Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-11-23 Full episode B&B 11th July 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-11-23 Full episode B&B 11th July 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Just want to say Thanks Bob for providing me with my favorite series.
    Hope & Thomas are on fire, I'm really hoping she is genuine and committed in her feelings for him. I cannot imagine her going back to Liam the waffler, no matter how much he begs.

    1. So funny to hear Hope saying what Ffs have said for months . Sounds like more than lust to me!! She said what we’ve been thinking with all Liam’s waffling and cheating etc. That’s not a good position to be in for a wife. Knowing your husband is still in love with his ex and yeah they do have a child together too. Honestly, I think she would have divorced Liam after mannequin gate if Brooke hadn’t pushed her so hard to forgive Liam.

      They were never the same after that.

      Hmmm I wonder does Liam come back to Hope and she refuses to put her ring back on again?

      Sorry mate, too late.

      I just ff all the Sheila scenes.

      Look at RJ and Wyatt tag team Liam to try and make him pull his head out of his arse lol. Listen Liam, or it really will be too late.

    2. It's already too late! I laughed so hard when Wyatt told Liam to go to Hope before it's too late and then it immediately flashed to Hope and Thomas in bed together, enjoying each other like nothing else exists in the world.

    3. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    4. @Debbie Agreed! I am really hoping that when Liam comes crawling back, that Hope will tell him to kick rocks.

      @BBFan Hope's feelings for Thomas have been developing for some time now. She tried to fight them and was not readily wanting to admit to how she felt. Looks like she's all in now. I'm really curious to see if she'll put that ring back on.

    5. Whoa tigress, pump the brakes. There is a saying " a man is a man and boys will be boyz ". Who can really blame Thomas(oh yeah, Brooke will). He tried to resist, asked her questions before moving forward. He's loved her for so long, tricked her into marriage and now she's offering him...what exactly? A roll in the hay, She can be a bad girl too, Or is she just favouring herself on the flavour of the month?? This will be deja vu for her mother..Boi oh boi, something's gonna hit the fan by weekend...

  2. Hope was the voice of the people today. She said everything that we the viewers have been saying for so long. Beautiful!

    1. Exactly Angela! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. For sure! I hope that she makes a real go of it with Thomas and shuts her hypocrite parents down!! Deacon is in love with psycho Shelia and Brooke..definitely no room to talk..I think Hope and Thomas will be great together!! He sees her for her and not the mindless teenager that Liam and Brooke treat her like!

    3. I rewound that last scene so many times. So beautiful and heartfelt. They make a striking couple. 😍❤️

    4. @katie, I really hope that she's not building up his hopes, because he is all into a relationship with her. We do not want him going back to the dark side..

  3. Maybe Hope will finally move out of that dark dank cabin lol graduate to a real home 😂🤣😂

  4. Hope has definitely made up her mind that she wants a man that loves her for her, and a man who loves two women. I love the part where RJ walks in saying how Hope is devasted about what's happening with their marriage, and here they jump the camera on Hope making love to Thomas, Yeah, RJ she really looks devasted man, NOT, and them candles are still burning.😂😂

    1. 🤣😂🤣 yes they are lol. Yeah Liam is in for a surprise and he won’t like it. Hope taking off her rings said a lot, even she hadn’t slept with Thomas. But now she has, it was a revelation for her! Damn been missing this all these years lol. 😂

    2. Not to mention she can literally talk to Thomas about anything without the constant rants and being talked down to like she’s no mind of her own! How many times has Liam lectured her or told her she doesn’t know it understand something. That she should listen to him because he knows best, etc etc. She’s loving feeling supported, and loved alone, only her, no competition for a man’s affection. We all know that Liam always runs to Steffy, even if it’s just to complain about his marriage lol .

    3. Liam and Hope had a good run but their marriage became broken at its core after mannequin-gate. It was due to come crashing down. And I am very happy that Hope has Thomas to love and support her. Now let's see if it sticks. I'm hoping it does.

    4. @Elle I never saw Hope & Liam to be a good couple, because of Liam's "wishy washy" behavior he has. Hope thought she could make this guy love her for her but did he really? he always said he has his heart for Hope, so how can that be so when he keeps running and sleeping with Steffy, that is NOT a sturdy marriage to me. I could trust with a 10 foot pool. If I had a man like believe me I would be like "Shotgun Jane" Liam would be running all the way down a hill, if I had my way of teaching him a lesson.

