Friday, July 14, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-14-23 Full episode B&B 14th July 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-14-23 Full episode B&B 14th July 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. These people are so nuts lol hahahaha I can't wait for Waffle man to find out about Hope and Thomas lol

    1. Brooke had no believable reason to go to Thomas' house & barge through in the 1st place. She could tell him anything she wants to when she sees him next. Why is it so appropriate for her to go to his house at all? It was laughable when Brooke told Hope this affair is over! Think so Brooke? I bet Hope doesn't think so! Now adays with the marriages being temporary, Hope tell her you'll get back around to Liam later. Right now he's in "being right" mode and boring US. Brooke wants all the drama to place herself in the thick of it. This one is really a Brooke blunder when it comes to grown children working things out for themselves. Taylor was all set up for a smooch from Ridge so she could hound HIM for a few months worth of "What did the kiss mean?" Snooze fest.

  2. There brooke goes again telling adult hope what she has to do

    1. She always does! She’s pushing Hope closer to Thomas. She’s demanding they all pretend nothing happened so Hope go home to an empty house and if you somehow get Liam home lie lie lie and pretend you didn’t sleep with Thomas. 🙄🙄🙄

      The fact Brooke has been telling Hope for over a decade that Liam is her destiny and it’s her job to keep Liam happy.

      I love how Brooke said she refuses to believe Liam walked away from their marriage and wants a divorce. She s doesn’t want to believe she was wrong about LOPE being destiny.

      Hope better keep standing up for herself. She did well today.

      I love how Brooke started in saying how Thomas was manipulating Hope, again. That is her true opinion no matter how much she pretended she is proud of to Ridge. She no way had good intentions going over there, forcing her way into his home and bedroom without his knowledge or permission.

      All classic Brooke! 🙄🙄👏🏻

    2. "I love how Brooke said she refuses to believe Liam walked away from their marriage and wants a divorce."

      Brooke doesn't want to believe it because, in her eyes, Liam can do no wrong. Based on her own colorful past, she should be more understanding and try to be supportive of Hope. The last thing Hope needs right now is her mother's condescending attitude.

    3. Want to thank you ladies for your comments. Writing this from an ICU bed and comments are keeping me updated (and entertained). Sad really just how addictive this show is, and I just have to come back for more. 😊

    4. D, hoping your recovery is swift. All best wishes to you.

    5. You are in the ICU? I hope everything is OK!!

    6. Oh no! Sorry to hear, D. Wishing you a speedy recovery! 🤗🙏🏻

    7. D prayers for swift recovery luv. Sorry to hear you are poorly. Glad we could make you smile 😊

    8. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. Could have done without Liam and Wyatt today. It was only a repeat of Monday's scene between them, except with Chinese food this time.

    1. Wyatt should have picked up waffles & hash browns. Wyatt's pet phrase lately is "I get it." Then, he rehashes the same conversation again with "Waffles"... 🥴

    2. Wyatt is overdoing his interest in Liam's marriage. Wyatt is making us lose interest. Like he doesn't know know in LA Land "time to change partners," is the city's theme song. Quit worrying about a relationship you have no say in.

    3. Wyatt has said his piece now leave it. He’s being Brooke, if verbally batter someone long enough, they will cave and do what you want.

    4. Btw Wyatt and Hope will have scenes talking about their past next week 🤩

    5. I had to eyeroll when she was going on and on how she never experienced being the only one for a man, when that’s not true, for Wyatt she was. I hope she remembers that.

    6. I’m surprised Wyatt doesn’t let Liam divorce her then try to get Hope back. Clearly Flo disappeared and he’s always loved Hope.

    7. BBFan I would so love to see that happening. Wyatt has always been a great guy in my eyes. However it would ruin his and Liam's relationship and I don't see Wyatt wanting that 🤔

    8. Now would be a good time for Quinn to return and spot the opportunity 😂🙈 she was always able to do that.

    9. I like Wyatt too he’s a good fella.

    10. The only interesting bits today was Thomas, Hope and Brooke... I FF'ed through all the other crap. It was just blablabla to me. But Brooke can't tell a grown woman what she has to do. Even if it's her daughter. Brooke gets more and more like Stephanie, telling ppl how to live their lives. She did it with Ridge, telling her he shouldn't be with Brooke. If Brooke should have learned something from that experience, is that what Stephanie did, did not help one bit, it drew her and Ridge even closer.

