Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th September 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th September 2022


  1. Ok Brooke's reaction to CPS... just confused me. She is definitely not the type to shy away from admitting she did something like this. So her seeming shocked and confused, has me confused now... who made that call? Was it Charlie? Or has Brooke become a really phenomenal liar?

    1. I think Elle's idea is very plausible. Douglas had the opportunity to do it.

    2. Or Brooke is a phenomenal liar 🤣 🤣 .

    3. Brooke is a nosy busy body and a slutty wanted that. Of course that's her character role on there and always has been. She finds everybody else's faults but deny she has any at all. She's the one that told Douglas to keep everything to himself and try to make him believe that he didn't really know what he seen when she was kissing deacon. Of course it's okay for her to do the underhanded with a child but it's not for anyone else. She's sticking her nose in where it shouldn't be sticking and she's making it like that because she's trying to get Thomas and Stephanie out of ridges life because she's afraid of losing him to Taylor because she knows Taylor's right when she says that ridge has feelings for both of them. As far as the CPS goes, I believe Thomas called them himself because he's fed up with her threats and her sticking her nose into where it shouldn't be and he wanted CPS to go ahead and see that the child was okay before she followed through with her threats and not only that he wanted ridge to think that she did it while it was still fresh in his mind. Not right no it's not but you know what Brooks the one that's pushing them all just like she always has into doing stuff. His kid and his say so. No one even knows that what they did with Thomas's operation on his head was probably the cause from everything that he done beforehand. So he may never be hateful or do anything again who knows. But she sure is hoping he does. Hope is no Miss goody two shoes either and I'm tired of the writers trying to make her out to be so. She wouldn't even be pregnant and had Beth had she not been messing around with them, and who is Liam to talk about somebody being a bad father look how he's done flip flop from one woman to the next and got a kid but each one of them.

    4. Who ever made that call was setting Brook up, wonder who!?!?!?

    5. @ Antiquesandmore - wow, you must have missed literally months of episodes as Thomas gave Douglas actual scripts to memorize and recite to Hope and Thomas also placed a scary sound recording device under Douglas’s bed to make Douglas run downstairs in terror begging Hope to be his mommy. That’s the only logical explanation why you could possibly be so confused about what Thomas did to manipulate his own son!!! Totally reprehensible behavior on Thomas’s part. And that doesn’t even touch on all the EVIL that Thomas has done to others over the years. You must have blinders on..,,

    6. @antiquesandmore Brava! I couldn't have said it better!

      The old whore is back up to her tricks. She said it herself that she will do anything to ensure Douglas' safety. And that includes setting up Thomas. Funny that it wasn't too long ago she was over at Steffy's telling Taylor that she will not stand for Steffy coming between her and Ridge yet, here she is trying to come between Thomas and his son.

      I don't know what adjective Ridge was about to use to describe his wife when he told Taylor that he should have been more present with her and his kids instead of running after some...." but in this recent debacle, I am sure that he is seeing his wife for exactly who she is.

    7. @ D - 😂😂😂😂
      Don’t know the person. But he doesn’t mince words. I’ve been there. Lol.

    8. Really Lynn, WOW!! And how can you “assure” anyone that Freddi is not travis?? Do you have any proof, because he talks EXACTLY like travis.. That is besides the point.. Ell, bfan, antiques have never supported someone being that obscene to you.. and NO ONE, not even Logan supporters have tolerated travis/Freddie’s behaviour.. they have all told him where to go.. except you..

    9. Elle & Colly it's hard to ignore people that vulgar and ruining a good blog. Trying to ignore it so having another beer and will ignore everything I'm reading from probably 5 people now.

    10. Lynn this has NOTHING to do with who this person supports but their obscene language to multiple posters including myself!

      Your supporting that is unacceptable!!! I don’t support personal attacks of anyone of the abusive nature. You freely bully here so it’s not too great a shock but “Freddie” needs banned! If they were attacking Logan supporters I would say the same. It’s abusive to say the least.

    11. Oh how I haven’t missed our interaction, Colly. I “know” they are different people because all Travis used to ever say was “Carter has a hard dick.” It’s not rocket science to see they are different people. Don’t bother addressing me, Colly. It was much nicer when you were gone.
      I did miss your daily righteous indignation just a little bit, however. 😂😂😂
      As far as your comment about no one ever supporting negativity toward me, that’s pretty much all you did everyday!! That seemed to be your biggest thrill. Lol.
      If Bob wants to remove Freddie’s comments, then he will. End of story. Bye, bye Colly. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

    12. Wow. Thats all I can say to you Lymm. Never met anyone like you.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. @Colly! Couldn't have said it better myself. Cheers 🍻

    15. I'm going to go watch the voice and come back, and maybe talk to some real people 🤔

    16. D, if she is gonna be nasty and say horrible shit then I will throw it back.. 👍👍👍

    17. Oh yay, Colly the 5 year old is back. 😂😂😂😂

    18. @Lynn. Are you serious? I came back after watching a show for an hour and your still at it. Who is acting like a 5 yr old?? Certainly not Colly.

