
Monday, December 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. When Hope opens her mouth, all I hear is bla, bla, bla. So she thinks she is ENTITLED to a piece of Forrester Creations, a company she nor her family owns. How does she figure that? If she is so disgruntled, why does she even want to return? She's going to be working alongside the same people she feels unfairly treated by.

    Luna is such a liar! She is saying that when she moved in to Bill's place, it was the first time she felt like a family yet, she wanted her mother's boyfriend for herself.

    Steffy is so right about Carter. I cannot believe he thinks he can get away with filing papers that he tricked the owners into signing. Where is all the guilt he was feeling before? Or did it disappear when Ridge fired him for his unethical behaviour? Carter has some nerve.

    1. Agree 100%!!!!!!

      Thks Bob. Have a good week.

    2. Shes a logan piece of shit. She's nothing but an entitled white girl that's so privileged it's running up her ahole. For her to sit there and justify taking a company away from a family because she's jealous of Steffy and her family. Her happiness will be cut short watch and see.

    3. @Elle, Carter and HOpe are both a piece of shit. I HATE HOpe's voice ‼️ anyway, shame, let batman have his two minutes of fame with his HO girlfriend ‼️ I'm not sure who the biggest manipulator is, Luna or HOpe. Bills falling for Luna🚩

  2. Tks Bob and have a good week 🩵

  3. Hope fires steffy Carter gets killed in a car crash

  4. Carter needs to fire Steffy and Ridge.

    1. Why? Wtf that's their company not raggedy ass Carter with his slenderman looking ass. And Hopes hoe ass. They both need to be living at the corner begging for money because that's where they will be soon.

    2. Noemi. I agree with you about Carter and Hope, but I notice that every time you mention Carter, you mention his "slenderman looking ass." I think you're in love. lol. Just giving you a bad time. 😛

    3. @J 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you got me lol.

    4. Without brains and without talent, Carter HOgan and HOpe are going bankrupt!

      So yes, let Steffy and all the Forresters resign and start their business again!

      It's not by fucking on the desk that they will succeed in marketing!

  5. Taylor's assessment was correct; Hope is in dire need of a psychiatric counselor. You
    can't take ownership of things, property or businesses that are not yours! Wake up Hope, you are delusional, your legacy is your father's restaurant; now go fight Sheila over his business!!!!
    That should be big fun.......

    1. These writers want us to thiñk hope is crazy, for true!, becuz you cant be so bold face the audacity hearing her say it over and over that they gave steffy and ridge chances to reconcile and revive back her line, and becuz they didn't go with it. She boldface self and Carter trick the ppl who brought her hoing mother in and herself especially Eric treat you like family and this is what you do. Your legacy is your Dads restaurant honey, you really didn't go to school lol. I no you feel like the under dog but this is not your legacy it didn't say logans at the door and Forester trying to takie it from you, it say Forester creation the nerve of Hope

    2. Hopes a piece of shit like her whore mother. Why do ya think Bridget don't wanna be near Brooke or have her husband near Brooke lol. Hope will get hers soon and I cannot wait. Entitled biatch.

    3. Exactly! Hope needs critical attention.

    4. Hennessy, that's why I said that every time I heard Hope today, all I heard was bla, bla, bla. She and Carter gave them chances to revive her line? That's wild. Hope has truly lost it.

    5. @Ms P, spot on, I don't know where Hopeless gets this "FC is OUR legacy" from....oh yes, Carter said that to her after the meeting they had when he agreed the line was failing and buyers were pulling out....poor Carter, sex with the witch has turned his brain into mush🚩‼️

    6. @Noemi, agree 👏👏👏 Hopeless is a piece of shit like her mamma, I cannot believe that all HOgan says is "sweetheart" and "oh honey" all the time 🤣🤣 she doesn't know how to reprimand her whore of a daughter.

  6. Im not worried about the Forresters they will get back on their feet regardless of what evilness is done against them. The Logans though they will pay severely for their disgusting betrayal especially Brooke and Hopes hoe ass. White privileged biatch. She walk around thinking she owns FC when she did nothing to gain any type of credit or job at FC. It was handed to her by Katie's fatass. That's why Bill cheated on Katie with Brooke and Steffy 🤣🤣🤣🤣. If I were Steffy I would knock those cheap highlights out of Hopes face. Dressed like some cheap whore from the corner. Ever since Hope came back from Paris all she has done is make Steffys life hell. I remember when she came back and promised Steffy she would help her and Liam get back together and instead she colluded against Steffy, slept with Liam and got knocked up by him. That's the type of person Hope is. Whatever Steffy did in the past is when she was a teenager young and stupid and she regrets everything she ever did unlike Hope. Hope still living in the past extremely jealous of Steffy casue she is CEO and has a loving loyal husband and beautiful children. Unlike Hope that can't even keep a man. She had Liam and cheated on Liam for no reason with Thomas. Then used Thomas for sex and his designs to save her shitty line. The Logans can go kick rocks.

    1. Brooke didn't do a damn thing to interfere with this scheme Carter & Hope put into action.

    2. I applaud Brooke for trying to talk some sense into Hope but, at this stage, Brooke needs to bring in a professional since it's clear that Hope is not even listening to her mother. I was hoping that Brooke would have sided with the Forresters. That would have made for good TV! It seems she will side with Hope instead. Boring.