    11. telling him* he shouldn't be with Brooke

  4. ok im getting tired of hearing it was just one kiss and hope kissed god we know this now. who does brooke think she is after her sordid past she is going to try to tell hope who she can and can't be with. i hope that hope sticks up for herself here and tells her mom to get the hell out and she goes to thomas and kisses him...she needs to show brooke she can make her own decisions. she is much more alive with thomas than boring liam. liam was more alive with steffy. maybe brooke should of listened all those times that people told her she was always going to be playing this game with ridge back and forth. he is going to kiss taylor monday watch. and good for taylor i hope she rubs it in brookes face after

    1. I won't be surprised if he kisses Taylor on Monday. Ridge cannot accept that Taylor isn't drooling all over him. He isn't happy unless Brooke and Taylor are fighting over him. Well, he managed to get Brooke back under his thumb, now he is working at Taylor. Every time Ridge came close to her, she stepped back, then he came close again. What is the matter with him??!!

    2. Ridge probably has bad breath. 😂

    3. Ridge has always had at least two women on the hook. He’s the same dog he always was.

    4. 😂 Dog 🐶 Breath Ridge 😂

    5. It was actually 2 kisses lol.... First she kissed Thomas... then they drew back from eachother, looked at eachother like, wtf??? and then they kissed again

  5. Now Hope needs to get a backbone and tell Brooke it's her life and she'll do what she wants. Brookes man count is extremely high..all the Forrester men ,Bill, Deacon the Marrone guy and a slew of others in between. Who knows maybe Thomas is Hopes destiny.
    Shit is clearly going to hit the fan next week when Taylor and Ridge find out. And I really Hope stands firm in her feelings for Thomas.

  6. Brooke let never Hope live her own life. It's Brookes dream that Hope is married with Liam all her life. I hate Brooke today again

  7. As expected, turns out Brooke went to Thomas’ apartment with good intentions! And of course Brooke came down on HOPE, NOT THOMAS! Also predicted! Brooke barely said two words to Thomas!! However, as disgusting as the Hope / Thomas thing is - and it is DISGUSTING!….Brooke does not have a right to dictate to Hope who she is allowed to be with. While Brooke has good intentions in wanting to help keep Hope’s marriage alive with Liam, Hope is not a child….even though she is acting like one right now!!! Hope does have the right to make her own decisions. That’s me being objective! 😂😂😂😂
    And I loved how Hope confirmed what we already know - the only reason she is there with Thomas at all is because Liam kicked her to the curb. Yes, Thomas IS PLAN B!!! And Brooke is 100% correct in saying Hope is still A MARRIED WOMAN!!!

    I love how Ridge is being so supportive of Brooke and confident that Brooke’s intentions with Thomas are good. And yes, Ridge is correct!! And notice Taylor is saying exactly what we knew to be true - this thing between Hope and Thomas could ABSOLUTELY make Thomas backslide!!! Gee, no shock there!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I gotta say both Taylor’s and Brooke’s outfits are god awful !!!! Hey Wardrobe Dept, please quit shopping at Walmart for the clothes for these poor ladies!!!!