    5. Agreed Elizabeth. I didn't like them as a couple either. I was just saying that they had a good enough time together. The marriage was due to come to an end.

  5. how RJ feels his brother and sister is soon to be having a kid lol can somebody tell me what these writters are thinking

    1. Oh please, you make it sound as if his brother and sister both have the same mother and father, get a life 🙄

    2. Well at least Thomas and Hope are not brother and sister. That's what's most important.

    3. NationalMusiq, do you know the difference between a HALF SIBLING AND a STEP SIBLING. Halves share a parent. Steps DO NOT share any parent. Also Hope has never been adopted by Ridge.. Hope this clarifies the family tree for you.

    4. For the record - NationalMusiq did not specify half, step or otherwise in her comment! What she wrote was factual. Thomas is RJ’s brother. And Hope is RJ’s sister. Nothing was stated otherwise!

    5. NationalMusiq, the writers are clearly trying to make us sick!!

    6. If we are on the topic of Hope and Thomas sleeping together, then RJ means exactly what has been inferred. That his HALF SIBLINGS who are not related to each other are having a kid. @Lynn

    7. Krossbreed, no one is confused about the relationship that RJ shares with Hope and Thomas. And as I already said, there was no reference to “half” or “step” made in the original comment. The point is, some bloggers find the Hope Thomas sex scenes disgusting! I am one of those people, and apparently so is NationalMusiq.

  6. H gosh, all the experts commenting again, you ladies need to find a man of your own or perhaps a hobby! Yesterdays fighting and bickering was embarrassing to read, no wonder the world is so screwed up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. We all know that the writers will let Thomas down to favor Lame anyway. Thomas is scared that is dreams all that, may he is... somewhere closed in a rehab😂😂😂😂
    Lame wanted a divorce after a kiss, he will want her back after sleeping with Thomas and get pregnant, same senario with his brother Wyatt.

    1. I'm glad that Thomas is holding back on telling Hope how he feels. I would hate to see him go all in only to have Hope return to Liam when he comes begging for forgiveness.

    2. Me too Elle. It will devastate him if she goes back. I’m thinking now she has given herself permission to have what she needs and wants, she won’t be quick to go back to being with a man that can only give part of his heart and threatens her with his ex every time things don’t go his way. A man who cheated on her and is incapable of forgiving her. You know Liam would demand she kick Thomas out or leave herself.

    3. Totally agree Elle. Wrote these same sentiments above on this blog

  8. Poor RJ... I'm so embarrassed for him. When he finds out his brother and sister did the nasty and especially since he defended her and the marriage with Liam so vehemently...

    Hope 😅 "this can't be wrong, it has to be right" - well if it *has to* then okay, it's settled. I can't wait for the fallout of all this but if it ends with a paternity test, that will be my que it's time for a summer hiatus (at least).

    1. @Milla This quote you said "this can't be wrong; it has to be right" reminds of a lyrics in the song called "You Light Up My Life" by Debbie Boone, I believe it was the last verse where Debbie Boone said, "It can't be wrong, when it feels so right, 'cause you, you light up my life."

    2. Milla indeed
      I was disappointed with hope a few times over the years
      But never so disgust
      So she can’t forget what liam did but she can what thomas did
      How stupid and naive can she be
      She far gone to me a hypocrite cheater just like the rest 🤮🤮
      And the things she was telling him like she is another person 🤮🤮🤮
      Such a sickening storyline
      With a great massage to the viewers
      Justifying stalking, menacing, abusing and killing to get to the women you want
      And its normalizes thomas’s psychotic behavior by having hope wax poetic about thomas *ONLY LOVING HER*... thomas’s love for her is not pure it comes from a place of mental illness and now she had sex with him its like romanticizing his stalking and menacing to get to her
      So its ok to stalk, manipulate and even kill to get the subject of your obsession all you have to do is be patient and your obsession will finally see the light and be yours

    3. And piece of advice to hope If she ever wants to break up with him she shouldn’t go driving on any winding roads at night, Emma style!! 😂😂😂

    4. Ah Mmysh I don't wish Hope any harm but I can totally see some sort of chasing or other action-style episode involving Thom 😅🙈 we haven't had sth like this in a while, not since Sheila but that nutjob doesn't count.
      Btw does it count as cheating if the husband has walked away on you? I mean, the kiss was, but this night was really a Ross and Rachel kind of conundrum 😅

