Friday, July 7, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-7-23 Full episode B&B 7th July 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-7-23 Full episode B&B 7th July 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Thank You Bob n Enjoy Your Weekend 😊🌹

    1. Steffy seemed like her little secret will never come out. It will of course come out at the worst time possible. She has everything in place for the switch, Liam has already been trying to plant more kisses. Hope's new deal firmly in place. No one will be without a guy for 5 minutes. Now Steffy is hiding her perfect shape for realism because there is no way she would be back in perfect shape a day or so after delivery. Poor little surrogate huffing and puffing at the gym with Beyonce's and all the Kardashians' surrogates..

    2. She hasn’t had her baby yet! They film out of sequence! They most likely filmed this before she was as far along! I’ve seen photos with her husband and sons and she os most definitely pregnant, you can see her belly!

  2. What in the switching partners is happening here? Someone (Hope or Thomas) is day dreaming right? because that "too much" coming from Hope. "I want a man" lol does she even understand what that means? Liam better not start trouble at the Finnegan household. He should go be messy somewhere else. Brooke admitting that she's known for a while about Hopes feelings, but has somehow forgotten how she went to Taylor's office to scold her about her controlling her daughter and asking her not to start trouble... and Ridge being so oblivious to it, doesn't shock me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Steffi is a sanctimonious bitch just like Taylor. Brooke's past is laid bare for all to comment, gossip and rake over the coals over and over again and she has lived with her mistakes. Can Steffi be as strong when it comes to Finn finding out about her secret?

    3. @Kae, I wrote this already but it didn’t post?? But here it is again, when Brooke went to Taylor’s office, she “lied” to Taylor, saying Hope does not have feelings for Thomas, something along those lines, then went on to accuse Steffy of manipulating and trying to cause problems in “her daughters marriage”, despite knowing full well Hopes feelings for Thomas… So as far as Brooke is concerned, she lied to Taylor, accused Steffy, then denied, so SHE was manipulating!!.. Then she just expected Taylor to “step up” and go to Steffy and “make her” take it all back.. Talk about manipulating.. When she tried to “justify” why Hope did it to Ridge, he snapped back with “that’s no excuse”, Brooke then lied again and said no, no I am just trying to “figure out why” Hope did it!! Then she realised Ridge ain’t happy with the situation so she better be safe than sorry and “admit” she knew for weeks or months? (can’t remember the time frame she gave) that Hope was developing feelings for Thomas..

      @Aussie Debb, there’s a reason the show itself highlights Brookes misdeeds, so why would you not expect people who dislike Brooke considering that, and what I just said, to say anything different.. we keep getting told how can we defend, yet how can anyone defend someone who took not one, but “two” husbands from her “own daughter” for her own “selfish wants and ego”, and even has a child, to one of them, and Bridget was grieving a miscarriage when Brooke took her other husband out from under her!! So??? Also, what secret does steffy have? You make it sound like she just cheated on Finn?? Because she hasn’t told him what “Liam did”, doesn’t mean she is being sanctimonious or keeping secrets as though she cheated or did the wrong thing!!?? Yes, I believe she should tell Finn, but I think she is looking at from the perspective of the ramifications doing so would cause for everyone involved, from Finn himself, to Liam and them having to co parent Kelly after Finn knocks him out, to it causing even more problems for Hope and Liam’s marriage, down to her brother.. That in my opinion, is NOT selfish, sanctimonious, manipulative, or anything else, it’s her being placed in a “VERY bad position” because of WHAT LIAM DID”, NOT anything she has done wrong..

    4. Lots of excuses listed there. The truth is - she needs to tell Finn the truth. Because when he finds out later, it’s gonna be much worse for Steffy that she kept it from him. And you absolutely know that’s coming….

    5. Indeed lynn
      And the took 2 husband’s just hilarious like we ever defend
      But colly for sure can defend taking a daughter from her family forever 😂😂

    6. Mmysh, I don’t appreciate your reference to what I would do in my “personal” life, in a situation like that!! .. I respectfully ask you to to refrain from such comments.. This has NOTHING to do with me and my daughter.. This is a “FICTIONAL” show, not “REALITY”.. I find it extremely offensive that you would be so derogatory.. when you start to lose a grip on difference between fiction and reality, then you know you know that you are taking this way too seriously.. Stick to attacking the characters.. perhaps you need to take the advice that an Unknown gave you below.. you do this often and it needs to stop.. if you can’t control your emotions enough to tell the difference then you are way to attached to your favourites.. Thank you..

    7. Lynn, I do absolutely agree that she needs to tell Finn, but as I stated, I believe Steffy is truly not wanting to cause a massive blow up for the reasons I stated..

    8. In other words, Steffy is NOT trying to b malicious or manipulative or anything else like that..

    9. Im sorry colly but Who talked about your daughter now
      So now its a new way
      And for me what i see it wrong and right and things i can’t support or defend are still the same fiction or reality
      So i don’t accept child abuse in neither
      And go on
      So you try to turn it on me this way is not acceptable
      I didn’t talked about your daughter
      What i said that you defend thomas taking emma’s life, forever from her family
      But you bash brook for taking her daughter’s husband
      So that to you is not acceptable and the character deserves the hate
      But cause a young woman death is something to cheer and defend or deny right ??
      Next time pay attention please
      And sure when you start bringing my name on others post i will respond especially with your bullying
      Take care and may god bless your daughter,

    10. She is still being dishonest with Finn. That’s what matters and it will be what matters to Finn when he finds out.

  3. Wow..Wow..Wow..You Go Hope🌹 Hope n Thomas makes a better couple because as you said Thomas only have eyes n Love for You..

  4. 🔥🔥🔥Hope and Thomas! I love it! Been waiting forever for this!

  5. WOW ...who are these people ? Hope pleads for forgiveness with Liam, be,causeshe wants her husband & family back, then the next scene she wants only Thomas.... Totally schizophrenic.

    1. No, she wanted to fix her marriage, until she found out that Liam ran straight to Steffy after he got to know this. It made it clear for Hope that there will always be a third person in their marriage, Steffy, even if she is married to Finn, Liam still loves Steffy, and will always run to her. I think Hope has had enough of that now.

    2. @Debbie, wow, name calling, you 12 years old?

  6. A victim and her abuser/step siblings 🤮🤮🤮
    How sick and disgusting
    And some cheering for that just make more disgusting 🤢

    1. Poor RJ! Having to explain that his brother & his sister are a couple! 🤪

    2. Yep, I also wouldn't wanna be RJ. This is really stomach-turning, the whole thing, left and right.

    3. Exactly renee which make it like incest 🤮, he will be an uncle from both sides
      Its offensive and sick and people who denies that just for the sake of loving the characters it’s absurd

    4. Indeed milla
      They didn’t became step siblings at their 30
      They grow up as little children as step brother and step sister
      As one family in the same household
      He used to bounce her as a toddler in his knee
      People want to deny that as much as they want with they are not blood related but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true and its sick and disgusting
      So in tje future they will support adoptive siblings to sleep together just because they support the character

    5. Not to mention the support of a victim being with her stalker and abuser
      Such a great msg
      But sure when some defend such disgusting deeds no surprise there then

    6. If you want to talk about incest, you only have to look at RJ’s family tree on his mothers side, he has two half siblings who are also his aunty and uncle because they are his grandfathers children with his mother!!

