
Friday, November 15, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. This is criminal Carter. Not a good idea.

    1. I hope that something will beat Forrester in the ground ๐Ÿ˜„
      Steffy has bullied the Logan's far too long. Look at her history. It's certainly far from being pure gold!

    2. Steffy may have acted immorally, even unethically in firing Hope but she has never stooped to doing anything illegal. FC belongs to the Forresters. How dare Carter and Hope?

    3. @W the only reason people call Steffy a bully is because Steffy can see right through the HOgans manipulation, lies and betrayal, Hopeless is a damn disgrace, she's a traitor like her batman, using Carter from the start ๐Ÿคฎ

    4. Exactly everytime I doubted steffy accusations or bad mouthing they proven her she's right and am like steffy could see thru ppl she can just see ur intentions that's crazy

    5. Carter gets killed car crash

    6. Stilli, stop posting over and over again the same stupid thing! Why are you saying such a stupid thing?! Because you've read there will be a new soap "The Gates" and maybe he will play in that soap?! He was asked and his anwer was: "That's not true at all. All made up." "You will see more Carter soon." See his IG: Isaintvic.

  2. Ughhhh what the actual F?! That's the most half-assed, lowest possible, unrealistic "sabotage" they could come up with. And Hope encouraging it? Really disappointing on every level.Carter can just write any name on it and file it and that person runs the company? That's not how life works. Who wrote this storyline? A five year old? That's not even "written on the toilet" level anymore...
    So much potential to create a really good storyline, involve Bill, Zende etc. and they go with this. At least seems like Brooke still has her right mind.
    Is this gent lunching with Electra the same Chucky? She looks quite happy to see him. At least that storyline may not be as lame as the FC paper takeover.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    2. 100%!!!! This is taking soapie to the next level... it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    3. And the part about Hope encouraging is just plain odd, none of this makes any sense for her character at all.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Kae that's how I see it too. Hope is not one for machinations and schemes and also not encouraging others to do it. It is Carter's "brilliant" plan so he'll bear the consequences, but she shouldn't encourage it.
      I don't know what came over him. He's a long-time lawyer! How does he expect this to end??

    6. Hope's been at her little machinations for years now. Her fans just fail to see it for what it truly is. Carter would've never done this if Hope wasnt involved. He's doing this to be her white knight and he's an idiot

    7. Milla, yes, he's the same Chuky and if he's a stalker, Electra probably doesn't know his real identity... and about this whole Hope and Carter vs. Foresters mess, I'm also confused because that really doesn't fit Hope's character. I thought it would be Carter trying to convince her and Hope being really reluctant, even if she ended up giving in to temptation, it would have made more far as Carter is concerned, it doesn't surprise me that much; he is loyal as long as he is not in love with the wrong women or just a women

    8. Hahah Yo that's true! Whenever he's been in love with a suitable woman (so far once), nothing happens they don't even show them. But with the others - just you watch, manages to get himself into all kinds of trouble. I don't expect Eric would forgive him this type of betrayal the way he did about Quinn.
      It looks to me like Electra knows that guy but maybe knows him as a good guy, not the stalking type. I think this is headed with her locked up somewhere and being rescued by Will ๐Ÿ˜€

    9. Now I feel sorry for Carter. Hope is totally using him to get back at Steffy. That manipulative bs she said to him about them undervaluing him was just to get him to sign the document when she saw that he was second guessing his own suggestion.

      Whatever happened in Electra's past, it seems she doesn't know that Chucky had anything to do with it.

    10. Unknown 2, Elle I agree. I said after watching yesterday how good Hope is at manipulating, not just Thomas (she didn't get what she really wanted with him), Carter (she is hoping to overthrow Steffy), and her mother (Brooke looked disturbed after that heart to heart talk with Hope). Hope has been at her machinations for yrs now,and now Carter is on her side she will take full advantage. I'm not to sure yet if Carter is falling for this. If he is, then he is out of the company for good. Forresters have trusted him for yrs with legality aspects of the company, and for him to say they never read or look at what they're signing?? Let's see if they read the LLC contract this time. They're already questioning Carters actions lately. Elle? I'm hoping Carter isn't that stupid, if he is, I don't feel sorry for him.