    5. For me it is
      The didn’t call it an official separation or at least signed any papers
      So yeah she is an official cheater now

    6. And thomas so much for a msn of his word 🥱
      He has been saying he would NEVER do anything to come between her & Liam, that he respected their marriage. And the famous sentence and even if she throw herself at him she will not do anything
      If he truly a man of his word he would never have responded to the kisses in Rome. And when she came to his place all distraught, hurt and sad, he would have sent her away, to try and work on her marriage, to talk to Liam again. But he didn’t, he let this broken & hurt woman take the lead as to what would happen next.
      I don’t think she had thought of taking the wedding ring off until he referred to not being able to go any further while she was wearing it, so she took it off. (Umm, ring or no ring she is still married)
      And i bit someone will come oh “yeah put the blame on thomas” 😂😂😂
      You know the drill milla
      But actually im not
      The blame all in hope
      but he is not a man of his words especially for a “changed man”
      But sure there is always an excuse 🥱🥱🥱
      And really who lit all those candles in the bedroom. I doubt they would have paused to light them. LOL. Cheers 😁
      But sure we will get some analysis 😂😂

    7. And Hope saying that if Liam wouldn't end their marriage like that she wouldn't be in bed with Thomas. that’s just destroyed all her words to thomas and made it with no meaning

    8. Mmysh I was actually pretty sure Thomas would act nobly and would do the right thing. I kept saying I think his progress is way too important to him and I thought he would eventually remember the word he gave time and again. I don't know why I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    9. Maybe because it would have been a better storyline than the same old triangles where everyone hopes they are the one and nobody is.

    10. He finally getting what he wanted
      its like let me took the chance now and sleep with her maybe tomorrow the door will be closed
      The look on his face in the end was weird like he knows for sure he is second choice but he is fine with it
      Maybe its something genetic in the family LOL 😂

    11. Hmmm kind of like when Liam was in his hotel room trying to forgive his pregnant wife and Hope kissed him and told him she wanted him and he deserved her??? He wasn’t divorced or officially separated or even asked for a divorce. He was processing what had happened but I remember all the LFs cheering Hope on. And none of you thought that was cheating lol. Hmmmm funny how that works.

    12. Why would Thomas turn away the "broken & hurt woman?" Feelings aside, he has always been supportive of Hope. She came to him for support and that's what he gave her. And he did stop her at one point and asked her about Liam.

      Liam walked out on Hope not once, but twice. And both times, he made it clear that he wanted a divorce. He even told her he was moving out and will collect his things later on. He also told Wyatt that he will be moving in with Bill. Seems like a separation to me.

    13. And might I add that Hope did not immediately go running to Thomas. She waited and hoped for Liam to return and when he did, she again begged for his forgiveness. And what did she get? Steffy thrown in her face as her husband walked out on her the second time.

      I think we also need to take into consideration that Hope has been fighting her feelings for Thomas. In the face of her marriage being over, she gave in to those feelings. She did not run to Thomas on a whim like "oh well, Thomas has loved me for so long, I guess he's the next best thing."

    14. Oh Milla and Mmysh, all that was going through my mind during those scenes was what a little Ho-bag Hope has turned into!!! I don’t even like her anymore. I said those words after she kissed Thomas in Rome, but this sleeping with Thomas puts a whole new level of dislike for Hope in my mind.
      Yes, Liam has been a waffler. He is no saint for sure!! But his mistakes with Steffy always seemed reactionary to me. He is very reactive. But as we’ve talked about, Hope’s betrayal was calculated. She knew she was having inappropriate thoughts and she PROMISED Liam that there was NOTHING going on, even when she was very aware of her temptations. That was so dishonest. I am mad at Liam for not being more forgiving given all his indiscretions, but that still doesn’t give Hope a pass here. As Mmysh said, no papers have been signed. Hope ran to Thomas the same day that Liam confirmed he wanted a divorce. Good lord these people can’t be alone for 5 minutes like someone pointed out.