    7. Also, Brooke did not “adopt” Thomas nor did Ridge “adopt” Hope..

    8. So it’s ok for RJ’s mother to give him an aunt and uncle who is also his half brother and sister , but not to be an uncle to both sides, which he is anyway regardless of wether they get together or not..

    9. And it’s ok for Brooke where RJ has half siblings/aunt uncle, where they are ALL blood related, but not for RJ to be uncle to both sides which he is anyway??


    10. Imagine RJ having to explain how Hope is his half sibling because his mother stole his other half sibling/auntie’s husband?? It’s sick and offensive if you ask me!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    11. Oh colly try to turn it on brook or the logens as much as you want
      Its not related but whatever makes you feel better hun about this offensive disgusting sick relationship
      I will read the rest of your comments when i have more time

    12. Sorry unknown
      With all do respect i knows the things you mentioned
      And its up to me to watch or not
      But still not an excuse to accept sick and disgusting deed in the love of the actor/actress

    13. Unknown 🙌👏👏👏 and the Logan Fans “disgust” only applies to Thomas, naturally!! No surprise there.. However, I don’t think you can get worse than having a sibling who is also your full blown aunty and uncle intertwined that are ALL BLOOD RELATED..!! Mmysh, you are being very hypocritical and I am not turning anything around, I am merely stating the “FACTS”!!

    14. Oh colly so im not asking you 😂😂😂
      The rest of the comments the same no added value the usual
      And yeah colly what you mentioned although its not related but its also weird but btw Taylor had the same partners as brook as you mentioned
      But she wasn’t fertile at that time
      But oh sorry according to you its ok since it’s Taylor and her kids even murder
      My bad 😂😂😂😂

    15. Whatever colly whatever makes you feel better
      It’s obvious who is the hypocritical here and sure its not me 😄😄

    16. “And yeah colly what you mentioned although its not related“

      “But oh sorry according to you it’s ok since Taylor and her kids even murder my bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      That, is hypocritical.. because as we usual you mention these things plus more from the “past” constantly in your comments, that is constantly unrelated, “particularly” when you can’t defend yourself..!! 🤣🤣🤣 so, yes, “whatever Mmysh whatever makes you feel better It’s obvious who is the hypocritical here and sure it’s not me” 🥱🥱🥱

    17. Oh colly 😂😂😂 how weak
      Why should i defend myself
      Are you attacking me personally??
      I guess you do you are always do that
      But anyway im not the one who is defending rape child abuse and murder
      So i feel good about myself
      But yeah whatever makes you feel better 😂😂😂

    18. Golly, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      Thomas didn’t rape anyone!! Or murder anyone!

      Want to talk about child abuse, what about Brooke getting drunk, leaving two small children home alone (nanny’s day off???) and letting them set fire to the house, while she was out chasing men?? Seriously??? What about you supporting Ridge when he raped Brooke having sex with her when she was passed out drunk?? But you so conveniently forget that or claim it never happened because it doesn’t fit your narrative!

    19. Do if brook did it do its ok for thomas 😂😂😂 wow such nice logic
      The thing is Bbfan this way is weak sorry don’t work
      Because for me and the logens fans we don’t defend or deny or give excuses for our fav bad behavior
      And for ridge like father like son indeed 😂😂
      And its so funny assuming that i support ridge to serve your narratives
      I never supported ridge
      And brook should have lost her kids
      So sorry dear not working play another
      And yeah btw a man was welling to drug a woman to rape her ( still calked rape btw) is a rapist with attempt didn’t work if we pass over what he did to Caroline
      So sorry a man like that will not be near me or my daughter
      This is what thomas did denying it or find excuses don’t change what really is

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    23. BBFan you love to play the "what about" x,y,z and make it out like as something that someone is okay with or has "conveniently" (??) forgotten. If something wrong has happened before, doesn't make another bad thing less relevant. I really don't understand this constant "what about", what is the point? Do you want people to be repeating every day what Ridge did right next to what Thomas did in order to show none is forgotten? We know what Ridge did, and now so what?

      And of course there's Brooke's mistake from 30+ years ago (Brooke hate ole! THIRTY years of hate is a LOT) which somehow also has to be repeated (or what exactly do you want?) to absolve what Thomas put Douglas through over and over and on purpose just in the past 3 years. Or should I say "what about" Taylor did when drunk? Kill people! Who benefits from this?

    24. Thank you milla
      Totally agree snd now the storyline now is about thomas and hope and one of the reasons i don’t accept such disgusting relationship is thomas‘s misdeeds against hope
      So it’s related to what is happening now
      And even when we talked about Taylor’s past it was related because she was such a hypocrite forgetting her ugly past while bringing up brook‘s
      And what is so funny the assumption that we are ok with rigde‘s past of all people 😂 or brook’s mistakes
      While how we are now against hope totally proves that wrong is wrong to us it doesn’t matter which character is doing it, we don’t have double standards
      Anyway the posts here show who started this whole thing on this episode and the before
      So im not bothered at all
      Just if someone doesn’t like my post just ignore it that makes me more than happy
      And don’t bring my name and mock my memory in other’s posts then come and play the victim it’s pathetic
      But thanks milla for the support my dear

    25. "Anyway the posts here show who started this whole thing on this episode and the before"

      You don't have to attend every fight that you're invited to. Ignoring works on either side of the camp.

    26. I guess that should be told to some here not me since you copied paste part of my comment
      And ignoring what i actually do most of the time i don’t even read some comments not alone to respond
      But since its ON MY POST so i will
      Just like the others
      But sure certain rules only applies to us

    27. Say the ones who bring Taylor’s behaviour 30 years ago up every five minutes but yea only applies to FF I forgot!! You do what ifs every day, bringing Thomas or Steffy up to take the focus off Hope and Liam. Pot meet bloody kettle.

    28. No says the one who notices this since I came on this blog. I don't address anything Taylor has done "30 years ago" every five minutes, I do it only when it is relevant to whar SHE is doing on the screen *now*. You do BBFan about Brooke and Ridge *now* when we are talking about Thomas, Steffy, Hope AND Liam. Who is taking the focus from the last two? Have you not seen all the bashing or you're reading selectively only when T and S are mentioned? Again I have to ask why? What is your goal because it's clearly not working. I'd say *you* are hoping to take the focus off of what we are seeing now. And yes that I call out.

    29. Mmysh, I was not saying that certain rules apply to just you.

      You said: "Anyway the posts here show who started this whole thing on this episode and the before
      So im not bothered at all
      Just if someone doesn’t like my post just ignore it that makes me more than happy"

      So all I was saying is that ignoring works for both sides. You don't have to respond to everything that is said.

