Friday, September 27, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-19 Full episode B&B 27th September 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-19 Full episode B&B 27th September 2019


  1. Get her Thomas. Put Brook in her place!!

    1. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

    2. You Go Thomas! You are not 1 of my favorite people on B & B & neither is Brooke. She is the Queen Of Sluts & I want to see her go down for thinking that she all high & mighty & shows no forgiveness when she is a TRAMP!!!

  2. Thanks , Thomas but case is on the loose

  3. Brooke you stupid woman you should have killed this psychopathic basterd when you had the chance now he is going to kill you when he has the chance

  4. Thomas, the DEVIL himself, those psychopatic eyes in that ugly face of him, he needs to be held far far away from his son!! Steffy even doesn't want to be in the same room with him again. Loads him. Disgusted by Him. I would too if that 'thing' that DEVIL was my brother who did so many EVIL things. What a miserable kind of human being Thomas is. He doesn't deserve to be called a human, as I allready said he is the DEVIL HIMSELF!! The devil in hell must have slept when Thomas crawled out of hell.....or he wouldn't have let Thomas go....
    Thomas doesn't deserve Douglas either, PLEASE writers put him away. It is just not entertaining watching this evil devil. Let there be happiness in the B&B much more. Drama okay, but there is too MUCH,TOO MUCH,TOO MUCH evilness in the soap. Characters like Thomas and Shauna are EVIL and not appreciated.

  5. Bob. are you able to put back the videos for the 25th and 26th of September, please?
