
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st May 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-1-24 Full episode B&B 1st May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy is going to leave Finn over this and will compete with Ivy for waffle Liam... lol smh Ivy looks good by the way and she sounds kinda different

    1. Steffy wants to say How Dare You Kiss Liam, Ivy! I have claimed him as MY back-up, rebound guy! Go get your own stable of men to choose from. Don't you dare poach from mine! I'll send you a list of guys you can't touch!

    2. Steffy thinks, The nerve of that girl, Ivy. All my years of training that geek/dweeb to be my royal henchman. No one sashays in and and picks one off the rack!

    3. I guess that Steffy doesn't want any woman fooling around with her baby daddy. Married or not, Liam's still her property.

    4. Actually, when Liam ended his marriage to Hope, Steffy actively tried to get him to forgive Hope and repair his marriage. She was also trying to get Hope to give Liam another chance and Hope had to remind her that Thomas has not been gone that long. Maybe Steffy's issue with Ivy is on account of her manipulating her way into getting Liam away from Steffy and for herself the last time Ivy was in town. There is certainly no love lost between these two ladies.

    5. Nice to see you back Elle...this is a test.

  2. No one gets in between Steam.Even Hope couldn't stop their connection
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. That's why he married Hope and had a baby with her, because of his "connexion" with Steffevil 🤣

    2. Indeed miss sushi
      And hiw he only feel this connection when hope break his heart 😂😂
      How convenient

    3. What are you on about Mmysh? Didn't Liam willingly walk away from Hope when Brooke set up the quickie wedding? When Liam and Hope were about to get married in Italy, wasn't Liam busy telling Steffy that he loved her while his bride was waiting for him at the church and Hope eventually had to come looking for him? (Remember when Brooke found the video clip of them together?) After their miscarriage when Steffy left Liam and went to Paris, wasn't Hope there basically telling him to get over it so that they can be together but Liam insisted on going after Steffy? And didn't he beg Steffy to return to LA with him and not to end their marriage? All this time, Hope was waiting for Liam to return to LA so that they can be together. Hope did not break Liam's heart. Liam was the one, with his flip flopping ways who continually broke Hope's (and Steffy's) heart.

    4. Yeah mentioning part of what happened just serving your narratives very well i see

      Sure when steffy tell him she is pregnant as a guy who grew up without a father sure he will chose the baby
      Poor steffy she didn’t tell him about the baby to see if he will choose her but didn’t happened

      And for Italy hope the one who was late because deacon show up and bill’s manipulations and liam the one went looking for her and found a letter that she left him
      So guess who was there As planned steffy

      And yeah he went after her after the miscarriage but we all know why steffy left because the doctor told her she can’t have kids anymore and steffy knows without a kid she can’t keep him with her
      And it was proven after that when the both pregnant she chose hope
      With him having kids with both of them again he chose hope
      He lived with steffy after hope annulled their marriage and send him to her but didn’t even kiss her once, wasn’t that a golden chance for him to be with steffy
      But yeah its understandable some just like to deny it

  3. why can't the writers just leave steffi and finn alone. unfortunately they're going to make sheila come between them.
    by the way, where in the heck has paris been? doesn't she work there anymore?

  4. finn sure went from 'sheila' to 'mom' in a heartbeat.

  5. When they bring Sheila back I bet steffy will move out and live with her grandad

  6. Finn will see Sheila like Deacon does - that she has changed - especially with "Mom" acting relieved that Steffy was safe & that Sugar did not harm Steffy. Also, "Mom" saying that she loved them all. Steffy's head will EXPLODE! There will be nothing Finn can say to convince Steffy that Shelia is not a threat.

    1. Since steffy and her mommy and bro can get away with murder so why not sheila
      And since thomas can change so why not sheila
      But oh yes sheila is not a forrester

    2. But wait, are we sure it was Shelia who shot Finn & Steffy? Or, was it Sugar? 🤪🤣

    3. @Renee, it was definately Sheila who shot Steffy and Finn. Pretty sure she didn't cut off her toe until after, aka the alledged 'bear attack'. The only difference between Sheila and Sugar, more or less. Unless they are spinning this into that it was Sugar who cut off her own toe and have been playing Sheila for a loooong time... who knows with these soaps... haha

    4. Malin, I agree the 🐻 attack was when Sheila cut off her toe & that happened after Finn & Steffy were shot. So, it could have been Sugar in the alley (if they want to spin it that way) unless Sugar was in jail...

