
Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-31-24 Full episode B&B 31st October 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-31-24 Full episode B&B 31st October 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow glad I didn't skip the intro this time. It's amazing. Happy Halloween everyone 😍🎃🦇

    1. Trick or treat, M! 😁🤗

    2. Yes, the intro was cool as was the episode.

    3. I call Trick. Let's see it! Happy Halloween. 👻👻😈
      Loved the theme, especially Deacon and Sheila. They bring humor to the show.

    4. So did I! I'm becoming a Sheila fan now with all the others only barking at each other she's a comic relief 😀


  2. Brooke dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West. :D

  3. Stephanie Forrester shows who's boss on this show. :D

  4. Damn Hope just tell the truth about you and Carter and she would have kept her job. Steffy would be shocked and understand now why Carter is all of a sudden defending Hope but she still will have her job. Hope is so pathetic and so is Brooke. Also Brooke looks like a wicked witch dressed like that too. All that blonde hair dye getting to her head. This show needs new writers like fr. If Carter has any respect for Hope he should have admitted he dating her instead of keeping her a secret personally I'll find that disrespectful as a woman. Let's see how Brooke and Carter will react.

    1. I think Hope was keeping quiet about her relationship with Carter so that he didn't get fired. Hope knows Carter will do his best to get Hope's job back. No sense in both of them getting fired.

    2. Carter's been involved in office romances before. There wasn't anything for him to be fired for if it was found out that he was involved with Hope. Hope, otoh, was between a rock and a hard place - let Steffy believe she was coming on to Finn again and lose her line or tell Steffy about Carter and be accused of being behind his sudden desire to save HFTF. Firing Hope came out of nowhere since Steffy never threatened Hope's job, just HFTF.

  5. I loved today's Halloween 🎃 episode! The opening credits set the tone perfectly. Shelia dressed as a witch 🧹 was spot on & the decorations 👻💀at Il Gardino's were great. Loved the detail with the toe treat. 👣Carter's reaction to Mr. & Mrs. Sharpe's flirty talk was hypocritical considering he & Hope were about to do the deed for the first time on an office desk in an unlocked office. Now, that Hope got the axe 🪓, she, Carter, & the Logans (Brooke, Katie, Donna, Will) should start a new line: Logan's Luxury Lingerie. The Forester can sell Ivy's jewelry & whatever fashion the Foresters can create with the remaining staff. May the best company win!

    1. How does that work since none of the Logan’s are designers???

    2. Forresters do all the actual work… Logan’s put their names in stuff and without HFTF Hope has no role there!

    3. They can hire designers. Likewise, FC will have to hire staff to replace the Logans & Carter. Perhaps, Taylor should be on payroll since she spends so much time there. They will have nothing to talk about now that Hope is gone.

    4. None of the Logan’s except Katie who is in PR have actual jobs that need replacing! Anyone can model lingerie !

      Donna is a co secretary which isn’t needed. Brooke and Hope are there because they are Logan’s.

      Carter would need to be replaced but there are tonnes of execs so no big loss !

    5. Logan’s are employees that is all!

    6. I disagree, BBFan. I think every member of the Forester Creations team brings unique talents & skills that contribute to it being a successful company. Their youngest family members (such as RJ) & the interns while they may not be the MVPs right now are their future & need time to learn the business.

    7. Renee, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      So sick and tired of the minimization of the contributions from the Logan women.
      However, Hope should have spoken up about Carter. It’s gonna come out. Whether it comes out today or a week from now, it’s gonna come out!
      RJ could choose to go work for the ‘new company’ as a designer since he is Brooke’s son too.
      Finn is such a damn putz!!!! He knew damn well Hope couldn’t have possibly known it was him who walked in there. And he should have said that out loud to Steffy! But instead he runs to the hospital like the coward he is!!
      Ridge looked reluctant to boot Hope even with the fake news of Hope trying to seduce Finn. Ridge knows the kind of drama that will create within the company.
      We better see Hope tell everyone the real story tomorrow.

    8. All Finn needed to say was that he quietly entered the office without announcing himself & thought it was empty. When he knocked over something on the desk, he heard Hope's voice as she stepped from behind the changing screen & seemed to fall on me. I don't think I was who she was expecting. That simple. Steffy won't buy it, but Finn should have tried.

    9. Indeed. Finn directly jumped on the same conclusion "Hope what are you doing I told you bla bla" when it's obvious she couldn't have known he's coming in. He's either an idiot or a coward for not saying anything.

      Lynn don't worry about the Logan women. They will always be fine 😊 Hope probably won't even end up getting fired even though I'm getting tired of her current situation. She can do much better as a professional if she focuses and stops hooking up with every man she works with.