    11. Oh and Milla, what's going on with your sweet❤️ Bill, and Luna? That's getting creepy ๐Ÿค”

    12. Elle Carter is a grown man with way more life and work experience than Hope (not that you need any more than first grade for this one). Men should finally stop getting a free pass for not thinking on their own here and instead women getting all the blame (from women too...). Of course encouraging him is absolutely wrong and I started even my post with it. Hope is not okay. But he's not a baby. If he ends up in jail, it's on him.

    13. D, agreed. And it seems he is that stupid since he went ahead and signed it.

    14. Milla, I don't feel sorry for Carter from the business side of things, that's all on him. I fully agree and have been stating that from jump.

      It's when he started to question himself then Hope turned on the manipulation and started playing with his mind, I couldn't help but feel some sorrow for the fact that he is genuinely trying to help Hope because he thinks that she truly loves him as she says.

      I gotta say that Hope is emulating Brooke in so many ways of late because Brooke uses the same coy, doe-eyed method to get what she wants from Ridge or any other man.

    15. Everyone is manipulating someone at some point on this show. But of course people like to play it like it's only the Logans.
      Hope has never participated in any illegal schemes before unlike many others on the show. That's why it's out of character for her. Not just my opinion obviously.
      As for Carter yeah it's sad but a smart man should know better. It's Finn all over again - as long as Hope can be blamed, who cares about his stunned ability to think like a developed human being. Would be nice if women would not give men such an easy pass while tearing down the woman in the situation.

    16. Hope is tearing herself down. Yes, it's a character change for her, and that's on the writers for sure but, within this specific storyline, she needs to take some heat for her actions. It's not about tearing down the woman, it's about calling her out on her actions. She is being driven by revenge after being fired by Steffy and is resorting to illegal means to get that revenge. Carter made the suggestion but, being the person that he is, and maybe considering his standing with the Forrester family, he started to question whether they should do it and, here comes Hope, not only using his current feelings about being undermined and unappreciated for his efforts at FC, but literally forcing his hand.

      It's a bit unfair to say that the men are being given a pass while tearing down the women when, for the past few weeks, all we've been hearing from everyone is hate for Carter about what he is doing. Hope is wrong! And she needs to be taken to task as well.

    17. Hope, Carter, and Steffy are all acting ridiculous. The only thing on any of their minds is revenge. I wish Eric would have held his ground and told Steffy that Hope is NOT fired and that they need to get to the bottom of it. I am beyond sick and tired of bitchy Steffy getting her way.
      Both Hope and Carter are acting completely out of character. And this is going to result in Carter being fired or worse if they go through with it. This is a lame SL. Of course the Forresters would sue Carter and he could end up in prison for fraud. Hope is better than this. But the idea of revenge (stooping to Steffy’s level) has turned her into a pretty unlikable character at the moment.
      Brooke is going to be the voice of reason!! She won’t let Hope and Carter do such a thing.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Lynn I so hope you're right about Brooke. And I'm so glad you commented and brought up how Hope is stooping to Steffy's level (this kind of scheming is absolutely her forte), because I'd be chased again with virtual pitchforks for saying anything against her. I'm glad you comment again ❤️hope you're well?

      Elle in the next episodes, according to the preview, Hope will tell him it's his decision. He obviously goes with it nevertheless. But I doubt that would mean anything here, here she'd still be the snake who gave the apple ๐Ÿ™„

    20. Hi Milla! I’m good, thank you for asking. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฅฐ. Just kind of bored with the show lately, so not commenting as much.
      I truly believe Brooke will be the voice of reason. She has really developed into a person of strong character. And as much as Brooke probably wants to slap the hell out of Steffy, she will see Carter’s and Hope’s plan as completely unacceptable and dangerous.
      I really want the old Hope back. But I think those days are behind us. I don’t like Carter and Hope’s relationship being primarily based on how to sock to the Forresters. I wish they could just focus on their feelings for each other and not their mutual disdain towards Steffy and the Forrester crew. They definitely aren’t Bonnie and Clyde. Lol. I’m all for this SL rounding the bend.

