Monday, July 17, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-17-23 Full episode B&B 17th July 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-17-23 Full episode B&B 17th July 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. “I WON’T ALLOW IT!” 😆🤣😂😅😆😂🤣😅😝

    1. Brooke wants to force Hope into her old bad relationships by Hope staying with Liam.

    2. When Brooke said, "this ends tonight," Hope should have blown by her, pushed Thomas on the bed and said, 'tonight means time for one more go round!' Brooke, Hope doesn't want to be with Liam. If you like him so much marry him yourself. Hope doesn't owe Brooke an explanation.

    3. Can't wait til Steffy realizes she's stuck with Liam, after all it will break Steffy and Finn up. Liam will be the default, back up as usual.

    4. Don’t wish waffles on her! Finn is a million times the man Liam could ever be. Don’t split Sinn

    5. Makes me laugh too..Hope is 30 years old..not Brooke's call..she's always throwing that out there..

  2. We heard it from Hope’s own lips! The pain and heartache she suffered watching Brooke chase after Ridge for decades, wondering if he was thinking of Taylor! Scraping Brooke off the floor after her heart was broken again etc!!!

    Brooke is happy to settle for a man who will always in love with another woman with half of his heart belonging to another woman.

    I can’t believe Brooke had the nerve to blame Thomas again, claiming he was manipulating Hope 🙄🙄🙄 Clever Thomas pointing out to Brooke that supposedly she was there to acknowledge he had changed.

    I love how Brooke is making this about her. She just cannot help herself. Hope put her straight though, well done Hope.

    Brooke can’t believe her favourite is doing whatever. How hysterical if Brooke ends up with Brooke. He will forget both Hope and Steffy. We all know that once a man sleeps with Brooke Logan, her magic muff spoils them for any other woman 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    Brava Hope for finally standing up for yourself and speaking your truth! Don’t be bullied into caving into waffle king.

    I’m glad Wyatt told Liam off for
    messing with Steffy and Finn’s marriage like that! And YES, Steffy is very happy being married to Finn and loves her husband very much.

    Ridge is in LaLa land, just believing Liam and Hope are just fine over the kiss. After all he and Brooke both enjoy kissing other people while they are married to each other! I guess he can’t say too much because they are both guilty and sadly with Liam’s recent behaviour, Steffy is stuck in that category as well.

    You know Liam has always been a cheat. He was making out with Sally Spectra ( first one I give they were trapped in the Spectra building that Bill blew up with them I side and thought they were going to die) but the kisses after that definitely no excuse for those.

    Of course Liam was kissing Hope or Steffy while with the other one so again, what a bloody hypocrite he is. Well he slept around too while married so yeah he’s a complete dog actually. I’m glad Hope finally sees him for what he is.

    1. Right on the money..So well said👏👏👏👏

    2. @BBF I couldn't have said it any better. Sometimes i think that Brooke loves herself more than any man she has been with. She's only with Ridge now to spite Taylor, it's all a game to Brooke, every single man that she has been with she has taken from another woman to prove that SHE CAN HAVE ANY MAN SHE WANTS...they only destiny is with herself. The slut from the valley as Stephanie always said.

    3. "The slut from the valley " is a nice way Stefanie said it but she should have said sluts.. Mother and daughters all together

  3. Interesting that Hope doesn’t make a central theme her feelings for Thomas for who he is, what they share, but simply that he's the anti-Liam. Thomas is the only man on the planet that wouldn't go after Steffy and that's his special power and attractiveness. She keeps saying she wants "a man" (as in any man would do) who fulfills the criteria to want only her. That's certainly not a healthy basis to choose someone.

    Same can be said about Liam. Good that Wyatt caught him so that he at least showed remorse.

    I have the feeling Sheila will have some role in eliminating or in some other way getting Finn out of the way for Liam and Steffy to get back together. It may be interesting!

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    2. Milla, EXACTLY!!! That’s why I keep calling Thomas ‘Plan B’. Exactly what you said…Hope is convinced that Liam will always love two women and she will never be his one and only, so she defaults to Thomas - who will love her and only her!
      That says nothing about why she cares about Thomas! Only that “her needs” are being met, so Thomas deserves her.
      If I were Thomas, that would not make me feel very good!!! Lol
      And at the end, she didn’t even make a choice. She said she was gonna think about it.

      I loved how Brooke said….You don’t go running to Thomas just because your marriage is in trouble. Exactly!!
      Just because they are supposedly getting divorced doesn’t mean you run to another man’s bed an hour after the fight with your husband!

      Liam got called out - good! He is being extremely hypocritical!!! I like Liam, but this whole Steffy thing that he got himself into is total crap!!!

      Ridge is an idiot!!! Just think how he felt after he found out about Brooke’s kiss with Deacon! It’s absolutely no big deal unless it’s happening to Ridge! 😂😂😂😂

      Kelly and her lisp bug me. At least we only had to listen to her for a minute. So she thinks something bad is gonna happen to Liam….wonder what that’s gonna turn into?