      I really do not understand why things have to be this way. This is a fictional show. We are ALL guilty of saying negative things about the characters we do not like and we are ALL guilty of twisting the truth to serve our own agendas.

      I love Thomas. But why must I be told that I am pathetic and absurb and must support murderers in real life? That is uncalled for.

      If someone wishes to correct what they perceive as an untruth, that's fine but why must it come down to someone accusing us of being liars?

      If someone does not like the Logans or wishes to support Steam being together, why must their opinions be laughed at?

      These are the things that are done, not just to the FFs but to persons who don't even post that frequently or who are new to the blog and it has to stop.

      And I'm not saying this to only you, Mmysh. This goes for everyone. Can we please just all try to get along?

    30. Fair enough but can you tell that to your fellow FF’s or its only to us
      Since they do the same and worse
      That is the difference

  7. Thomas she’s still married mate and using you because she knows Liam lied and he wants Steffy.

    Don’t be that guy, if she really wants to be with you there is plenty of time when the divorce is finalised!

    Steffy’s guilt is eating her alive! Just come clean before you cause damage in your marriage. Finn will understand and you won’t have any secrets between you.

    Elle, I think you were correct yesterday, they must have filmed this a while ago before she was showing much. They are definitely hiding her belly but it is no where near as big as it was when she was in Rome or right before she left when we could clearly see her bump.

    Brooke and Ridge blah blah blah boring 🙄🙄🥱🥱🥱

    Liam still wants Steffens, heaven forbid he be alone for 5 seconds. Had to laugh about the bairns, Douglas won’t miss Liam at all. He would love his parents to be together and Beth is so young, she will soon be a distant memory for Liam like Kelly has been since Liam went back to Hope.

    Hope, Hope, Hope. We knew you would run to Thomas and start something up. After all you can’t bear being alone for 5 seconds either. You know he loves you and will take your side. If Liam comes crawling back you will take him 🙄🙄🙄.

    The thing is, what Hope said about Liam is true. See she may have “won” but given her husband’s waffling, she was never the only woman in his heart. She knew that and wanted him because mummy said he’s her destiny 🙄🙄🙄. Well how did that work out for you???

    I guess wanting a man who can love only her is worth forgetting everything that happened in the past.

    I can see Liam fighting for custody of Beth if Thomas and Hope are a couple then trying to be a family with Steffy raising both daughters together and Finn taking Hayes ? Ugh what a mess that would be.

    1. I noticed JMW hunching her back, I think to pull her belly back more too,poor thing the things they make her do to hide we wee bump.

    2. How inconsiderate is Liam to think he can storm into Steffy's house and kiss her again. Now, look at Steffy she can't stop thinking about Liam second kiss now. Hope has already got it in her head that Liam wants to get Steffy back, when Steffy really doesn't want him back at all. She really went into kissing Thomas, I wonder what Thomas will do next, stop her before it goes to far or will he lead her to the bedroom? So, much for Hopes message of principles and value for her line, question is will Ridge & Steffy discontinue her line?

    3. I didn't see any Brooke and Ridge blah blah blah. Where did you see them? The only blah blah blah was coming from Steffy dissecting Hope's kiss for the millionth of time, anything but admitting what happened with Liam.

    4. @Milla Neither did I, yesterday I did though

    5. Uhm... but we are at *this* episode 😅

    6. Bb, I agree.. I really hope that Thomas wakes up and puts a stop to this, at least until Hope signs divorce papers.. Hope is all over the shop at the moment.. She is being extremely selfish and self centred right now.. Thomas needs to try and put his feelings aside until he is 💯 sure her feelings and wants for him are completely genuine and not reactive!! She really is behaving exactly like her mother.. Yes Liam wants a divorce, and yes he wants Steffy, but Hope is behaving very erratically atm, and what she is doing to Thomas is so wrong… I understand that this is what he has dreamed about for years, but Thomas needs to shut her down until her divorce is final..

    7. Have any of you ladies heard the song HARPER VALLEY PTA?
      Brooke has owned all her indiscretions. She has faced all and sundry who have thrown insults her way. I particularly HATE the SFTV comment bandied around willy nilly.
      Don't any of you have the slightest little regret that you have never mentioned to anyone? Something from your past that you wish to forget. I know that I do. But to say that my daughter was just like me for maybe something similar I would take the deepest offence to. Think about it ....

    8. Aussie Debb have you read any of the many many many of the same attitude the LF’s direct to other characters and their past indiscretions.. You seem the think it’s only those who dislike Brooke are doing what you are saying?? You say that all Brooke’s actions are in past so stop mentioning it, have a good look at the Lfan’s comments over the years and of recent, then throw stones!!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. We don't need to go back 30 years to show what Thomas has done, there's plenty this year alone 😅 just now I saw a "what about when Brooke left her kids" (so 30+ years ago) as a defense (or I don't even know what it is supposed to be) for what Thomas has put Douglas through in the past few years. I am yet to see an FF admit the actual, repetitive and deliberate HORROR Thomas has caused his son. Aussie Deb is perfectly correct to call you out.

    11. @Milla Thomas did some wild a crazy things in the past, BUT lets consider two other soap operas who did some goofy things in the past, like in the 70's, where on General Hospital, Laura Webber gets raped by Luke and then all of a sudden they end up becoming a super couple or how about Days of our lives, where Sammy Brady gets raped by the Villain's(Stephano's Demera) son EJ, and she ends up being pregnant and marrying him. (I think this happen around in the 80's) The soap world has gone mad in order to allow maniac people to marry their victim's.

    12. Elizabeth I couldn't give a flying hoot about other soaps (let alone from the 70s) very sorry. I am barely 33 myself and watching (still) this only soap. How does any of this awfulness you mention make anything else alright? And aren't we supposed to have evolved?

  8. I heard JMW may be due in August and it make sense they would have filmed as many of her scenes as possible before she was showing too much.

    She said it is like a boot camp. She does marathon filming sessions so she can be mum to her kiddos as much as possible. 🥰

    No news on gendered of the newest addition yet.

  9. Steffy for a woman with her own kissing secrets, you are spending an inordinate amount of time discussing other people’s. With your husband! How about admitting you own? This is getting ridiculous. With every passing second in silence you are making a stupid thing (initiated by Liam only) into a big f-ing deal.

    Why are Hope and Thomas talking about "it was just a kiss". There's noone else around. It was two kisses and hand holding and what not.

    Liam is a waffling hypocrite, sure, but if I'm him I also don't know what else I would do that can save the marriage.

    Hope knows that the trade-off wasn't worth it. Her family is broken because of what?

    What I don't understand is since Thomas calls what happened between them "a mistake", why didn't he shut it down? Why did he go with it? And now again?

