
Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Every time Steffy thinks she's got out of something unscathed, we know something good is coming for her 😅 I still can't believe how many weeks it's taking her to connect the dots here...
    Okay so Finn really does believe Hope was throwing herself at him in the office. That settles the mystery if he's stupid or scared of his wife. He is obviously both, but believing what he believes makes him a little more stupid.

    Carter should choose his battles. He can't loby for both HFTF and the global luxury brand. Seems Lynn is right that this LLC business is probably going to be what gives him the edge in this conflict.

    1. I mean in Finn's defence, this lady hits on you a few times, before kissing you at a family event where his wife's family is. Then the next time you have an encounter with that person, they in lingerie and call out for "whoever" to close the door, then lands on him after a trip... whats stopping him from thinking, "she's at it again" and is now embarrassed hence the reason her denying it. And whats not helping Hope is her not saying no i wasn't waiting for you, i was waiting for... She is not even hinting there is someone else, she just magically called out for someone to close the door. She could just say, i am seeing someone and i am not ready to talk about it, but she's not even trying that. She just wants to stay BIG MAD, that she got fired for a "misunderstanding" that she is actively choosing not to correct.

    2. Also i agree on the Carter thing, pick a battle.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes obviously Hope should say who she was waiting for, that's been agreed by all of us and is not under discussion. But if I'm Finn, I'll also engage my logic and what situation exactly I was just part of - the tripping, the shocked expression on Hope's face and yeah her inability to to see through doors that I'm coming and speed change. It takes really just a few seconds of consideration what exactly just went on.

    5. And of course Hope being mad is absolutely illogical. I'm never above admitting when someone (even if I liked them) is acting weird and making mistakes.

    6. I agree with what Kae said regarding Finn. After listening to him today, and despite Hope's trip and apparent shock that Finn was in the office, I can see why he would think Hope was up to her same shenanigans as before. I also agree about him picking his battles. It's one or the other.

    7. Anybody who takes even a second to consider the situation that unfolded would realize there's something more behind it. All of Hope's "shenanigans" were direct and deliberate. At least giving some thought about her demeanor and the logistics of the situation would make anyone see something isn't right. Finn just can't or doesn't want to give the thought or talk to Hope to get more information, because he's way too jammed under Steffy's stiletto.

    8. I agree, Milla. I'm just saying that I can also understand why Finn would ignore the minor stuff and readily assume that Hope was coming on to him. This is why a proper investigation into the matter, from a level-headed perspective and not an emotional one, needed to be done.

    9. Milla: Jammed under Steffy's stiletto. lol Good one.

    10. Milla, exactly! How in the world would she have known Finn was going to walk in at that moment?? That’s what Finn, Steffy, Ridge snd Taylor are failing to address.
      And Steffy “deleting” Hope at the end there was so symbolic. But don’t get to used to it, Steffy. When have you gotten rid of a Logan so easily?? Lol
      And yes, I agree with J…..Jammed up under Steffy’s stiletto was definitely a good one!! 🤣🤣🤣
      Finn is such a YES man. It’s super annoying.
      Not sure if I’m embracing the Hope / Carter romance just yet. But I am embracing their determination to teach Steffy a lesson. That’s been a long time coming!!

    11. Lynn, that's also what Brooke, Hope and Carter are failing to address. The truth about what really happened, but it's working to their advantage, so they hope. I'm seeing now just how good Hope is at manipulating, not just Carter but also Brooke. When Brooke walked in, Carter said to her I have to turn this around for everyone's sake before....Brooke said, Before what.?? I was sitting sipping my tea the same way Brooke was sipping her beverage and listening to the BS coming out of Hope's mouth. Her description of Thomas to her mom was exactly the same as the one now for Carter, only he see's toe to toe revenge for all the Logans. Carter is digging a whole to deep to climb out of. Ridge made it really clear, he is waiting for the LLC update Carter was to take care of weeks ago. But to hear Ridge say to him, "you need to do your job", and aren't showing much interest in his dream for the company, Carter's a ticking time bomb.