    The most hilarious thing in today’s show was the sultry / seductive look Taylor gave to Ridge at the end. OMG she looked like she was gonna throw him on the couch and ravish him!!!! Who do you think you are, Taylor?? Some sexy, vampy seductress??? Give me a damn break!!! Respect the fact the Ridge and Brooke are back together you little HO-BAG!!!! 😂😂😂😂

    1. Yeah lynn i agree about brook she hasn’t have the right to dictate hope’s life she is just pushing her more to thomas

      And Taylor what a joke 😂
      She is so full of contradictions. She says that she trusts Thomas, but first she implies that she thinks that Hope will do something that will trigger something in Thomas. So is he healed or does he need to stay away from Hope because he isn't able to control himself? She can't have it both ways. Is she aware that it was her daughter's idea to put Thomas close to his biggest obsession and Taylor begged and kissed hope’s a$$ to hire him back and was what we were saying all the time if she really is a psychiatrist she should have known that but apparently she isn’t
      how stupid she can be.
      and her saying thomas will be blamed again just hilarious, while it was always his fault and his doing before
      The audacity of this stupid witch is horrible...
      and that stupid look she gave ridge just hilarious 😂
      But yeah she is happy and does not need ridge to be happy, such bullshit 😂

      And lynn i hope will not have any stalkers today but with their mental illness i guess they just can’t help themselves lol 😂

    2. Mmysh, very valid points! Yes, since Hope is the “Bad Girl” now, she will be even more inclined to stand up to her mom and tell her to “go pound sound.” Brooke needs a better approach. You can only do so much with your full grown children. Ultimately they need to make up their own minds. Besides, how can Hope go back to Liam now after what’s happened? They need some time apart. I still think Liam is her true love / destiny, and Thomas is just a shiny object to Hope…giving her the validation she is so desperate to hear. Liam and Hope both need to make some changes if their relationship stands a chance sometime in the future.

      And yes, Taylor is a DISASTER!!!! What is her dang problem?? You said it all perfectly above. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

      As far as stalkers are concerned, Bob deleted all her written comments to me. So apparently he is not a big fan of the stalking either. Here’s what I think the common denominator is in you and me - we stand up for ourselves when someone makes disparaging remarks against us. Then somehow we become the bad guys for defending ourselves. If they don’t want a battle, then don’t start a fight!!! This is not rocket science. I will be happy to stay in my lane when others do the same.

    3. Unknown, I deleted all my comments to you this morning because after Bob deleted yours last night, mine made no sense being up there.
      But I have to ask - don’t you think it’s odd that all your comments were deleted by Bob?? If you’re so in the “right” here, then why would he delete all your comments???
      Here’s the difference between you and me…when I’m RIGHT (and yeah, it happens a lot!) I don’t go running to the other person and say 100 times that I was right and they were wrong and tell them what a loser they are or request that they be removed from the blog!!! I don’t tell them daily that I demand they admit they were wrong. I may laugh about it or say..…”As expected, blah blah blah happened.” But the way you handled things was so childish and inappropriate that I can’t even accurately put it into words! I have admitted about 5 times on this blog in my various comments that I guessed wrong about Hope and Thomas. But I would never address you directly because you were so incredibly awful. Maybe try being a little less crazy in your behavior next time and don’t stalk people!! Then you may actually get what you’re looking for. At the end of all this, what have you proven?? All you’ve shown people is that your comments get deleted by the provider of this blog. I honestly don’t think that’s anything to be proud of or bragging about. Now if you like, you can go back and read all my comments over the last weeks and you will see that in some of them I admitted I was wrong about Hope and Thomas.
      Have at it!! I hope it brings you some joy and allows your obsession with me to go away. Now I’m gonna ask that you please stay off my posts. And I can promise you….I will stay off yours, because I have zero desire to continue any discussions with you going forward. Have a good day, Unknown.

    4. *A collective sigh of relief* 😀🤗🤗

      Brooke... It's understandable she doesn't want Hope repeating her mistakes but when did it ever work trying to separate someone (like you mentioned Mmysh), it will only be the opposite effect. And one of the worst things is that she wants to make a secret out of it - as if that ever leads to anything good. We have Steffy's secret to Finn and now more?
      Hope is such a sad picture, I actually felt so bad, she looks so full of angst. And more humiliation is coming for sure to her. But the most pressing question is - where did she get that outfit? Does Thomas have an assortment of lady shorts and t-shirts lying around? Or did she pack them knowing full well she'll need them 😂
      Taylor ridiculous as usual. I hope the actress gets good money because the role is just embarrassing.