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    4. Lynn I thought the same thing about Ridge. He was never the biggest fan of Hope and Liam to begin with, considering how Steffy lost him back then. But yes, he is a hypocrite considering how he allowed that kiss of Brooke's to derail his marriage.

      Yes if I were Thomas those words of Hope's would also give me pause. But he didn't care one bit about his part in breaking up a family and didn't have one second of conflict about lying how he'd never do anything with her, he's so deep in Hopeness that there's no way out. I was really wrong about him. Somehow imagined him honoring his word, no idea why. He'll just go with it no matter the circumstances.

      Ugh yes Kelly 🙉🙉

    5. Oh Milla, Thomas is just a victim in all this!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      How can we possibly blame him for anything that’s happened?? He certainly doesn’t have the willpower or strength to stop Hope’s advances. He is not accountable at all here!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    6. So now that Wyatt knows about Liam’s kisses with Steffy, Wyatt is gonna tell Hope. And Hope is gonna tell Finn. Then we can revisit Steffy’s “perfect little family’!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. Lol. Like in a cop show - he was high on "Hope" or hypnotized so not responsible for shooting someone.

      I still hope for a showdown with Liam. No matter what, if I'm Liam I'll let him have it for lying to my face. I'm so glad at least Brooke and Finn haven't forgotten that as a grown ass man he could display *some* impulse control.

    8. Ah Lynn I hope Wyatt will get more involved than being everyone's voice of reason/messenger. How great would it be if he gets together with Hope? 🥰
      But yes exactly that chain of communication is what I imagine it too 😁😁

    9. Indeed in everything you said ladies
      There is no storyline for thomas except involvement with and around hope
      So this is the only thing to keep him in the show

    10. And what hope said about about steffy always waiting for liam abd ready to take him back was always the case
      Let us see this time
      And how thomas just sitting there without even defending his sister 😂😂😂

    11. So true, Mmysh! And how sad is that?!
      And Milla, I wouldn’t mind seeing Hope with Wyatt, but that would tear apart the brothers. If Liam moves on with Steffy, and Hope moves on with Wyatt, I’d be good with that! Just don’t want her with Thomas!!! I’m not even hating on Thomas anymore. He does seem like he’s doing better these days. At least he’s not scheming all the time. 👍🏻👍🏻 But I will never support his romantic relationship with Hope!

    12. Changed people should make amends for their actions
      Apologies even if the apology will bring then trouble
      Where did we ever see thomas doing that
      Let him tell what he did with emma (her friend who was the only one brave enough to save her from the devastation she was in)
      Let him tell her how he drugged liam and almost drugged her
      Or his part in keeping Sheila’s secret
      Let him confess this to her to start clean
      In all the shows we see change is making amends to be totally clean and people who got hurt give you their forgiveness knowing ALL THE FACTS
      Not only the ones you only like to share

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. That’s true, Mmysh. There is so much Hope doesn’t know where Thomas is concerned!

    15. I think if even one of these secrets comes out, it will be enough to sober up Hope.

    16. It should milla
      Especially how easy for him to drug others

    17. Btw Hope has been a witness to everything bad that Liam has done, everything is known, including his only ever criminal deed - going for a minute for Bill's plan to cover up what happened with Vinny (which let's not forget was a suicide to begin with). And he was torn with guilt about it and ready to go to prison. I don't think we've ever seen Thomas feel guilty about anything. That's why it's so difficult for us (and many others) to get behind this relationship. He only apologizes for (and when) the deeds he gets caught for. He hates it when it causes him trouble, but if it doesn't (like with Emma) it's all good. We've never seen him struggle internally and confess a sin out of true moral and decency. He gets rewarded now for finally not being a villain anymore (potentially, let's see how long it holds) - great job 🙄

      He is a very interesting character for me but the whole story would have a better message if he is shown acknowledge his sins - at least to himself.

    18. Indeed milla all true
      He has no conscience
      He just backed off
      Such a good msg they are sending
      Just as an obsessed psycho path just back off for a while ans be patient and your obsession subject will come to you
      And yeah women fall for the obsessed psychos abuser
      it’s seems they does 😂😂

    19. Milla, so dead on on your Thomas analysis!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  4. Brooke got her lecture today from Professor Hope the course is called " LOVE ONE MAN ONLY 101 ! Brooke, Did you learn anything today?

    1. Hope's the one to talk about that 😅 she's not even said that she "loves" Thomas and he'll *definitely* never be the one man only that she loves. You know that, right?