    19. @ Colly, to round out your childish diatribe..,.you should have gone for the old….”I know you are, but what am I??” I will have to dig through a list of “angry things 6-year-olds say to each other” to keep up with you!! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

    20. It’s seems Bob deleted Freddie’s AND YOUR comment, so what does that say lynn, I have never in all my years on this blog, seen bob delete anyones comments apart from Travis and Freddie, until now.. you egging on Freddie to make such foul obscene comments to forrester supporters, and bob first time deleting any other posters comment, says ALOT about you.. it’s pretty self explanatory.. 🧐🧐🧐

    21. D, Lynn always has to have the last word.. that’s pretty expected of a 5 year old 🤣🤣🤣

    22. Well let's see. Bob did remove Freddie's comments. So bye bye Lynn. Those were your exact words. Don't believe me? Go back and read your comment . End of story

    23. D - as usual you write but nothing makes sense. I have zero clue what you are talking about. I couldn’t care less if Freddy’s comments were deleted. I wrote that very thing above. I don’t know Freddy. I simply think it’s funny that he said the quiet part out loud. 😂😂😂
      And colly with all her accusations of me needing to get the last word. Seriously lady, look in the mirror. It’s night night time. Maybe you all can throw some more of your righteous indignation bullcrap on the blog again tomorrow. Tonight I just laugh at the fact that Freddy said the quiet part out loud.

    24. @ Colly & D - I’ll tell you what comment does seem to be missing - Colly’s “poop” comment about me. Looks like you’ve been censured Colly!!! 😂😂😂😂
      Now that’s some sweet irony!!
      Or should I start spreading lies and rumors that you deleted the comment yourself like you did to me a few weeks back? The lies and rumor spreading seems so much more fun at this point!!! 😂🤣😂🤣

    25. I find this site to be a haven for bullies, hence Lynn feels the need to stand up for herself accordingly.
      I wrote on here not long ago that it`s time for Bob to put a stop to the personal attacks. This is a forum to discuss the soap that is The Bold and The Beautiful, not for personal attacks. It`s childish, rude and bullying at a disgraceful level.
      All I can say is grow up and remember what this site is actually for and perhaps Bob could peruse this each night and remove ALL the comments which target people personally.
      However in Lynns defence, I see way too many offensive comments targeted at her because she dares to disagree with your opinions! This resembles school yard bullying, so lets stick to the reason we are on here, to discuss the show, without it becoming personal!

    26. Well I am sorry Maur, you can defend Lynn if you like.. However, there were NO problems on this blog whatsoever, until she came and started to PERSONALLY attack Forrester fans.. I have been on this blog for many many years now, and it was always a fun and healthy blog where we did discuss the show.. the fans got along no matter who they their faves were.. Lynn, couldn’t cope with the divide and started attacking people left right and center as one other person said to her when she had enough Lynn... There are more people than not, who can attest to what I say, and almost everyone has had to defend themselves against her.. I for one will stand up for myself as many others have.. If you are going to call anyone a bully, you are looking in the wrong direction.. she has called me white trash, told me I need psycological help and many other things, all because she believes that I misspelled brooks name all because I have such venom towards brook that I can’t give brook the respect to spell her name properly and that it speaks volumes about me and that when I see my therapist I should bring that up.. at that time I had NOT responded to her for quite some time as many others because she personally attacked Bbfan, so she “accidentally” responded to Elle in an attempt to “bait” me in responding to her.. SO, Maur, maybe you missed all of that???🧐🧐🧐 So, what would you call that?? A personal attack or bullying, from Lynn??

      There is a reason people do not like her.. it’s not because people are being nasty or bullying her.. People are fed up with the way she treats others and it’s NOT regarding the show.. I don’t care what people think of me Maur, but almost everyone has had enough of her vitriol towards others, and the fact that you can’t see that since you have been here, which is exactly the same amount of time as lynn has since she came back astounds me.. go back and read the responses to lynn from ALL of the people she has personally attacked because they don’t agree with her.. think what ever you like and see what ever you like..

    27. And, you may have missed it because Bob deleted her comment where very nasty vial things were said to some forrester fans by a vial troller Freddie, and Lynn not only gave him the thumbs up 👍👍👍 three times but encouraged his behaviour towards the forrester fans.. but u must have missed that because Bob deleted all his vial comments as well as hers encouraging.. so all you are seeing is the people who were attacked telling Lynn that it’s not acceptable to encourage that behaviour!!

    28. And NO ONE provoked her to egg him on!! You are blind, or one in the same?? Not sure yet..

    29. And Lynn, I deleted that comment, and I admit to deleting it, unlike u, because I don’t want this crap to start again.. and that is not usually like me to make a comment like that and secondly, my comment was NOTHING compared to what you have said to me AND others... so I freely admit to deleting a comment to you.. at least I can be honest if I did..

      But, Bob DID delete yours today along with Freddie’s… U know it and almost everyone except it appears Maur did not see your comment that was not provoked by anyone, encouraging him to speak such vial language and call people personally sluts, whores etc, and u gave him your infamous three thumbs 👍👍👍 when you r utterly delighted by a Logan lovers comment, egging him on, knowing he and Travis are both vial trolls.. and as you said, you just liked the fact Freddie said out loud to three other forrester fans “what everyone else was thinking”... Maur must have missed that too!??

    30. Well damn!!! What happened to this comment section.

    31. Gosh indeed 🙈🍿 Ladies, unless you are going to start a cake or mud fight Brooke and Taylor style (much better than the paint one recently), please don't attack each other. I sometimes read you and think both of you make very good points regarding the show, even though you support different camps. Focus on it, not on each other ❤️❤️

    32. @Colly. One in the same? Or 4 or 5 of the same. I'm not 100% but we'll see.