    5. Milla, it’s uncanny. I said the same thing below about Hope’s shirt. The consensus is….it’s left over from the Hope mannequin wardrobe!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. And yes, Unknown and I are officially done with the bickering. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😬😬😬😬

    7. Wow, Unknown…I’m really surprised to hear you say that. I really appreciate your words and I am sorry for my behavior as well. I know I am definitely not innocent in all this. And as the other Unknown poster pointed out below…I am very stubborn and my husband would agree with you there!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      If you and I can bury the hatchet, then maybe there’s hope for Ukraine and Russia! Lol.

    8. Indeed milla i agree
      I understand where brook is coming from
      She doesn’t want her child to suffer like she did especially with that kind of hypocrite judgmental people she lives among
      But absolutely her approach to hope was wrong
      She should have left and waited at hope for hope to talk to her and sure with a different way and tone
      And hope i don’t recognize her any more as lynn said she acts like a child
      And now she wants thomas more because her mother doesn’t approve
      And how lame using your mother’s past to justify what you are doing its still cheating
      And do you ladies remember when thomas went to hiding after after he tried to kidnap hope and Emilia took Douglas to vinny place to see him
      A photo i saw today when he raised his hand on his son and Douglas put his hands in a defense way in front on his face and he was terrified and thomas calling him names
      So for me if hope end up marrying thomas i hope that liam will care enough to not let beth near this child abuser and if hope forget and have the face to look in her daughter’s eyes while she chose this man
      Liam will care enough to protect his daughter

    9. Oh lynn i guess there is always hope for Ukraine and russia but not brook and Taylor 😂😂😂

    10. Mmysh, this was an unlikely turn of events that Unknown and I could be civil to each other. But a very good thing just the same! And Milla will definitely be happier! 😁😁😁😁

    11. Brooke and Taylor may actually align in their thinking about Hope and Thomas. As it stands today, neither mama bear wants their kid to be with the other. So it ought to be interesting.

    12. Im happy too for you guys
      And happy to read what unknown wrote
      It was nice and appreciated

    13. Agreed! It was very nice!! 😊

    14. I don’t think Taylor will disagree because she will use that against brook for sure
      I just love to see hope how Taylor spoke about her or steffy
      Even if she love thomas and he has no past with her
      Who would want such a hypocrite hateful 2 snakes as in laws 🤮🤮

    15. I am glad Lynn, very much. I hope Unknown feels also better now and maybe maybe one day even will be comfortable to become a "known" 🤗 she did reveal a name for a minute yesterday. But of course it's her own decision.

    16. I agree Mmysh for sure Taylor will see the opportunity for problems for Bridge (and to point it out) as more valuable than splitting Thomas and Hope. She will again go in "let's be one front with Ridge" and against Brooke mode. She also really wants Thomas finally with someone so I don't think her clinical training will kick in hard enough (when has it ever?) to see that it's not a good idea.

    17. If anything, Taylor would actually even use the opportunity, despite her medical training and her judgment as a mother. Anything to be able to rub it into Ridge that she's "better" for him and to try to stick herself onto his lap no matter if he's with Brooke or not. We can smell the pathetic and hear her pleas already. The way she says "by a Logan" is just laughable. Same as Steffy when she says it.

    18. And when she started ridge said here we go 😂😂😂
      And milla of course she will
      She wasn’t there for her kids in their darkest time and in their joy judt because she couldn’t handle seeing ridge with brook
      She is so selfish
      So absolutely she will used this situation to her own benefit

    19. But it will blow up in her face as usual 🙈💥

    20. Ladies, I can’t wait to see what Taylor does on Monday. There’s NO WAY Ridge is gonna kiss her! But she is WANTING IT SOOOOOOOO BADLY!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      And yeah, Taylor is going to continue to stalk Ridge! It’s all she knows!!