    21. Lynn I had high hopes for this SL when I thought they found something interesting in a document. But now that they are forging documents to commit a felony, I'm so over it too. This will take all the attention and make them the only bad guys. When it comes out, it won't matter one bit that Hope wasn't after Finn. This is so much worse than being fired under false pretenses/your ideas being rejected.
      Hope hasn't been the person I admire ever since she destroyed her family for basically nothing :( I'm still hopeful she'll pull herself together, but it won't be anytime soon. What a shame.

    22. D, I missed your comment. Luna is not done for sure. I don't believe Bill will have a romantic relationship with her but I'm getting the same vibes as when he was with Sheila... ๐Ÿ™ˆ you know what that means for me, I can I only hope Brooke gets involved and saves him and they fall in love ๐Ÿ˜€

    23. Lynn, I was also hoping that Eric would have made a move to override Steffy's decision regarding Hope. It would have been a much better storyline, imo, seeing the Forrester family dynamics at play and seeing how Steffy would have handled her grandfather, who she loves and admires, going against her. Would she have fought him? Would she have stepped down as co-CEO? Would she have left the company and branched out on her own?

      Regarding Hope, ever since her split from Liam, her character has been changing and has been written to do things that were not the norm for her character. Since she was a teenager, even though the LFs would never admit it, Hope has been manipulative in getting people to fight her battles. It's who she is. That's why I liked the growth and maturity that Annika brought to the character. So, her manipulation of Carter is nothing new. Forcing his hand into doing something illegal is simply an extension of her manipulation, as far as I'm concerned.

      As I said to Milla, Carter has been taking hit after hit for his actions for the past few weeks, and so has Steffy. Now it's Hope's turn because she is very wrong for what she did. I don't know why it's okay to berate Carter and Steffy but blame the writers for Hope's behaviour. This is not the first time that Hope has stooped to this level to get what she wanted from a man.

    24. Milla I'll have to wait and see how this situation plays out next week. If Hope apologizes for forcing Carter's hand and tells him she should not have done it, then let's him make the decision fully on his own, I will be willing to give her a pass. Somehow, I don't think it will go like that though. She might say it's his decision but........ Which means, she would still be encouraging him to file the papers with his name and signature. But, we shall see.

    25. Elle like I said and have said multiple times before, Hope has been manipulative like every other character, especially in her teenage years. What I am referring to here is something much more and I know you know it - she was never on the deliberate nasty vengeful levels of Steffy. That's what everyone here keeps referring to (not just me!) regarding her character now sinking to that low. And since she trashed her family for a cheap thrill with Thomas that she had no desire to turn into anything, it has been her decline as a woman and wife. We've been through this hundreds of times.
      "She might say it's his decision but......." That's not really an argument ๐Ÿ˜€
      Either way you're free to see it as you wish, I'll never believe that a big, educated experienced man couldn't think for himself in such a high stakes situation that may land him in jail. That reminds me btw of Liam who Logan haters kept insisting was trapped in marriage by Brooke and Hope and I still laugh remembering that theory. And I've seen also many other examples where the woman (of course usually Logan) is blamed for a man's action (especially when it disadvantages a Forrester... Or Taylor is neither). Men can think and make decisions. They are not puppies or babies. And that's what they do - make their decisions.

    26. PS nobody is blaming the writers. I have been disappointed in Hope and said so since Thomas. Saying that's not her character is not blaming the writers. (Blaming the writers is "Since Bell Jr took over in 2005 wawawa")

