Monday, January 10, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th January 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th January 2022


  1. Thank you Bob

    The writers don't have to go back in time every 2 minutes. It's annoying. We've all seen that part and it don't bring any more story to B&B.

    I hope paris' mom wil remind her of how a woman should act. Or is she just as rotten as her daughters? Paris has a good man in her corner yet she is screwing it all up.

    Brooke can keep a secret and she can't lie either. Stupid granny.
    And hope really is her daughter. She still can't connect the dots of Brooke having a slip up and Douglas telling her he saw grandma kissing Santa...

    Sheila's part starts to get boring. Every day the same:c I will do everything in my power to keep you away from my family. Especially Steffi Finn and Haze" Sheila snapping back to reality and responds to a braintrip that she won't let anyone get between her and her son and grandson. Stop it now! Stop dragging the line when you can be creative enough to get more story out of it.

    For example :
    Enerybody is having sex but babies come only once in 4 years. What about std's? Those are things that the writers can fill the storyline with and bring a lesson to young people. That would make B&B a lot interesting to look at...

    1. GH did the AIDS storyline with Stone and Robin many years ago, good point unknown, none of them take precautions at all. Liam and Hope had literally the same conversation Friday, that is lazy writing.

      Im not surprised Brooke lied, she has never had a problem with that. It’s very manipulative to keep Ridge at her side and make him responsible for her sobriety. She says it’s not his fault but he can see and feel the implication that she can’t be without him ever or she’ll relapse.

      I think Dr. Buckingham will be a classy addition to the show. The actress exudes a warmth that is really lovely. Carter needs an unattached grown up and mum seems a much better match for a forty year-old plus successful solicitor and COO. Paris is like 22 wayyyy too young and immature for the fellas she’s chasing. I like PP idea of SORAS RJ and Will to early 20’s and have them both competing for Paris . It would make for some great scenes between Dollar Bill and Ridge! Then Katie n Brooke could be backing their own sons and perfect Logan harmony back to its usual state.

    2. Sorry I don't agree. I disliked the gold digging Avant family and I hated them for what they did to Sasha. Now I see it with the Buckinghams and why they are the centre of attention? Zende did wrong with Sasha and the reason why he and Nicole Avant broke up is the fact Nicole can't have children after Lizzie...
      I never understood why RJ was created except for being a tool for Brooke to hold on Ridge and forgetting the 3 kids Ridge had with Taylor his first family...

  2. Well sure was the logan show today Lope dont work They are boring Too much repetitive scripts Sheila good actor but no different script
    Ridge fawning Brooke how wonderful she is
    And Liam singing Hopes praises such a bias show

  3. Thank you Bob, sure am glad to see everyone no comments for a couple days wigged me out! i agree w Mandy
    tired of the Paris Carter Zeynde circle

  4. Uhmm this actress playing Paris mother, wasn't she ages ago a waitress at a bar/lunchroom across the city where Stephanie Forrester had an charity... and she dated Donna's son or so...

  5. Good grief, those side curls of Hope's are distracting!

  6. Unknown An STD storyline suits seniors
    Crazy stats of grannies getting the clap

  7. To be honest - this episode was boring.
    Why making the character Paris the centre of attention by adding her mother? A mother that had never been mentioned before when Zoe was on the show! I recall Zoe said her mother was British. No British accent or mention of England / London on today's episode!
    Brooke is lying and still making Ridge guilty of not being with her on NYE.
    That moron Hope using Taylor as being the cause of Brooke's relapse when she has nothing to do with it is ridiculous. Forgetting that Douglas is Taylor's grandson and Thomas's kid not her and Liam's.
    I want Thomas to have full custody of his son and be a single dad until he meets the right woman and give Douglas siblings. That would be a good story line!