    5. Maybe they go there
      Just like they brought zander to make thomas look good
      They will do that now for sheila

    6. Mmysh, They are not Forrester either, Taylor is a Hammilton and the Brats are Maronne and Douglas just like their daddy, NO Forrester blood in their veins, that's why their are absolutely NOT good people. Evil genetic makes evil people...

    7. Indeed Stephanie’s and Taylor‘s genes 🧬

    8. I wonder, if Ivy and Thomas become a thing, those guys will also remember that they are not related. So far all of them are the proudest "Forresters" but as soon as they decide to hook up they remember who is who.

    9. Well milla thomas tried
      Kissed her twice
      Went to her bed room hitting on her
      he even bet steffy he can take her from wayyat and make her his
      Something runs in the family I guess 😂😂

    10. Mmysh yes I remember you told me, that's why I think it's possible they go that way again and then the "Forrester" is out the window 🤣

    11. What was funny in that storyline
      That steffy found out about the kissing and bed making out between ivy and thomas
      So she started bullying ivy , why??
      Because she appreciates honesty ( what a joke ) and ivy should tell wayyat
      So steffy being steffy told wayyat before ivy got the chance

  7. Funny how Steffy was able to recognize Ivy from the back. And it's probably been a while since they've seen each other.
    B&B figured out a way to make Sheila a sympathetic character. And that's not easy. She seemed genuinely worried about Steffy! Wow! Dare I say, Team Sheila? Uh, I'm not quite there yet. But my heart did seem to warm a bit toward her. Maybe I just want to see the faces of Steffy and Ridge when they find out Sheila is alive. I don't really like Deacon, but I really got tired of Ridge calling him psycho, lunatic, and idiot. I know he was just trying to make his daughter feel better.

    1. Yeah ridge has a nerve to call anyone that with such kids he has

    2. Deacon should hit Ridge in the head with a pinecone. There is a long list of people who owe Deacon an apology. Ten toes, he really did see 10 toes! 👣🤣

    3. Oh renee totally agree
      But even a lot of people didn’t believe him
      But ridge was the only one with such filthy mouth

  8. Wow it's uncanny how much Ivy's giving Kate Middleton vibes. 👸

  9. Did you all notice at the end of the closing credits that Sheila's name was not there, but Ivy's was? Now let's see how long it will take them to put their photos back in the opening credits.

  10. Steffy please get rid of those Macy's Day parade marching band boots! 😩
    Did Finn say 'honey' don't be upset to Sheila?!?

    1. He did. I heard that too and rewound it to listen again, because I thought it must have been Deacon. But nope….it was Finn. Finn is officially a Sheila sympathizer now. Steffy and Finn don’t have a chance!! 🤣🤣🤣
      And Steffy doesn’t miss a beat with her snark. She is already being rude to Ivy after mere seconds of seeing her. I’m just so sick of Steffy being nasty ALL THE TIME!!
      The whole Forrester gang is in for a very rude awakening with Sheila returning. And I agree with other comments, she does seem like a redeemable character right now. But Steffy will throw her marriage in the toilet before she gives Sheila an inch. But yeah, let’s not forget her never ending forgiveness where Thomas is concerned. If you don’t share Steffy’s bloodline, forgiveness is not given. Simple as that.

    2. Ivy shares the bloodline, but Steffy ain't going to stand for a Liam & Ivy reunion! Even though Steffy is fully committed to Finn, she will use her go-go boots to kick Ivy's butt out of LA & Liam's life! 🤣

    3. Renee, true. I should revise my statement to only include her immediate family when it comes to Steffy allowing an inch of latitude.
      Bottom line, she is nothing short of a control freak.

    4. Well technically ivy is not her blood

    5. So, Steffy called Ivy her cousin & Eric is Ivy's uncle. Which one of Ivy's parents is Eric's sibling?

    6. Her father is eric‘s brother
      The actor played her father died last yeah as I remember
      So anyway
      Since ridge doesn’t share blood with eric to ivy is not steffy’s blood

    7. So technically Ivy is not Steffy's cousin but her aunt, no? She is cousin to Ridge, Thorne etc.

    8. Yes ridge is her cousin


  12. Imagine if Steffy do a 180 and actually give Sheila a chance. 😅

  13. What happened to the episode. It says it has been removed.

  14. My, my, my.... Steffy is jealous🤣🤣🤣🤣..and can't wait to see her face and reaction when Finn tells her Sheila is alice🤣🤣🤣🤣.. thank you Bob 💕❤️😘

  15. Steffy is like a grampy old lady....