      Sorry, Elle….but nothing Hope said today confirmed your thoughts that “Hope’s been developing feelings for a very long time.” She pretty much confirmed today that the changes she has seen in Thomas since he returned to FC and has been seeing a therapist / making real changes in himself is when Hope started to have feelings develop for him. Not before that. And I still think it’s hilarious that she tells Thomas the reason she is there with him is because Liam is divorcing her, NOT because she chose Thomas! She chose Liam, Liam said we’re done, and the Hope proceeds to run to Thomas. That’s a win by default. 😂😂😂😂😂
      And if Hope had issues with Liam’s going back and forth between her and Steffy, then that’s a discussion you have with your husband!! You don’t go running to Thomas with the “I’ll show Liam!!” thought in mind! That’s USING Thomas to get back at your husband!! That’s nothing more than a revenge screw!! And Thomas, you absolutely said to multiple people you would not do anything with Hope!!! You are a grown-ass man just like Finn said! And no one forced you to kiss Hope back, nor did anyone force you to have sex with her!!! You are contributing to cheating!! So make all the excuses you want, you are still sleeping with a MARRIED woman!!

    15. Bbfan are you sure that’s what happened with liam when his wife cheated with dad
      Because it wasn’t like you wrote
      But so tired of repeating so as you like 👍

    16. Lynn another stalker apparently and no surprise a thomas fan 😂😂😂😂

    17. Lynn remember the wrong goes one way, now even hope has excuses 🤭🤭🤭🤭

    18. Bbfan maybe it will the last time i hope ( not the cheater 😂😂)
      Btw my words are still the same
      What you wrote is the twist version of how things happened
      But my words are still the same
      Here the cheater IS HOPE not your precious thomas
      Im still at my words
      He doesn’t cheated on anyone he is single
      But as you like to say her slept with a married women or it a patriarchal societies when it comes to thomas
      And he didn’t kept his word
      But how hypocritical ( i guess im allowed to use this word like you do right ? Without you take it as bullying)
      Its so hypocritical to bash hope in a comment then cheering for her in the rest but oh yes that period of time things was related to steffy and now the other person involved is thomas
      No surprise here at all

    19. Lynn as usual you nailed it 👏🏼👏🏼 Hope has also fallen in my eyes ever since that night, there was nothing special and romantic but two former step-siblings who grew up together shagging. Just no. And no wonder she'll want to keep it a secret. Liam is reactive and there is a whole article of his biggest screw ups but he doesn't go on for months denying something and then baam kissing. But now it will be so much fun when he decides to forgive her and she will squirm deciding what to do. Then there's the Steffy kissing that hasn't come out and will complicate everything once again... It will be a mess again that won't end up well.

    20. "And if Hope had issues with Liam’s going back and forth between her and Steffy, then that’s a discussion you have with your husband!! You don’t go running to Thomas with the “I’ll show Liam!!” thought in mind! That’s USING Thomas to get back at your husband!!"

      Truest words I've read here in a while.

    21. However I think I may take that break during my vacation now, will try to pop by but in case I don't, just know all is well and I'll come back to support you ladies! 🤗

    22. Have fun milla and enjoy your time dear ❤️

    23. Thank you Mmysh. Off I go ✈️☀️🍹

    24. Milla, we will miss you!! If they don’t move on from this Hope / Thomas vomit inducing BS soon, I may take a break from this blog too. I don’t even look forward to seeing what’s gonna happen next these days. This show has turned so incredibly dark to me.
      Have a wonderful time and be safe!!! ✈️🤗 ✈️ 🤗

    25. Thank you dear ❤️🤗

  9. Replies
    1. I hope that they don't write in a WTD here. However, if they do, it can turn out to be Thomas'. Douglas will finally have his parents together and have a sibling on the way.

  10. So Steffy, Wyatt, and now RJ are all fighting for Liam not to give up on his marriage harder than both Hope and Liam are. Hope needs to stop trying to make this about Liam's feelings for Steffy. That's so convenient. Girl, just own it. Admit that you were fantasizing about being with Thomas as soon as Liam mentioned wanting a divorce. A hot steamy roll in the hay doesn't make for a stable long-term relationship.
    And the whole time I'm watching the scenes with Sheila and Deacon, I didn't realize I was making a disgusted face, until my friend pointed it out. It has been so nice not seeing or thinking about that vile contemptible creature. 😈🤮🐍. Deacon, don't you have plenty to keep you busy at your restaurant? And surely there have been plenty of eligible female diners who have expressed an interest. You don't need to be missing that psycho. I would like to see Deacon and Taylor together. Only because Ridge, Brooke, and Sheila would be super-pissed about it. 🤬

  11. And anyone who says Thomas should have been a noble person, and not given in to Hope. Please! He's a young man, who if we go by just what the viewers have seen, he hasn't had sex in a long time. When she took those rings off she was basically saying "Don't worry about violating my marriage. It's over. Take me!" Even Ghandi and Pope Francis would have given in.