    33. Maur, Lynn is the biggest bully on the board! We used to have fun with banter no what side or no side one fell on. Now anyone who doesn’t worship Logans can expect verbal abuse from Lynn and her minions.

      Talking about fictional characters and calling them names is one thing, but the personal attacks on other posters, constant baiting ( childish school yard bully tactics) and name calling of other posters who disagree with one is uncalled for and ought not to be allowed. Lynn is the number one offender on here. It ruins this for everyone and is getting old!

    34. Sorry for the delay in responding. Today is a work day.
      I am not gonna address the paragraph after paragraph of blah blah. Way too ridiculous that you feel the need to write a novel, Colly.
      So now that you’ve given your ridiculous slant on reality, I’m gonna tell you how I see things.
      First off, when I came onto this blog about 2 1/2 years ago, I only decided to comment because of the very very nasty comments that were being said about the Logans daily. It was about 95% Forrester fans on this blog at that time. So I suppose the Logan fans mostly stayed mum for fear of getting attacked by the feeding frenzy of the Forrester fans.
      But I didn’t care. I stood my ground and continued to defend Brooke. I found out after being on the blog for a very short time, that if I posted anything other than what the status quo determined to be right, then I would have BBFAN up in my business telling me how wrong I was. I couldn’t say anything on the blog without being schooled!! It got old fast!! I got so sick and tired of seeing you women think you were the only ones who had a right to an opinion. And those opinions typically consisted of absolutely berating Brooke! Whore (or old whore) as Elle recently referred to her, slut, slut from the valley, bitch, witch, liar, etc etc etc. were all used to describe Brooke daily!
      So yeah, I got sick of seeing all that berating every day. And moreover, I got sick and tired of being told I had no clue what I was talking about and how wrong I was. So absolutely I started fighting back.
      And Colly, wow you are a master at making yourself appear to be the abused victim. Why don’t you try saying out loud what caused me to say you were acting like white trash??!!! Oh I know, it was much more convenient to leave that part out of your 50 paragraph explanation. The reason I said that to you was because you REPEATEDLY USED THE “F BOMB” when addressing me. And the people who continuously talk that way are white trash in my opinion. So you created that mess yourself. Me saying that didn’t come out of nowhere like you would prefer people believe!!
      You and your little clique on this blog are a menace. You think it’s perfectly OK to say obscene things daily about Brooke. Well guess what, you get what you give!! Still at work - if I feel the need to address more of your blah blah blah, then I will later this evening when I have time.


    36. Ok lynn, I said for fucks sake, not to you, but as in, this is rediculous and that was AFTER you to said most of those things to Elle and then myself.. I have nothing to hide.. anyones welcome to go and look at the comments.. and many people have used that term..?

    37. And at NO stage, did I call you nasty names, told u that u need a psychiatrist, nothing like what you said to me.. And NO I did not have a comment anywhere for you to respond to.. you were baiting me and used Elle to do it.. I welcome anyone to go to that day and see what was written..

    38. I welcome them to go back and look at old threads as well. As I already stated, you love love love to portray yourself as the innocent victim. I on the other hand, don’t play that card because I won’t allow others to make me the victim. You have said tons of nasty things to me. Too many to even count. As I said, it doesn’t matter because I obviously don’t value your opinion of me. Your crying to Maur was ridiculous. Talk about childish. This should be between you and me, but you love nothing more than to rally the troops! Poor Colly, always in the “woe is me mode”!!! I have way too much dignity to play that game. And in case you don’t recognize that behavior, that is the epitome of bullying (rallying the troops). You just don’t like it because I refuse to be bullied. So that seems to upset you. Lol
      Freddie was clearly sick and tired of all the nasty obscene comments he sees daily on this blog from multiple people calling Brooke every name in the book! So Freddie snapped and handed it right back to you all. You are good at the name calling, but God forbid someone dish it back at you!!!
      And I never “accidentally” responded to Elle on any comment which baited you. I at least own my crap. If I tried to bait you, then I’m sure I did with intent. Much like you have done with me 100 times.
      I seriously hope people do go back and read old comments so that saint Colly gets her saint status revoked immediately! You have a very skewed version of yourself and how you come across when you comment. You are NOWHERE near the poor innocent victim you would have everyone believe you are. At least I have the guts to own my crap! You might want to give it a try!!
      And you are misrepresenting my comment about saying you need psychological help. It was only after you had written one of your many many novels where you were acting completely unhinged that I told you that.
      As far as you putting anything on this blog using the word “fuck” when addressing me, I will say it again —- WHITE TRASH! If you actually care about my opinion of you, then you won’t use that word when addressing me. If you don’t care - then by all means…,let it rip. And I will continue to have that opinion of you.

    39. Lynn, I really don’t care anymore!! I am done with this!! Truly.. I spent the last week keeping a bedside vigil for a patient I have been treating for three years , who has no family and was in palliative care to die of cancer.. I come back to you telling me it was much nicer when I was gone and whatever other rubbish, because I don’t take your crap.. all I am going to say is you just keep on being u Lynn!! I do not care anymore.. 👋👋👋

    40. Uh no, you didn’t come back to me saying anything on this blog to you. It wasn’t until AFTER you came at me on this blog yesterday because of my response to Freddie which had nothing to do with you, that I said anything to you. I didn’t mention your name once the whole time you were gone. Very sad about the cancer patient. My mom died from cancer at 68 and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.
      Please note - there are other people on this blog (this episode’s comments) that agree with me that the daily Brooke bashing is continuous and has gone on for years unprovoked and it is way over the top!!! So this is one of those times I’m gonna say - check yourself. The Forrester lovers have ALWAYS treated Brooke as a free-for-all bash party!! It got very, very old a LOOOOONG time ago!
      I am sure you don’t care about my opinion of you. And I’ve said before that I feel the same about your opinion of me. So I’m happy to leave it there.