    That sound that always accompanies Hope's longing eyes is so creepy, reminds me of the Sheila tune 😖🤢

    1. And thomas hearing those words from hope and still go for it, have some self respect man
      And Finn’s words that thomas is a grown ass man he should have stopped it was in depth but doesn’t matter for steffy at all
      All the blame should be on hope’s only
      But the rest of his words praising steffy was so laughable 😂 just wait until he found it the truth and how his wife spends most of her day thinking about those kisses and how she is so devastated and worried about liam while he has no respect for their marriage or him
      And hope she is the most to blame for me im disgusted with her
      How she turned is beyond disgusting

    2. Mmysh I guess I spaced out during most of the Steffy Finn repetitive chow chow, so I missed that with the grown ass man. That was spot on indeed.
      I am still a little in shock by the 180 of Hope myself. I'm really curious where this is going. Will they make them a couple for real? Is Finn out and Liam back in his old house? Swimming in questions...

    3. And how some people just fool themselves with things that don't exist just to satisfy their convictions is just preposterous And pathetic
      And we keep reading it like everyday

    4. He didn’t say ass for sure 😂😂😂
      But yeah she was going on and on on hope and how could she did that so he told her that thomas is a grown man and he should have stopped and kept a distance but sure there was excuses
      There is no excuse for hope for sure
      But steffy react like hope kissed thomas against his well

    5. Yeah Steffy can get into a tunnel vision for sure. I can't believe even today she didn't say one word about the real problem for her, could have at least said "Finn I have something to tell you" and ended the ep this way. But that silence must have some purpose for her own storyline. Probably there will be something with Liam. Poor Finn.

    6. But sure we will not read oh she told the truth because she got caught when finn find out its only applies for hope 😂😂😂

    7. Milla, I’m gonna have to change my B&B watching routine if Hope and Thomas start doing daily kissy face stuff. Typically I watch as I’m eating lunch, but it’s way too vomit inducing these days!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮
      And yeah, Mmysh….Finn (who takes a break during his day just to go home and get the latest juicy gossip from Steffy) said it perfectly when he said….”Thomas is a GROWN MAN and he could have stopped it!!” Steffy’s total bias is shining brightly as she blames it all on Hope! That got old days ago!!!
      And the comment about how he thinks Steffy has such good principles! I laughed so hard!! I think even Steffy was having trouble keeping a straight face for that one!! 😂😂🤣🤣 I also like how Steffy attempted to attribute Thomas’ “protecting of Hope” to his “growth”, then Finn says….”Or it’s simply a sign of his feelings for Hope??!!!” Quit defending Thomas, Steffy!!
      What a sneaky little hypocrite Steffy is for not telling Finn about her kisses with Liam! She’s thinking about them so often that I half expect her to call Finn “Liam” by mistake!!! 😂😂😂😂
      That would be some mighty fine Karma for little miss hypocrite!

    8. Hope, Hope, Hope…what is wrong with you? You are as much of a waffler as Liam!!!
      Hey Thomas…can you please be my backup plan?? She may as well have said those exact words!
      And I love that they play that psycho music every time something sexual happens between Thomas and Hope. I guess even the producers realize how crazy this all is!!!!

    9. Lynn I have to think sometimes if that's all there is? Is Hope really turned to the dark side (much like Bill) and no coming back? And that's really what's happening and nothing else? And Liam... He has loved his family with Hope so much, they had it for so long and were so happy. They overcame all kinds of shit and now this??
      Thank you for summarizing the important points of Steffy's conversation, all I could remember was her constipated face and blah blah to deflect from what she should be talking about.

    10. Unknown Lynn is blocking you, are you really never gonna get it? You'll never get her attention. Move on.

    11. Milla, so true! Hope is not the person she once was! But I’m also feeling pretty sorry for Thomas that he seems more than willing to be her backup plan.
      What a weird start to anything those two could be. I think Liam and Hope will find their way back to each other. This whole Thomas thing is way too surreal!

    12. And hearing how Thomas and Steffy are so wrong for what “Hope and Liam did” , “is preposterous and pathetic and we hearing it every day” 🥱🥱🥱

    13. Milla, yes Hope and Liam have been happily married since Steffy has been happily married to Finn, however, he had “many regrets”, and was so ready to “move on” (his words) with Steffy, only hours after they all returned from Rome.. If she had have let him, he would not have blinked or looked back..

    14. Lynn thomas will be no different than his mommy snd sis
      Second choice and backup plan 😂😂😂😂

    15. Colly just please i guess that’s not what we wrote but whatever suits you to feel better hun 🥱🥱🥱

    16. Colly except Liam decided to be with Hope way before Steffy met Finn. And what he "would have" noone can never really prove. Especially when it comes to Liam.

    17. Mmysh I actually believe that now Hope has this Thomas craving that will last for some time but once it is done she will always end up back with Liam. I feel bad for Thomas, for him she is also the forbidden fruit, difference is he only ever wanted to be on Hope-only diet. I just feel that he won't jump into anything with her. He knows what Liam represents in her life, adding to that their family, their life, he wouldn't want to be mixed in breaking up. At least how I feel him at this point, who knows what will happen.

    18. Mmysh, you got that right! That ‘second choice’ stigma must run in the genes!!! 😂😂😂😂

    19. Colly, it’s not an all or nothing scenario. Of course Hope and Liam are absolutely at fault. Please list the names of LF’s who have said otherwise??!!!
      But that doesn’t make Thomas or Steffy automatically guilt free in all of this. Steffy is hiding things from Finn. And Thomas was absolutely on board with the kissing with Hope and did not try to stop it - not at all! He’s just happy to be along for the ride. So yes, all parties have some responsibility in this. But clearly Hope and Liam have screwed things up the worst.

    20. I take back my vote of confidence in Thomas now after watching the promo 😤😤 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  10. Dear Lord, I can't believe how obsessed the people on this page are about Steffy's belly....watching her every move, arching her back 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 get a life ladies!!!!!!

    1. Unknown, there is a poster claiming that JMW (aka Steffy) isn’t actually pregnant and secretly has a surrogate etc which is a lie and disgusting to say about the actress. We were talking as she has in recent interviews about how the crew is hiding her real life pregnancy since her character is not!

      I am disgusted that the hate for a character is being played out by posting horrible lies about the actress!

      No one has had an issue defending KKL from mean or false comments.

    2. 😂😂😂 so funny even with defending jmw you had to bring up kkl 😂😂

    3. I’ve never seen an actress pregnant so many times…one right after the other. Seems like she’s constantly pregnant on this show.

    4. She and her hubby were only children and wanted a large family. She’s getting near to 40 and wanted to have them close together. She’s says this her last one. Wow you hate Steffy so much you have to be nasty about the actress who plays her? She talked about how great the show has been letting her so marathon taping sessions so she be a mum to her children as much as possible!!!

      I brought up KKL because a while back there were some nasty comments regarding the actress which were not okay. I’m just pointing out that making wild and completely untrue accusations against an actress because you hate her character on the show isn’t okay. Defending JMW isn’t obsessed behaviour like Unknown said. I’m just pointing out that we whatever camp we land in or between, are defending a real person from offensive lies being thrown around here! I was in no way disparaging KKL!!!

