Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-27-25 Full episode B&B 27th February 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-27-25 Full episode B&B 27th February 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. So Finn did exactly what Steffy said he would do if he saw Luna
    So it looks like Sinn is ending
    Steffy is ok if Luna was locked up but once she finds out Bill even keeping Secrets
    Its gona blow up in several faces
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  2. I can understand and actually hope that Steffy leaves Finn after the first thing he does is seek out Luna behind her back and not only that, he gives her a warm hug.

  3. Daphne's dress reminds me of a rotten banana.

    1. She looks beautiful as always. But what about Hope she looks awfull in that dress 🤮

    2. Yes the ugliest dress I’ve ever seen looked like a blanket

    3. They probably wanted her to look like a school kid as opposed to Daphne's look. Rotten bananas notwithstanding. 😛

  4. I like the fact that Finn is welcoming to his daughter. He was robbed of the chance to impact her life and he realizes that and believes he could have made a difference. I'm here for the relationship. On a separate topic, that Daphne chick gives me the ick

  5. Well I dont wish pain ...but Steffy called Hope slut for no good reason ...maybe karma found it way to pay back .

    1. I’m sure Hope trying to sleep with her husband and break up her marriage as well as hanging out in the office in lingerie had NOTHING to do with that comment!

  6. The Last Part had me in Tears The Warm hug and him reuniting with gis daughter

    1. me too. I am glad I'm not the only one. I watched it twice.

    2. Not sure Finn’s face looked warm to me. Seemed more confused. Can’t imagine what he is thinking. Agree with you, then he is dealing with Steffy. Basically forbidding him to deal with his wish since he found out about being adopted to find out about a biological parent, mother; then meets one/a mother.
      Is suddenly getting a major dream come true.
      Then has Steffy forbid him with himself tying to deal with this in a way he can do it properly. He is a health professional and has some knowledge on how it works. He helped her with substance use issues after all. Did she forget.
      Nit his fault Shiela gave birth to him.
      Same with Luna. Give him some time to get his head around this. You can’t forbid a parent to never think of their child despite what they’ve done. Did she even hear him? His concern and how it’s affecting his psyche that if he helped raise her age might not have turned out like this.
      He did not say if he now is involved with her she will become a model citizen. She has a life sentence as far as we all understand.

    3. he was confused as hell. His feelings got the better of him, he loves his daughter and he knows he is not supposed to feel that connection

  7. Thank you Bob 🌺🥰❣️

  8. stupid NOW deserve all that happens to you!
    Kick his butt, Steffy!!

  9. Finn is being dishonest with Steffy. By leaving out the fact that he is searching for his daughter, he is being deceitful. We’ll see what tomorrow brings….but he sure was giving Luna a very big and heartfelt hug. Not going to be received well by Steffy. Finn’s words….Steffy you are my entire world. Uhhhhh, apparently NOT!!!

    1. He really doesn’t. It reminds of the embrace he had with Sheila at the courthouse.
      He just needs to be honest with Steffy. If he wants to be a father figure to his 20 something year old daughter, then so be it. But don’t act like you want nothing to do with Luna in front of Steffy, then go running to find her and proceed to give her a fatherly hug. I’m just saying….be honest! And let the cards fall where they may.

    2. And Steffy is a model wife??????
      She makes out(oops, kisses or gets kissed by Liam and says absolutely nothing to Finn); then continues to confide in Liam.
      Wow. Not once has Finn told Steffy to stop having Liam
      as a friend and only as a coparent.

    3. Big fan, Steffy is one of my least favorite characters on the show. This isn’t about me defending Steffy. This is about me critiquing Finn. I can be objective when it comes to behavior. And Finn is doing the same thing he did with Sheila. He says one thing and does another. I couldn’t care less if Steffy and Finn break up. It would be fine with me if that relationship was done and over. And I expect it to go that way once Steffy finds out what Finn’s real intentions are with Luna.

  10. Ahhh come on give Finn a break! What is the guy supposed to feel!! He loves Steffy, but apparently he does his daughter Luna as well. I get that his emotions are all mixed up right now. Did Luna kill two innocent men? Yes. Did she kidnap and almost kill Steffy? Yes, but that's all on Luna! The fact that Finn got caught up in all this is everyone's doing but his own. Sheila, Poppy and now Luna. Okay I get that he as well has a part in how things play out. I'm just saying certain emotions can't be switched off. The poor guy has been taken ons whirlwind of scenarios 1th not knowing or growing up with his mom. Which he had no say in. I think that was for the best cause Sheila is to be honest on a next level! Now 2nd not raising his own daughter or even knowing she existed! Which again he had no say in. Let's not forget it's not al black and white there is a grey area a very big one! I just hope that Finn doesn't make the same mistakes with Luna as he did with Sheila. There's only so much Steffy can take! He should be honest with her and explain how he's feeling and figure out what to do with these emotions. Sad to say this won't be resolved easily.