    41. Yes Lynn, watching someone die from cancer is horrific.. My patient did not deserve to die that way.. And although what I am saying now , does not relate to the show itself, I think it’s relevant to what’s happening on this blog.. My patient was in his 80’s and had seen and experienced the cruelest side of life.. He was an ex Vietnam Veteran, which was the most horrific, cruel, sadistic conflict to this day.. He saw war crimes that were soul destroying, and would make the devil look good.. He had no choice as he was balloted, and he was forced to go against every ounce of his being.. Then when he came home, he was welcomed with disdain and had eggs and rotten fruit thrown at him, by the very people he was protecting.. He came back an absolute shell of a man, only to cop that treatment.. His wife left him for another man while he was gone.. hence no children or family around him when he died.. He loved her so much that he never remarried.. He was diagnosed with temporary psychosis, and the most severe form of PTSD.. When he was read his last rights, by the priest, all he asked for, was that the Lord forgive him for taking the lives of his enemies.. My point in all this Lynn, is that no one truly knows the path another person has walked, therefore, we should always treat not only ourselves but all others with love, kindness and respect.. And sadly, it takes something, like this story, and what you went through with your own mother to realise that, that is what is most important in life.. this is a blog, and it’s a fictional show, with fictional characters so I think we need to remember that, myself included.. So be kind to yourself Lynn.. I will leave it at that..

    42. I agree Colly. I have nothing bad or argumentative to say in response. That man’s life brings a tear to my eye. I’ll never understand why life is so unfair. That’s a conversation I hope to have with God one day. My mom died with her Catholic faith completely intact. She never once wavered. She was my hero and still I don’t understand why a person who was so incredibly good and giving had to die so young. In the scheme of things our arguments are extremely petty and beyond silly.
      May your veteran friend be rewarded in Heaven right now! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    44. That was exactly my point.. life is too short for such pettiness.. I believe we choose to come her, to learn great lessons, which helps us to grow on a spiritual level.. The more pain and suffering we go through, the greater the lesson.. Your mother passed so young, because she came here to do what she had to do, so she went home to God..

  2. Brooke and Liam totally undermine Hope as a parent!!! Wth??? They talk to her like she doesn’t have any bloody sense. If she’s that daft she has no business raising anyone’s child.

    Brooke has No room to talk about endangering children after what she pulled with hers who nearly burned to death!!

    1. I feel sorry for Hope having to constantly deal with these 2 dimwits. The expression on her face today while the queen of oopsies and Lame were babbling on was totally stone cold. Hope is beginning to like Thomas more than him just being Douglas' father who she co-parents with. She is defending him and looks totally disgusted and fed up of the rantings by her mother and husband. Liam brought up the possibility of Douglas not being happy when Hope is not there. Maybe she should suggest moving in with Thomas and Douglas for a while. Let them really bond as a family.

    2. @Elle. You can see it in Hope's face. She is getting tired of listening to both of them and they're not listening to her and her opinion.

    3. Also D, Elle, and Bbfan, I responded to your lovely messages on yesterdays blog, sorry I didn’t see them until today so I responded on yesterday today..

  3. She’s the lunatic here. Brooke was still not mentioning that Thomas was just cutting an apple!

    1. @BBfan101 Of course, she wouldn't talk about Thomas was cutting an apple, that is her whole scheming purpose to make Thomas look bad. Remember Brooke is an expert in making people look bad when she wants to take them down.

    2. Brook has been avoiding telling anyone the truth...thatit was a typical pocket knife and he was slicing off bites of an apple which he also was offering douglAs bites of. Same way she left out the complete truth about kissing deacon on new years eve for awhile til douglas busted her after she tried to silence him on it

  4. I don’t think Douglas did it, why would he? Nothing happened lol

    1. @BBf if CPS finds that Douglas is in a safe and loving home and there is no danger, plus he loves it there, then if it gets to a custody battle Brooke and Hope will have no hope. And I"m sure if they had any bad feeling they would have taken all knives from the home not just a pocket knife. that scene was laughable.

    2. @D Yup!

      Douglas is old enough and a very smart kid. He may have gone through a lot with his dad when he was younger but I am sure he knows now that his dad was very ill. And despite the things Thomas was doing back then, Douglas still wanted to be with him. That has not changed and he wants to be back with Thomas full time. I can totally see him calling CPS just to prove to them that he is very happy living with his dad.

    3. Yep, I said a while ago I thought Douglas might use it, so I think u are spot on Ell!! He is a very intelligent kid!! He might have over heard brook and Thomas talking.. and mayb he doesn’t want to go back and live at hopes??

