
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-10-24 Full episode B&B 10th December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. "You're a nasty bitch" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Go RidgeπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Spoken like a true gentleman.
    There goes Brooke's destiny. I can see all the Forresters walking out in protest.

    1. I cant wait for forester to crumble now that carter is in charge

    2. All the Forrester should walk out.
      Now see if Carter can run FC. Good luck little punk and HOpe/little bitch!!


    4. The audacity of Carter to say that Steffy can continue to run the day to day and Ridge can continue to design. So what does he intend to do? He doesn't like the way they run the company but turns around and tells them nothing will change, they can still do what they've been doing?

    5. Elle he said he'll need "her input" πŸ˜…aka he'll consult with her but in the end it will be his decisions. Which is much more condescending actually πŸ˜€

    6. I'd like to see him tell Ridge how to design. It seems to me that he wants them to continue as they've been going while he wields a big stick over their heads to keep them in line. And he says it is not a power grab. Carter has completely lost it. How will they bring him back from this?

    7. Lol him trying to meddle in designing would be wild. I don't think he'll bother with that. First order of business will be to bring back Hope and her line. I'm sure he won't let Steffy make many decisions by herself anymore. I also wonder how both him and Hope will redeem themselves. They never followed the storyline with Liam and his plan to win Hope back. It may be that he succeeds or it looks like he does, Carter sees and is devastated and their unholy alliance breaks πŸ˜… and then Eric in Godfather style forgives Carter.

    8. @ D A "gentleman"? 🀣🀣
      Don't make me laugh!
      A "gentleman" doesnt waffle between 2 women and cheat constantly.
      Just to be clear I'm neither team Logan or team Forrester. Hope has made dumb choices and Steffy is too high and mighty.

      But I definitely have NO PROBLEM hating on pompous Ridge!
      He's a petty jerk. So yeah Hope deserved that comment but Ridge is no "gentleman"

    9. My comment was sarcastic, with a bit of a dry sense of humor? πŸ˜‡

    10. @Milla Or maybe, Thomas returns and your scenario happens with him. Hope doesn't seem in the least bit interested in reconciling with Liam.

    11. Elle yes that's another possibility, but you have the Paris factor there. And Thomas didn't seem interested in reconciling with Hope. So you have more obstacles there that the writers have to deal with, while the Liam thing seems to be left on pause for a reason. Not that it would be a first for something like this to be left unfinished.

    12. True. But while I have not heard anything regarding Thomas (except for a video with him and Carter recently), I have heard that Diamond White has not filmed any further episodes with the show since we last saw her. So, if Thomas returns, it would most probably be without Paris.

  2. Im happy ridge finally said it, the look on hopes face when he said it was priceless... I actually re-watched that scene a few times because it was so awesome

    1. I re-watched too!!! Loved every second of it!!!πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    2. The way brooke said "don't talk to my daughter like that" how should he talk to her lol

    3. @Zoeygirl11 πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ she deserved every word that came out of Ridges mouth and as for Brooke, everyone keeps saying "oh but Brooke is trying to help by talking to Hope" no she's not, she's done NOTHING but say "oh honey and oh sweetheart" 🀣🀣 great parenting from mamma, too late Brooke, you should have reprimanded Hopeless when she was younger so that she didn't turn into the bitch that she is today🀣 poor Beth, great mother and grandmother role models, she will end up being just like them unless Liam takes Beth and saves her from another generation of HOgan's ‼️

    4. @Unknown, I highly agree with you. Hope had the nerve to come into that building dressed some hooker and she runs shit. They both gonna gets theres badly.

    5. TY! I call that look of Hope's "Bat Nookie" !

  3. If Brooke doesn't leave that sad excuse of a man, I'll lose a lot of respect for her. Both him and his daughter - exemplary leaders 🀑🀑

    1. I think it should be the other way around

    2. Yeah, it takes character, balls and heart to realize what he has in Brooke who went to him the moment she heard what's afoot. Ridge has none of the three.

    3. Honestly i don't know how else they can stay together, this is all a hotass mess

    4. Brooke went straight to Ridge with the info on the coup and proved to Ridge that she was loyal to him and the company. Now, she's standing up for her daughter who's involved in the takeover. Brooke has to pick a side. Her daughter is a grown adult who got herself into this mess. It's either Brooke stands with Hope against Ridge or stands with Ridge against Hope.