    10. Milla, agreed. She really should just work on herself for a bit.
      I do like that she hasn’t given Liam’s offer even two minutes worth of consideration. 😁😁😁

  6. Steffy read what I once wrote under one of the previous episodes, that Hope's next destiny will be Charlie. :D

  7. I have to agree about the Halloween stuff. It was awesome. I laughed when Sheila appeared at the bar when she had just left to go outside. Deacon and Carter were totally confused. 😅😅😅

    I can't feel sorry for Hope. She brought this on herself. Brooke tried to warn her about hooking up at the office, but she wouldn't listen.

    Poor Ridge. He just got done defending Hope and Brooke regarding Finn and is now being asked to support his daughter's decision. Whatever shall he do?

    Carter is being very presumptuous meeting with investment companies. He hasn't even gotten a decision about his plans as yet. Why doesn't he just take his money and start his own company?

    1. Totally agree Elle about everything!

      Re Carter : he wants a hostile takeover where he ends up holding majority shares!!! I think that’s why he’s pushing so hard!

      So has to line up his $$$$ .

      Good on Taylor standing up for Steffy!

    2. Forrester Creations is a family company so good luck to him with however he plans to get those shares because we all know none of the current shareholders are going to gift it to him.

      And if he does succeed in getting them to make the company a public entity, he can't buy all the shares because 100% of the shares will never be put up for sale. Only as much as 49% can be. In order to get more, it would require Carter doing something illegal or unethical to get them, like declaring Eric senile and not fit to be a major shareholder. And even with that, he would have to get all the shareholders to unanimously agree that Eric's shares should go to him. And that ain't gonna happen. Justin tried it with SP and he failed.

      I think Carter's main reason for pushing this now all boils down to Hope. He wants the decision-making to be removed from Steffy and Ridge and replaced by shareholders. He thinks it would make Hope's life easier. However, as I mentioned some time aback, the opposite can also happen where they may decide that Hope is not needed.

    3. Good observation, Elle. I agree. And Finn is a wuss. 🙄

    4. I think Hope doesn’t want anyone to know about her relationship, because she will dump Carter when he isn’t useful anymore! Why else is she willing to get fired instead of being honest? She could have diffused all of it in 30 seconds!

      Deacon tossing that toe biscuit over his shoulder was hysterical!!

      Every year I look forward to the opening credits on Halloween they always do something fun with it. Li looked good in her vampire costume !

    5. Steffy literally asked her to explain, tell her who it was for!

      End of the day, Hope has no excuse for being in the office during work hours wearing the BB lingerie!

    6. They were all caught off-guard, including Hope, as she was not expecting Finn to be in the office. She thought it was Carter. So maybe she was a bit flabbergasted that, first of all, she was on top of Finn. Secondly, Steffy walked in and saw them, and thirdly, Steffy is demanding (and demanding) answers. And then, to top it all off, she does not want anyone to know about her and Carter. I can understand her being thrown for a loop, anyone would have been. Hopefully today, she can find her bearings and give some kind of explanation.

  8. Steffy gave Hope a chance to explain herself and Hope was quiet. Then she goes "you're not listening to me". She has only herself to blame now. Never should have started this nonsense with Carter.
    On the other hand I don't think Hope really needs FC. She can go work for other companies with the connections and popularity she has. Those people should really branch out in their personal and professional lives.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Given that HFTF has not been performing and buyers are actually pulling out, I don't think her connections and popularity will get her very far, unfortunately. Hope just needs to regroup and stop living her life so aimlessly. She needs to start proving herself if anyone is going to take her seriously as a professional. Instead, she's dependent on others to pull her through and that's not sustainable.

    3. Elle agreed. Hope is still quite immature in that she’s irresponsible and is used to Mummy or someone else rescuing her.

    4. Even if the line was not performing on 100% now that doesn't take away any of it's previous success and her connections would hold it over her head. I don't suppose Hope's following on social media is that much lower. She can easily find another company to work in. It happens all the time. She doesn't need to stick at FC at all. It would be better for her to leave Steffy to it and venture out on her own. Young people in her position do that all the time.

    5. Yes, agreed, she should try to find her own niche. I suspect though, in the fashion world, your previous successes don't really matter. If you can't stay current or relatable, they forget about you. Look at the buyers all pulling out despite HFTF's previous successes. Hope really should consider getting out from under FC. Her Aunt Katie is a marketing professional. She can understudy her. Her ex-husband is in the media, which Hope would fit into quite nicely since she is familiar with the various fashion houses and outlets. That is something she can definitely consider. Or, as was discussed previously, she can get into children clothing. There's a huge market there.

    6. That's all I'm saying. Hope was shown as a beloved presence for years and certainly can branch out to other ventures. Many companies would scoop her up in a heartbeat. I hope she realizes it but we know our beloved writers and their willingness to go for new things these days :/ it's more likely that she stays at FC and she and Steffy continue going at each other.