    4. D that was hilarious.. what a fool brook is going to look like when Hope, Liam and everyone else finds out he was cutting an apple.. brook has barely said anything about herself feeling threatened, it’s just all about him having a knife around Douglas and her words were what’s more concerning than the knife is Douglas not coming home.. I can’t wait to see Hopes reaction when she confronts Thomas about the knife and she finds out he was cutting an apple.. and further to that, brook is saying it wasn’t a little knife, it was a BIG knife?? A pocket knife is supposed to “fit in your pocket”, hence the name 🤣🤣🤣 it was no bigger than I friggin paring knife for goodness safe..🤣🤣 what a drama queen brook is.. I’m from Australia, I wonder if brook has ever watched crocodile Dundee? There’s a famous quote from our Aussie star when they get mugged in new York, he pulls out his knife and says to the would b muggers, “now that’s a big knife” as he points at them and they run for their lives 🤣🤣🤣

    5. @Colly! Lmfao 🤣 🤣 excuse the language.

    6. Well, D, we also walk our suburban streets alongside massive salt water croc’s and swim with Great White Shark’s.. So, yeah, we have to carry big knives 🤣🤣🤣 D have you ever watched Crocodile Dundee and the sequel when he goes to New York? The main character is an Aussie, Paul Hogan , he’s hilarious.. He is the epitome of an Aussie male!! Both movies are funny.. If you havnt seen them, you should watch them, great for a laugh!! They both big box office hits back then..

    7. Colly I am also from Australia and know the scene you are talking about with Paul Hogan, but don`t see the relevance to what is being discussed here, nobody said he was acting like Crocodile Dundee.
      He was however behaving in a threatening manner towards Brooke. He intentionally held out the knife and told Brooke he would do whatever it took to stop her, with those beady mean eyes glaring at her
      He`s a mean son of a gun!

    8. Maur, It was a Dogg at brook and what her version of a big knife is, I said in a comment just before that, that I wonder if brook has seen crocodile Dundee so she would know what a big knife really looks like.. it wasn’t to do with Thomas.. where in australia r u from?

    9. @Colly loved loved his movies. He was hilarious and not to mention good looking 😍. That's why I lmao at your comment about knifes. I hear everything in Australia can kill you. Is it true or over exaggerated? 😆

    10. My sister lives in Brisbane.. I am in Canberra, I am actually coming up that way in 3 weeks to visit my sister..

  5. I think Liam called CPS, we'll see what Brooke says on tomorrow's episode unless it's preempted due to the hurricane in Florida.

    1. They had no show today in the US so, more than likely, there will be no new episode tomorrow.

    2. Yep, California had the show today.

    3. Elle your not near Florida are you? if so stay safe. ?

    4. Hey D. Nope! Very far away from Florida. But when I tuned in at 1:30 on CBS, there was no show. There was coverage of Hurricane Ian and the devastation happening over there.

    5. @Elle ok, it was on here in Canada at half past 1 but it was CTV.

    6. Im also suspicious that liam possibly called cps or possibly steffy for same reasons that thom wouĺd have done so because they knew it would be unfounded case against him therefore making brook look horrible and causing ridge to get so angry with brook. That he will leave her..

  6. @ D - pocket knife. Just like we said.
    I love Douglas’s response - yes, I love being with my dad. We have a swimming pool, tennis courts and a screening room. Lol. Sounds like Douglas loves the fancy house amenities more than Thomas!! 😂😂😂
    And hey Steffy, the “Drama” with the Logans will end just as soon as you quit creating it!
    My guess on who called CPS is now Liam or Thomas. Thomas is so sneaky and underhanded I certainly wouldn’t put it past him to try to frame Brooke!!

    1. Doug loves his dad period. Y'all Logan worshippers kill me. Sick of Thomas being bashed by that harlot and Liam.

      Ridge is a sorry father for real. Nobody comes before my kids period.

    2. Thomas also looks suspicious to me. Why wasn't he more outraged or even surprised? He was just standing there, gleefully waiting for his dad to call Brooke.

    3. I hope he did frame the slut from the valley. 😂 And I think it's hilarious every time somebody brings up that she slept with all of ridge's family that she could possibly sleep with even his father and father to children by him. I love it when they bring it up, but she still thinks that she's little miss perfect and so does her daughter. Hope it's always going on about how Stephanie is well you know what hope slept with them when he was with steffy and that's how she ended up with Beth. What goes around comes around and the Logan so I get theirs and I'm just waiting for Donna to get hers too she talked about Quinn and how awful Quinn was for stepping out on Eric and then she goes and sleeps with the married man but oh wait and wouldn't be the first time. At least Quinn has some sense and is a gifted artist, what is Donna do flirt around wear skimpy clothes lots and tons of makeup and makes personal visits it looks like to the dermatologist or plastic surgeon all the time to try to look like Barbie I guess

    4. If Thomas framed Brooke - that will result in 2 bad things for the Forrester lovers - first….it will be discovered that Thomas did it and it will blow up in his face!! And second….it will just prove even more that Thomas is exactly the evil person all the Logan fans say he is!!

    5. @Lynn Brooke set her own self up, in fact, yesterday she told Ridge I will do anything even call the child services if she had to protect Douglas

    6. No Elizabeth, she did not set her own self up. That’s like saying if someone talks about robbing a bank, and I overhear the conversation - then I should actually go Rob the bank myself and then blame the people who I heard talking about robbing banks. Not gonna fly! If Thomas did it, there will be hell to pay - guaranteed!

    7. @M I did not see Thomas "gleefully" waiting for Ridge to call Brooke. What I saw was him thinking it was Brooke who made the call but he did not want to say that to Ridge. He held his tongue. Ridge had an angry look then he went and actually called Brooke.