    2. @Milla Of course, I do. I did hear her tell her mom that I will always love "Waffle Boy", but not if his heart is still for another woman.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Lol Lynn our comment Tetris is hilarious 😂

    6. Waffle boy will still soooo much better than murderer boy and abuser boy
      Thomas has no dignity or self respect not only can‘t keep his word
      Im not excusing liam
      But hope only looking for excuses

  5. Now this was probably the best episode, I've ever seen on B&B. Hope laid it out Brooke can clearly Connect the dots. She certainly isn't in the position to be giving relationship advice. Dhe needs to stop ragging on Thomas,he was respectful and sat it out without interjecting into their conversstion. WOW .. and Wyatt called the waffler out. Some very good acting today 👏

  6. Good for Hope! My only complaint is that she didn't make it more clear to Brooke that she pursued him. He is not the blame here. Give her all the hot details. Maybe Brooke will finally get the message, and leave.

  7. Milla: "Thomas is the only man on the planet that wouldn't go after Steffy and that's his special power and attractiveness." LOL LOL LOL!

    1. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Hahah well isn't it? 😅😅 who else is a man you won't worry about sharing with your rival than her brother 😅 maybe her dad? 😂

  8. The writers need to stay on strike because whoever is filling in is doing an awesome job. They are more familiar with the history of the characters.

    1. I think the show will eventually stop
      Now the actors joined the strike
      But no they don’t know the history that well
      A lot of history just got swiped under the rug

    2. Angela, they are stepping up. It’s good to see the feisty side of Hope. She’s never truly stood up to her interfering mother before. Good for her. Maybe Ridge will follow her example one day and take his bullocks back out of Brooke’s handbag!! 😂😂😂🤣

  9. You go wyatt loved how he got it out of liam. And hope your damn right love a man that loves you only girl!!!!

  10. TY Bob for your great work in helping us to see the program.

  11. The only problem with Thomas only loving one person, Hope, is that he was absolutely obsessed with her even having a mannequin made of her and kissing the mannequin. So if those two are together, if any problems happen with them, Thomas will be really unable to let go of her at all. So all the work he did on himself will be gone and he will be fantasizing all the more about her every single day especially if Hope does choose to go back to "hypocrite" Howdy Doody. Then there will be even more trouble in paradise!

    1. Thomas had bleeding in his brain from previous head trauma, that caused the mannequin episode. He’s had medical procedures and is in ongoing therapy for his other issues. He’s showing us he’s a much better person these days.

    2. Hope can never take divorce from Thomas. He will be dangerous then. He will lose his mind. That's why it's not a good choice. Now I like Thomas, and he is going to be nice to Hope. But in the future... They don't be married with the same person all the life

    3. Agree, Patologi with your thoughts here.

    4. BBFan, it is true Thomas is showing us he is a better person, but all along Steffy has been aware that Hope could trigger Thomas into going back into an obsession with Hope. That is why she was kind of spying on Thomas and Hope throughout the Rome stuff. Plus Steffy feels a big setback will happen for Thomas now and could "undo" the therapy stuff.

  12. Was anyone else surprised by Kelly's bad dream? I knew she was going to have some kind of "premonition" this week, but I assumed it would be in regards to Finn or Hayes, as a set- up to Sheila being released from prison. Instead she had a dream that something happened to Liam. What could this be foreshadowing? (Here's my wish: Liam goes off the deep end, goes full-on villain, and attacks Thomas, almost killing him. Thomas pulls through, but Liam ends up in jail. From there, they could either reform Liam with a convenient brain tumor, or have him go even deeper into the dark side.)

    1. Everybody keeps focusing on the making of Brooke 2.0, but I think that Liam becoming Bill 2.0 is what is really in the making, as the OG Bill is mellowing out.

  13. Sure, Ren Chen, why not? There have been some good ideas on here the producers should take note of. I understand they film several months in advance and that this strike does not affect soaps as they are under a separate kind of contract.

    Did any of you see that Andrea Evans has died from breast cancer? She was so good as Tina Lord on One Life to Live and was on Passions and then B&B as Amber Moore’s mother, Tawny, if you long-time diehards recall. This lovely lady abruptly quit OLTL in 1990 and was out of the public eye for a decade due to a real life stalker. RIP, Andrea. 😭

    1. I saw that 😥 . May she rest in peace.

  14. Let's get this straight
    Brooke is the force that kept Lope together as Liam has always wanted Steffy He chose her time and time again
    Steffy had that wrong she thought it was Hope he wanted but Hope is the default not Steffy.Hope Steffy isn't the back up plan she was Liams first wife and Kelly first daughter.You got in the middle with a one night stand and then pregnant wasn't for the the dressing room scene Liam would be with Steffy but Steffy had had enough and knew Logans never lose grip but Liam right up to his wedding day wanted Steffy to take him back.Brooke rushed the wedding because Ridge told her Steffy was starting to soften.
    Now Hope is seeing her marriage is a sham
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. If Liam truly loves Hope, he would never go on kissing Steffy. I hope Wyatt tells her that. Thomas loves just Hope. But will never accept a divorce if they are getting married

    3. Patologi, totally agree!!!
