Monday, July 25, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th July 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th July 2022


  1. Finn for President! I didn't think Finn had it in him to react violently to Sheila but he surprised me. I hope his character keep a darker edge going forward, when necessary. I love him as a good guy but I just hope he won't continue to be a pushover. We need more of assertive Finn.

    1. I agree! I love seeing Finn stand up to Sheila. I am glad they are letting TN showcase his skills. I hope they will continue to develop the character once he’s reunited with Steffy! JMW is a wonderful actress so they could be a force on the show!

      Hurrah for a new restaurant where even vegan Liam can have a fish taco 🌮😂🤣😂.

      I wasn’t surprised Bill wants Will to take over for him one day , after all he’s half Logan so of course would be the only choice 🙄🙄🙄.

      I do like seeing this side of Bill. I’m thinking living in his big estate alone and Finn “dying” has maybe made him take a second look at his life.

      I still think they are setting up a Li-Bill romance. They would be a good match, two strong successful non needy people 😂. I hope they don’t drag this Li not speaking out too long!

      I enjoyed seeing Vincent Irizarry back as Dr Jordan. I hope they keep him around. He could be a potential love interest for Taylor!

    2. Finn is a man who would fiercely protect the ones he loved. We saw him step in front of a bullet for his wife. Now that he has learnt that Sheila has killed his mother, in addition to keeping him away from his family, he is not going to let Sheila get away with it.

      I would not say that Finn is a pushover or is not assertive. He is a kind and understanding person. He wanted to give Sheila a chance but also listened to his wife about who Sheila is. If she had really changed and he saw that, I am certain he would have spoken to Steffy about it but now, he is seeing who Sheila really is and he is not having any of it.

  2. Wow! Finn really got BOLD on Sheila, today. I watched him strangle her but with his luck that stupid syringe just has to be near by for Sheila to grab. Sheila's character has had enough air time now lets put this character to rest, Pleasse!!!

  3. Hey Frankenstein Finn popped up and threatened Sheila. No way in hell Bill would take her (Li) into his place. He has people for that. He carried her away from the restaurant? He could get his a$$ $et-up to be sued for not calling paramedics. Bill found Li in THAT ALLEY? The killing field? And didn't call for help but instead took her to his place? Not believable because she wouldn't be good for sex right now. Why else would Bill do that? Bill try pictionary with Li. Sheila stabbed Finn with the needle cap on. Sheila feels things aren't going her way. Mike said, you harpooned him with another syringe?

  4. Thanks, Wyatt, for introducing a second restaurant to the hungry Bold cast, crew and fans! And thank you, Bob, as always, for your thoughtful hospitality.

  5. Finally it's getting interesting. Will there be an end to this story??
    I hope so. I love Bill Spencer. And Lee we hope you can talk.

  6. Li, will you please open up your mouth and talk! It is your fault that Finn is being held captive and Shelia chased you off of the road. You set all of this in motion by keeping Finn being alive a secret!!! Poor Finn!! Both of his mothers are nuts!

    1. Why is she acting like an idiot who can't talk? I don't get the whole li looking homeless thing. She has a home, she's a well paid Dr, and she obviously remembered who she is, so why the hell is she being a bag woman?

  7. What kind of sediment knocks you slightly out for under 8 min!!!!!
    And allows you superman strength upon waking up???? Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🦸💪💉💊🙄🧐

    1. It was 8 min episode time, but it had gone longer than 8 mins 'real time'. We don't know how long she took on getting him up in that bed again, and for how long he had been sleeping there until he woke up. Kinda same thing when ppl say the actors haven't changed clothes in 4 days, when they are in the same room, in the same time span for those 4 days lol

  8. This entire storyline is dragging on for too long.

  9. Since Bill is being so kind and all, can he let Li take a shower and comb her hair? Geez.

    1. Lol give him time... poor thing, that must hurt to comb out after they ratted her hair so badly. My scalp hurts thinking on it lol.

  10. Damnit Li, snap put of it..
    Bill slap her!!!