    27. Elle, I wasn’t watching B&B when Hope was played by another actress. So I’m not aware of how manipulative the previous Hope actress was. The Hope that I have come to know over the past 6 + years has definitely changed for the worse over the last couple of years. And I did say I don’t like who she’s become. My opinion changed (as you know) when she fell for Thomas. I was so mad Hope took that turn. And she really hasn’t redeemed herself in my mind since then. Changing someone’s character could be blamed on the writers, but primarily I just blame Hope when I talk about her bad decisions. My comment about it being a lame SL wasn’t to give Hope or Carter a pass. My comment was based on how completely unrealistic it is that Carter thinks his plan is going to be successful simply because he fills his name in on the LLC paperwork. It’s absurd. And sure, the Forresters are simply gonna say…..”OK then, I guess we all report to Carter now!” It’s completely ridiculous. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    28. I'm not going to get into the whole argument here, who would stoop to who"s level, or who the snake gave the apple to. IMO, Elle even though Carter signed the documents, I don't think he will go ahead and actually give it to Steffy and Ridge..After watching again just now, Carter almost looked shocked that Hope would push him to do this. Maybe he's setting her up?? That's why the sudden love interest in her?
      Milla, the Bill & Luna situation?? Who knows with Bill' lol he's a hard person to read sometimes. But it is getting weird, it could also be nothing, just a filler for time.

    29. D it also didn't look to me like Carter will just hand over that document to Steffy and Ridge betting on neither of them to see his name written in big black letters. Renee explained that in a normal world it's mandatory, but we've seen in this soap we rarely see reality portrayed correctly, esp when it comes to business. Reg Bill and Luna, it def could be a filler of time, so many interesting moments were never pursued. (Here I blame the lazy writers for sure)
      Lynn it will be so funny - they usually run to Carter for any such matters, now it's Carter who will stick it to them ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ˆ

  3. Oh Carter, you are going to look very sexy in an orange jumpsuit and silver bracelets. You have stupidly let Hope destroy your integrity and she will dump you when she gets what she wants.. Mark my words you are going to eat the bread that the devil kneads. I hope before signing off.on that document that either Steffy or Ridge will go through it with a fine tooth comb. From next week's preview it seems that Brooke is scandalized at what her daughter is doing. I wonder if she will warn Ridge or Eric????

    1. The Logan’s stole Forrester before so I could see Brooke backing the Coup!

      Hope is diabolical! She’s been pushing Carter towards this all along! Now she can run Forrester into the ground and once again throw all the Forresters out!


    2. Carter said that Ridge and Steffy don't usually read it through. He's breaking their trust AGAIN! I think they'll be done with him after this.

    3. BBFAN, Brooke definitely won’t back the coup. You don’t give her near enough credit for doing the right thing.

    4. Lynn I hope I’m wrong. I hope Brooke will do the right thing. It will cost her Ridge and Eric if she allows this to go forward without warning them.

      Brooke historically did this very thing years ago with Eric throwing Stephanie out of Forrester.

      Eventually Brooke threw Eric and the Forresters out of FC in a hostile takeover so she ran everything!

  4. Thanks Bob have a good weekend.

    Hope definitely whispering and influencing Carter thoughts and ideas.
    Forester Creation need a good lawyer and tear down Carter and Hope to piecessss!!!

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  5. so the writers have decided to turn the good guy into a criminal in a nano second? so unrealistic. but hope being a manipulative bitch is not. i don't think the writers understand their audience.

  6. So logan in full manipulation and Bell turns Carter against the Forresters so Bell dirties anyone to bring logan airtime and wins but Forrester own the Company nomatter who is running it They could just sell up and Logans sleep their way to the top but it's not your company logan
    And Hope showing mama dearest moves
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  7. Logans don't even have shares in the company and Eric and Steffy are joint owners maybe he wants the CEO
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Yes, he wants to be CEO. And once the owners sign the LLC (without reading it), they would be signing as agreeing to make Carter CEO of FC.

  8. So Brooke jr doesn't see anything wrong with what she is encouraging Carter to do? and everyone think she is so innocent.

    1. She is acting like the previous Hope actress, spoilt and entitled. Such a shame since I've found that Annika brought growth and rrspectabiity to the character. Looks like she's regressing. That's too bad. She was the only Logan I actually liked.

    2. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  9. Carter's plan. Not Hope's. Carters idea. Not Hope's. He came on to her. Not the other way around

    1. People see what they want to see let them

    2. So should we ignore the part where she keeps telling her mom, how Carter is going to make a plan to bring her back. And how at the end she encouraged him to do it while holding his hand, as he signed the document? She looks like an accomplice to me.