    5. I have nothing about both actresses
      Not a big fan for both actually
      And it nice to have a big family as long as she has the time and money to raise the kids well
      And even if she is using a surrogate its nobody’s business its only her‘s and her husband’s
      And as i remember saw it on tweeter the post of kkl was for the actress playing Taylor she got a lot of bad comments on tweeter and that’s sure not ok

    6. BBFAN, I was simply stating a fact. Steffy has been pregnant for a majority of the time I’ve been watching the show. It’s great she wants to have a big family since she was an only child. And it makes sense that she would want to accomplish that before turning 40. It’s just unfortunate for filming because the storylines need to accommodate her pregnancy or her being away from the show for months. I’m sure Steffy in real life is a lovely person. But yeah, more often than not I don’t like her character on the show. Just like you don’t like Brooke. There is no mystery there for anyone reading our comments.

    7. I guess I don’t consider 4 out of 12 years, can’t remember exactly, being pregnant the majority of the time.

      KKL had 3 or 4 pregnancies close together as well! Well done ladies having their families. I think it’s beautiful!!

    8. As I stated, BBFAN, the majority of the time I’VE been watching. And that’s been for 5 years. So yeah, if she’s been pregnant pretty much for 4 of those years, that’s definitely a majority of the time I’ve been watching.
      You can think it’s ‘beautiful’. And I can think she appears to be a baby machine. We both can have our opinions. You seem annoyed by mine, however. But no matter, I think what I think and I’ll ‘carry on.’

  11. Wow Hope! Wasn't it only 11 minutes ago you were pleading with Liam to forgive you and making promises that include ANYTHING to save your marriage?
    Well sounds like another child on the way which will make Liam his own Grandpa!!!!! LMAO 🤣😂

  12. Liam is going to be all alone cause his wife wants Thomas and his ex wife is married

  13. Hope being raised by Brooke and had to grow up with a Mother that slept with a hold Family (FORESTERS) no wonder she is falling in her Mother foot step. In my Opinion Hope need Couseling!!!

  14. Taylor you should be blessed that Ridge chose Brooke because you deserve better!!!

    1. Exactly, even Brooke deserves better than Ridge!

    2. “Even” Brooke??? BBFAN, you just can’t help yourself!

    3. I agree Anniemae!! And BB,, I agree with that too.. Both women deserve much better.. Brooke should have stuck to her plan to be an independent women, and since Anniemae was the one who brought up Brookes name, and we also know how certain people like to bring up names and past events in almost every comment, just because!! and no Lynn I am not referring to you..

    4. Yea Lynn, even Brooke! I say that because she desperately wants Ridge and is her own worst enemy!!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Taylor was just as desperate (if not more with the whole Deacon nonsense) to have him, but as usual she's out!

  15. I would love to see Taylor with a man that deserves her!! Although since this is a Soap and not real life I would like to see Taylor with Ridge brother Thorne Forester or preferably Nick Marone Rick Forester!!

    1. Thorne lost his wife thanks to Taylor. That is conveniently forgotten.

    2. Indeed milla putting Taylor and brook in the same comment but only bash brook while Taylor did worse is really hilarious 😂

  16. Although Brooke slept with Ridge Father, Eric and had two children, slept with Both of Ridge Brothers, slept with her Daughter Bridget husband (Deacon) Hope was Conceived from that Affair!!! Also, tried to sleep with Thomas on the Island and threatened to have him fired if he told anyone. I am NOT Surprised that Hope is making choices that is causing her problems with her Marriage!!! Taylor, you deserve better than Ridge!

  17. @Colly
    In reply to your comment regarding Sanctimonious Steffi and her mother.
    So in your opinion Steffi and Taylor have NEVER done anything that they are not proud of? I beg to differ and stand by my post 💯 percent. And no, I don't need to bring out every little detail like you people like to do to make your point.

    1. No Aussie Debb, on the contrary.. Of course they have!! EVERY character on the show has!! Except maybe RJ, but he is only very young yet.. 🤣🤣🤣 But you are throwing stones at “we people” when I have seen YOU, and many other Logan Fans do exactly the same thing over and over and over.. Admittedly you are nowhere near as bad as others, but as “you people” would say to us, “people in glass houses”!!! By the way fellow Aussie here 🙌👋 Where are you from??

    2. Oh and sorry love, your last sentence, perhaps not you, however, there are a few LFans who are the worst when it comes to that!!

    3. Mmysh seems to have a memory like an AI, and she exercises it well!! Even likes to make lists and repeat the same thing in almost every comment, AND admits to enjoying it!! 🤣🤣

    4. Oh colly so happy and proud of my memory and especially how much it bothers you
      How pathetic 🥱🥱🥱

    5. And sorry colly for all the so so many times of exposing your lies and the twisting of events and you almost can’t do it that often anyway more
      I got you hun
      That’s hard especially when finding excuses for murder or child abuse etc
      Sorry sgaine 🤭🤭🤭

    6. Indeed aussie 👍👍👍

    7. TY Bob...
      And finally Hope showed her true colors. Run baby run to mama. She'll know what to say.

    8. So far in just todays blog. I've seen the people who don't share your views get called: disgusting, sick, absurd, preposterous, pathetic, don't know facts, twist things, are hypocritical or they get the infamous mocking gesture 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Your post July 7 2.37pm?
      Well this is what we keep reading, like everyday.

    9. D if you feel the description of the storyline i or others posting applies to you so its your issue not our‘s
      How hypocritical as lynn replied to you before hiw you see only our posts while your friends started it
      And yes twisting the events and the lies are pathetic but its fun 😂😂
      Next time try to read both sides
      Since you reading it everyday 😂😂🥱🥱🥱🥱

    10. Mmysh, exactly! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
      D - if it’s so yawn inducing for you, then why are you here reading it??? 😂😂😂😂

    11. Ask your friend. She's the one that said that.
      MmyshJuly 7, 2023 at 2:37 PM

      "And how some people just fool themselves with things that don't exist just to satisfy their convictions is just preposterous And pathetic
      And we keep reading it like everyday."
      Maybe tell her not to read what is so yawn inducing to her if she doesn't like what others onions are. People don't need to be insulted because they see things differently.


    12. Opinions...damn auto correct.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Lol, I liked “onions” in the sentence…it made me laugh!

    15. Yes D, and that’s the big difference between the FFans and the Lfans.. The name calling and all the words you just wrote.. and they can try to deny it all they like, but it’s all there for people to read!! 🤣🤣🤣

    16. Oh Mmysh, yes, you should be sooo proud of yourself and the way you carry on!! Keep it up hun!! 🥱🥱🤣🤣🤣🤣

    17. Colly, you know damn well it comes from BOTH sides. There’s NO DIFFERENCE. Please quit trying to make your side seem so innocent. Definitely not the case. Lets not make me have to do the copy and paste again.