    5. She'll definitely stand with Hope. Not because she deserves it, but because Ridge is a disrespectful ass. If he had kept his language in check, it was obvious that Brooke was ready to side with him or at least try to be a mediator. I don't see it happening now.

    6. I find it funny that Ridge is the disrespectful one after Hope dares to show her face after stealing their company. Hope and Carter have brought disrespect to a whole new level.

    7. He is disrespectful with his language and mostly towards Brooke. I never said Hope was respectful showing up πŸ˜…

    8. Agree, Milla. Brooke will definitely put the brakes on their relationship after the name calling. I hope Carter punches Ridge right in the face! Notice there is no name calling when he’s talking to Carter. Ridge is only brave enough to attack a young woman who is half his size!! Ridge is such a little coward / weasel.
      I’ll say it again, Hope and Carter are in the wrong, but that doesn’t excuse Ridge’s relentless attacks on Hope! I hope this LLC thing takes a good looooooong time to sort out! That’s exactly what Ridge and Steffy deserve. And side note…..Justin really does act like he’s in on it with Carter, but I doubt he is.

      If Bill buys Luna’s pathetic sob story, then he’s a total fool!!

    9. Justin isnt in with Carter, he is on the side of the law. And the law is clear cut. Unless Ridge was in a cuma or found medically mentally unstable, which i think he is, then Carter hasnt committed any legal wrong. You cant argue in court you didnt know what you was signing, when you are quite capable of reading or you cant argued that you trusted someone all of that is dismal and Justin knows it as a lawyer. There was a time when Carter was looking at the possibility of Hopes line being cancelled but I think what set him off the edge was the manner in which Hope was being treated, she was not even fired because of her failing line. Im sure at that time he was thinking that even if Hope line was cancelled she would still be employed at Forrester in a new position. Its the firing of Hope that did it or him, knowing that Hope was once a very important person in that company. Please tell me why Steffie send HFTF head designer away, she knew Hope line would suffer with Thomas gone. Im sure carter had the good business sense to know that this was a bad move and a personal one made by Steffie.

    10. Lynn I almost felt bad for Justin having to stand there for what feels like hours and listen to their bickering πŸ˜… I would have sat down and played with my phone in the meantime. Maybe he does get something out of it.
      You're so right that Ridge is only "brave" enough to attack Hope. And from what I read, he won't stop in the next episodes which will prompt Brooke to react. Finally. Throw out that trash Brooke. He belongs right with Steffy and Taylor in their sad little Logan-obsessed circle.
      Peggy, sending Thomas away was one of the many "non-personal", "highly professional" and "thought out" decisions that CEO is famous for. Of course, he could have stayed and not allowed himself to be treated like a baby Finn style. I'm a firm believer that those men have free will and should think on their own.

    11. Ridge has done so much worse to Brooke than call her daughter names and she didn't leave him. The one time when she decided she would choose herself, she was back to chasing Ridge's coat tails in no time flat. There is NO way that Brooke will walk away from Ridge and give him the opportunity to be with Taylor. I will be shocked if she does.

      And Ridge didn't just attack Hope, he had been attacking Carter as well or is that just being ignored? He called Carter weak, a traitor then fired him and told him to get out of his building. But he calls Hope a nasty bitch and he's disrespectful and a coward? What should he have said to Hope who dared to walk into his building after being fired and siding with Carter to take over his company? Hope has been nothing but disrespectful to Steffy, her marriage, to Ridge and to Eric! Come on now.

    12. Peggy, agreed. From a legal standpoint, Justin is right however, if the Forresters decide to sue Carter, their case will be treated as a civil matter and be heard in a civil court. All of the things you mentioned above will be very pertinent to determine how the judge will rule.

      Carter misrepresenting what he gave Ridge and Steffy to sign will be the main piece of evidence. Also, Ridge did go through the papers and saw Carter's name and asked him about it. Carter did not answer Ridge's question. He lied by omitting to give an explanation. That will also be taken into consideration in determining that the Forresters acted in good faith by signing the document because they trusted their COO and company's attorney.