    3. Agreeing to kill someone even if it was not your idea still makes u a murderer hope is an enable and a manipulator

    4. Only because of Hope whining. All she had to do go independent if her name and line has so much clout but no. What she want is the stand on the backs of the Forresters who built the company from scratch. By her logic the janitors offspring have claims on the company for their contributions. Ridge GAVE her her line thanks to Brooke and this is what she does?

    5. Carter had a mad moment. Hope stands there and gives him all the reasons he should betray his best friend, employers, etc not mention committing as serious crime, potentially going to prison, losing his ability to practice law etc. Essentially pushing Carter to throw away his integrity and all he’s spent his life doing, so she can have revenge. So she can have her line again and let it run FC into the ground financially. So she can be the Queen bee! It’s 100% selfish and self serving in Hope’s part!

  10. Why do people on this show like stealing this company? Honestly no one should be trusted at FC anymore lol.

  11. I don't get it. What is exactly going on? English isn't my first language. What is Carter exactly doing whith writing his signature? Signature for what? What are those papers? Can someone explane it to me?

    1. he is signing that he is the one in charge of forrester creations and he says that ridge never looks to see what he puts down that ridge just sings it and as soon as ridge does then he just handed it all to carter and him and hope will have control

    2. Remember when Ridge was recently telling Carter he wanted him to work on getting Forrester Creations set up so that they wouldn't have to pay so much in taxes in particular to foreign countries? Well, setting up FC as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) would solve that problem. (Google "LLC" for more details.) Anyway, there is a place on the form that needs to be populated where it is asking for the COO. Whatever name is entered there would legally be the COO for this new company structure. The catch is that Steffy & Ridge will have to sign the form. Carter is betting that they will both blindly sign the form as it is normal protocol for them to sign whatever he tells them to sign without reading the document. If they sign it, Carter will legally be COO of FC.

    3. Taking over the company as co.

    4. Renee, do you mean CEO of FC? Not COO. I still don't see how Carter expects to do this without the Forresters suing. I wonder if you signed without looking, it becomes legally binding. Maybe so. But there will be a huge fight over it. Carter has lost his mind...

    5. J, I should have said CEO because that is what FC calls their top position. Other companies call it Chief Operating Officer ( COO). It would be legally binding if they signed, but then they could sue...

      Hence, the importance of reading legal documents before signing.

    6. Renee ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ you explained it good. It can get very confusing depending on the type of company. If Steffy and Ridge sign it, without reading it, they signed the company away. I don't think Carter really wants to deceive them and won't hand it to them. If he does? Then he's another victim and will never be trusted. Is it worth it?

    7. Thanx everyone. I have one more question. When Ridge and Steffy sign this paper will Carter be the only CEO? Ridge an Steffy are co CEO's. Will they hereby loose their job?

    8. Yes, if Ridge & Steffy both sign the form, then Carter will be the only CEO of FC. At that point, Carter has some options. He could now amend or file new paperwork to make 2 CEOs or just leave things as they are & be the only CEO. As CEO, it is his decision who works at FC (just as Steffy & Ridge had that power as co-CEOs). So, CEO Carter Walton will get to decide if Ridge & Steffy will continue to be employed at FC in some role other than co-CEOs. If Carter wanted to, he could fire them in the same fashion that Hope was fired...

    9. Renee do you think that Carter is betting on them signing or the writers will skip that step and make him in charge because it's easier? I can't imagine any of them Ridge and Steffy (not to mention both!) missing that detail and signing blindly. But by the way Hope and Carter were hugging, it looked like they believe he is already in charge. Which is bananas.

    10. Milla, I think Carter is betting on them signing blindly because they normally sign whatever he tells him to sign. He is their legal person & they should be able to trust him. It is not an ethical move, but this is a soap and B&B needs to create drama for the viewers. If "Carter" is going to the new soap opera, then this is a way to send him off with a big bang. Personally, I think that eventually FC will be led by 2 CEOs: Steffy & Hope. They are the next generation & it would create lots of drama. While a competing fashion house would be awesome, that would mean that B&B would need new sets. I don't see that happening as they only seem to have the budget for one restaurant set.