  7. I'm glad Brooke is still trying to get through to Hope, but it's clear she's not listening. I couldn't believe Hope saying Carter was about justice and fairness, but he just tricked and deceived his way into running Forrester Creations. So what happens now? Will Brooke continue to work there? I'm sure she will want to be loyal to Ridge and Eric, but she can't just walk away from Brooke's Bedroom. That's her legacy. She has done a lot of work and has a long history with that brand name.
    I hope Bill doesn't fall for Luna's tears and sob story. She's basically blaming everything she did on her mother. "Bringing home all those men, and hearing them do drugs". Boo hoo hoo. Grow up chick! Get some counseling and psychotherapy. If were Bill I would have stayed less than 2 minutes. And I would have wished her better mental health and soul salvation. Then I would have told her to stop writing me.

    1. I'm surprised Bill sat there and listened to Luna's drivel.

    2. Elle, right? Ol $ Bill is getting soft in his old age. lol

    3. J, loneliness has got his good sense off track. He's not thinking straight. Lol.

    4. @Forever 36, Yeah, Brooke is doing such an outstanding job reprimanding her Hopeless daughter with "sweetheart" and "oh honey" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Just because u are an employee good at their job does not make you an a company owner

  9. Eric dosent know the extend to which Steffie has been hating on the Logans. Eric would do anything for Brooke, but i guess he thought with Ridge loving Brooke that her position at Foreester was locked solid. He dosent know that Ridge has been siding with his daughter over the woman he claims to love.
    I am not sure I agree with how Carter tried to decieve Ridge but sometimes change calls for drastic measures and Carter didnt do anything illegal, because it was Ridge and Steffie duty to read what they were signing. Steffie still hasnt admitted that she was wrong to fire Hope. All she had to do was rehire hope and none of this take over would have happened. And wait a minute, didnt Eric give Carter permission to be with Quin because he was suffering from impoteny and wannted his young wife to still have a sexual life. Eric at the time saw it as a favor that Carter was doing for him. gee.

    1. Steffy has every right to hate the Logans. All they've done is destroy every men they have seduced and manipulated. Like wtf.

    2. Eric knew that Ridge stood by Steffy's decision in firing Hope. He told them that he didn't like it one bit.

      And it's Carter's job to ensure that legal documents are in order, as the company's attorney and COO. His position carries a high level of trust and what did he do? He abused that trust. He told Hope that they would sign whatever he gave them.

    3. @Peggy 🤣🤣🤣 you crack me up, not the brightest tool in the shed, HOPELESS hates Steffy, you have it completely wrong 🚩‼️ This all started the day Hopeless admitted that Liam loved Steffy more than he ever loved her, since that day she started chasing Thomas to get to Steffy, then Finn to get to Steffy, now taking the company to get to Steffy. Hopeless needs to straight jacket ‼️

  10. @Stilli you shut the hell up. Who the hell you think you talking to trolling kuntillian. Why you on here attacking me every time I post a comment you little troll twat.

  11. Hope is acting delusional. And if Carter thinks Ridge will make good on him getting another chance if he adjusts the LLC paperwork, then Carter is delusional. There is ZERO chance Carter will fall for that! And of course now Ridge tells Carter that he can date whomever he wants. LMAO!! What happened to Ridge telling Carter that a stipulation of him keeping his job at FC was Carter having to dump Hope??!! Oh Ridge, how soon we forget!! I also loved when Carter told Steffy that he is perfectly capable of thinking for himself!!! Yes, thank you!!!
    What Hope and Carter are doing is 100% wrong. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is incredibly enjoyable to watch Steffy and Ridge squirm, squirm, squirm!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Lmao Lynn. The show has been very exciting. I hope they can keep up the momentum going forward. The Will/Electra/Remy storyline seems quite promising. I hope they don't mess it up.

  12. I cannot watch the scenes with Bill and Luna. So weird. What the is is wrong with Bill?!

  13. How can Bill fall for Luna’s shit. Just tell her to stop bothering you and don’t accept any letters either.

  14. Karma is going to get both Hope and Carter. Just every Forrester quit and then they will have no one design for them.

  15. Bill obviously has an agenda visiting Luna. He didn't just go there to waste his time listening to what he knows would be lies. So he's also not leaving because he has something in mind.

    Hope, Hope... What did you do with your life? What was so wrong about being married to the father of your child and coming home to a whole, happy beautiful family every day? What have you gained besides bitterness since you trashed that? Thomas, Finn, Carter - that song "Way down we go" perfectly sums up her life. And not just life but also behavior. The happy, shining woman turned into anxious, angry mess. And the start of that had nothing to do with Steffy. Steffy was minding her own business when Hope started with Thomas.
    Let's see what Carter has in mind. Maybe he really is a solid businessman and can get them on a higher level. But I doubt it. The show these days is more about lower level drama and less about the business, fashion etc.

  16. Hopeless needs a straight jacket, she is engulfed in hate for Steffy, so jealous of her it's embarrassing seeing a woman hate another this much all because of a man 🚩

    1. Almost as bad as having intense loathing for a fictional "soap" actress. Lol

  17. Hope and Carter should be charged with fraud conspiracy against forester creation s Stephanie and Eric's family company yesterday

  18. Omg, HOPE can you elevate beyond use of that ANNOYING dramatic 'hiccupy' / loosing breath' acting voice!?!?! 🙄🤯🥺😱💀👻😿

  19. Hello Bob, can I please watch this episode and the other episodes? im from Holland and here they are not so far with the episodes :(

  20. I find I need to watch dec 9 show and it has been removed. Can you please put it back? Thanks SO much.
