Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th November 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th November 2019


  1. Please keep the skank away from Ridge.

  2. Love Ridge and Shauna! They have tons of chemistry!!

  3. Thomas is an idiot. Like can't he not see that Hope is using him. She only wants to adopt his son so that way she can take him from Thomas.

  4. thank you Star its Hope that is the dangerous one xx

  5. If Ridge doesn't want a physical relationship with Shauna then why does he keep putting his hand on her shoulder and leg all the time!?!? I really hope Ridge goes to the office and finds out Thomas signed the agreement. Something is going to happen with that hydrofluoric acid but exactly what???

  6. Ooooo if Steffy knew that Thomas said that she wasn't really a designer and that he was going to be the head of the company someday she would have a COW!!!

    1. maybe that is another storyline that will develop in future Dimitris

  7. i am really torn about this adoption. Thomas is psychotic and twisted and not suitable to be a father, but on the other hand you have HopeLess trying to get parental rights manipulating him with the worst way possible. What's your thoughts people?