    11. Renee, Thank you. Everything is clear to me now! I only fear for Steffy because she doen't trust Carter anymore and I think she will read the document before signing. I hope she doesn't. I don't like her at all!! And Finn either. How on earth could Hope knew Finn was in her office that day and Finn knows that but kept his mouth shut. He is Steffy's puppie.

    12. It is a risky move for Carter. If either Steffy or Ridge discover it before signing, he will be fired. Ethically, it is wrong. If this becomes public knowledge, who would want to hire Carter? That said, I don't think he wants to be FC CEO long term. I think his goal is to correct the wrongs. After his longtime career at FC, he wants his ideas to be seriously considered. Carter wants the family feuds to end. He wants the entire FC team to come together (respecting each others talents & strengths) for the greater good of the company. Carter believes FC has much more potential if they would focus on business & be open & willing to take some risks. Carter could probably afford to retire, so he may not be too worried about getting fired.

    13. You wrote exactly what I am thinking about everything Carter is doing right now @Renee!

    14. Renee I didn't know he's going to the new soap! That would totally change things. Thanks for explaining!

    15. Milla, I don't know for sure that he is, but it was rumored that he was. Will have to wait & see.

  12. TY Bob. Have a great week end!

  13. Wow! Carter would really do anything for a woman's love or affection. Watch him smile at the end, like a child who just did something stupid but doesn't care...I just hope for his sake it's worth it, because HOpe probably appreciates him and loves his devotion (she likes any man who is not Liam in this regard but above all, she likes the idea of ​​having a man by her side who can firmly defend her against Steffy, something that neither Thomas nor Liam and certainly not Finn, can offer) but I don't think she loves him that much or that this love resists the return of Thomas or even a Finn who would really be interested in her

    1. Hope's north star needs to return. I saw Matthew posted a photo of he and Carter having some fun recently. I can only hope it means that he has returned to filming.

  14. Carter crying about not being heard when he literally slept with Quinn and they forgave him.They will not trust orforgive him after this.Bridge is going to be over because Ridge wont forgive her. With Steffy Ridge Thomas etc gone, Cope will run Forrester into the ground and Hope will dump him after she wipes her *ss with him.

  15. I was hoping that together with the help from Bill that they would've put together a new company and give FC a run for their money...but the FC biggies deserve this slap in the face...especially queen bitch Steffy ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜….... Thank you Bob ๐ŸŒผ... have a great weekend ❣️

    1. I agree, Ariel. I was hoping Carter and Hope would start a new company to be a rival for Forrester. Not this stupid storyline idea! And many comments here are saying Hope is manipulating Carter. HE came up with the idea. He's a grown a$$ man. He and Hope are adults, and know the difference between right and wrong. This plan is dirty, sneaky, and underhanded. Yes, Steffy's decision to fire Hope and cut HFTF was personal, but the line was struggling. As for Carter's ideas for expanding the company, Ridge, Steffy, and Eric do not agree. It's their decision. At my job I would like 3-day work weeks, 2-hour catered lunches, a massage room, and a lounge with a big screen television. Not gonna happen. If I don't like it, I need to go elsewhere. Or I can try to start my own company. If Brooke finds out about Carter and Hope's plan I hope she stops it. Do the right thing, Brooke! Prove that you are not all the nasty and negative things Steffy and Taylor say about you.

    2. Thank you Forever. Finally. He came up with the idea - Mr big time Lawyer and executive. Obviously Hope encouraging it is NOT right. It's truly disappointing. But if you have a 16yo telling a 12yo that he wants to rob a store and 12yo says oh cool, do it and 16yo does it, let's take a guess who will be blamed and go to juvie. Not the encourager. But of course let's hate on Hope first and foremost.

    3. You know, there are times we are wronged in life and, at the height of our anger, we want to lash out. At that point, an opportunity presents itself for us to do just that and, for a brief moment, we consider taking advantage of that opportunity. But then, in most instances, common sense prevails and we decide against it. A lot of times, we simply move on or continue to fight the good fight. And sometimes, there is someone in our ear playing on our feelings of anger and need to lash out.