    12. Lynn yes the deleting and Steffy's face was so symbolic. Elle is right that Steffy appreciates this opportunity very much. If she really was worried about Hope's behavior, she would realize that not having a FC job would give Hope that much more time to hang around him. But Steffy is not worried about that. Her ultimate goal is to have Hope gone. But as we know that won't happen.

    13. Kae, that circle of who to sleep with at Foresster is very small. if hope had said she was dressed in Lingerie for someone else, Steffie would have figured it was Carter as she was already seeing how hard Carter was defending Hope and saying that Hope has gotten in Carters head. Steffie would have figured that out and probably fired Carter as well. Just this episode she said she is beginning to question his loyalty. Carter is loyal but you cant keep bullying those people who are down for you. Steffie is a bully and ridge a coward. ridge has the most evil kids with Taylor. First ridge listened to Thomas with that fake Cps call against Brooke now again with Steffie in firing Hope. Again he is putting all his wicked children before Brooke. You would think he would have learnt how much his kids hate Brooke from that incident. Steffie dosent even bother to hide it, she disrespects Brooke right in front of Ridge and he dosent even tell her to back down. Now she is disrespecting Eric and Ridges best friend. Steffie is a grown arse woman and still cant accept that her mom and dad split almost 30 years ago. Taylor needs to stop telling her children she is still in love with Ridge

  2. oooooooh "Evil" Steffy, getting away with getting rid of a line that was literally on the chopping board 100 times, even before Thomas become HFTF'S Head designer, the line was in trouble, hence her being ok with "evil" Thomas designing for her. Then again it was on the chopping block when "evil" Thomas was going crazy... then Steffy had to convince her to keep Thomas to save her line. Then Thomas leaves and it's struggling AGAIN, even with Eric as a designer lol... then again and again and again. But somehow after the 100th time this line is struggling, "evil" Steffy cuts the line for personal reasons. I mean the line had beeeeeeen struggling, with even buyers backing out. But Steffy is the problem. This storyline is BONKERS lol. At this point bring back Luna to Forrestor, they are clearly yearning for a real problem... perhaps Luna can start with Carter, who went from dating the Aunt to falling for his best friends wife's daughter (ex-girlfiriend's niece), who happens to be younger than all Ridges children, that age gap must be crazy. But i digress.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you Kae! Exactly !!!

      I would to know where all this animosity and entitlement that Carter and the Logan’s are spewing is coming from. They are EMPLOYEES!!! They are NOT shareholders, not family members.

      The cry they aren’t appreciated is made a lie by the big fat salaries they draw!

      Hope excluded since she chose to get herself fired by refusing to be honest. Not to mention her blatant insubordination over and over.

      The look Hope gave Carter at the end is the same one I’ve seen a few times now.

      I don’t believe for a second that she magically fell in love with Carter in one second.

      She is manipulating him, playing on his emotions, riling him up and whinging on his shoulder to get him to attack Forrester from the inside!

      He isn’t doing his job and is making demands etc. It doesn’t sound like the Carter we’ve seen all these years!

      Hope definitely brings out the worst in him.

      Steffy and Ridge are right to lose confidence in him.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. By the by I don’t include RJ because he is a Forrester and isn’t causing trouble. He was handed his job solely because he was Eric’s grandson and Ridge’s son.

      Zende has a massive chip on his shoulder and is always bitter about something.

      He was designing for couture as was RJ so they have jobs plus they are Forresters so aren’t going anywhere!

    4. Kae, you are correct about HFTF struggling for some time now and FC doing everything it can to keep it's momentum but it still keeps failing no matter what they try. However, the problem isn't Steffy making a business decision to cut the line (which she would have had every right to do), the problem is Steffy keeping a failing line just to use it against Hope then making a personal decision to cut it based on "Hope knew the consequences of going after my husband."

      And if after the ending of today's show with Steffy deleting the HFTF folder from the company's business records, all with a smirk on her face, you still don't think this was a personal decision to oust Hope from the company, then you're just choosing to ignore it. I'm not in agreement with what Carter is doing one bit, but I have to agree with him when he said that this is not how you do business.

      Steffy's riding high right now. It's gonna make her feel empowered to get rid of Brooke next, then Katie. It's too bad her session with Chondra yesterday didn't do anything for her.