      It would also be ruled that Carter did not act in good faith and purposely misrepresented what the Forresters signed. The court will then rule in favor of the Forresters and deem the LLC null and void.

      And if Ridge or Steffy or Eric decide to take it further, using the civil court judgment, they can have Carter arrested for fraud and for collusion (with Hope) to steal the company. So, the papers may be legal but, the act was not. Right now, the show is just focusing on the legality of the LLC and not how Carter and Hope went about getting control.

    13. Elle if Ridge continues to treat Hope this way (which the spoilers suggest he will), Brooke won't just stand there and she'll definitely not support that. There is a reason they didn't get married and that's being mentioned here and there by other characters. I think soon they will break up. If he had any common sense, he'd realize that Brooke is the only one that could go through Carter and Hope and that alienating her is the stupidest thing he can do. But I don't expect his dumb arrogant brain to get to that conclusion.

    14. If Brooke walks away from Ridge, I would say good on her. She should have done that a long time ago. A lot of us on here have been very vocal about her leaving him for a long time now. But history supports her just taking his usual nonsense or, as I stated before, she might leave for a short while then be back with him. For example, if she sees signs that he wants to reunite with Taylor, she would go after him again.

      As for Brooke being able to get through to Hope and Carter, with the way they are both acting, I don't think that will happen any time soon. They seem intent on going through with their plan for FC. Brooke has tried and tried to talk sense into Hope but, she is not budging. Hope should have known better than showing up at FC knowing that Ridge and Steffy know what she and Carter did.

    15. Elle yes, it's nearly impossible but if anyone has a chance to get through to them, it's Brooke. It's much much better to have her on his side than push her on theirs. But it's obvious that's exactly what will happen. Brooke will have to defend Hope now. I can't wait to see the showdown.

    16. Elle, as far as I have seen, the only real criticism Ridge has given Carter has been related to Carter’s relationship with Hope. Carter is “weak” because he is under Hope’s evil spell according to Ridge. “This isn’t you, Carter”….again referring to the effect Hope has had on him. He is placing none of the blame on Carter himself, even though that’s where the blame belongs. As Carter told Ridge….he is perfectly capable of making his own decisions! And his decision was to move forward with the coup.
      And why wouldn’t Hope show up at FC??? She is going to take her place back at the table. Her line is getting relaunched under Carter’s direction. So of course she would go there with Brooke.
      I’m going to enjoy the takeover for as long as it lasts, just to see arrogant Steffy and Ridge take a backseat for a while! They both deserve a timeout! And that’s what’s coming their way.
      As far as Brooke and Ridge are concerned, their relationship won’t survive this, and ultimately they will split. It will probably be a decision that both of them make. Brooke won’t stand idly by and let Ridge continue to disparage Hope in such an inappropriate way. There is absolutely no excuse for the name calling. Ridge is a bully when it comes to women and a coward when it comes to men!!
      I wish all the women on the show would realize that Ridge isn’t worth fighting for! Not for 5 dang minutes!!

    17. So Ridge calling Carter a traitor is not blaming Carter? Ridge telling Carter that they are not friends isn't Ridge acknowledging that Carter (not Hope) betrayed him? It seems to me that Ridge is putting the blame on both Carter and Hope because Ridge understands very well Hope's role in all this. Otoh, Brooke doesn't want Ridge to blame Hope at all even though she also knows that Hope encouraged and supported Carter.

  4. Wow, what an ending. I did not see that coming!!!

  5. Come on Ridge, that was pretty harsh. And with Brooke standing right there. I'm sure Brooke was upset when Steffy fired Hope, but she never called her a bitch. And what about when it was revealed what Thomas did with that voice changer and the CPS call. I'm sure Brooke could have come up with some names for him. I still think Carter is more responsible for this situation. Hope encouraged it, but Carter came up with the plan. My opinion, and I'm sticking to it. Not looking good for Brooke and Ridge. πŸ˜₯
    Bill should cut off contact with Luna. She's crafty and conniving.