      If Hope had not done what she did, Carter might have scrapped the idea on his own considering what he stands to lose. It doesn't make him wrong for coming up with the idea, just weak to his human emotions about the situation. Hope, on the other hand, recognized that he might have changed his mind about it and, seeing an opportunity to get revenge on Steffy, persuaded Carter to do what he suggested and forcibly held his hand as he signed, so that he did not have the opportuity to change his mind about signing. Who was more wrong in this situation?

    4. Carter. If he hadn't thought of that insanity, there would be nothing for Hope to weigh in on.

    5. Milla I see your point. However, Hope is in her 30’s and knows stealing a company is wrong on every level. She has prided herself on honesty, integrity etc and supposedly loves those things about Carter.

      She is actively pushing him to commit a crime! He clearly has a conscience and she is convincing him to ignore it.

      It’s sad because once this goes down, neither of them will ever really come back from it.

      Even if they get away with it for a while, they are selling their souls.

  16. Hope is a DISGRACE for firstly using Carter and secondly for convincing him to do what he just did ๐Ÿคฎ

    1. I’m glad hope agreed to it , she’s so sick of steffy I don’t blame her I would’ve done same thing , sucked in steffy serves you right

    2. Carter did everything to save Hope's line waaay before he told Hope he likes her and kissed her!! It is Carter who fights for Hope because he loves her for a long time now. it is NOT Hope who was using Carter, Carter did it all by himself. I am glad he supports Hope aginst all those horrible Forresters, Steffy in particular. "Hope crossed the line with my husband again". NO, she didn't but it was convenient to her so she could fire Hope.

    3. And it isn't convenient for Hope to take Carter's suggestion and run with it just to get her revenge on Steffy? Hope just made Carter commit corporate espionage. It was the same way she pretended to be interested in Thomas to get him to sign over maternal rights for Douglas to her.

  17. Really interesting episode to see the little sweet and nice Hope on her Opera. She was so majestic. Rather deal with a billion of bitch, slut Steffy , you know exactly what you can get with her, no hiding than one Hope, this lesson for living life.

    1. So true. I hate pretensive, deceptive people. At least with Steffy, you know what you're getting.

  18. I understand Hope feeling angry and bitter toward Steffy. But I don't understand Carter trying to steal his so-called "friend's" family company. Ridge not accepting Carter's business proposal is not a reason to end the friendship and become enemies. And don't forget Eric. Hope is okay with stealing his family company? Eric still forgave Carter and considers him "like" family after he cheated with Quinn. If Carter and Hope do this they are rats. ๐Ÿ€

  19. Why are you saying such a stupid thing?! Because you've read there will be a new soap "The Gates" and maybe he will play in that soap?! He was asked and his anwer was: "That's not true at all. All made up." "You will see more Carter soon." See his IG: Isaintvic.

    1. Can anybody tell me how I can remove my post?

    2. It should say delete under ur name next to reply

    3. Well Dominique, it's very sad and unfortunate that you would call my comment "stupid". I respect everyone and their opinions. Even if I don't agree, I try to refrain from name calling. ๐Ÿงก

    4. Forever I don't think your comment was meant. You didn't say anything about a new show and the actor playing Carter.

  20. It’s all over you tube go look it up ๐Ÿ˜

  21. I agree Carter is losing his mind. All he and Hope had to do was divulge how the lingerie misunderstanding with Finn came about. I don't really think the fraud aspect has entered his mind. I think he's so upset that the Forresters don't value his intelligence and ideas, he wants to show them how smart he is. But his anger is clouding his judgement and he's not really acting very smart right now. But the writers have to hold our interest and it also makes for interesting speculation and I really enjoy reading the comments !!! And what's up with Bill. Is he developing a soft spot for Luna? I'm really anxious to see where that story line goes.
    As always, thanks Bob !!!

  22. Stop making hope brooks daughter a victim she caused this anger between steffy and herself by using steffy s brother Thomas for sex and revenge for encouragement of finn steffy s husband to accept Sheila Carter the physcopath killer who shot steffy and finn Stephanie brook Taylor and hope brook Carter have chose to hide the fact that hope put on lingerie at Stephanie and Eric's family company forester creation s to seduce her aunt kates X lover Carter this is so unprofessional disrespectful to Stephanie forester s memory