    18. Hey Unknown, thank you for proving my point perfectly. I don’t need to copy and paste anything when I’ve got you giving us brand new material.
      Let’s see, in this comment “we are truly clueless and seriously disturbed”. Gosh, I should probably go cry myself to sleep!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      What I find the most hilarious is when people like you come on and do THE EXACT THING you are complaining about. Too dang hilarious!
      Go crawl back under your rock. We will continue to do what we do with or without your permission!!!! 🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰

    19. Exactly lynn always play the victim 😂😂😂
      And colly sorry again hun it’s obvious how much that bothers you 😂😂
      But whatever to make you feel better about what you defend 🤭🤭🤭

    20. Lynn I am here to keep you from straying from your resolution to ignore the Unknowns 🤗

    21. Milla, I still wish they would name themselves. This is clearly a different ‘Unknown’ because of the writing style. But yeah, like you said….we all have plenty to talk about with the “Knowns”, so better to just ignore them. The one who posts constantly about “how wrong I am”, I have done a really good job of ignoring. 😁😁😁

      Mmysh, this Unknown person’s comment was truly nasty. And it’s this stuff that comes out of left field that I find truly unacceptable.

    22. Lynn I watched the promo for next week and I have the feeling we both won’t want to spend a lot of time here. I won’t say a word but it really won’t be pretty… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    23. Oh no, Milla. Well if it’s romance between Hope and Thomas, I definitely don’t want to see that. 😣😣😣. Yuck yuck yuck!

    24. I know who this unknown is, and she is a lovely person, a real sweetheart!! hey unknown 👋❤️and she “used” to come here all the time, but ended up leaving for the reasons she stated, the Lfans behaviour drove her away.. Just stating facts.. And Lynn, with all due respect, if a Ffan has said anything to a Logan fans such as you are saying, its not often and is reactive.. meaning provoked..

    25. And to prove unknowns point, how many people over the course the Lfans have been on here have had a go at the Lfans for all the things unknown has just pointed out.. there’s always people randomly having a go at Ffans for all the things just mentioned, even those who are not from either side..!! You never see people coming on here pulling us up for how we treat other people, unless it’s one of you guys that is because a ffan has been provoked and reacted.. So that says it all!! We don’t need to defend our behaviour, because no one says anything to us except you guys..

    26. *meant there’s always people having a go at *Lfans for all the things just mentioned..

    27. 😂😂😂😂😂 sure since the unknown is nasty to us and bash the logens sje is a lovely person 😂😂😂😂

    28. Yeah milla and lynn it will be disgusting how could she sleep with psycho tommy boy after all the disgusting psycho things he‘s done to her and her family and even others 🤮🤮
      She is stupid and naive and now a cheater just like the rest
      Thomas didn’t need drugs this time 😂😂 or to over his son 🤮🤮
      I don’t know how hope will comeback from this for me and you both since we call our favorites out and badh them for their mistakes we don’t come up with lame pathetic excuses
      Its really yuck yuck yuck

    29. Just look at how many of FFs have had to take breaks from this board in part because the nasty vicious daily attacks and being called liars daily because we view the same scene differently! But oh yeah the clique here is so welcoming to all LFs that is.

      So you better believe we will push back and stand up for FFs and the other posters who are neither and just want to write their opinions without being denigrated by the queen bees. 🙄🙄🙄.

      Coldly, the best part of all of this is that the LFs find it necessary to constantly attack real humans in defence of a couple fictional characters 🤣😂🤣🙄🙄

    30. Colly, I completely disagree on many levels.
      First off, if this would have been an ‘Unknown’ Logan fan saying the same words to the Forrester fans, you would have had a huge issue with it!!!
      Second, how can you “know who this unknown person is” when they are not identified by a name? Seems you are making an assumption here.
      Third, I find it ridiculous that you would call this person “lovely” after they called us “truly clueless and seriously disturbed”! There is absolutely NOTHING LOVELY about that. That is behaving exactly as you say you have a huge issue with when it’s pointed your direction! That is BULLYING plain and simple. And if you don’t like it when our side does it, then you most certainly shouldn’t actively defend it when one of yours do it!!! It’s the DEFENSE of that person that I take issue with!

      And as far as us “running people off” — that is asinine. No one has run anyone off. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…
      When I first came on this blog, I was pretty much on an island all by myself. I was the ONLY ONE defending the Logans. The whole blog consisted of Forrester fans. So of course before I started commenting, there was “peace and harmony” you speak of…BECAUSE YOU ALL AGREED WITH EACH OTHER!!! So what was there to argue about?? You all bashed the “SLUT FROM THE VALLEY” Brooke daily!!! It was beyond sickening to me!! So I came on and was constantly told how wrong I was, and in turn I got very defensive. And the breakdown of conversations followed. It became an angry blog. And EVERYONE played their part in it turning into that.
      I think things are MUCH BETTER now! However, if you are gonna sit there and DEFEND this “Unknown” person instead of calling her out for her bullying, then I have a huge problem with that and we are right back where we started in all this!!

    31. BBFAN, my comments to Colly can be directed to you as well.

    32. Lol - BBFAN, none of us think we are the “Queen Bees”. But maybe Colly (who thinks that nasty person above is a “REAL SWEETHEART and a LOVELY PERSON”) wants that title!!

    33. Sorry, one final thing…I HAVE TAKEN BREAKS, Hilary has taken breaks, as well as other Logan Fans who got fed up with all the anger that has existed on this blog! So please don’t make it sound like it just the FF’s that have been driven away! We have pretty much ALL been there!

    34. Oh for god sake its always the same
      Just because we tell the truth and our opinion about thomas and steffy and Taylor
      And we call our favorite out snd bash them so sure our comments will not be liked
      Its always the same the lf’s starts the bullying and even mentions our names on other’s posts
      And when we stand up to ourselves and our opinion and the campaign starts oh they are bullying us and we are the angels walking on earth
      It’s getting more childish and ridiculous
      All the personal insults towards us doesn’t matter especially one it’s come from posters adore the forresters
      But when its the opposite oh we can’t accept that 😂😂
      Hypocrisy and double standards then play the victim
      Don’t come and comment on my post then expect me to not reply
      And yeah the blog was in peace 😂 i know how it was bashing and insult and lies about the logens and bullying for anyone dare to disagree
      The comments are still there
      Even mocking others for there bad English
      So please just practice what you preach
      And it’s enough for this Conspiracy theory you keep repeating that we want you out
      Its your wishes apparently so don’t mix us with you
      We don’t care that much actually
      And sorry for not praising such disgusting character like thomas so you feel ok
      And sorry you can’t just make up events and twist what happened like before i don’t blame you
      So next time just take a look who started it then come and lecture us

    35. Lynn I really can’t be bothered with this bs anymore.. I don’t need to prove anything because it’s all there to read.. As I said, you don’t see random people having goes at FFans and their behaviour, apart from u guys, even our lovely Renee felt the need to say something to some of you not so long ago.. And yes I do recognise this unknown Lynn, by several factors.. Just to give you a hint there r certain words she used that I know she uses.. Her writing style, and she has said things like this before, you just don’t remember, perhaps because so many different people pop in to say how they feel about certain posters behaviour.. How many times have you guys had to defend yourselves to random posts!! Plenty, on a regular basis.. I personally and I know the majority of the FFans have never been called out in this manner, only from you ladies.. So I don’t need to prove anything, it speaks for itself..

