Monday, September 9, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-19 Full episode B&B 9th September 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-19 Full episode B&B 9th September 2019


  1. I am glad Steffy told Thomas off. He is one sick puppy. I wonder if Ridge will tell Shauna one night with you and Flo can go free?

  2. thank you my star xx Steffy is sad shes lost Liam too yet history shows they are always in love. She will eventually forgive Thomas

  3. Let that baby not be Hope and Liam. Let the baby be the other lady baby that she could not keep because she we wanted to give up here for adoption because could not keep her and she wanted Dr. Buckingham to find a good home for the baby. Let Liam go back to Steffie. Give Steffy back her baby that she adopted. This need to stop with Liam back and forth with these two women. Steffy should have gotten a test to see if it wE Hope baby because she would not have taken the baby out of my house. Fix this show.

    with Liam back and forth between these two women.

  4. First of all steffy is just beautiful even angry and upset. I'm glad she told Thomas off but she let him talk too much. I hope they don't let him get away with anything including drugging Liam. Why is Emma's death closed already ugh. I'm still sick of Ridge.

  5. i agree Steffy and Liam need to be together im sick of Hope just let them be go with Bill Hope you do my head in

  6. hope & liam forever. steffy was a bitch and already in love with bill. after that liam came in the picture. but funny how people want steffy and liam together when they have nothing real then sex chemistry. do we all forget the bad things from steffy. or she is now perfect. as person she is great. but in the soap sorry people she isn't. only the last time she change a little bit. but hope suffers enough. and there will never be a more secure and real love for liam then hope.