    1. The thing is, Finn hasn't shown an ounce of conflicting emotion where Luna is concerned. At least with Sheila, we saw him trying to fight what he was feeling. Instead, he is telling Steffy one thing but doing another.

      When he was leaving home, he told Steffy he had something to do. Steffy assumed he was going to the hospital and Finn did not correct her. He is purposely deceiving her. Makes me wonder why then, did he want to tell Steffy the truth if he is just going to turn around and see Luna behind her back. He could have sneaked around to see Luna without having told Steffy anything.

    2. Totally agree with you Sps. There are 2 sides to this story (no pun intended with your pic). Finn is probably in emotional turmoil right now. First finding out Sheila, a killer, was his mother on his wedding day and now he has a daughter who is also a killer? He's conflicted with his emotions and priorities. He loves Steffy unconditionally but I can see where he also feels the loyalty to Luna. Alot of guys would walk away and say not my problem. I just really hope Steffy understands that and doesn't turn back to Liam but....we know it's going to go there.

    3. Elle, I understand what you saying, but do you really think he knows what he is doing right now? He's probably in shock and doesn't want to lose Steffy, but also feels he has to see Luna and tell her the truth.

    4. Of course he knows what he's doing, D. He purposely lied to Steffy about where he was going. As Lynn said above, just be honest with her. He insisted on telling Steffy the truth but he is also choosing what to be truthful about.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. @Elle in my opinion that's not completely true, about the conflicting emotions part. Even before he found out Luna was his daughter he struggled a bit with the fact that his cousin could do such heinous acts. And I think he could of distance himself some what because she was in jail paying for her crimes. But now finding out that Luna is his daughter makes him feel differently. Maybe daddy responsibilities? He honestly feels some type off way by not being there for her due true Poppy who kept it from him😒 Did he hide the fact what he was going to do exactly? Yes, he did, but I don't think he thought he would succeed by finding Luna. It seemed he didn't untill he got this anonymous text saying where she was kept. I don't condone him keeping his whereabouts or intentions from Steffy, but in his defense he didn't know if he would make any progress either. Or even know what he would do or how he would feel if it came to it.

    7. @D OMG I sure hope that is not the direction the writers are taking Steffy! That stuff gets old its like recycled trash, wash rinse repeat. They have done it to many times now. Like Bridge for example that got old too when they were supposed to be the so called heart of the show. Idk all of this is just a mess!

  11. Finn is a terrible sad/upset/angry actor. His facial expressions are so forced. It's hard to watch. . He looks constipated.

    1. Haha he does. He's trying way too hard with that face lol

  12. So now, both Finn and Remy know that Luna is at Bill's. Won't be long before everyone else finds out.

    Why doesn't Carter just give the company back already! I didn't think the takeover would have been this long and drawn out.

    Who's dressing Hope these days? Was her dress made out of sack cloth?

    1. I mentioned the loose fitting dresses lately and wondered if she is pregnant?
      Bill? I still think there is more to the story.

    2. I guess I’m the only one who thought Hope’s dress was cute.

  13. Finn it is time you get some backbone, you allowed Stephanie to come between you and your Mother a Mother that NEVER Did anything to Stephanie when she arrived in town! I am proud of you for trying to reach out to your child! FINN, I hope you finally realize Stephanie is in no position to judge ,she is A lier, cheater and Manipulative and hurt so many people including you when she slept with Liam! Finn! I am proud that you are finally being a Man and not allowing Stephanie to CONTROL you after years she hurt so many people!

  14. I can understand Finn wanting to get to know Luna as his daughter. But Steffy can only see her as someone who killed 2 men, and tried to kill her. I'm not sure I could get past all that. And Steffy had to deal with Finn and his conflicting feelings about Sheila. Can Steffy handle that again with him and Luna? What if Finn wants Hayes to get to know his older sister and grandma Sheila? On the other hand, maybe a person can change. Sheila has been a model citizen for a while now. Is it time to give her another chance?