      I think the 2 obvious people would be Brooke and Thomas however, because it is so obvious, it may not turn out to be either of them.

      And what is up with Charlie just appearing at the office? He came to see Ridge in yesterday's show because apparently Ridge asked him to check to see if Brooke had already left the building. Then in today's show, he showed up again at the office looking for who knows who. It seems Charlie might be involved as well or he is just meant to throw us off the scent. Lol.

    8. @lynn. Pocket knife, paring knife whats your point? I would have had cps at my door everyday peeling apples with a knife for my kids, and if someone came barging in without knocking and it was someone I didn't like? my hand gestures would have been the same. Knife or no knife.

    9. @ D - I think you should be asking yourself that question. You went out of your way on yesterday’s episode to straighten me right out and tell me it was not a pocket knife, that it was actually a paring knife. And at the time, I responded with “Who cares!” It’s still a weapon if used against someone. Or have you never heard of stabbings? Maybe they don’t have them where you live. 😂😂😂😂
      Since you went out of your way to try to prove me wrong on the knife yesterday when I wasn’t even talking to you, I returned the favor by letting you know you were WRONG! It was a pocket knife just like I said.

    10. Good for you. I really don't care.

    11. Here’s a thought…don’t “correct” me when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    12. @antiques, in regards to your comment above, when u think about it, RJ, if he still exists, is Bridgett’s and Rick’s, half brother AND they r his Aunt and Uncle, with Ridge being Rick and Bridget’s half brother, AND step father.. wow, what a mess.. I would hate to have to explain my family history to anyone, and Hope is just the leftover from brooks affair with just one of Bridget’s husbands, not to mention her marrying her second husband.. so yeah, I really don’t think it’s implausible to think she wouldn’t take Liam, since she took Hopes virgin boyfriend?? And for a while there, brook was Ridge’s step mother.. what a big mess.. she really did plow through the Forrester AND Logan men.. And Thomas was right when he said all her kids apart from Hope left town because of her.. Especially Bridget.. After losing two of your husbands to your mother, you wouldn’t want to risk losing a third!! That’s exactly why she left.. oh, and Rick and Bridget are also, half step brother and sister to Steph and Thomas, as well as Aunt and Uncle to them.. 🥴🥴🤯🤯🤢🤮 try putting all that onto a family tree..

    13. And when she was married to bill, she was Liam’s step mother AND mother in law, as well as kellies step grandmother..

    14. And when she was Ridges step mother, married to Eric, she was Steph and Thomas’s step grandmother.. and I think there’s more??

    15. And when she was married to Eric, not only was she Ridges step mother, but Steff and Thomas’s step grandmother.. I am sure there’s more, but my brain is frazzled trying to piece it all together..

    16. @Elle okay it was an exaggeration with the gleefulness, I just noticed that around 16:40 he was not really upset but mostly waiting for the fallout, like he was anticipating. He is a too good a suspect so probably not going to be him in the end. But I wouldn't put it past him. I also think Charlie is involved, mainly because he's basically a male Pammy (minus the lemon bars 🥰) and we all remember her wacko days 🤪

  7. Zende please stop distracting Steffy from her perfectly justified and not at all drawnout rant with WORK. What are you thinking? Just because you all call it place of work and it somehow makes tons of money, doesn't mean you actually have to work there and bother the CEO with work matters.
    The knife story is getting more interesting than expected. Still I think Charlie was involved. Keeps showing up for no good reason. Maybe Pam rubbed off on him in more ways than one.

  8. Oh Lynn, find a hobby 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

  9. What's really going to be funny is if the soap spoilers are right and that's the reason why Brooke and Liam are always on the same page with everything that they end up sleeping with each other. Sure wouldn't be past Brooke or lamb that would be awesomely funny as it could be headlines, not only did she sleep with her daughters husband on the older daughter but she repeats herself with her younger daughter too funny if it plans out as the spoilers think it may. 😂😂😂😂

    1. Brooke already had sex with Hope's first boyfriend, Oliver. Remember? Nothing new to see here. 😂😂

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 @antiques I don’t know if that was intentional, or autocorrect, but referring to Liam as Lamb, perfect description of him!! Cause that’s what he is, a little lamb following the fox around so he doesn’t get eaten!!

    3. Actually more like following the cougar around so he doesn’t get eaten..

  10. I don't know why they are so surpised.Brooke has already threaten it.Ridge has already told Thomas

  11. Oh Unknown - your hobby is obviously trolling me. Glad you find me so interesting that you find the need to troll me rather than simply commenting on the show like normal people. 😂😂😂

  12. I still think it was Thomas who made the call. He was clever to "let" Ridge think of Brooke, rather than he say it himself. And, I think Brooke would have been so righteous about protecting Douglas she would have freely admitted it. And side-note, that Charlie is so effing annoying! Is he supposed to be funny? Uh.

    1. Thomas showed up at the exact time as CPS - almost like he may have been waiting for them. Also, he didn't seem genuinely angry about CPS being there. So, I think Thomas set the wheels in motion to make it look like Brooke did it so that Ridge would be angry with her. Afterall, the Forrester "children" are on a mission to get their mommy & daddy back together.

    2. @ Forever 36 - I agree - Charlie is NOT funny! He never has been. And yes, the producers try to make him appear to be. But it’s always a swing and a miss!