    21. Stalk and badmouth Brooke. She's even more obsessed with her than with Ridge. And that never works in her favor, just makes her look sad.
      Beautiful picture Lynn 😍👏🏼

    22. You are so right, Milla! She for sure is gonna pull out all the stops to sabotage Brooke again. Taylor isn’t happy unless Brooke is miserable. And thank you! 🥰

    23. Ues lynn nice picture ❤️
      Milla how is the vacation so far

      And another thing got me laugh that now hope a thomas they share a son 😂😂
      That’s wasn’t the case when there was a fight over Douglas
      But now they share a son just like her and liam
      So why the care about beth Douglas deserve it too 😂😂😂

    24. It's great Mmysh thank you 🤗🤗 very hot but worth it!!
      I hope you ladies are also doing well? Any vacation plans?

    25. For me next week in God’s well
      Im like chandler i hate packing 😂
      But the vacation worth it

    26. Happy Sunday, ladies! Just trying to survive my near 100 degree temps outside. I used to love summer when I was a kid, but not anymore. Just too hot! 🌞🌞🌞
      Milla, where are you vacationing right now? Hope it’s beautiful!
      Have fun on your trip too, Mmysh!! 🤗🤗🤗

    27. Lynn I’m in Greece - first island Kos, then a little Chalkidiki. It is beautiful indeed 🤗 strongly recommend a Greek vacation!

    28. Milla, Greece has always been one of my top 5 European destinations. I would love to see the history! Too bad you can’t post pics here! Enjoy!!! 😍

    29. Thank you my dear Lynn! I wish you then a whole European trip (we talked about Italy too!) and if you ever decide for one, let me know, I'll tell you which spots you definitely shouldn't miss 🤗❤️

  8. The candles have vanished. And, just like magic, in the middle of Brooke's invasion, suddenly Thomas & Hope are dressed! 😂

    1. I know right, like did she just stand there and watch them get dressed?

    2. And where did Hope’s green top come from? Is that one of Thomas’ shirts he had in his closet when he used to dress up the Hope mannequin?? 🤣🤣🤣

    3. Probably, Lynn! Since Thomas designs clothes for Hope, he most likely has a full wardrobe of clothes for the Hope mannequin that she can wear. That will simplify moving in his place!

    4. So true!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. That looked like it was one of Thomas’s t-shirts

    6. "I know right, like did she just stand there and watch them get dressed?"

      Hahahah I thought the same thing and imagined the situation 😂😂

    7. Brooke does suck the oxygen out of the air. So poor candles didn’t stand a chance .

      I wondered about the clothes too. Did she just stand and glare like they are couple of teenagers that got caught out?? How embarrassing.

    8. We didn't know until this week that Thomas had a place. He lived at his Grandfather's mansion with Douglas for a while. Prior to that he always seemed to share an apartment with people - Vinnie, Paris, etc. It was always implied that he needed to get his own place so Douglas could live with him.

    9. At the start of one scene, Brooke stood with her back to Hope and Thomas, while they were finishing getting dressed. Then hope went around her mother to face her. So guess the candles got blown out off camera, but was kinda obvious that didn't magically get dressed. And the candles got blown out prob before they got dressed, like right after they jumped out of the bed, which wasn't in the scene :)

    10. Good observation about Brooke, she was standing with her back to them.

  9. Taylor says she is looking for Thomas and can't find him anywhere. You'd think where he lives would be one of the main places she would check. You were mainly there hoping to run into Ridge, just admit it Taylor. How pathetic! This man chose your rival over you once again and you are still pining over and flirting with him.

    1. Indeed angela
      She should went there and see her son enjoying with a logen
      And maybe hope will get a glimpse of a her future snake in law 😂😂

    2. Angela - 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    3. She was supposed to meet Thomas at the office. She would not just barge into his home, stalk up his bedroom especially given the fact that he had female company.

      Taylor probably assumed Thomas was around Forrester somewhere. Cutting room etc. You know logic lol?

  10. Yesterday I was understanding about Brooke rushing up to Thomas's room, and being shocked to find Hope in his bed. But today I think she is going too far. Telling Hope she will NEVER be with Thomas! Brooke made her point. She should leave now. But Hope should make it clear Thomas did try to resist. Hope was the one who kept pursuing him, then took off her rings.
    And why are Taylor and Ridge standing so close?

