Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th November 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th November 2019


  1. Thanks, Hope your playing with danger

  2. Hope needs to go away for ever!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I bet those dangerous chemicals will have something to do with whoever supposed to die. I bet its going to be Thomas, after he signs the custody papers. Then there goes a Logan getting what they want after all. The logans always get what they want, if they have to take it.

  4. Thomas is so God damn obsessed like was he not hit on his head hard enough?

    1. I think this is the other way around... hope is obsessed, and Thomas is capitalising on the opportunity

  5. I think Thomas will lock Hope in that space if he doesn't get his way. You know security will be off and folks will have access to it. That's why the are focusing on it all of a sudden. Let's lock Brooke in it and she can take Hope and Flo with her. Flip side, Liam might be the one in danger when he comes looking for Hope.

  6. Hope don't do this. You belong to Liam and Beth!!!

  7. Shouldn't Hope be more focused on Beth than Douglas? I mean I know she loves the kid but it's not for her to decide who he has to live with. Douglas should have been with Steffy. Hope is just making it worse!