    3. Indeed Charlie is just 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  13. I definitely think Thomas called CPS to prove brooke wrong and knowing damn well that it will end his father and Brooke marriage

  14. My voice to text has its own words it likes to throw in... Anyhow I believe Thomas called CPS on himself to make it look like Brooke did.... We all know how he wants his parents back together... Brook deserves everything she gets... She hounds that poor guy constantly.. He's trying to cause more tension between his dad and Brook... Brook is absolutely disgusting

    1. Brooke knows what she's doing. It has been her plan all along. She even said that she would do anything to get Douglas away from Thomas. But purposely going after Thomas' sanity to make him become unstable again is a new low for Brooke.

    2. @Elle sorry but Brooke is not going "after" his sanity. Someone either is sane or not. If someone can "make" someone "unstable again", they are not stable to begin with. It's on them, their family and therapists to fix.

    3. My point, M, is that whatever Brooke is doing with Thomas, it is purposeful and intended to make him "go crazy" again. All so that she can have just cause to get Douglas away from him. She said to Hope and Liam that she will do anything to ensure Douglas' safety. So yeah, going after Thomas' mental stability is not out of the realm of "anything." And it is indeed a new low for Brooke.

    4. I agree Elle. I think she is pushing him hoping to prove he's unstable but it might backfire on her. I'm curious to see today how she reacts to Ridge.

  15. WOW! Those heated discussions are better than watching the soap.

    1. @Sharon took me a long time to get to the end of the blog and I'll reply to your comment. It's not usually this heated unless one person wants it to be. This was one of those days.

    2. Perhaps the writers could take some dialogue from this blog!!

    3. Lol it would make for good tv.

    4. Colly..I'm watching a bit of the James Corden show to unwind abit. Going to send that email tomorrow.🫂 <that cracks me up. 🤣

    5. Just whenever lovely ❤️❤️ And yes, that cracks me up every time you put it on 🤣🤣🤣

  16. I think Thomas called CPS because he didn’t seem that surprised or upset.

  17. The thing I find the most hilarious about all of this, is that brook is telling Hope how to be a good parent?? It baffles me to no end.. With her “parenting” track record, how the hell can she stand judgment on Hope and tell Hope how to parent a child.. She has screwed up her own kids, and not only is she telling Hope how to parent, but she has launched a huge attack on Thomas, and is manipulating, lying, twisting, leaving out important details, threatening, all for “her own” agenda because of her own conspiracy theories, and because Thomas threw her bad behaviour in her face..

    What a fool she is going to look like when Thomas explains he was cutting an apple with a “pocket knife”, that fits in your pocket 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ not a samurai sword ⚔️ that brook is making it out to be.. It is insulting to Hopes intelligence, to tell her how she should handle this.. brook and lamb are treating her like a child.. They don’t trust Hopes judgment.. Hope has witnessed as well as a victim of her “mother” who doesn’t think she is capable or responsible enough to put Douglas’s best interest at heart and lamb can’t talk because firstly look at his father, bill plays with bomb’s, almost blew his son up, and almost landed him in jail for life, and king hit once causing him to end up with amnesia because of it, tried to steal his wife behind his back, and that’s all OK?? That’s forgivable.. And does Kelly even remember she has a biological father? She has called Finn her father more than lamb and lamb himself said he has to step up after Finn died.. Mayb lamb should worry more about his own daughter than someone else’s son!!

    1. Colly, you are so right. Brooke should be the last one to lecture anyone on what is proper parenting. Hope is a much better mother than she could ever dream to be! Look at what she is trying to do to Thomas. Do you think she is even thinking about how Douglas will feel? She is certainly not displaying proper parenting where Douglas is concerned. Someone said before that she needs to be locked up. I agree wholeheartedly!

  18. Am I the only one who thought it was odd that Thomas just happened to walk through the door just as CPS arrived.
    Well I guess it`s easy when you made the phone call and then left for home to make his father believe it was Brooke.

    1. You're very observant and good at it! I appreciate solid opinions from a different point of view...

  19. Not necessarily, because it could have been a full day or two before they came depending on how busy they were..

  20. @Maur I agree with you that Thomas may have been the one to call CPS. He would have used the phone app to mimic Brook's voice so it will take a while to prove who actually made the call.
    The language on here is getting very bad when it comes to describing Brook. Who are you people? It is only a soap. I would hate to come from the wrong side of town over there. You' be called white trash and a gold digger in the blink of an eye.
    Also the rehashing every day of who you have slept with. (In this case Brook). Get over it. God forgave Mary Magdeline so who are you to judge.
    Finally I think Brrok and Hope looked lovely today. Steffy outfit not so much so.

    1. That's very very well put. The Brooke hate here is overwhelming. I don't read everything (it's way too much) but it blows me away why someone would do this soap to themselves if the main character causes such poison in them.

    2. Well Aussie Deb, I was called white trash by a certain Logan supporter , all because I misspell brooks name , and was told that I do it on purpose to disrespect brook and that I need to bring it up with my therapist because it’s a warning sign, and I am childish for disrespecting brook like that, and it helps me sleep at night, as well as a whole host of other things, and it was unprovoked.. and that same poster called Steffy a C*nt… So , yes, it’s only a soap, I know that, but some Logan fans can be just as bad.. just saying..