    7. But I really want this thing with Carter to end, it's bugging me so much. Even though I like the man and he's so kind (and hot), this man-hopping of Hope's since Liam is just ugly and unlike her. And that's not evolving the character, it's the opposite (to me).

    8. Exactly M. I am left to wonder if there is a point to all of this tarnishing of Hope's character. I get that she is lost. She was in a long term marriage with Liam, and even with Thomas, she wanted a relationship with him. They were pretty steady as a couple. But now, it's like she's thrown all caution to the wind. I, too, hope it ends soon. I am still not getting the feels for her and Carter.

    9. Elle, a part of me thinks that the point to tarnish Hope's character is to show a contrast to Steffy. Do you remember that episode with her birthday - ever since then I knew they want to shine a light on her image and show her in the best way possible. Steffy is not making any major mistakes in the past years, has lots of challenges but overcomes them quite well. And Hope keeps getting worse - they show her failing in marriage, in extramarital relationships and in work. And worst of all - she doesn't seem to realize she's on a downward path :( it's sad.

    10. All I know is, they better do something with Hope's character soon. Lol. Brooke was the way she was BUT, she was also often seen in the lab and actually contributing to the company.

    11. There's no comparison between Brooke and Hope. Brooke brought not only the formula to them but also some of their most important innovations which she had to fight the Forresters to accept. Nobody after her has brought so many name-worthy contributions. Like Carter said, the Forresters have been profiting immensely from her. Even Stephanie admitted that Brooke was very successful leader.
      But I wasn't even talking about Brooke. Brooke is doing more than fine. Hope is the one who's struggling and I hope gets her life together because that's not even entertaining, it's lame...

  9. I thought Finn would try to explain that Hope tripped and fell on top of him. He just stood there looking like she assaulted him.
    Why do Brooke and Taylor keep trying to defend their daughters to each other? They will never agree. That was a pretty blouse Brooke was wearing. Not a big fan of Taylor's vest with no shirt.
    It was fun to see the scenes with Sheila today. Maybe it's time for the writers to get away from the whole psycho killer Sheila, and make her a more likeable character with a past. Like some of the characters on Y&R (Phyllis, Michael Baldwin, Kevin Fisher).

    1. Finn believed Hope was hitting in him! He was disgusted and left!

      Hope refused to be honest so she deserves what she gets!!

    2. I just thought he knew she tripped over something.

    3. BBFAN, no one with even an ounce of common sense would have thought that….what you said about what Finn was thinking. He knew damn well that Hope would have ZERO CLUE Finn was gonna walk into the office. So how could she have planned that ??!!! It’s absurd to think for even a second she could have planned it! Finn just needs to engage his brain for 2 seconds, then maybe the lightbulb will turn on!!

    4. Lynn, to be fair, when Hope came out in the sexy pajamas, Finn said "seriously Hope... what are you doing?" so I believe he did think she was coming on to him. Even when he went to stand next to Steffy, he seemed upset and was waiting for an explanation. However, as you said, if he had thought about the situation some more, he would have realized that her come on was actually for someone else. He got called away however, so let's hope he gets a chance to think about it and is able to suss out that she thought he was someone else.

    5. Elle, I do agree that Hope’s deer in the headlights expression didn’t serve her well. If that were me, I would have been explaining myself instantly.

    6. Steffy even asked her to explain and she refused. She had every chance. If she’d said it was for Carter it would save her a lot of agro in the office… and Steffy wouldn’t think she was attempting to seduce Finn again!

    7. BBFAN, I think Hope’s dilemma in spilling the secret is clear and has been discussed a lot on this blog already. But as I said, it’s gonna come out….so Hope may as well tell her now to minimize the punishment Steffy is determined to dole out.
      My issue isn’t that anyone should be defending Hope. Hope got herself into this mess for sure. My issue is that Finn should have used an ounce of common sense and told Steffy there was no way Hope could have known he would walk in at that moment. So clearly Hope being in lingerie wasn’t intended for Finn. It was intended for someone else. That’s really all Finn needed to say.
      And Steffy has been saying for days that she thinks something is going on with Hope and Carter. So why didn’t Steffy’s mind go there? That makes logical sense. Finn showing up completely unexpectedly to drop off Steffy’s iPad doesn’t result in Hope putting on lingerie to seduce him! Plus like someone else pointed out….Finn knew she tripped and fell on him. All things Finn should have told Steffy BEFORE he left for work!!

    8. I was also shocked Steffy couldn't put 2 and 2 together here. Her face the whole week was showing she's getting there. Carter is at that office all the time for the first time ever and the tension between them is visible. Steffy also needed to engage not many brain cells to get there. Maybe after she thinks about it on her own, she will.