    1. Thank you!

      Thomas had good intentions when he made that declaration. Never in his wildest dreams did he think it would actually happen. People keep ignoring the fact that Thomas has some very strong feelings for Hope. He would have to be a stone wall to not give in to Hope's advances.

    2. Indeed such excuse
      The same ross used when he tried to kiss his cousin ( he didn’t had sex for 6 months 😂😂😂)
      Didn’t he gave his word to his sister and HER HUSBAND
      I guess he did
      And its funny wondering how deacon can be with sheila
      But not how hope can be thomas
      Although sheila didn’t do to deacon the things thomas did to hope
      But sure he is excused
      Im sure hope drugged him maybe 🤔

    3. Lol. Wow, just wow!! Well of course Thomas gets a pass in Elle’s mind. You have already admitted Elle on previous comments that you will always defend Thomas, even when he’s wrong. Well here is a perfect example of that! Thomas doesn’t get a free pass! He may in your eyes, but the reality is…he doesn’t!

    4. Indeed lynn
      What is more double standards and actually funny
      How they used to bash and talk about hope back then when it’s related to steffy
      And how they speak about her now
      Hope slept with married liam
      But now thomas is not she took off her ring do its over 😂
      But back then she also cheated on steffy not only liam 😂😂😂
      Even Infidelity has a different definition when it comes to steffy and Thomas

    5. Love, love your posting, Forever 36. Agree 1000%

    6. There's no reality here, Lynn. Please quit with the "Elle, you are wrong and I am right." I like and support Thomas and you don't. Let's just leave it at that.

      *thinking to myself* "Maybe if I change my name, Lynn will stop calling me out. "

    7. I am objective, Elle. And I’ll continue to be. Hope has totally screwed up in her actions, and I’ve said as much multiple times. But so has Thomas by sleeping with a married woman. As I said, Thomas doesn’t get a free pass just because he’s in love with her. There is NOTHING OK about what either one of them is doing.

    8. Exactly Lynn. That is being objective, the other is finding excuses but that's not a surprise at this point. How many times have you actually seen any of Thomas, Steffy and Taylor's real crap acknowledged here? And I don't mean things like acknowledging that Taylor shouldn't have taken Ridge back in Aspen. I mean wrongdoing to others, acting malicious and sneaky or indecently (like now) AND especially things that others are ruthlessly bashed for for DECADES. I can't think of one. Even when Taylor did her whole show with Deacon and trying to throw herself at Ridge right in front of our eyes, there was silence 😅

    9. Milla silence, excuses or total denial when things its not a good thing to defend so you deny it from happening at all 🙄

    10. You see, and this is exactly what I spoke about a few days ago. Why is everything on here a "who's right and who's wrong?"

      Why should there even be a determination about whether Thomas is right or wrong in his actions? I was simply stating (which I've done before) that it's hard for Thomas to not give in, even though he tried. Nowhere in my comment did I say that Thomas was right for what he did.

      But here comes Lynn telling me that I'm wrong for defending Thomas because he doesn't get a free pass and I'm not being objective.

      Well look at yourselves (Milla included). How objective are you being if, given the fact it has been well established that Thomas is in love with Hope, you can't even admit that Thomas would be vulnerable to Hope in this situation. But no, it MUST be about taking sides and saying what actions are wrong and right.

      Lynn, I know you have some sort of obsession with keeping score, but I'm over it. At this point, I'll ask you kindly to please refrain from responding to my posts. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    11. Elle I think it’s by default clear that Thomas has a weakness for Hope, I didn’t even think it’s necessary to state something that obvious. But the issue is that yourselves (yourself included Elle) do the same exact thing with Brooke. Why is it suddenly now not okay to determine what actions are right and wrong? You kept insisting that she lied about something that and was wrong about so many things but now suddenly because it’s Thomas who swore one thing to three different people (Steffy, Liam and Finn) and did another it’s keeping score and why? He is the one being the Brooke now.

      I think Lynn, like me, wants to acknowledge when there is a clear double standard. Or should I tell you next time you bash Brooke "Why should there be a determination whether she is right or wrong, she clearly had a weakness?" 😅

      Plus the blog is 95% judging them characters, what else is it for? 😀

    12. I can understand if you don't want to be addressed (maybe even by me), I have felt the same way many times when I am writing a comment (or having a conversation) to one person and three sharks come around before that person that I feel I have to justify myself to. So don't feel like you have to say anything, I just wanted to explain my reasoning in thinking all characters shouls be called out when doing things like that.