    1. Perfectly said. Couldn't agree more. Ridge can feel how he wants to feel about Hope (even though engaging some brain cells may be useful, but hey, it's Ridge). But saying that to her was lowest of the low. Especially in front of Brooke, only thanks to who he wasn't blindsided and potentially met directly by movers one of these days.

    2. To be fair she is acting a little "Bitchy" lol. I'm just kidding -- kinda.

    3. Kae she definitely is, no argument there. My problem is with Ridge saying it, he should be better than that at his age and position and towards the woman in his life.

    4. Milla, his frame of mind right now, I don't blame him at all. If somebody did that to me, especially someone you've know their whole life, I would have added a few other words that I won't say.

    5. So i am not saying this as an equivalence to what Ridge did today. But back when Steffy was always being messy and Bitchy (too) when it came to Brooke or Hope, Brooke wasted no time coming for her too. It wasn't as "Brutal" because it was women and also a protective mom, but Ridge never stepped in to defend or protect her back then (her protectors at the time were Taylor and Stephanie). Ridge has always tried staying out of it-- to avoid drama with his relationship with Brooke... except for lately. So as mean as he was, i think he was justified to have one blow up at Hope (which he has NEVER done) and this for him was personal because it's not just Steffy shes upset with, she is attacking him too with this decision (and Eric). So i do not agree with his choice of words but agree he has every right to be pissed at her, because if this was all Carters doing being his girlfriend and knowing he is doing all of this for you, you could have not encouraged it. I don't know about you, but i would PISSED too, and who knows what would've come out of my mouth lol.

    6. @Forever36, but Hopeless IS A BITCH‼️ all of the sudden because she's shagging Batman she THINKS she's become this power house force to be recommended with by hiding behind Carter while he does the dirty work 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🚩 Last Thursday she was dressing like a grandma now dressing like a hooker 🀣🀣🀣🀣 she is MORE than a bitch, she's a piece of shit‼️

    7. Well said Kae. Hope's part in this is unforgivable. I would never want to see her face again.

    8. Kae, that's fine you would. I'd be more like - "am I the one to throw stones" kind of person. Like you said Brooke never called Steffy this kind of name even when she deserved it. Like Forever said above, she also didn't call Thomas the names he deserved when he acted alone and maliciously against her. So any decent man, which I know Ridge isn't, would be aware of that. Plus what I said about being especially considerate towards Brooke in this situation where she's only helped him and been on his side. I won't blame her if she turns on him now. I actually expect it from her.

    9. Dam kae you hit the nail on the head u cooked every word right. Ridge always stay out of the drama he never defended steffy ever and am looking at steffy face now she knows her dad bitter she grew up and never heard those choice of words from her dad s mouth her never disrespected the ppl closest to him. Shelia get it good lol. Now Brookes daughter lo. It shooked me

    10. Brava Kae. Well said. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

      D, Ridge raised Hope and for her to turn around and do this, Ridge would be pissed. I don't even know why that's a question. He's not just angry about the stunt Carter pulled but also because he believes Hope influenced him. Even Brooke called Hope out today on Carter's actions. Hope deserved it.

    11. Both Steffy and Ridge have now referred to Hope as a bitch. And that’s because Ridge agrees with everything Steffy says and has no real mind of his own or any backbone when it comes to his daughter! And I think Carter should be throwing that in Ridge’s face every single time! Ridge keeps bringing up how Hope has affected Carter’s judgement, but what about all the many times Steffy has affected Ridge’s judgement??!!! If anyone should be called out for being a BITCH, it should be Steffy….1,000 times over!!! I wish those words would come from Hope!! It would be sweet beyond sweet to hear Hope call Steffy a RAVING LUNATIC BITCH! Because that’s exactly what Steffy is!

    12. Lynn, Steffy never manipulated Ridge into stealing anyone's company away from them. Really? There's no comparison here. BTW, Steffy wears her bitch status with pride. Hope pretends, which is much worse.

    13. Hope doesn't pretend. She used to be hundreds of levels more class than Steffy. Now she's sunk to her level unfortunately. And being an outright bitch "with pride" is not better, it's disgusting. Just like the readership of this blog recently. Only hateful trolls with disgusting language. Them being outright bitches is not making it better here.