    3. Brooke was a wait staff for her mum’s catering company. She was working Ridge’s engagement party to Caroline Spencer and had been stalking the Forresters through the tabloids etc ( before the days of social media) and she fell in love with their luxurious and glamorous home and lifestyle!!! She targeted Eric ( a married man) when she couldn’t steal his son from his fiancé and pretended to love him to get him to marry her. In the meantime she carried on an affair with his son. That was just the beginning of the saga!!

      Brooke, Donna, even Katie are the epitome of gold digger! They married for money and deceived the men they married, all to get those fat alimony and child support cheques!!!

      Calling something by its name isn’t being mean to the character!!!

    4. FYI the only ones who know about the App are Douglas and Eric so how would Thomas have used it???

      Whether Brooke rang or not she never should have threatened to ring CPSbin the first place!

      What she’s really saying is she doesn’t trust her own sister and Eric to have a home that safe since Thomas and Douglas live with him.

      Her rationale that because Thomas used a knife ( to slice a bloody apple) Douglas will cut himself to shreds is asinine!!!

    5. @Aussie Deb You're a Brooke/Logan supporter, I take it. As such, you will see all the Brooke hate. However, I would say it's pretty balanced because Taylor, Steffy and Thomas get called every name in the book here, especially Steffy.

    6. @Elle well I didn't see too much of it today, if any. Maybe Thomas gets a bit of flack but Steffi and Taylor have never been called half of what the other mother and daughter team have.
      @bbf101 like I said previously rehashing a person's sex life over and over again is no good and to me childish. Just because Taylor is a bit more upper-class can't erase all the men she has had sex with in the show. It may not be as "underhanded" or "sluttish" as stated continuously but she has made herself available to a fair few men.
      As for Steffi repeating this shit to Hope relentlessly is BS. It shouldn't be up to Steffi to keep throwing this in Hope's face. Hope is not her mother's keeper and Hope never stoops that low in retaliation. In Australia if two grown women have a beef it is between them. Nothing to do with the children, no matter how old, regardless. Would you let your daughter carry on the way Steffi does? I know I would clip my kid under ear for being so brazen.

    7. @Deb Steffy's been called vile, slut, evil whore, bitch (obnoxious bitch and bitch steffy), witch, wench, cackling hen (together with Taylor), classless, ugly etc. (I am sure I've left out a lot more). These are the most recent ones.

      Taylor's been called skinny, whore, slut (for coming after a married Ridge), stupid, weak, gullible, giggles, ugly etc. I am sure there are others that I just cannot remember off the top of my head.

      Thomas has been called crazy, evil, beady eyes, manipulative, spiraling etc. Thomas is not called as much names as Taylor and Steffy but I guess, generally, that's typical where men are concerned. They are never called out for their behaviour as much as women are.

      Then there are the Taylor/Steffy/Thomas/Forrester/Marone supporters who have been called all of the above and worse. Attacks have been made on our characters and then some.

      But maybe you haven't seen any of it.

    8. Deb it’s not about how many people Brooke slept with . It’s the fact she has ALWAYS targeted men who were married, engaged or in committed relationships. She loved the thrill of stealing them and besting whatever other woman was with them. That includes her own daughters and sister!!

      Brooke has hurt and destroyed the lives of so many women and their children and NEVER takes responsibility or shows remorse for the pain she causes!

      Then she is so sanctimonious and demands everyone respect her and Hope’s marriages. She never even respected her own marriages or spouses but is the first to ring a peal over any woman who so much as looks at Ridge. Meanwhile she’s always bumping into her exes.

      Brooke has stated that she knows better than anyone what is best for them. She’s always right etc. She actively undermines Hope at every turn. She deliberately destroys her self confidence so she can control her. She acts like she’s the expert on everything.

      She hates Thomas so is justified in hurting Douglas to get her way. Brooke is a nasty woman who cares for no one but herself.

    9. Now that is how you make a statement. Although I am a Logan fan I can see past them and their deeds without all the namecalling. Thank you @bbfan101

  21. I think it's Thomas. Geez. If it is. That's gonna be really bad.

    1. @Ann, of course it's Thomas, the writers will never put Brooke down. Brooke always right for the writers, even when she not is someone 's else.of course they gonna put Thomas down.

  22. Dang thom ya should have told the cps workers what you were doing with that knife too. The way thomas looked there when ridge said someone is in trouble for this it looked as if it could have bbeen him or steffy that called it in but used brooks voice as a way to get ridge angry enuff with brook to leave her and go back to taylor but i still dont put it past it being brook or liam...i dont see where brook gets off at saying thom is unfit unsafe after her house nearly burned up with ric and bridgette trapped in it so. That makes her every bit as unsafe as thomas. Shes the pot
    The kettle black when her hypocrit stupidity starts coming out her pie hole and liam is still acting whiny child over not being invited to a forrester function ..someone please give. The boy a binky and paci calling

  23. Im tired of brook liam bill going after thomas as they do bashing his mentality i mean get real back when he was acting out badly it turned out to be he had a blood clot on his brook and liam and hope and bill all have medical issues that cause them to act out ??i if brook and liam and rest deserve forgiveness for their past behaviors then so does thomas . Fans are sick of logans always getting whoever and whatever they want reguardless of whose toes they gotta step on to get ..its time now to start seeing the forresters winning and coming out on top for a change

  24. Has anyone thought that it possibly could have been shiela that called cps and made it sound like she was brook as a way of yet again attacking brook trying to split her and ridge up ??

  25. Will you be uploading this video again? Thanks Bob for all you do