    36. That’s rich, Colly…”You can’t be bothered with this anymore.” Until you are!!!! And then we’ll have more whining and complaining about how the LF’s are mean and hateful, or think we’re the Queen Bees. If you don’t want to address what I say, then that’s up to you. But I “won’t be bothered” the next time the FF’s complain that their precious blog has too much hate, inappropriate comments or name calling. I will do what I do and not worry about keeping it respectful. And maybe when I get super snarky, one of my fellow LF’s can tell me what a lovely person and sweetheart I am!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    37. And it’s funny that you don’t remember the incident where someone came on here and called a few of you out by name and called you ladies some very NASTY names because they were sick of you guys. So I 👏🏻👏🏻 at their comments and I never heard the end of it!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    38. Oh lynn indeed it speaks for itself which makes me feels good
      At least there was so many times we defend posters don’t have the same views as is against bullying booklover for example but we don’t brag about it but now its needed to be told while we keep reading that the ff‘s do that all the time but sure only if this person share their views
      But us being here make a lit of things to stop like making up things or blaming the writers when it fit or twisting the events so yeah it make it hard and not enjoyable

    39. Yes Lynn you and your mob were clapping and cheering a person who called posters obscene names and made very personal and nasty comments!! That person knows none of us or anything about us but you thought it was great for them to literally say hateful lewd disgusting things about real humans!! I still remember you saying you would deliberately attack anyone who didn’t like Brooke, a fictional character who clearly means more to you than the welfare of humans!

      Again with the we have the truth and all who disagree are liars!! You have a point of view as have we all!!! It doesn’t make a different one aie but you always have to be right.

      Colly, Elle, D, and all the other posters that are being targeted by the self proclaimed experts here we all have a right to be heard and voice a different opinion. Don’t let the bullies here silence you!

    40. And this play of us the victim doesn’t fly abd sorry you can’t silence me or us
      With that
      We will keep to say our opinions and truth you don’t like
      Just typical
      While colly started all that on my comment and then mentioned my name but sure you are blind to that
      Its a chance to make it it about you as usual
      But sure whatever makes you feel better guys, don’t care
      The comments are here and anyone can see for themselves
      Im so comfortable with that actually

    41. BBFAN, really, you’re smarter than that, right??
      I didn’t think my comment was subtle, I assumed you would understand the comparison.
      The reason I brought up the example from years ago about the person who said nasty, hateful things to the FF’s was because Colly said multiple times that the only people who ever get lectured for their behavior on this blog are LF’s….because evidently you and Colly think we deserve it!! 😂😂😂. So I was quick to point out that person from a couple years back who went on the attack of the FF’s. He or she absolutely did NOT like your comments and let you know in-no-uncertain-terms that you ladies were out of control!!! And evidently you also didn’t understand when I said that the FF’s cried about my 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 on that person’s comments for weeks. But now it seems Colly is doing THE EXACT SAME THING by saying a person who calls us “truly clueless and seriously disturbed” is a sweetheart and a lovely person. Please explain to me how referring to her as such is any different than me clapping???
      But I guess your “rules” only apply to us, and not you! Newsflash - I will not be playing that game!!!
      And for the record - I absolutely never said I would “deliberately attack anyone who didn’t like Brooke!!” That’s hilarious that you would make something up like that!! And oh by the way, that would include about 75% of the bloggers. Because there are more Forrester lovers on this blog by far!! Don’t put words in my mouth, BBFAN!

    42. Mmysh, carry on I say!! If they are going to defend bullying, then why should you or I or Milla be concerned who we might be offending???

    43. And lastly, BBFAN…there was NO “me and my mob” when that person attacked the FF’s. I was the only person who regularly came on the blog to comment and support Brooke. And it was EXHAUSTING!!!

    44. I remember how it was with you
      And was feeling bad for you because back then i couldn’t comment due to a problem with my phone
      We talked about it before if you remember
      And do remember when colly herself was away for a while and then out of the blue she wrote a nasty comment a single comment mocking you about searching old episodes and how much free time you have blah blah blah
      But back then none of the angels see it as a bullying actually she got a clap 👏 as usual
      And if you reply you are the bully
      Its been always like this
      Every time we comment something about thomas or steffy and their history and me mostly write the actual events they turn it like this and if we respond to their bullying they play the victims and oh we are the angels
      Just because we dare to say what truly happened
      Or when they used to make up things like brook paid someone to rape amber or slept with thomas
      Its not your blog guys and its not exclusive for the forrester supporters so get over it
      And since we don’t have the same way of finding excuses or deny the misdeeds of the characters we like
      Like they do so it make it harder
      Its ok for them to say our comments are hypocritical but not for us
      Im just bored really of this pathetic play
      But we are here to stay
      And again if they take my true description of Thomas’s qualities and the ongoing storyline personally and its about them
      Its their issues not mine
      I will not loss a sweat 😅 about it

    45. Lynn, the person you are speaking about is Freddie. And it wasn't years ago, it was last year. Also, he attacked only me. And yes, Milla and Mmysh were also here, they just didn't respond.

      FYI, Freddie is a troll (when was the last time you saw him on here?) He will pop in at intervals (usually months apart) and randomly attack someone. I made a negative comment about Brooke and he came in, called me, personally, some horrid names (to which you gave a hearty applause), then he left, never to be seen again.

      Lynn, if it was you who had said negative things about Taylor and he came in and saw it, you would have been the target of his attack. That's how he operates. He wasn't in here to call me or any FF out.

    46. Elle, you are talking about an entirely different incident. The one I’m referring to was definitely years ago and multiple FF’s were attacked. BBFAN being one of them.

    47. Mmysh, I’m so happy you ladies are here now. You speak to past years episodes and educate me on the history. Plus it’s so nice to have like minded people on here!
      I did “take a break” from this blog for over a month back then because it was far too stressful. And I said as much when I left. But if you ask the FF’s….we LF’s are the ONLY ONES who drive people away. Yeah, right!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    48. You are most welcome dear lynn
      Its was bad actually back then using you lack of knowledge of the history against you
      And yeah apparently the lf’s are the ones who drove away good we still can see them from time to time
      But yet we are even accused of drove them away while they like our views and share same favorite characters 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    49. Lynn I was talking about Freddy from last year I have no idea what you are on about.

      You thought it was great he was being obscene!

    50. The time I am referring to, multiple FF’s were attacked. You stated as much in your response. Whether it was last year, two years ago or 3 years ago is not important. My point was, he went after multiple FF’s.

    51. If we are going to defend those who go on the attack, then I can play that game as well. As I said, we are right back to where we started when this blog got nasty. Welcome back!


    52. And I could say the same of Colly since her response was to call Unknown a “sweetheart” after she berated us. If you still don’t understand my point, then oh well. I’m not explaining this 20 times.