  6. I do recall Steffy recently calling Hope a bitch. However cut Ridge some slack, he is beside himself of Carter's betrayal. Eric and Ridge own the company !

    1. and Steffy, if i remember correctly, she's the last one to have won it back from a previous coup.

    2. D same thing I thinking, know it didn't felt nice hearing him say it but I do understand his frΓ me of mind anyone would lash out like that. Damm that was harsh ridge lol

  7. i am loving this. way to go Ridge, he said what everyone is thinking. Eric, Ridge, Steffy and all the Forresters should walk out lets see Carter run the company. He will make a mess of things

    1. Right?!?!?! Carter is doing this for the Logans, so i guess, Hope will design for herself (seeing as Zende is quiting) Brooke will design for herself (seeing as Ridge aint staying -- and will be too busy fighting this) No couture or the mens line -- no Ridge or Eric. Who knows if RJ will design because he would in essence be choosing a side. Then they'll need to deal with the press... i don't see this working out very well for them.

    2. All we need now is Thomas to come back and hear what he has to say. πŸ₯°

    3. @Shev πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ agree. Not sure at what point Carter and HOpe thought that FC was THEIR legacy 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  8. Loving Hope's wardrobe.First she has her long Lady Macbeth robe plotting the takeover. Today she has her black leather Cruella DeVille dress. Starting to find this whole thing comical.

    1. Exactly 🀣🀣 last week dressing like a grandma now she THINKS she is this powerhouse force to be reckoned with by dressing like a hooker 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 meanwhile she's hiding behind Carter while he does the dirty work, fights her battles like her mamma does and screws him on either the desk or sofa to give thanks for it 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🚩 she's more mental than we thought.

  9. I mean come on carter and hope pretty much stole forester so ridge calling hope that she kinda deserved it

    1. Especially since it's not like Ridge to behave in that way. It came from a place of deep hurt on account of Carter's and Hope's betrayal.

  10. Hopeless is A BITCH, well done Ridge, finally 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣last week she was dressing like a grandma now she THINKS she is this powerhouse force to be reckoned with by dressing like a hooker 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 meanwhile she's hiding behind Carter while he does all the dirty work and fights her battles like her mamma does, Carter's reward will be screwing him on either the desk or sofa in her toolshed 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🚩 she's more mental than we thought.
    Enjoy your two minutes of fame, can't wait for Jack to step in 😁

    1. Exactly she is a bitch but this is not going to last because Carter filed the papers after ridge fired him so he had no authority to file anything and ridge will figure it out I can’t wait till hope gets what she deserves

  11. Wowww😳😳...what an ending😲😲..
    Can't wait for tomorrows' episode..
    Thank you Bob ❣️

  12. Replies
    1. @Varda 🀣🀣 like Hopeless and Carter have, live by the sword die by the sword 🀣 if they wanna run with the wolves they can't piss like a puppy ‼️

  13. i know it's a soap & things have to be sooo dramatical, but in real life, justin would file a cease & desist/injunction then in a court would find for the foresters after seeing how carter tricked ridge and steffi with the papers.
    also, if by some chance it failed, they all should walk out, all the foresters and all the employees, who i'm sure are loyal to the foresters. let the traitors see how far they can get with no designers or buyers...cause with FC being such a well known and respected powerhouse, the fashion world will not support a coup and be loyal to the foresters especially eric. i'd like to see carter fail, then hope wouldn't have gotten what she wanted which is back with hftf, so she'll dump carter and he'll see how manipulative hope is and how she used him.
    i did see in a spoiler that zenda quit.

    1. @Wesa, I read that Jack takes over the case so Hopeless and Batman must enjoy their two minutes of fame πŸ€£πŸ‘

  14. Carter sit the fuck down you boldheaded motherfucker. You aint gonna do shit but get your nasty ass kicked all the way across the FC building. Hope is a nasty fucking bitch and a whore at that too. Going around town trying to bed married men because she thinks she can have any men she wants. She's exactly like her slut from the valley mother. And Brooke having the nerve to tell Ridge to stop when she called Steffy worst all them years ago. I really pray Ridge dumps her sorry ass excuse of a woman and mother. Husband fucker. Steffy outta smack the hell out of Hopes face until we see blood drawn.