  11. Jesus Liam is boring whining manbaby

    wow Thomas and Hope sexscenes, i mean hot hot hot!!! chemistry is so huge!

    Liam should slept with Taytay :D

  12. So, who do you all think is going to walk thru Thomas' open front door next? 🤔

    1. I hope Dexter if you know what i mean 😂😂😂

    2. An assassin to murder Thomas. Overkill much? Pun intended 😂

  13. I think Brooke has gone mad.
    Hope said that she is following her heart so how does Brooke expect her to forget about her desires.
    Hope and Thomas share a son. I think Brooke forgot about that too.
    Just leave them be brooke, they're in love.

    1. Hope told Brooke that she is following her heart just like Brooke did all those years ago. Brooke reacted by forbidding any further relationship between her daughter and Thomas. I think that Brooke was not pleased at all to hear what Hope said. Brooke's 'heart' aka destiny was Ridge. So does it mean that Hope's destiny is Thomas? Is this where her heart is leading her?

      Also, everyone keeps talking about Liam and Hope's family - Beth and Douglas. But Douglas is Thomas and Hope's son. He is not going to be affected so why is there such concern for Douglas losing his family? Especially since he's made it abundantly clear that he wants his parents back together.

  14. Brooke said her piece...her opinioni of what She thinks Is "good" for just leave and mind your own business...what a joke 🤷...thanks Bob 💕 have a great weekend 🤩❤️

    1. How is it Brooke’s place to decide what is good for Hope?? Hope is a grown woman. Brooke hated other people telling her what to do but feels free order everyone around because she arrogantly believes she knows best how others should live their lives.

  15. Have hope and Thomas ever had sex before, I know they were married but I dont remember the circumstances at the time.

    1. They didn't. He tried his best to put her in the mood but she couldn't go through with it. If course back then the pushy, creepy, baby-hiding vibe he was giving was sky high. Now he's balanced and supportive. I think they got married for Douglas' sake.

  16. I haven't watched before.. Hope and Thomas were married? I have heard that Hope hasn't got men before Liam.

    1. They got married for Douglas' sake. Hope thought Beth had died and she left Liam. Thomas convinced her that she could have a family with him and Douglas since Douglas kept telling her that he wanted her to be his mommy. The marriage did not last long since Douglas spilled the beans that Beth was alive.

    2. Hope married Liam’s brother Wyatt because she gave him an ultimatum to show up a certain place at a certain time. Liam was running late, so Hope ran off and married Wyatt.

    3. Patologi
      He shoved Douglas down her throat
      And used him to get to her
      Fed on her grieving
      Then send his son with a ring asking hope to marry his father
      She accepted
      Then she abused and used Douglas to push the wedding after he knew the truth
      Caused the death of hope’s friend and made sure she is silent forever
      And once drugged liam to sleep with steffy so hope will be made at liam
      Hope couldn’t sleep with him
      So he took her in small honeymoon
      And was planning to drug her to sleep with her
      But then Douglas called him and told him he told liam beth is a life
      So he canceled his plans and tried to kidnap hope and tried to throw liam of the roof
      Then he ran
      Long story short not washed

    4. Hahah okay then I take my words that he "tried his best" and replace them with "tried his worst" to put her in the mood 😅🙈

    5. I like the accuracy and fullness of Mmysh’s answer!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    6. Lynn i tried my best to make short 😂😂😂

    7. Mmysh, you fired off the events like they happened yesterday! I seriously want your memory! Perfect!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    8. Mmysh What a good memory you have 👍

    9. I watched the show sometimes before, nyt now I am already waiting for it every evening. I cannot live without it anymore

    10. It is pretty addicting, Patologi. Even when you don’t like the storylines, it still pulls you in to watch! Lol.

    11. Thanks dear patologi ❤️

  17. @Elle It's ALWAYS the people with the most skeletons in their closet that are the most judgemental.
