Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th July 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th July 2022


  1. What was Bill thinking? I knew Sheila would escape as soon as Bill left. Sigh...

    1. Wtf is with the interruptions

    2. Yes Renee I seen that coming. Bill couldn't wait just 3 minutes. Bet the plane doesn't get cleared for take off and Sheila will somehow manage to get on it.

    3. I didn't miss much same shite different year 😴 rige and brook Taylor sucks as a woman hope acting like she's all that and Steffi
      Taking hopes left overs just like Germany mom

    4. Bea, Finn isn’t anyone’s left over. He’s is and has been only for Steffy! I agree though, why does Hope have to know before Steffy or any of the Forresters that Finn is alive. Maybe tell Thomas??

  2. OH so close in getting her locked up. I wish Li wouldn't have pushed Bill and Finn to leave right away, just a few more moments and Baker would have been there. As for Mike, he deserves what's coming to him, so Mike your days of working as a security guard are OVER!

    1. Li knew her son wanted to end Steffy’s suffering and be reunited with his wife and children ASAP!

  3. Wow! My mind immediately decided that to prolong the suspense, Ridge and Taylor end up taking Stephy back home immediately. Finn and Bill will be too late and they will rush back to USA, but plane crashes along the way.

    1. How do u know the plane crashes I haven’t read any of that and usually I read wats happening on the bold

    2. No, that was just my mind thinking of things that might happen :)

  4. Wow MarGo pretty dark there huh. They brought Finn back from the dead just to kill him again?

    1. That is pretty dark. I can see when Ridge and Taylor show up Stef will be saying after hearin the voice message. "So is he with you on the plane? He's alive and they're going to think she is going nuts. But!! where did Sheila go? Have to keep watching. Damn soaps. Thank you Bob even with commercials it's better than CTV with 10 min of commercials every 10 minutes. Cheers 🍻

    2. D, you have the better ideas-- Sheila stowing away on the plane-- brilliant!

  5. Bill crazy b&&&& line was so funny🤣🤣

  6. Figures Sheila would get a way. Finn being raised from the dead. Security guard in big trouble. He’s a done deal. Commercials constantly. Show should be on for an hour. Nothing is going to happen with Dollar Bill but who knows Sheila’s motives

  7. As much as I enjoy this show finally getting more than whining and some action, it's insulting to us and to policemen. Who in their right mind would leave tied with laughable cotton ties a woman who has proved she can escape anything, survive through nuclear war - in the end it will be the cockroaches and Sheila.
    I kinda feel for Bill - it's known that his 2 most intense and passionate loves were Brooke and Steffy ❤️ But so happy she'll reunite with beautiful Finn ❤️
