Friday, November 8, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-19 Full episode B&B 8th November 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-19 Full episode B&B 8th November 2019


  1. ok so Hope deliberately pushed into the acid vat however if u recall they had finished their work so the vat was being neutralized because Thomas would have bubbled but he didn't he was floating and no sign of acid attacking so I think he will deliberately disappear for a while to plan revenge on Hope and Brooke

  2. he wont die hes just renewed his contract

  3. If Thomas does fake his death, then I wonder what that will mean for Ridge and Brooke's marriage especially considering if it comes out that her daughter killed his son, that would be the end of Ridge and Brooke even though Thomas would be alive but faking his death. Hope would essentially be arrested for Thomas' murder even though he isn't even dead. Douglas would be an orphan because he would have no mother because Hope would be in prison and Thomas would be off somewhere faking his death. Then wouldn't custody revert to Ridge in that regard?

  4. Hope won't admit she did it... Douglas is likely with the nanny... she's the crazy one and nobody sees it

  5. Hope didn't intentually push Thomas through the barrier bar. She pushed him away. Security guy said it was safe. Also Hope didn't know the vat
    was there.

  6. Hope is not Nice To Thomas i wish he is ok. I wash very surprise bye the final on friday and very sad for Thomas i like him please comme back m'y prend.

  7. From Micheline off Canada. My comment is hope is paranoya.she hate Thomas and will do anyting to hurt him. I wish that Thomas will be fine and come back soon. I cant wait to monday for the programme hits so very interesting. Love the bols and beautyful soap.

  8. They posted wrong episode for Monday. It's the one when Thomas in hospital after Brook pushing him. Where is the correct episode please. This will prolong, where hope will act like she doesn't know where Thomas is. She got them papers signed. She will move on raising Douglas while Ridge fights her while on the search for Thomas. Them logans always turn out to get their way, and be happy.

  9. and i thought we'd get rid of him finally..
