s approach! 😂😂😂
    Taylor, you continue to act like a child. A spoiled little child who doesn’t get her way and has to attack her adversary! So very “psychiatrist like” Taylor! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    And it was funny when she said, OK, I slept with your brother too, Ridge!!! At least she admitted it!! Lol.
    Ridge isn’t swayed by Taylor’s childlike disparaging of Brooke. He is gonna walk out of there and go about his life with Brooke. Taylor absolutely DID NOT handle anything well. Like I said yesterday, very sour grapes, Taylor!!!

    1. Yes and when Brooke and Ridge destroy each other yet again, because they ALWAYS do!!! What a win for Brooke, yes indeed. Taylor will be well justified in saying. “I told you so!!!”

      If you had someone you care about that kept going back to a relationship that literally does nothing but hurt them , would you seriously be pushing them back to it over and over? If they told you they were going there again (8 failed marriages to each other, seriously??) and you knew they would be heartbroken again, wouldn’t you say something??? No??

      I would be trying to get them to see sense.

    2. No one asked Taylor to “push Ridge” into anything. All she needs to do is support his decision. Even if that support simply means to keep her loud mouth shut. She was actively trying to get him to see the light / change his mind. And that’s what I have issue with. The die is cast, Taylor. Time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on!!!!!

    3. Brooke’s healthier approach is to brush all their myriad issues under the carpet and pretend they never happened. Because looking through the magic keyhole means they will magically be a perfect couple 😂🤣😂🤣. Sure 🙄🙄.

      Brooke wants Ridge to forget what his own inner voice has been telling him. He just lost any growth he made and is letting Brooke think for him again. Oh well they deserve each other and any pain and destruction they inevitably cause is what they deserve.

      All I can say is, I hope Brooke can live with the price of “winning” because really that’s all this is. A competition to show she can take Ridge from Taylor!

      I’m glad Taylor is away from Waffle King, I wish Brooke was clever enough to be away from him too. Talk about having no self respect? 🙄🙄

    4. BBFAN, I have said it too many times to even count….I am no longer a Bridge fan. But that doesn’t take away from how childish / sour grapes Taylor is acting! I am saying Taylor handled her talk with Ridge horribly! Please tell me which sentence she said to Ridge today that she hasn’t already told him 50 times before???!!!! He is a big boy! If he wants to be with his Logan and Brooke is happy being with Ridge, then let it be!!! I am not rooting for them because Ridge sucks. But like I said, Brooke seems happy. So I’m not gonna begrudge her that.


    5. Lynn she doesn't even need to support, she just needs to shut her pie hole. Who is asking her?!
      BBFan Brooke didn't "take Ridge from Taylor". That would imply he was "Taylor's" any time after the Clinton administration.
      And you can try twisting it on Brooke as much as you want. The only pathetic woman is the one who can't accept she's not it and can only bring up past from 30 years ago to make her lame ass point.

    6. All the Logans, Eric, Carter even RJ were pushing Ridge and Brooke together, so yeah there was a lot of that. I’m just bored of the Story line already and the daily showing of the whole Ridge seeing Brooke through the keyhole, running reunion is worse than the 100 times they showed Ridge and Taylor’s Monaco kiss. 🙄🙄🙄

      I just want to watch Liam and Hope drama lol, it’s getting good.

    7. That I can agree on. It will reach it's peak tomorrow 👏🏼😈😈

    8. Brooke and Ridge are completely toxic as a couple. I don’t want Taylor trying to get Ridge back, he’s so not worth it. She wasn’t wrong in what she said. Ridge even said before she’s one of his best friends, so she has every right to tell him to catch himself on and think again about what he’s doing.

      She closed the door on it, and had every right to have her say. Ridge went to her and she has a right to respond.

    9. That I can agree on! The peak is tomorrow 😈👏🏼

    10. I love how Taylor says to Ridge “It is not my job to make you understand!” And then she continues to lecture Ridge and plead her case!!!!! Too damn funny!!!!!

    11. Milla, yes exactly! I said the same thing above! Taylor just needs to keep her big mouth shut! But why would she do that when she can lecture and lecture till Ridge has to tell her to stop!!!! 😂😂😂

    12. BBFan, I am in agreement with your discourse on your last two posts.. It's gonna be a rough ride for Hope.. I'm doing a double take on today's episode.....

    13. @BBFan 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      Totally agree. Taylor supporting Ridge means Taylor pushing him to be happy with Brooke, and that totally goes against her beliefs that he will be happy with her. Nothing wrong with cautioning someone you deeply care for about something/someone you know will cause you heartache inevitably.

    14. She is such a pathetic hypocrite
      Bashing brook while she is the one who cheated on him
      But with three times leaving you at the alter you didn’t get the chance to hurt him again lol 😂😂😂

    15. Too bad Brooke doesn't have any friends to caution her about getting back with Ridge. Her sisters only seem interested in her following her destiny.

    16. Yeah like Taylor has any 😂😂😂 or any other character for that matter 😂😂

    17. Indeed Taylor is in much more dire need of someone to slap her into reality. And has been for multiple decades. If she can't understand herself that she'll always be dumped, the intervention sign may be well overdue.

    18. Me: And look at Brooke...

      Response: "what about (ism) Taylor...? "

    19. Funny since the topic is about Taylor and brook 😂😂

    20. Ah, Elle….the whataboutism really isn’t whataboutism at all. The initial post was all about Taylor’s behavior. So actually it is you that is doing the whataboutism by bringing up Brooke.