    9. Finn didn’t know, he literally heard her say to lock the door, and as he turned she was falling into his arms. He didn’t see her trip!

    10. She was standing behind the changing curtain. She couldn’t have even seen him. He knew that. He also knew that there was no way Hope could have known he was going to come into the office at that moment. And of course he saw her fall on top of him. He was the one she fell on.
      Sorry BBFAN….hate to tell you, but Finn appears to be a complete idiot!

  10. And I would think Hope would be more careful after she and Carter were just caught by Brooke. Now she's trying on lingerie for Carter at work. Stupid and careless.

    1. Very stupid & careless. Carter has a place they can go for privacy. There is no need to take that risk especially when they believe the developing relationship needs to be a secret.

    2. Agreed. Brooke warned her but she refused to listen. If she did, she could have saved herself all of this drama.

    3. Not to mention interns etc coming in and out of the design office. That is where Zende etc work and it’s completely unprofessional to be sitting around the office in lingerie. Not to mention it’s a new design sample… it was a terrible idea all around.

    4. Btw did you guys notice Brooke's disgusted face while Hope and Carter were last explaining themselves to her 😅that's how I looked too... She's definitely not approving of this relationship but trying not to meddle too much.

    5. Milla, I made mention of that look on Brooke's face. It was so funny to me. Carter and Hope trying to explain themselves and you could see that Brooke was not buying it. For whatever reason, she is choosing to stay out of it this time.

    6. Elle exactly. I applaud that she's not meddling, even though if it were me, I would have slapped some sense into Hope... Or at least had some serious talk with her. The show would be much more interesting and immersive if they cut some of the repetitive dialogues and showed them characters go to therapy or even have some alone inner reflection of why they are doing what they are doing.

    7. I so agree, Milla. For example, given the life that Brooke has lived, it would be nice to see her sit Hope down and have a heart to heart with her instead of saying the usual "I know you don't want to be like me." Brooke can share the experiences of her past lifestyle with Hope and encourage her to do better. Brooke is a successful chemist with the successful innovation of BeLief under her belt. Why doesn't she encourage Hope to find her own career path. Even encourage her to enrol in some business courses. And it's not that the writers aren't creative, the halloween scenes at IG were amazing. They are just lazy.

      I've been watching some of the older B&B episodes on YouTube lately. Bell Snr. was a genius! The show has become so poor compared to back then.

  11. Happy Halloween
    I am glad Hope didn't response to that witch. Steffy is so obsessed with Hope that she might lose Finn for good. She forgot Ivy is in the house.

    1. HONEY Steffy is not obsessed with Hopeless it's reverse. Hope mad Steffy has a hot husband, lovely kids and a CEO job position.

  12. Replies
    1. What woman wouldn’t go off if she found her husband and the woman who had been openly chasing him in that position??

      All Gooe had to do was be honest and she would have been fine. Her actions, defiant attitude, and refusal to tell the truth is what got her fired!

    2. Must you reply to every post...damn!

  13. Why is Freaken Finn in Hope's office to begin with? Leave your silly wife's laptop in her office. Luna should've kept her in the cage longer, damn Finn again. And personally I think the writers need a holiday. Rethink scripts. Please just have one relationship without issues. And let's not forget that TAYLOR TOOK RIDGE FROM BROOKE....GRRR.

    1. Yes Rena... Taylor DID take Ridge away from Brooke all those years ago... Brooke got him back but, Saint Taylor just can't move on with her for Steffy 💩... can't wait for karma to hit her back..there's so much she has to answer for.... Thank you Bob 🎃🎃

    2. Lmao. This again? How can someone take someone else away? Did Taylor kidnap him? Put a gun to his head? 😂😂😂

      I remember Ridge coming after Taylor and she kept turning him down. He would show up at her place of work, even her home. But she kept telling him that he loves Brooke, and she is not going to be his other woman. She even left LA and Ridge tracked her down all the way in St. Thomas.

    3. Brooke was his fancy woman! His piece in the side, he had no intention of marrying her, ever!

      Taylor was a woman he loved and respected and wanted to be married to!

      Brooke married Ridge’s father and then cheated on him with his son !

    4. Ridge was a total player! He changed women like tissues.

      He eventually fell in love with Brooke but that was years later.

  14. Sheila was quite entertaining today...she's bat sh#t crazy and in her come on Ridge, Carter is NOT loyal, how can you even say that! HOpeless should have kept her clothing ON then none of this would have happened, she's sex crazed and it's DISGUSTING....lmfao :)

  15. How stupid can Hope be leaving the door open and trying on lingerie. Obviously anyone could walk in.