    5. And I disagree that the Logans are just employees since, they are also family in one way or the other. They, together with the Forresters, have been the heart of FC and have contributed to the grand success that the company is today. Relegating them to being "just employees" is gravely undervaluing their input over the years. They may not be shareholders or owners but I highly doubt FC would be where they are today without their innovations.

    6. Elle this is so well put, especially about the Logans (mostly Brooke changed the company significantly, in a way that most actual family members/shareholders, apart from the big 3 designers, wouldn't even come close).
      Regarding Steffy, it definitely was a personal decision. But I still have some sympathy for her. I can't imagine what else she could have done to not have to feel like her marriage is threatened, other than treaten Hope and then act on that threat when she saw what she thinks she saw. She also couldn't cancel the line back when she first wanted to, because Ridge didn't allow it. She wanted to make the purely business decision back then but couldn't.

    7. Actually, Carter and Ridge were totally on board with the decision to cut the line, which Steffy could have done back then. They were just as shocked when she decided to keep it. If she had cut it, she would have had their support with her business decision.

      I can't sympathize with Steffy at all for the mere fact she knows that Finn is 100% committed to her and their family. She's not insecure the way Brooke is. Steffy's main goal is to get rid of the Logans. It is very personal for her.

    8. Elle I meant the earlier attempt of Steffy to cancel it, I think it was around the time when Ridge brought Brooke back on board. I think he first didn't support Steffy and then to add insult to injury, made her work with Brooke 😅🙈
      Yes it's very personal but if Hope hadn't made a move on Finn, do you think Steffy would still be gunning to fire her? I don't know, maybe she still would...

    9. Elle, you are taking your objectivity to new heights!! I applaud you….again!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    10. Lynn, I don't like it when it's said that they are just employees. On the company books, they are but on a larger scale, they are much more than that, and I think everyone here is aware of that.

      Make no mistake though, I can be just as objective when they mess up. 🤭

    11. Milla, Steffy has all of a sudden decided that she wants the Logans out. She says she isn't trying to get her parents back together but, I believe, with her mom back in town, if she can get the Logans out, leaving her dad free to be with her mom, she will do whatever is necessary for that to happen. Hope kissing Finn was a gem of an opportunity that just happened to fall into her lap.

    12. Elle, definitely not everyone seems to be aware. At least not on the blog. And probably not according to Steffy either.

    13. Elle I agree with Lynn about your objectivity these days 😍 Of course you were always able to form a nuanced opinion, but I've never seen you stick to a critique about Steffy so firmly. It is refreshing, especially considering how in this case I'm liniment towards her 😅 but your arguments are so valid - Logans out is her lifelong dream and Hope kissing Finn is a perfect opportunity, rather than big obstacle. Finn has shown that he won't betray Steffy on any level, even by keeping the kiss from her. The few times he has ever had an opinion he already regrets like a mortal sin. He won't even dare to question her anymore when it comes to Hope or dare to defend Hope. So Steffy's agenda really isn't about saving her marriage.

      And regarding the Logans, I 100% agree with you that everyone is aware, but only you are able to admit it so openly and don't see it as a defeat to admit it (because you're not a diehard Logan hater or Forrester supporter).

    14. BBfan well being just an employee sucks. I didnt get from being line staff to boss by just doing my job, I had ideas and visions that would make my job easier and the company more productive and I presented them. I think as COO Carter's job is to stare the company in the right direction, making changes and improvements where necessary. He is not out of line. He just wants to be respected in the work that he does. And besides some of these employees know the company far better than the corporate heads.

    15. The point Carter made on expanding the brand was a solid one. He said Ridge is the only true designer there thats holding the company there. Eric seems to be on retirement, almost died the other day. Thomas somewhere in the world running a way from Hope after his sister chased him from the company. Then there is never ending family fued that the co-ceo steffie forrester keeps making harsh decisions on based on personal feelings. Hope for the future would have never died if Steffie didnt push Thomas to leave. She knew that line would fail without its designer and Ridge allowed her to do it. Ridge and Steffie is killing Forrester, even Eric dosent agree with the choices they are making. I wish Carter would approach Eric first about his plans to take over before presenting to Steffie and Ridge. I think once he shows how Steffie is running the company based on her personal feelings for the logans, Eric would side with him because eric has clearly stated that himself. But maybe Carter will opt not to tell Eric because Carter also wants the global branding and Eric is not on board with that. But with a shortish of great desingers at forrester, forrester needs something else to fall back on.