    1. You read my mind, now I can save myself from all that typing.

    2. The mouth is here shut the fuck up dog

  15. What I don't get is why Carter out of all people would think the Forrester's would just roll over and accept this. I'm sorry but he's really missing a few screws. Defend Hope all you want! You will be nothing matter of fact you are nothing without the people who made Forrester what it is today. Ridge called Hope "a nasty bitch" with all that's happening I understand his emotions. We all get upset when we're being wronged and it's even more deeper than that. Cause this is their legacy, their company, their pain, sweat & tears. Just to let a nobody just steal it from under their noses. Carter you & Hope we're all in your feelings and didn't think this true at all, like you claim to have done. I need the Forrester's to fight back and to never work under Carter's leadership. I can't wait to see what's to come. Take back what's URS don't let these conniving power hungry self-righteous villains win. This is far from ove!

    1. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  16. The Forrester clan must solicit another attorney for guidance! I am sure everyone observed Justin just standing there with a vague countenance without saying anything. I do feel that Carter and Justin met and are colluding with one another to conspire/plot against the Forresters! Note: Even though Carter was not officially presented with a "Pink Slip" when he was terminated, Ridge did make a call to Security notifying the department of his dismissal. This action will serve as proof that Carter filed the LLP document after being terminated.🀫

  17. This hatred for Hope is so unnecessary. Its like when your dude cheats on you, you blame the other woman. They just can't bring themselves to accept they have been defeated. By Carter! It HAS to be Hope's fault. Can they hurry up and bring Dollar Bill into the fold so the party can really get started. We know that Bill loves a good coup!

    1. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  18. I thought Carter was going to punch Ridge in the face when he called Hope a bitch. Maybe tomorrow! πŸ‘€πŸΏπŸ€›

    1. 🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻

    2. Loser Ridge deserves it. mysogynistic pig. Nobody called his daughter Steffi that and she deserved it 100 fold many times. Hope is acting like a toddler but it was Carter's plan and his name on the paper, he made them sign. Carter now hates them more than ever the more they come for Hope.

    3. I also hope Carter punches him. But having him and Steffy pack a box will be nasty enough πŸ˜… don't forget your pinecones, Ridge!

  19. Please forgive me, I don't want to be crude but Ms.Innocent Hope must have done some very special tricks on Carter when she bedded him. He is like in a daze; totally forgetting that he was the one encouraging Ridge and Steffy to drop Hope's HFTF line. Stuffy was the one who suggested to give Hope additional time to monitor the HFTF for improvement outcome.

  20. Was that guilt I saw on Hope's face when Brooke called her out about Carter's sudden change in behavior?

    Brooke: How can a man like Carter, a man full of integrity, look Steffy, Ridge and Eric in the eye and rip their company away from them, then live with himself after it?

    And all Hope can say is that it started with Steffy. No Hope, it didn't start with Steffy, it started with you going after her husband! Or did you forget that?

    What was Bill's reason for going to see luna? Really?

    1. Elle Carter is starting to show his dark side to everyone. Could be why every relationship didn't work for him. Power hungry, or just mentally unstable? The sudden love interest in Hope and her sudden interest in Carter make no sense. I think both have their own agenda but it's going to backfire on both of them.
      Bill and Luna?? Who knows where they're going with that SL, but she is a damn good actress.

    2. I think Carter truly believes that he is doing what's right for the company but he is soooooo misguided because it's his emotions that are driving him - his feelings for Hope and his belief (driven by Hope) that he has been overlooked and undervalued just because the Forresters turned down his ideas.

      Carter is not thinking straight and I totally agree with Ridge and Steffy that Hope's influence is what is making him act this way. The thought of putting his name on the LLC would have only remained a thought if Hope was not involved. No way would Carter have gone through with it on his own.

    3. Agreed about the actress who plays Luna. She's good because I can't stand her character. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ I always felt that she was accepted way too quickly by everyone given that noone knew anything about her.

  21. If Brooke was truly dissatisfied of this Carter & Hopeless coup plan, Brooke should tell Hopeless that she (Brooke) will have her 'Bedroom line' pulled if the coup continues.