    13. Elle, I wasn’t talking about vulnerability. I was talking about right and wrong. Brooke was “vulnerable” when she was tricked into getting drunk off her butt when she kissed Deacon. Being intoxicated gets you that way. But no one gave Brooke any kind of free pass. And none of the FF’s ever have. But this isn’t about Brooke, it’s about Thomas. And yes, it gets extremely tiring defending your character’s actions, doesn’t it??? I have experienced that FAR TOO MANY TIMES to even count on this blog!! Since you are the one that is currently doing the defending, it makes perfect sense that you wouldn’t want to engage in conversation about your favorite character. And I have no issue with that. But then do me that same courtesy when I tell you those same words when it becomes time for me to defend Brooke, don’t engage me. You have engaged me plenty on this blog and I wasn’t aware that that was changing. And this has NOTHING to do with score as some TROLLS are endlessly trying to pull me into that game. This simply has to do with me pointing out that Thomas is guilty in all this too. And he is.

    14. Milla, I must have been typing out my response the same time as you. lol. We said very similar things! Too funny.

    15. So Elle, it’s official…you and I won’t address each other on the blog anymore.

    16. Omg haha Lynn indeed, we see eye to eye and brain to brain 😅🤗❤️

    17. For sure, Milla! 🥰😊😁

    18. And is called out (in detail, multiple times and going back DECADES) as wrong only when the non-favorites are concerned, when it's Thomas there is "Why should we say it's wrong or right?" and "he has a vulnerability". It boils down to the same thing. No point was missed.

    19. Thank you, Unknown.

      Saying "Thomas/Brooke is wrong" is different to saying "your opinion about Thomas/Brooke is wrong or not reality." Then, using that to keep score - LFs are right again! 🙄

      But to answer Milla's point. Of course we can say that our non-faves are wrong. That's totally acceptable. For the record, and you know this, I have said I'm disappointed in his behavior however, given his vulnerability to her, I understand why he gave in. And that's me being totally objective.

    20. Anytime someone refutes someone else’s comments on this blog, they are telling the other person they are wrong. It happens all day long on this blog and both sides do it!!!! I’m sick and tired of you people acting like the Logan fans are the only ones who disagree with people’s thoughts on here! Not to mention my own personal crazy ass lunatic stalker that spends 1/2 her day everyday trying to get under my skin. Or do the FF’s just not notice that??? I guess I should be flattered that a person would devote that much of her time to attack me. I must be in her head constantly!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How PATHETIC!!!!!

    21. Indeed lynn,
      Its funny when some just don’t practice what they preach

      And elle sorry wrong is wrong
      When someone defend it so he is also wrong
      And find excuses for particular character but not the rest for the same behavior that an obvious Double standards
      For example when brook KISSED deacon oh she was gonna kiss him anyway without being manipulated to drink
      But when steffy SELPT with liam
      Oh they were drunk she didn’t know how that happened
      Although brook wasn’t at wrong at all while steffy actually was
      But sure even logic is twisted when it comes to Taylor and her kids
      So these thing are made the folks not the characters and its still wrong

    22. Sorry i don’t which unknown you are
      She/he attacked all of us so please me included so many times with insults and go away without even us replying to her
      So sorry that o e is not on lynn
      You can go back and check how she started
      Thank you and you have a nice day too

    23. Unknown, Do you not see the comments this whacked out crazy person posts daily?? Or do you just breeze right past those??!! Every single day, multiple times a day this lunatic person comes after me and I have completely ignored her for LITERALLY WEEKS!!!! What part of that is a mystery to you?? I could not CARE LESS about this person!!! They mean NOTHING to me!! If you want peace and harmony on this blog, then I suggest you tell your deranged down-under person to QUIT ADDRESSING ME DAILY!!!
      And why don’t you go back through the last week’s comments just to get a real feel for it. Bob is to the point now that he deletes some of her comments because they are so obscene.
      You have a lovely day as well.