    53. For the record Lynn, none of us bullied you!! You left because you couldn’t COPE with our opinions about Brooke..

    54. Also, Elle is correct, It WAS Freddie the TROLL, he initially attacked Elle and after you clapped and said things to egg him on, and some of us had a go at him for doing what he did to Elle, he then went on to have a go at a few more Ffan’s.. He was then blocked by bob.. hence why we rarely see him anymore!!

    55. I am glad you didn't leave Lynn. When I first came on I didn't want to comment exactly because of that - it was the same hate, hate, hate of Brooke, the same old windmill of decades old stuff being brought on and only you fighting the battle. It was not nice at all and I'm so glad you stuck through. Now we have more opinions and it comes out that it's not the sftv against the perfect, victimized Taylor and Steffy and Thomas whose misdeeds are never acknowledged but when brought up, the same hate from 30 years ago spewed back as if it's some sort of defense (it isn't). And Mmysh especially is able to clarify misinformation from when I wasn't watching especially on the Hope topic. None of them characters are perfect but some have done outright criminal things.

    56. That's right, Colly. Freddie is the only 'he' that I know of who went on an attack. And it wasn't because he was tired of us, it was because he went into defense mode. He is a troll and Bob deleted all of his posts and blocked his profile.

    57. You ladies can try to place the blame on me all you like for what someone else said, but I am not to blame for her saying the things she did!! Because I said I know her and she is a sweetheart, which is true, and stated some facts about why she left the blog, and other facts, does not mean I am to blame for what SHE said!! But, if you want to make this all about me and the rest of us Ffan’s, because you can’t cope with what “someone else” said, then so be it!!

      Secondly, I did NOT start it as Mmysh would like to accuse me of, go to the first post of this thread that was addressed to “me”, then tell me I started it!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣 if you can’t cope with some home truths, don’t blame me!! And for the record, you and Hilary r the “only” Lfans, that took a break from the blog.. Many FFans left this blog for reasons as already stated.. Bbfan was fully bullied out just for having a differing opinion.. Elle has almost left a few times now, even recently for all the reasons stated.. So, as I said, blame me, I can take it, no problem 🤣🤣🤣 I will reiterate, you were NOT bullied by FFans, before u left Lynn, you just couldn’t “cope” with the Brooke bashing, which caused you sooo much stress, and that’s a clear sign you take this way to seriously.. The fact Mmysh says I started all this when the first post on this thread was actually addressed to ME says it all when it comes to who likes to make themselves “the victim”!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣

    58. Lynn, this blog got nasty when you left then came back with a mission!! You even said it yourself, if we were going to keep saying nasty things about Brooke, you were going to “get nasty”, and that it’s a competition.. But instead of getting nasty about just the characters, you started on the Ffan’s.. So don’t give the sympathy speech “it was the world against poor me” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    59. Correct Elle!! And he is the “only” one to have ever had a go at any Ffan.. How many people have apart from him?? None!! So Lynn took the chance while she could!! And Milla, your comment to Lynn, about “and only you fighting the battle”, thank you for clarifying what Lynn has said many times!! The fact you both think it’s a “battle” rather than people having their own opinions about “characters”, says it all!! That’s what you ladies have turned this blog into, “a battlefield”.. and the obscene amount of personal attacks on FFans themselves rather than the just the show and the “characters, this is exactly how it’s been since you ladies came here!! Point proven!

    60. You aren’t fooling anyone hun maybe a few 😂, but sure whatever makes you feel better
      The posts are here and any one can check i didn’t even replied or talked to you, you commented on my post, mentioned me on another and i was replying try again 😂😂😂😂
      I don’t even read your posts not alone to reply
      And the ones who can cope is you with the ugly truth about murderer tommy boy 😂😂😂😂
      But nice try 🥱🥱🥱🥱

    61. Ok “hun”, do “you feel better” now 🤣🤣🤣

    62. “I don’t even read your posts not alone to reply”

      🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes, right, that’s why you reply to nearly every one of “my” posts, even when I am not talking to you 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣 as Lynn would say, I think you are obsessed with me 😬😬😬🤣🤣🤣

    63. 😂😂😂😂 you even makes me laugh more
      Pay more attention hun
      Don’t tead just to reply
      Read to UNDERSTAND 😂😂
      I read your replies on my post/ the reply mentioning my name being so bothered and upset with my memory
      So no i don’t read your comments
      Go check if you want
      Obsessed with you 😂😂😂
      Oh that is a joke
      It seems obsession is taking a big part of your life no wonder you like thomas 😂😂😂😂
      Anyway again the posts are here and it shows who is the obsessed one
      How pathetic 🥱🥱🥱🥱

    64. I think Lynn has "coped" remarkably with the Brooke hate considering she was alone against 4 or 5 who always crowded her differing opinion like sharks.

    65. Colly I don't see anything amusing about the fact Lynn had to "fight a battle" or "cope" with the hate, call it as you want. And I don't see her taking a break as any sort of defeat (because that's what the sentence you keep repeating "you couldn't cope" implies) since you and others have done it too. The truth is that thanks to her there is something more than the reign of the Brooke hate here. And I'm glad for it. I'm glad we can have discussions, which is only possible, if we have different perspectives represented more or less equally.

  18. I understand Hope. She deserve a man who loves only her.
    It is never nice to be with a man who wants his ex-...all the time. As soon as thing gets worse, Liam goes to Steffy...It is Hope who should not trust him.

    1. I agree houda, nice name btw
      But the way she is doing it is totally wrong and out of her character and what she believes
      Especially going to the man who did to her and her entire family and others the unthinkable

    2. I agree Houda, but I think both Hope and Thomas should not act on feelings until the divorce is final and Hope is 💯 sure that she want to be with Thomas..

    3. I agree with both of you. It is a bit too much. It is out of charater for Hope and Thomas didn't clearly state his emotion...It is little to straightforward.

  19. So becuz Hope and the whole world knows she kiss Thomas and she realizes that her marriage is down hill she now realize Thomas is the only man that has eyes for her lol if her mother didn't tried to shoved her in Liam arms who knows who she would of end up with. Kiss Thomas again well I guess u might have just continue to have no morals just do the things ur mom did in her past. Bravo

  20. So now Hope can finally fulfill her Thomas fantasy. Ugh. These characters are so impulsive. It would be wiser to take a few days to think things out. But I guess that would not be as fun to watch. 😳

    1. I agree, they are extremely impulsive on certain things - bouncing from one person to the next. 🙄🙄🙄
      And yet at other times we can watch weeks and weeks of literally the same dialogue from the various characters and it feels like the show is at a complete stand still.
      I still say ‘we the bloggers’ would be better storyline writers than the writers themselves.

  21. Be together and make Douglass happy

  22. Totally agree ncabc. I still don't know how some have the patience. Elle, BBfan and Colly have to give you a hands up for the insults. And yes I know I'm going to hear about this.

  23. That should have said "the insults you endure"