    21. And “cautioning Ridge” is your defense, Elle??? 😂😂😂😂
      Like I said way, way, way above - Taylor has been singing that very same song for years. It’s absolutely NOTHING Ridge hasn’t already heard from Taylor 100 times before. So what exactly is her point in saying it at all??
      Ridge was kind enough to tell Taylor in person that he is back with Brooke. He handled it that way because he felt it should come from him. But she takes that kindness / respect that Ridge shows her and throws it back in his face as she lectures him about Brooke!!!! Taylor is a real piece of work!! But no matter, all she is gonna accomplish is to look petty in Ridge’s eyes. A sore loser just like I said!!!

    22. "The initial post was all about Taylor’s behavior. So actually it is you that is doing the whataboutism by bringing up Brooke."

      Gold 😀😀🤗

    23. What makes me laugh a lot when Taylor said ”Brook can’t change”
      But we have to believe that Taylor has changed from the person who shot bill,
      Thomas is changed, and Taylor’s patients are changed by her sessions with them (IF she has any) 😂😂😂😂

    24. @Lynn Your post at 5:47 PM I have not responded to anything in your initial post.

      My response was directed at Mmysh's response to me saying that Brooke does not have any friends. Every single time I bring up something about Brooke, she responds with something about Taylor. Is it that she has no defense for Brooke so she deflects with Taylor?

    25. 😂😂😂 well elle i think what you wrote is totally wrong in the matter of fact it’s applies to you

      And why you are upset about what we are saying about Taylor since its the truth and since you praised Taylor because se was only saying the truth 😂
      Why not that doesn’t apply to us

    26. Ah and yes, one of the many lessons Taylor didn't learn over the years is that the more she badmouths Brooke, the worse SHE looks. That's something that young women shouldn't emulate. It can only tarnish your own image. She's not warning Ridge, he won't say now suddenly "oh Doc! You opened my eyes finally!! Thank you. Marry me now!" All he'll do is continue to look at her with empty look and then go home to Brooke where he wants to be. "Bye Felicia."

    27. Milla especially when she has worse past including not only multiple sex partners
      But since she didn’t get pregnant that make it better 😂😂😂

    28. The summary of Taylor is
      She blames Brooke for Ridge choosing Brooke instead of accepting the fact that Ridge doesn't love her.

  13. Replies
    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 STELLAR for sure!!!

  14. I gotta say….Liam’s performance was obviously brilliant today. But Hope’s performance wasn’t half bad either. Her face - the mortification she was showing. You could just feel it! Both excellent actors!! Liam continues to be my favorite actor on the show! His emotions come through so dang authentically!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. Indeed milla
      I don’t know why the actors playing liam, hope steffy brook and kaite don’t show on other shows
      Like a big movie or series
      They are really good and talented

    2. Sorry lynn 😂😂😂 not milla

    3. Annika is fantastic. She's gone through some very painful things that she also had to act in the series so that deserves even more recognition.

  15. When Hope learns about Liam & Steffy's kiss, Hope should say the same thing to Liam: "Say it Liam! I......I.......kissed ....say it Liam! I kissed Steffy - again!". 🤣💋

    1. Buwhaha love it 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    2. Ahaha, indeed. But what will Fin do....

    3. When Finn learns that Liam & Steffy kissed, he should have Steffy take a pregnancy test. After all, there was a little more than kissing going on the last time...

    4. Renee 🤣🤣🤣 I shouldn't be reading your comments when on a boat with many people eating around me.

    5. Renee Finn and Steffy have been very active in their marriage and she was away for a couple of days! If she is preggers and it showed up on a test, it would be Finn’s!

  16. Where's Unknown? Hope admitted that she kissed Thomas? Still in denial that the kiss happened?

    1. True, they didn't talk about the kiss but Hope telling Thomas what happened in Rome stays in Rome, referred to the kiss.

    2. There's a huge difference between 1. Saying weeks ago nothing could happen and 2. After it happened, maintaining it was a dream for 3-4 more episodes 😅😅

  17. Is anyone else's comments randomly not posting?

    1. Not so far
      I just finished watching the 3rd episode of black mirror
      A very nice creepy new season
      I don’t know if you know the show

    2. All my comments posted, M.

    3. Thank you ladies yes problem seems to be solved!

  18. Replies
    1. No dream. Just a nightmare now for Hope & Liam.

  19. Taylor is the worse psychiatrist in the world: needy, clingy, envyous,with unhealthy attachment. After all these years, she is still hanging on to Ridge and hid story with Brooke.
    I dont like Liam, but he did not deserve that, yes. I guess, afterall, Hope was not horrified about Thomas and what he did in the past. She kinda missed the attention and once she did not get it, she became interested. Lame.

  20. We sometimes complain about the B&B writers, but kudos to them for the excellent dialog in today's scene where Liam confronted Hope regarding her behavior in Rome. 👍

  21. Well done Liam. Fantastic actor. Tell Hope to get lost. And Taylor needs to get lost too ... Thanks Bob

  22. Anybody notice Steffi going back over her kiss with Liam. It seemed to give her a tickle in her nether regions. Lol
    Heaven help Hope if she slept with Thomas. The way Liam carried on about a kiss. He seems to be a bit of a narcissistic arsehole to me.

    1. Maybe now its her turn to daydreaming about liam 😂😂😂