    24. Unknown, Bob isn’t deleting my comments. So that should tell you something right there.

  12. I am a Lf and yet I see no issue with the relationship forming between Hope and Thomas.
    Hope KISSED Thomas and Liam wants a divorce?! Liam SLEPT with Steffy we all know Steffy and the things she`s done but that was acceptable, again Hope forgave him! How...in what life? The stunts Steffy has pulled to destroy their relation have been diabolical, as Leave them to it and move on. If it`s with Thomas she won`t have to worry about him cheating.
    As for all the points raised by the other Lfs, yes, Thomas has done some awful things in the past but certainly appears to have changed since he`s not receiving treatment from his moronic mother. So if he has changed now that his mental health has improved dramatically, why shouldn`t Hope be with him?
    Liam is a revolting, lame, serial cheat who is really wanting to have two woman at his feet. He is a misogynist who believes it`s his right to sleep with whichever woman he lusts after at any given time!
    Hope deserves a man who is loyal, loving and has eyes for no-one else and yet you turn on her for standing up to Liam...the habitual cheat! Why?

    1. The issue is not about liam
      Why can’t she alone for sometime for example
      Why she should be with someone
      And sorry dear maur
      Give him at least a year before we can say he’s changed
      And sorry it wasn’t a few awful things he did
      He killed somebody for that
      Took time from her with her daughter
      Not alone how they grow up 🤢🤢
      So how she will be able in the future to look in her daughters eyes and tell her the truth
      Yeah i rewarded this man after everything he did almost to every single member of our family
      But he‘s changed and he loves me and only me
      She wouldn’t be worried about him cheating but sure she should be about some dangerous other things
      And she still speak about her mother and with whom 😂😂😂
      That’s really funny
      If i were liam no way i will not let my daughter being raised around such man

    2. @Maur A true Hope fan. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      I feel the same way about Steffy and have always said that I'm a Steffy fan first. That's why I did not want her with Liam anymore and why I will be very upset if they put them back together.

      Steffy has found a man who loves and respects her. Every woman, including Hope, deserves that. Yes, Thomas has done horrible things, but he has also committed to becoming a better person and making up for his past mistakes. There is NOONE ELSE for him but Hope. He will always love and cherish her and support her in everything she does.

      Its doesn't make sense to me to highlight all that Thomas has done as a reason for why he should not be "rewarded" with Hope's love but, in the same breath, ignore all that Liam has done and feel that it justifies him being "rewarded" with Hope's love. Liam has abused Hope's love, compassion and ability to forgive for way too long.

    3. A true hope fan 😂😂😂
      And you insist elle to inter liam to the mix although i stated it not about liam and don’t care much now about him being with hope
      She should take some time alone
      She can right ??
      Or that’s only goes for brook maybe as long as that’s will keep her away from ridge
      And its not much a strong point to brought up Liam’s mistakes to justify thomas‘s
      Liam cheated which is a very big mistake
      But its nothing to compared to the few (i really need to laugh now 😂 ) thomas has done
      Almost to every member of hope’s family no need to mention it because i need a few comments
      But he did the most ugliest misdeeds a human being can ever committed
      And never paid for any or made amends or at least felt guilty or remorse
      But sure he is an an angel compared to laim especially when you talk about abuse specifically

    4. "She should take some time alone
      She can right ??
      Or that’s only goes for brook maybe as long as that’s will keep her away from Ridge"

      Two totally different scenarios. Hope's feelings for Thomas are new to her. Her husband has asked for a divorce and so, she wants to explore those feelings.

      Brooke has been going around in circles with Ridge for years and it always comes back to the same thing - either she's unfaithful or he is. Brooke needs to be alone. They both do.

    5. Both meaning Brooke and Ridge.

    6. So shouldn’t she wait to know what these feelings are
      Isn’t that would be better for a woman in NORMAL situation?
      While they are not even close
      Before she jump with him in bed and regret it later
      But sure since it’s thomas is that man so it’s perfect
      No surprise at all

  13. I am a LF also. But Maur makes a lot of sense to me.
    Go Hope and Thomas. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  14. Well unknown... I think Lynn is a very pleasant person, so you your post is not even true.

    1. Maur don't engage with them, it's beyond laughable at this point the obsession.

    2. oh Maur, Lynn is a BULLY and talks on behalf of other people and then tells others how they should feel and what they should say....narcissistic tendencies.get off the Lynn Bully Bandwagon!

  15. I do not know what is a LF but I like Hope and Thomas together too. 👏👏

  16. TY Bob for posting. I want you to know I see your episodes every day from overseas.

  17. Thanks Bob 😉 good episode.. Watch hope be pregnant next and Thomas is the papi !! 👀😂

  18. Anyone else think it's funny Deacon referenced Brooke and Ridges song unforgettable to Shelia lol..