  22. “You’re a nasty little bitch !” πŸ˜ƒ Yep, that was deserved. And regarding the actress playing Luna, she plays the psychopath like a queen πŸ‘Έ

  23. Finally.... great writing for Ridge calling Hopeless "a nasty little bitch" while standing there in that ridiculous Bat Nookie outfit!

  24. Jesus its finally over between Brooke and Ridge, how dear he called her daughter a nasty bitch right in front of her. That is a total disrespect to Brooke. Your child is an extention of you. I hope Eric sees now how Brooke and her daughter were treated as outcast at that company. Ridge has always been an ass to Brooke, always running back to Taylor over some misunderstanding with Brooke that his toxic trauma kids orchrestrated. Brooke was at the the damn cabin defending damn Steffie and Ridge and the foressters, saying how wrong Carter was, she sided with Forresters over her own daughter and this the thanks Ridge is giving to her. I knew her telling Ridge was going to back fire in her face. You are not even married to Ridge, he is not locked in as your man, why would you ride so hard for him? Especially with him always seeing his little side chick every 5 minutes. The girl just was straddling his lap the other day and he was enjoying it. You watched the whole thing.I hope all you viewers see now why Ridge and Steffie shouldnt run that company, you dont go around calling staff bitches and nasty, and most of all Hope is no regular employee, she is like family. Gad damn it Steffie, her daughter and your daughter are sisters. You need to respect her in that regard. And Ridge you sleep with Brooke every night, how dear you call her daughter a nasty bitch. Shit, you never even called Sheila a nasty bitch. Ridge, do you want Carter for yourself. just look at how week you are, you went off and married Quinn's friend, over a disagreement with Brooke, then you ran off and married Taylor thinking Brooke called CPS on Thomas. You have been with this woman from she was 19 years old, how dear you not know the woman you are sleeping with every night, you should know Brooke would never do that, but you divorced her without even an explanation, the poor woman had no idea what was going on. That must have been a tremendous pain you put her through. You continue to hurt Brooke over and over again. Taylor sat o your wonka one time and now you ready to throw Brooke aside for that unstable obsessed Taylor. She stalks the hell out of you, all the way to damn Rome. Yall are only using Brooke line for financial benefit, you have totally lost all respect for Brooke, you and your lil stank face daughter needs to go. Brooke need to stop supporting your azz now and stand up to you. And if I know Brooke, she loves her Hope, no way in hell will she let you get away with this. You will be eating your words by tomorrows episode.

    1. i don;t agree with one word you said here and i have been watching this soap from day 1 i was around 11 years old , carter is wrong here and he is doing it just for hope and to lessen the brand by making other products. for some reason hope thinks its there company and it isn;t it is forrester if she wanted that so bad maybe she should of married thomas but no she couldnt insteady she was going after steffys husband finn and caused all kinds of chaos then carter showed her sympathy one day and a week later she is sleeping with him and in love with him so much yeah bs she is in love with him she is using him she is just like her mother a slut from the valley she only plays innocent most of the time. then taylor brooke came between them over and over ridge loves taylor whole heartedly and always has he loves brooke in the fatuation way she makes everything about sex he should be all rights tell brooke adios for the final time and go back to taylor and be happy and not have to worry what mess she and her daughter are up to today. ridge was in the right to call hope a bitch that is what she is period

    2. Wow 😲 all I see is Logan love and Forrester hate. What about what Carter & Hope are doing is actually wrong!? And for what? I'ma tell ya, yes for Hope & probably his expanding plan stuff. That doesn't even sound all that relevant now anymoreπŸ˜“ Carter is delusional if he thinks the Forrester's are just going to accept this over a few pieces of paper. Ridge said what he said and I don't blame him, Hope had it coming. Atleast Ridge isn't hiding how he feels about all this or Hope anymore. And I'm glad Brooke is there to hear it. Unlike Brooke in the past, she was so nasty behind Ridge's back to his children and someone different to his face. I'ma tell you all this messing with someone's head stuff. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hope is just like her mother back in the days. Yes, Brooke might of changed a bit for the better, but that doesn't mean she'll stay that way. Even tho I like the honest Brooke. Guess we'll have to wait &see what happensπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆ

  25. waited so long for ridge to say something negative to hope after all she has done with thomas and steffy and liam and tried with steffy and finn. hope finally got what she deserves she could of talked carter out of all of this but she kept saying its for the best i believe in you (she learned well from thomas and his line im a one man woman and thats you hope line) so now every time she seen carter start to think maybe not it was i believe in you you can do this. and carter is only doing it to put hope for the future back to work. you would think that hope was this big time designer and the bitch doesn't design shit ever. i think she and carter are absolutely nuts if they think any forrester is still going to stay there and work with him and hope like nothing happened rj is not going to design for hope and neither is zende and steffy will not go into the company and work nor ridge it will be all the logans there who can't do crap as far as designing so lets see how they cope with no designers any longer but hey carter can put the name forrester on some toothpaste or something. ridge is right hope and her mother are nasty bitches

    1. No other designers in town looking for a job
      There would be a hoard of aspiring designers just waiting to jump at the chance. Get a grip all you Lpgan haters

  26. one more thing this ending felt like a friday ending certainly not a tuesday ending just epic

  27. Don’t know why the writers are wasting our time watching anything to do with Lunatic and Bill. Shut Luna down and tell her you won’t be back visiting her. And as far as this coup is concerned, why are you trusting Justin??? He has never done anything good for any Forresters and is in cahoots with buddy Carter. You need to get advice from another lawyer that isn’t directly involved and as shady as Justin. Let’s go, Carter was fired before he filed those papers and he really needs to be disbarred for such unethical behavior. All the Forresters need to quit working, go on strike, refuse to work for either Hope and Carter. If no one designs or runs the company, Hope and Carter can’t do it all by themselves and will be forced to shut down. Have someone other than Katie put out a press release notifying the public of what’s going down and they will lose their customer base. With zero dollars coming in they will be force to shut down.

    1. "Lunatic." Perfect description. Love it! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  28. So whose side is Justin on because Ridge needs a better expert because the signatures were signed under a lie and Hope you are ur mothers daughter and Brooke take a side
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  29. I would call Carters bluff and say we sell the company and Justin is wrong about about the owned shares too

  30. How can anyone be sure that Carter wasn't smart enough to get the papers signed before he met up with Ridge?
    Everyone is assuming that is the case but there is no definitive truth either way. I do hope Carter had the legal nous and not just fronted up to Ridge, knowing that there was the possibility of him getting the axe. Always dot your "i"'s and cross your "t"'s. One of a Lawyers Golden rule, I should think.

    1. I think you're right. Also Justin with his so thorough investigation about the legality of the papers should have checked and that would be the first thing to mention to Ridge if it could save them. Carter will run the company for long enough till the next part of the storyline happens. They certainly didn't write it like this just to have it directly next episode reverted, I'd expect. Eventually Carter will return the power to the Forresters, I'm sure, but first there will be more drama.

    2. Carter did get the papers signed by both Ridge and Steffy. When Ridge found out from Brooke about what he and Hope were doing, the papers were already signed. They just weren't filed. And we know they weren't filed because, just before Carter got the text from Ridge that he wanted to see him, he and Hope were discussing whether or not to file the LLC. They said that filing it would have been a last resort if Carter tried to get Hope reinstated one last time and it failed. So, we know for sure that the LLC was filed after Ridge fired Carter.

  31. Hope has a short memory didn't she stand and and smirk when Steffy was fired by Ridge for a lie

  32. Lunatic is shedding crocodile 🐊 tears and bill should stay away from her and poppy and I think Justin is back for revenge on steffy and ridge s family members because Zander told Justin steffy s brother Thomas is responsible for Emma Justin s niece s death and just jail hope and Carter I'm so tired of brook s annoying daughter hope and complaining

  33. It's time steffy Eric ridge fight fire πŸ”₯ with fire have Carter and hope jailed arrested for fraud conspiracy against forester creation s Stephanie and Eric's family company Justin caged up Thomas steffy s brother the same way Luna caged up steffy finns wife Justin tried to drown ridge threw him out a airplane ✈️ at bills orders and Justin wants revenge for Emma his niece s death Zander told Justin steffy s brother Thomas is responsible for Emma s death so he's lying to Eric and steffy and ridge 1000TH PERCENT