  3. Deacon going after Finn trying to get him to support Hope after everything she did is SO inappropriate!

    I totally understand trying to protect your daughter, but Finn had very valid points!

    1. I think Deacon is just trying to be supportive of his daughter. After his conversation with Finn today, it seems Deacon might be understanding of Finn's position in the matter. I didn't see anything wrong with him trying to get Finn to see the situation differently.

    2. I think Deacon knows now that HOpe might have some mental issues and needs to see someone, Finn did tell her months ago to go and see someone. However BBFan, i do agree, Deacon choses the very man that she kissed to try and convince his wife to re-employ her....not a great decision but Deacon's might have needed to hear from Finn himself that HOpe is not in a good place and she does need help.

  4. Steffy co owns so get over it Hope
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. Hope is pulling Carter's strings he's a fool

  6. for pete sakes, the owners of a company makes the decisions. so they don't gush over & implement your idea....get over it. it isn't YOUR company no matter how many years you worked there. he's taking it way too personally.

  7. I've said it before, Carter is pushing too hard regarding taking FC forward into something bigger and better. He needs to be very careful because if his day-to-day functions are being pushed aside in favor of him trying to make FC a global luxury brand, he can end up being on the chopping block next.

    1. Elle at this point it seems more like Carter is looking for reasons to be mad and vindictive and not to be able to convince them of a business decision. He is bitter and insistent which is obviously not going to get his ideas approved more easily. He is just mustering more and more negativity to justify whatever plan he will come up with next.

  8. Okay, I give up hoping Finn will remember that incident with Hope differently. I thought a guy could tell the difference between someone tripping and falling on top of him, and "oh yeah baby let's get it on". I'm eager to see what happens next. Steffy canceling HFTF should have been based on the numbers and sales only. Not because she believed Hope was after Finn. You have to be able to separate business from personal.

    1. "I thought a guy could tell the difference between someone tripping and falling on top of him, and "oh yeah baby let's get it on"."

      Mike drop 😀👏🏼

  9. WOW, there really was NO mystery that Finn thought that HOpeless was coming onto him, i mean it really wasn't rocket science that he had NO idea she tripped, it's not like he was looking on the floor to see her trip....lmfao :) people make me laugh on this blog....bwaaahaahaahaa......only STUPID people would call him's even MORE clear now that Hopeless is using Carter....i mean, did Thomas NOT fight for her is the puppet and Hopeless is the are they only blaming Steffy when Ridge agreed with the's only to poison Carter so the HOgan's can get their hands on FC......Carter has gone from traitor to fool in 0.01 seconds.....he will lose his job too when he changes the figures in order to bring FC least he will have his bat mobile :) when is HOpeless ever gonna move out of her mamma's back garden, such a dark, morbib and dingy place to wonder she has mental issues! HOpeless should have taken Finn's advice months ago and gone for therapy because boy does she need it!

  10. Good my beautiful Steffy , delete all stuff from the bitch of the valley...

  11. How is Finn a Doctor and a Man and cant tell the difference from when someone trips and fall and when a woman is "throwing" herself at him. Finn, I thought better of you. You know all the points in Hopes neck to ease her headache, you probably knew where the nerve in her neck was that lead to her pum pum, but you cant tell if she tripped and fell on you. You must be very terrified of Steffie. Yeah, your wife is a cold hearted woman

  12. Hope brooks v unstable daughter is using Carter as she did Thomas steffy s brother for revenge and sex she's no victim she's a cause of her own fate why hasn't she Carter brook told ridge steffy Eric Kate the truth that hope put on lingerie at Stephanie and Eric's family company forester creation s to seduce her aunt kates X lover Carter the player wait until Quinn WYATT s mom comes back of zoe hope is history and decan married the physcopath killer Sheila Carter who shot Stephanie brook Taylor steffy and finn
